PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

For me this is looking like the first playable PES in years, liking the demo a lot.
Loving a perfectly timed slide tackle, animations on these look great. Also had the cpu dive and get booked, was amazing.

One crazy thing that happened when I was playing against my nephew, I was winning 1-0 and he got a free kick on the edge of the box in the 93rd minute. He curled in a beauty with Griezmann, but the ref had blew the final whistle the second he kicked the ball! Safe to say my nephew wasn't happy


My son would have lost his shiiiit if that happened to him!
Sadly, when u are in your thirties with a family (like myself) there is no more playing PES with friends on the couch and offline has never interested med, to lifeless and stiff playing the ai.

Therefore the online mode is so important, thats why I for one really hopes pass level 1 will be toned down just a bit (not much!) assisted- wise. People picking Real M doesn't bother me much, the times I beat them with a lesser team is really rewarding.

I thought online (online divisions) were ok in 2015 when u played with manual settings and chosen "similar settings", I felt I most often got paired with others playing manual (and weirdly, people didn't pick Real that often).

So i'm probably sticking to manual (despite the fact that it takes away some of the stats impact) this year.
Sadly, when u are in your thirties with a family (like myself) there is no more playing PES with friends on the couch and offline has never interested med, to lifeless and stiff playing the ai.

Therefore the online mode is so important, thats why I for one really hopes pass level 1 will be toned down just a bit (not much!) assisted- wise. People picking Real M doesn't bother me much, the times I beat them with a lesser team is really rewarding.

I thought online (online divisions) were ok in 2015 when u played with manual settings and chosen "similar settings", I felt I most often got paired with others playing manual (and weirdly, people didn't pick Real that often).

So i'm probably sticking to manual (despite the fact that it takes away some of the stats impact) this year.

I tried choosing similar settings but never got anyone last year. Maybe cos i was still on 360 whilst evryone was on Ps3/4. Hopefully ill have better luck this year on ps4.

I just hope the sort the lag online, but i yot a feeling itll be the same as last year
We should start some sort of thread for manual PS4 pkayers. Would love to play some of you regularly!

If you're getting it on PS4 I'll defo play you since we're in the same city and lag should be minimal :)

Been ages since I played a lag-free game..
Yeah, sometimes I got to wait 5-10 min to find a game but I rather wait than have ping pong matches.

Not sure but maybe u get paired with people within the range of manual - PA 1 when u have chosen "similiar settings" and yourself have manual passing. I tried playing with PA 1 myself but it was horrible, so then it might be opponents with PA 1-2 and so forth. Would be nice if Konami could explaing this, but yeah, you know, whatever...
Agree with the part about catering for new players. The problem is that for online the default should not be full assisted, this makes the games very pes15 i would always get matched against RM 90% of the time with assisted rainbow flick spammers.

Definetly and I know where all the on-line players are coming from..the few times i have played online I've faced the one trick ponies and folks who disconnect while behind..with the exception of friends who I play on-line I only generally tend to play FPS on-line in the public domain.

Naturally I don't have the to option to test pes16 on-line but I feel the tools are there this year for more seasoned players to combat the more one dimensional players but again these factors and having a stable environment on-line are key..the way I see it if you choose to spam the sprint button and are careless with your overlaps it's now viable to tear those players a new one..we will see..

.. just discovered something new with the pes2016 demo (as im sure you couldn't do this on pes2015).
Instead of the good old low scoring shot using square and then hitting triangle directly after (just before striking the ball) as in 2014, 2015 to peoples dismay didn't have this. So instead I just used (while on full manual) L1+double tap of the circle button, ie. the low cross. Problem with 2015 was that you couldn't do this L1+Double circle, at the same time as holding down L2(so as to turn on the aiming arrow). In 2015 this L1+L2+double circle resulted in slow chip pass.

Just tried it on pes2016 demo and now it works. The L1+L2+double circle combo means you can finally shoot hard low shots with the aim indicator on. As well as super hard low shots, this is also great for that awesome heavy low ball across the park :)
Even though i have been a bit rough on my first impressions against the AI i have to say the more i play both against friends and the AI the more i see the great amount of improvements in the game.

(+) Keepers are very believable and they offer a vast amount of ways to deflect the ball so that the outcome of similar shots isn't always the same. They will deflect powerful shots (instead of grabbing them like magnets) and they also have better reflexes after the initial save that leads to some very intense opportunities.

(+) Defenders have increased awareness, they follow through balls more effectively, they seem to no longer let through balls go slowly around them like they did in 2015 and they no longer slide in-between the attacker and the ball without taking possession of the ball also.

(+) Slide tackles are greatly improved and the players are trying more effectively to target and trap the ball rather than blindly sliding and pushing the ball away.

(+) The improved player reaction along with the realistic running speed and the improved defender interception positioning (at least in XBOX 360) offer a realistic feel and match pace where formations also play a much more important role.

(+)(-) Aerial battles seem to have taken some steps away from the terrible dice roll of the previews PES games and now if you get used to it, you seem to have a much better control of the aerial battle if you manage to move your player (in the time-frame you have) in a better position against the opposition.
This doesn't happen 100% of the time though since in some cases your player again locks to his own plan of how to position himself.

(+)(-) Due to better defensive awareness and better interception positioning the ping pong passing seems to be less viable but it's still not gone.

(-) Less accurate shots and passes even when the player is red would have been an improvement imo.

(-) I also would like to see a bit more height in long passes rather than the ball sticking to the ground.

(-) In some cases (not always) in the box, the defenders besides the user input, decide to control the ball instead of kicking it away to safety.

(-) There are still blatant cases of fouls not given by the referee that can frustrate people if they are playing against a player who favors the physical play.

(+)(-) Graphics are much improved but i would like to see more lively lighting. I'll have to test the other stadiums also and maybe the PS4/PC versions.

That said and keeping in mind that nothing can be absolutely perfect, in my opinion this year i saw many much needed improvements in key areas of the franchise. I really hope and expect a good release without any unpleasant last minute surprises and hopefully imo this will be one of the best versions of the game released offering a believable and enjoyable adoption of football.
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.. just discovered something new with the pes2016 demo (as im sure you couldn't do this on pes2015).
Instead of the good old low scoring shot using square and then hitting triangle directly after (just before striking the ball) as in 2014, 2015 to peoples dismay didn't have this. So instead I just used (while on full manual) L1+double tap of the circle button, ie. the low cross. Problem with 2015 was that you couldn't do this L1+Double circle, at the same time as holding down L2(so as to turn on the aiming arrow). In 2015 this L1+L2+double circle resulted in slow chip pass.

Just tried it on pes2016 demo and now it works. The L1+L2+double circle combo means you can finally shoot hard low shots with the aim indicator on. As well as super hard low shots, this is also great for that awesome heavy low ball across the park :)

oooh thats interesting! i will try that. tho you only have to press shoot twice to keep it low im sure :/
They've nailed dribbling and the way you use your weight and liberal use of the dash button to skin players,feels so organic..I can also really hold onto the ball now and just control the play even on the higher settings(something I loved about the ps2 days)..there's so much refinement in player movent and footwork which imcreases the range of directions of movement and passing it's wonderfully subtle,you barely have to touch the left stick and every stroke of movement is feedback on can focus more on what your doing on the ball because the support and clever movement of your teammates completely feels in tandem with what your doing and thinking.

I barely have to use the dash button while in possession and I've noticed concerving energy and liberal use of the run button does benefit late bursts of pressure when your opponents stretched or fatigued.

The more I play the better this dreamland peps!
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I am wondering if anyone have seen the CPU using the custom formation?
Everytime they are winning they change to defense but I haven't seen any changes when they are losing.
Can't remember if it was the same in 2015.
Personally I think it should just be default, offensive and defensive.
Don't quote me but it seems by default the cpu has a nice balance between defence and offensive that it maintains whetjer it's level or you I've only noticed a defensive change when it takes a lead..

It's definetly more dynamic now when I play against the cpu..more cautious..yet when I first started playing the demo because I was rushing and forcing the play it just seemed to press me on the higher levels and was much more agressive..I'm finding a more chess like human game that's cagey now but again that's probably down to a more relaxed playing style where my builds arent rushed and I'm the one making the cpu chase shadows.

I'm really enjoying the cpu ai now,it really compliments the big improvements made to the teammate ai and I've had heart in my mouth games against it where I've managed to hang on even though it's thrown the kitchen sink at me..had plenty of last gasp victories also.
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I am soooooo enjoying this game at the moment. I played a few games against Bayern tonight. I gave them long passes so that they would cross the ball more and I put Ribery on the left and Robben on the right.

Robben plays so much like real life. They kept getting balls to him down the wing, sometimes he was putting high balls in, sometimes low, sometimes good sometimes bad, sometimes dribbling into the box. One time he was in the box and headed the ball back for Muller to knock it in. When I first saw it I thought he misheaded it but no it was a perfect back header.

The best moment though was when Bayern had a corner, crossed into the box headed down for Buffon to knock it away. It found it's way to Ribery who was running away from goal, HE BACK HEELED IT TOWARDS GOAL!! and my defender deflected it away for another corner. I've never seen the CPU do that before! It really took me by surprise.

I cannot emphasize how much I am enjoying this game. The only thing that needs improving is a stricter referee, maybe an option to do that would be good. If there was more niggly fouls it would make you think more when going for a tackle.

Still on PS3 guys, and loving it loving it loving it! :APPLAUD:
I am soooooo enjoying this game at the moment. I played a few games against Bayern tonight. I gave them long passes so that they would cross the ball more and I put Ribery on the left and Robben on the right.

Robben plays so much like real life. They kept getting balls to him down the wing, sometimes he was putting high balls in, sometimes low, sometimes good sometimes bad, sometimes dribbling into the box. One time he was in the box and headed the ball back for Muller to knock it in. When I first saw it I thought he misheaded it but no it was a perfect back header.

The best moment though was when Bayern had a corner, crossed into the box headed down for Buffon to knock it away. It found it's way to Ribery who was running away from goal, HE BACK HEELED IT TOWARDS GOAL!! and my defender deflected it away for another corner. I've never seen the CPU do that before! It really took me by surprise.

I cannot emphasize how much I am enjoying this game. The only thing that needs improving is a stricter referee, maybe an option to do that would be good. If there was more niggly fouls it would make you think more when going for a tackle.

Still on PS3 guys, and loving it loving it loving it! :APPLAUD:
Ah Gee! Fancy meeting you here :P

Glad to see your enjoying the game, I've just started a league on the demo. Loving it!
I'm finding this kind of camera angle enjoyable: Pitchside; zoom 8; height 5; angle 3. That's cause I prefer dynamic cam on FIFA and don't sit ultra close to the tv.

Yes fouls are sometimes not called but to win them you generally need to be taking a touch or dribble once the AI is closeby and you've sucked them in. So it's a little bit down to your game style and a bit down to Konami's settings for the demo. I want to see players have to go off though when they really get injured.

Two other things I'd like to see fixed: 1) passing accuracy for AI hovers around high 80's-90 whereas I'd like to see it a little lower. That's even on professional.

2) allow us to get rid of the celebration prompts from the screen! I love how the AI runs off to celebrate but it kills the immersion when I have a 2-3 second splash screen to wait for before seeing my player celebrate!
I think it is time to add new difficulty to the game :/
Also the stamina system is very bad .....
This game is scripted through the animations and the goalies. The more i play the more i notice it.

There's shifts in the momentum but 16 isn't like previous pes games where you literally couldn't stop the cpu scoring..or the game froze players or boosted players to balance the gameplay..

If your behind its harder,your players are heavier and they don't react as quickly..these are the times you play the high percentages..

When you've got the rub you can take more risks and everythngs that little bit easier and your players react better..that's football and that's what konami do so well when they get it right..

Pes16 just feels alive,you' feel like your in a match and when your zoned in it can be all consuming.Everything the cpu does can be countered and the days of outcomes based on maths algorithms(scissor,paper,stone)over more physics based outcomes are finally behind us..
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