PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Lami did you play the WE Demo and if you did do you think there is a difference. I know people will say placebo but I have found it different. The play is not as frantic and I've scored some great teamplay goals that I didn't manage to do on the other Demo.

I've only played it a couple times so can't really form an opinion yet.
Played the demo at last and the first thing i tried was to barge in every opponent that had the ball...played 8 games like that and there was not even one contact foul...really Konami?if its like this in the retailversion it will be a descent street football game,am speechless for another year
I did notice that you're pressing the ball carrier straight away and chasing around. Of course they'll move the ball on quickly. Relax a little, pick your battles and drop off when the ball is in their half. See if that's any different. I sometimes get sucked in to playing "get the ball back as soon as possible" and it only escalates the problem. You slow down and they should slow down. I agree that some of the passing is a bit ping pongy from the AI but I think this example isn't the best as closing the ball carrier down so quicky will make them pass it continually.
I started pressing heavily BECAUSE of the way they're passing and not the other way around.
Whatever I do even if I just stand there they don't try to dribble or run past me or something. they just pass like crazy.
I tried defending in a tactical way like FIFA too but same result.
This is on Superstar btw I didn't notice it while playing on Top Player but Top Player was too easy.
Top Player is so easy in this, I don't understand how seasoned PES players can play in anything less than Superstar?

This demo is ok at -1 speed and on manual controls but default speed is way too fast.

I guess online we'll have to use the default speed?
Why ? The videos are from consoles only .

Because you're a PC player watching videos of console players posting it in the console thread where console players are actually playing it ;)

So you might want to post that in the PC thread with your PC chaps :)
Top Player is so easy in this, I don't understand how seasoned PES players can play in anything less than Superstar?

This demo is ok at -1 speed and on manual controls but default speed is way too fast.

I guess online we'll have to use the default speed?

I didn't even play PES since 2013 and Top Player is so freaking easy for me.
I think -1 is the best speed too.
I hate the way the CPU scores it's goals still. It looks so robotic and stiff.

I also dislike the way when a player scores a tap-in, he doesn't adjust his foot to make contact with the ball - this still looks like something on a PS2 game.

I've got so many gripes with this now. It's not a bad demo by any means - I just hope they can address the issues in time for release day.

There's lots good with it too. Some of the animations are beautiful, and there's loads of new little touches added - I keep noticing new stuff with every game I play.
How could they ruin such a beautiful game with some shit like this?
I hope they fix the CPU ping-pong passing in the full version or I won't be able to play football this year because I'm NOT getting FIFA again.

Yeah, this was one of my biggest issues with last year's game and it's still present this year too, though thankfully it's not as prevalent.

In general, the AI on the higher difficulty settings just plays a little too perfect, not only in its passing play but also in its tackling/defending, which is why we see so few fouls.

For me its one of the biggest problems with PES's single player experience - it doesn't feel organic enough, and you're always aware that its an AI you're playing in that the CPU's play can be a little too perfect.
Anyway, PES 2016 just needs some tweaks. Make it slower, have more fouls, and make it more responsive as there's still some animation locking in places.

In the long term, they really need to work on control of players when the ball is in between them, player control during headering and volleying, analogue movement speed, strafing when running. Nice to see them at least bringing in the stuff I suggested more than 10 years ago. Fucking finally.
How could they ruin such a beautiful game with some shit like this?
I hope they fix the CPU ping-pong passing in the full version or I won't be able to play football this year because I'm NOT getting FIFA again.
Yeah, this was one of my biggest issues with last year's game and it's still present this year too, though thankfully it's not as prevalent.

In general, the AI on the higher difficulty settings just plays a little too perfect, not only in its passing play but also in its tackling/defending, which is why we see so few fouls.

For me its one of the biggest problems with PES's single player experience - it doesn't feel organic enough, and you're always aware that its an AI you're playing in that the CPU's play can be a little too perfect.
Asim wrote about this on Twitter (and I think this is a great conversation point)...

With all the complaints about Superstar being too easy in the demo, his response was to tweet you guys are the ones making opponents play like robots and you're ruining the game by saying this because Konami are listening, if you want the AI to play like humans stop complaining (or words to that effect).

I think he's right in principle, and it's a really good point. But... Even though it seems easier to me, I STILL find that the AI plays like a bunch of psychic robots. So it's almost like the worst of both worlds! It's too easy AND it's unrealistic.

I keep going back to the demo fully expecting it to grab me at some point, like PES always does (I played 2015 online more than I did FIFA and I really enjoyed it despite the lag issues). But it just feels so devoid of individuality to me, it seems watered down at the expense of playing a fast and frantic game, like FIFA does online.

It feels, to me, like PES is trying to become FIFA to appeal to a wider audience and make more money after the success of MyClub (money is the goal, let's not kid ourselves), and FIFA - judging solely on their conferences and PR material (which start off with "defending redefined") - seems to be looking to please the "realism" folks, which used to be PES fans (not that I believe FIFA will be massively different - it just seems to be where their marketing push is this year).
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Hi Guys, I've been testing the demo on PS3 last days...

For those who had the chance to compare PS4 and PS3 versions, do you think it worth to buy a PS4 for PES2016?

I'd have the chance to buy it for a good price, are the PS4 version really better?
What's the difference apart from graphics?

thank you
Ok, well how much different does PES 2015 feel to last year because in the videos of the PS3 versions it really just looks like the same game?

I played an exhibition game on PES2015, me Juventus and CPU as Bayern same as when I play 2016 demo. I used your tactic changes and there was more crossing and less passing around the back four from CPU.

I really wish I had known about your tactic changes last year because lack of crossing and passing around the back four was a game breaker for me.

There's not much difference between the two if I'm honest Klashman. Maybe better animations in 2016 which is what we expect anyway. Gameplay wise it's pretty much the same.

A question, if I use your tactics on PS3 PES2016, how do I transfer those tactics onto my brothers PS3? Or do I have to redo it on his. Hopefully that's not too much off topic :P

Thanks matey.
Yeah but that's Barcelona, it's not like every team in the world can do what they do!

Ping pong is just long forward long/relative long passes with the ball travelling at a speed of a pinhall machine, while Barcelona tiki taka is short laterals and sometimes backwards passes that are mecessary to keep possession.

Huge, huuuuuge difference.

Ping pong passing is not and never will be realisticd. Saying that its realistic because its "Barça style" is a straight lie or a delusion of the one who makes such claim.
Does anyone else find that the CPU scores very similiar goals each and every time? Grass cutters across the floor - they just look so dull and empty.

I'm yet to have the CPU try a shot from outside the box against me! Plus today I played 3 matches in a row (Superstar difficulty, -1 game speed) and didn't get ANY free kicks awarded to me. Not one.
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