PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

People say the assists ruin everything. But, in truth, manual has 'ruined' everything.

I've got nothing against manual in principle. However, because of manual passing, most of the people who want error are the ones who now subconsciously make do with the fact that the error is 99% in their thumb, rather than the player on the pitch (see ctruppi's excellent comment above).

By playing with manual passing, you're not using the default gameplay option. The gameplay on every disc and install of the title is balanced according to the default gameplay option, and this is now chiefly aimed at people who aren't interested in things like passing inaccuracy or individuality. The CPU uses the default gameplay option, and expects you to do the same. And right now the default gameplay option has no short passing error at all. On passing assistance level 1, I had a passing rally between my LB and CB of about 10 passes, where I just pressed 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the stick. Every pass went straight to the man, even as the players slowly shifted to stand at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

Manual passing has no short passing error at all - it's just your aim that's off. If you were to just hit passes at exactly 12 o'clock every time, would see the ball go to exactly 12 o'clock 99% of the time, regardless of player. The only thing that seems to vary at all is the ball speed.

This was exactly how passing worked in FIFA 11.

I think aspects of PES 2016 are great. I do like a lot of the dribbling, though it needs some refining to avoid players doing inhuman things with momentum. It's also a bit too easy to sprint aggressively at defences with any player - Iturrbe is great at dribbling in tight quarters but most Roma players are pretty dangerous if they're able to turn and face goal. But, I do enjoy the responsiveness, the ability to improvise and play instinctively. I actually now think the pace of the game is fine, it's just that getting to top speed when dribbling is too easy and too fast for many players, who should at least give the impression of being more reticent when coming forward with the ball.

But, without passing inaccuracy across ALL assistance levels (from OFF to 3), and with every player able to dribble aggressively, shoot dangerously and take sublime first touches (Morata is borderline Bergkamp with Juventus' long ball play), a lot of individuality has been lost, and a lot of stats simply don't matter like they used to.

I wish it was just because football has lost a lot of individuality, a lot of archetypes who used to decorate the elite leagues. But it's clearly more of a game design issue.
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Haven't posted here in ages, but had to jump into the whole "variety of shots" discussion. The issue I'm having is that, yes I have total control, but that means the shot outcome is based more on the accuracy of my fingers than any simulation based on the human being I'm actually controlling.

Compare to the NBA 2k series. If I shoot in full manual mode based on a player's release point and shot type, I can get good enough as a gamer to hit that release 'very good' or 'perfect' 95% of the time. If I'm controlling LeBron James I expect a very high % of those shots to go in, and they do. If I'm controlling some scrub, or a big man with poor outside shooting stats, a very high % of those shots will not go in even if I do everything right as a gamer, because it's unrealistic and the stats matter.

In PES I feel that the game has become more about my twitch abilities with a controller instead of the individual players I'm controlling. Even with full manual, if I attempt the same long pass with Pirlo 100 times pressing the buttons 100% the same exact way every time, I should expect a higher % of completed passes than if I attempted the same 100 passes with Chiellini. It should be the same with shots. Human beings are not robots and if I hold a thumb stick at the precise angle and press the shot button with identical pressure I should expect different outcomes depending on who I'm controlling.

When I played PS2 era PES I was cognizant of who I was comtrollin because the same exact input to the controller could have a drastically different output during a match. Call it the game "fucking with me" or anything else you like, but it was much more realistic in the way I approached the representation of the sport of soccer on my tv screen. It also forced me to create tactics and strategies that placed the right players in situation that allowed my team to take advantage of their potential. Playing the '16 demo vs my son as France, I never give a shit about who has the ball and where because if I hit the buttons perfectly I'll make a great pass or shot. I never go into the game plan screen to change tactics because it doesn't make a huge difference.

To me this is the soul of a soccer game and PES has unfortunately lost some of that soul.


no wonder why stats like "shot technique" is missing nowdays :MAD:

edit: stats now and then and i really dont know how i feel about these combined abilites (they are not present in the demo btw)


week foot, injury stats were also available.

and its strange to me because Adam always mentioning how players differ from eachother, like Pirlo is a better passer than the others(never felt it), someone is a better dibbler(thats okay, in there), someone is a better tackler (i dunno i saw often strikers to intercept), better speed demon (thats also okay). so i dunno if they cant do it or is this some marketing bs to make themself look like unique to FIFA. but i just dont feel how unique some player just like mentioned above in that great post
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Hi Klashman, I know you are the Tactics Don. Do you know if changing certain team tactics will make the CPU cross more regular? I play on PS3 and this was an issue for me last year too. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. :)

Hi Klashman, I followed a link to your website and took your advice regarding PES2015 tactics so I changed some tactics for Bayern (gave them long passing and possession) and they actually crossed the ball twice in the match. That's 2 more times than the 4 games I played last night. So hopefully that's sorted that problem out. Thanks :)
People say the assists ruin everything. But, in truth, manual has 'ruined' everything.

I've got nothing against manual in principle. However, because of manual passing, most of the people who want error are the ones who now subconsciously make do with the fact that the error is 99% in their thumb, rather than the player on the pitch (see ctruppi's excellent comment above).

By playing with manual passing, you're not using the default gameplay option. The gameplay on every disc and install of the title is balanced according to the default gameplay option, and this is now chiefly aimed at people who aren't interested in things like passing inaccuracy or individuality. The CPU uses the default gameplay option, and expects you to do the same. And right now the default gameplay option has no short passing error at all. On passing assistance level 1, I had a passing rally between my LB and CB of about 10 passes, where I just pressed 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the stick. Every pass went straight to the man, even as the players slowly shifted to stand at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

Manual passing has no short passing error at all - it's just your aim that's off. If you were to just hit passes at exactly 12 o'clock every time, would see the ball go to exactly 12 o'clock 99% of the time, regardless of player. The only thing that seems to vary at all is the ball speed.

This was exactly how passing worked in FIFA 11.

I think aspects of PES 2016 are great. I do like a lot of the dribbling, though it needs some refining to avoid players doing inhuman things with momentum. It's also a bit too easy to sprint aggressively at defences with any player - Iturrbe is great at dribbling in tight quarters but most Roma players are pretty dangerous if they're able to turn and face goal. But, I do enjoy the responsiveness, the ability to improvise and play instinctively. I actually now think the pace of the game is fine, it's just that getting to top speed when dribbling is too easy and too fast for many players, who should at least give the impression of being more reticent when coming forward with the ball.

But, without passing inaccuracy across ALL assistance levels (from OFF to 3), and with every player able to dribble aggressively, shoot dangerously and take sublime first touches (Morata is borderline Bergkamp with Juventus' long ball play), a lot of individuality has been lost, and a lot of stats simply don't matter like they used to.

I wish it was just because football has lost a lot of individuality, a lot of archetypes who used to decorate the elite leagues. But it's clearly more of a game design issue.

Finally someone who gets it. Manual just takes away the individuality. Son stats just doesn't matter anymore, everyone can receive q pass perfectly and dribble perfectly.
Thing is, there is no balance atm between manual and assisted. Players stats combined with user input should ALWAYS be the way to go.

In this clip u can hear Adam talk about their vision to "balance the normal passing" (which I guess is the default one). Therefore I would assume he (and the team) should be interested in knowing that the default passing atm is very assisted. Or it could be that thats way they wanna go with PES, nobody knows. I know he answered a twitter user when asked why they removed one of the Passing assistance for this year (from 5 to 4) by simply stating; "a choice we made due to what we think is needed". What that REALLY means no one knows...
The more levels of passing assistance there are, the more testing needs to be done. Really, there should only be Off, Semi and Assist. You shouldn't need four levels.
The more levels of passing assistance there are, the more testing needs to be done. Really, there should only be Off, Semi and Assist. You shouldn't need four levels.

Agree completely. AND, of course, when u choose one of the above for online u should ONLY get paired with others who have choosen the same. This "similiar settings" mumbo jumbo doesn't make any sense.

I would love to hear someone from Konami go through why they have choosen this way, not just; "a choice we made due to what we think is needed". That says nothing!
Finally someone who gets it. Manual just takes away the individuality. Son stats just doesn't matter anymore, everyone can receive q pass perfectly and dribble perfectly.

i think there is big confusion over what manual controls do.

bad manual controls is when it removes all individuality from the players. this mean that the best player will shoot and pass the exact same as the worst player. i dont think any person who wants manual control wants this type of manual control

good manual controls is when player individuality and user input work together. for example, you aim and power and then how wel that works depend on the player. that is all. we use this method everything else, for example dribbling we input dribbling direction but player stat mean how good they can execute. no one asks for assisted dribbling or complain how user input for dribbling "removes individuality". assists on passing and shooting is the exception..
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i think there is big confusion over what manual controls do.

bad manual controls is when it removes all individuality from the players. this mean that the best player will shoot and pass the exact same as the worst player. i dont think any person who wants manual control wants this type of manual control

good manual controls is when player individuality and user input work together. for example, you aim and power and then how wel that works depend on the player. that is all. we use this method everything else, for example dribbling we input dribbling direction but player stat mean how good they can execute. no one asks for assisted dribbling or complain how user input for dribbling "removes individuality". assists on passing and shooting is the exception..

that's exactly how it should work, if you make a long pass with a players accuracy rated about 95 or higher it should go there, if you try that same pass with someone rated in the 50s, it should go in that direction of course, but about 2-4 meters left or right, so you can only be confident making that pass with a player like pirlo, even on manual
A very eloquent & balanced post. Thanks for this.

And I have bolded the part which probably applies to me. I love this demo, then I hate it, then I like it, then I hate it again.

For me and many the others the problem will still be whether PES 2016 is any good online. Even if the gameplay is great with the full retail version it won't matter a jot if the online is still broken.

I for one hated PES 2015 online. It is/was awful. We can't watch replays of the goals, the camera type is fixed so we're close-up to the action, waiting forever for a match because of Konami's awful servers, 99% of the time we'll face Real Madrid as there is no match-making (i.e. the option of being able to play as a smaller club v smaller club like in FIFA.)

If PES 2016 is yet again poor to play online, it will be like buying a Ferrari but only being able to drive it around your own street. This franchise could really grow and get to the next level if they sorted out the online issues.

PES2016 very very perfect
Great work

We want to punish cheaters to deduct points such as fifa
that's exactly how it should work, if you make a long pass with a players accuracy rated about 95 or higher it should go there, if you try that same pass with someone rated in the 50s, it should go in that direction of course, but about 2-4 meters left or right, so you can only be confident making that pass with a player like pirlo, even on manual

exactly. but even bad player can make accurate pass if the pass is easy and no defenders are pressureing, if they in a good body position etc. Easy passes even bad player can have 100% accuracy. but in difficult passes there error would be more noticable, with ball going 2-4metres wide, like you say. this is how manual is supposed to work, not 100% the same result for every player everytime. thats stupid!!
PES2016 very very perfect ��
Great work

We want to punish cheaters to deduct points such as fifa
I thought I was getting dejá vu... You said this when you signed up! :LOL:

We get it! (Not that I disagree with you...)
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I am still enjoying the demo, but I guess I feel I expected a bit more to make it enjoyable for 2+ months

My biggest gripe is the AI passing. The perfect one-touch 89% completion rate in every game (Once they get the ball, I know they will advance 3/4 of the field just by quick passing, every...single....time)

I also get the "here they go again... the AI wants to score they WILL score" (meaning all the loose balls end up in their feet, my guys make crappy passes, etc). I've also noticed that on through passes, my player will usually slow down next to the ball and let the AI defender get to it first, don't know if someone else has experienced it. Man, sliders would fix so many of these niggles.

It is weird that I'm getting draws in Professional and in Top Player I'm beating the AI easily 3-0, 4-1.... however those victories feel just.. meh...

Also, question... how to super cancel an action?
Probably there should only have one.. easy for konami to tweak and balance the stats :D

That's it. Passing levels is one of the features taken from FIFA that makes the game worse. We've been pages reading of the PS2 era, there were no levels in passing then, only crossing options, wich were great BTW; cursor changing options were amazing too.

This PES2016 demo is a fantastic evolution of 2015. It seems like they have finally found the way to follow, and now they're following it. Great game this year. Fingers crossed for online...
Anyone who wants automatic passing and shooting and only being able to run in 8 directions back is crackers. PES 6 was and is a shit game. Konami need to keep things going in this direction. What they need now is bring in analogue movement speed instead of just 2 speeds, and being able to strafe while running.

Post of the year :APPLAUD:
Post of the year :APPLAUD:
Pes 2016 is a beautiful game and I strongly believe the series is going in right direction.

That being said calling pes 6 shit is nonsense . There are many things, I mean little features that made the series so great during the ps2 era. The running animation, the foot placement while making a pass, strafing etc felt soo natural back then .

And the cursor switching of ps2 series was the best. Especially manual switching which was super responsive n accurate. You could choose to select any player and it was spot on whether during attack or defence.

In current gen games manual cursor change is shit. The player who got the ball starts playing by himself if we won't make the switch. Totally ruins the game.
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I am still enjoying the demo, but I guess I feel I expected a bit more to make it enjoyable for 2+ months

My biggest gripe is the AI passing. The perfect one-touch 89% completion rate in every game (Once they get the ball, I know they will advance 3/4 of the field just by quick passing, every...single....time)

I also get the "here they go again... the AI wants to score they WILL score" (meaning all the loose balls end up in their feet, my guys make crappy passes, etc). I've also noticed that on through passes, my player will usually slow down next to the ball and let the AI defender get to it first, don't know if someone else has experienced it. Man, sliders would fix so many of these niggles.

It is weird that I'm getting draws in Professional and in Top Player I'm beating the AI easily 3-0, 4-1.... however those victories feel just.. meh...

Also, question... how to super cancel an action?

R2+R1, this can also help when your players slow down on the through balls
Pes 2016 is a beautiful game and I strongly believe the series is going in right direction.

That being said calling pes 6 shit is nonsense . There are many things, I mean little features that made the series so great during the ps2 era. The running animation, the foot placement while making a pass, strafing etc felt soo natural back then .

And the cursor switching of ps2 series was the best. Especially manual switching which was super responsive n accurate. You could choose to select any player and it was spot on whether during attack or defence.

In current gen games manual cursor change is shit. The player who got the ball starts playing by himself if we won't make the switch. Totally ruins the game.

PES 6 to me was garbage sorry

If walking the length of the pitch with Adriano and walloping shots in excess of 60 yards into the top corner is your thing then so be it. The game itself was a HUUUGE step in the arcade direction after the phenomenal PES 5. Even PES2011 surpassed 5 I honestly dont know what you lot are on about.

BTW I think we need to restart a PES6 nostalgia thread.
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PES 6 to me was garbage sorry

If walking the length of the pitch with Adriano and walloping shots in excess of 60 yards into the top corner is your thing then so be it. The game itself was a HUUUGE step in the arcade direction after the phenomenal PES 5. Even PES2011 supassed 5 I honestly dont know what you lot are on about

BTW I think we need to restart a PES6 nostalgia thread.
I wasn't talking about the arcadish gameplay. It was fun when we were kids but such a gameplay won't appeal to us now. I was talking about the little elements here and there like the player movement and cursor switching, kit mixing, kit edit mode in master league etc... coz unlike fifa in which career mode lasts for only 15 seasons, playing pes gets boring if nothing much editing wise can be done in the master league which has got unlimited seasons. It's so many little things that collectively give a great gaming experience. The current gen versions are stripped down of most of the features of ps2 era which made those games playable to some even today.

I thing too much licensing is the problem. Back then we could edit majority of the aspects of the game to our liking. To be honest I still prefer unlicensed kits for all teams while keeping only the original player names, stadiums, leagues n tournaments etc.. licensed. :p
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Hi Klashman, I followed a link to your website and took your advice regarding PES2015 tactics so I changed some tactics for Bayern (gave them long passing and possession) and they actually crossed the ball twice in the match. That's 2 more times than the 4 games I played last night. So hopefully that's sorted that problem out. Thanks :)

Ok, well how much different does PES 2015 feel to last year because in the videos of the PS3 versions it really just looks like the same game?
Okay I have literally 0 issues with player switching and the player movement is light years ahead. kit edit mode is back and the kit mixing is a license issue. Non of these things will make you play the game more.
Okay I have literally 0 issues with player switching and the player movement is light years ahead. kit edit mode is back and the kit mixing is a license issue. Non of these things will make you play the game more.
Ah different people , different tastes.. ;) I think the ps2 games were more fluid overall. Current gen are catching up though. Maybe in next few years.

BTW kit edit mode won't allow you to edit licensed teams. .. Most people play with licensed teams( coz they are the most favourite ones) and what's the use if editing is applicable only to teams no one cares about.
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Also i will take a bit more time to see and judge it for full manual or 1 bar but 100% for the AI pass ability makes a massive difference in this game.

Thing is this demo is setup to be rather easy so in the full game we will see how stat effected it is.
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