PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Any manual shooting tips I'm hitting the corner flags quite often lol
When you shooting from far out , don't move the left stick too much towards the intended direction/angle. Only a slight tilt will do. Move it a bit more wider while shooting from inside the box.

It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of manual shooting, but you will get there coz was a keyboard player till pes 2013 ;) n if I could master it any1 can
Some points to the recently discussed points.

1. Manual passing / shooting

Was it ever clarified if stats play a role or not on manual settings?
I cannot decide, and manual is not really reproducible so it's hard to decide.

I haven't heard any official word about this.

In my opinion it should also be affected by stats. Less good player, bigger range, bigger standard deviation for desired angle.

2. Passing settings

In my opinion there should be only 2: assisted (slightly), not assisted

3. Player switching

I think it's almost perfect on semi, but I think if you loose the ball it shouldn't go automatic until the opponent reaches the ball. Because sometimes you try to get back the ball with that very player who lost it, and it switches to a different player causing your run to get back the ball fail. I think in the PS2 days it was different..
I don't think its fully manual but a mixture of manual and stats which personally I think it should be. But I think it would be a good idea and might please some people if they put in a setting of 100% manual where stats have no influence. I remember hearing of players taping L2 down to force full manual. They could also add a mode where the game was 100% arcade as long as they had separate lobbies online. A mode for everyone

I also think team stats have a big role to play in manual. When I play with a lesser team I have a lower % of successful passes around 70 to 75 even when playing against a similar team. If I play as roma against one of the brazil clubs my passing goes up to about 75 to 85 yet if I play against bayern it drops to about 80 or less. If I play as a top team against a lower team pass % can be as high as 90.

Also I found changing formation can have an effect. also choosing careful build up play or hollywood passes also has an effect. also player stats, if i choose to go with fast players and wing play plus crossing obviously lower pass rating than if i go for better passers and play short balls.

With shooting I also think stats influence maybe not the direction but the outcome. If a player with good balance is taking a shoot and a defender is tackling him he has a better chance of making the shoot than a weaker player. All this is why I think that the game is far more realistic with manual
Some ideas:

1. passing assist levels

My idea for top player and superstar is, that this options would be only available with manual control and no visual aids.

Or even better an extra difficulty level where all the rubbish helping guides are removed and cannot be switched on, and where there is no shooting and passing assist allowed.

2. online

And I still don't get, why they do not allow to meet players online with the same difficulty settings..

3. random player form

in the past it started random, however if you were playing a cup/league/tournament the results of the previous games influenced this random forms. I mean offline. I you had a long winning streak or beat a big rival, the next game you had much more yellow and red arrows, in opposite when you were loosing continuously the average form of the team decreased.. Making it even more difficult to come back. Glory days I guess.

Another great thing from the past, which was lost in last gen..
People say the assists ruin everything. But, in truth, manual has 'ruined' everything.

I've got nothing against manual in principle. However, because of manual passing, most of the people who want error are the ones who now subconsciously make do with the fact that the error is 99% in their thumb, rather than the player on the pitch (see ctruppi's excellent comment above).

By playing with manual passing, you're not using the default gameplay option. The gameplay on every disc and install of the title is balanced according to the default gameplay option, and this is now chiefly aimed at people who aren't interested in things like passing inaccuracy or individuality. The CPU uses the default gameplay option, and expects you to do the same. And right now the default gameplay option has no short passing error at all. On passing assistance level 1, I had a passing rally between my LB and CB of about 10 passes, where I just pressed 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the stick. Every pass went straight to the man, even as the players slowly shifted to stand at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

Manual passing has no short passing error at all - it's just your aim that's off. If you were to just hit passes at exactly 12 o'clock every time, would see the ball go to exactly 12 o'clock 99% of the time, regardless of player. The only thing that seems to vary at all is the ball speed.

This was exactly how passing worked in FIFA 11.

I think aspects of PES 2016 are great. I do like a lot of the dribbling, though it needs some refining to avoid players doing inhuman things with momentum. It's also a bit too easy to sprint aggressively at defences with any player - Iturrbe is great at dribbling in tight quarters but most Roma players are pretty dangerous if they're able to turn and face goal. But, I do enjoy the responsiveness, the ability to improvise and play instinctively. I actually now think the pace of the game is fine, it's just that getting to top speed when dribbling is too easy and too fast for many players, who should at least give the impression of being more reticent when coming forward with the ball.

But, without passing inaccuracy across ALL assistance levels (from OFF to 3), and with every player able to dribble aggressively, shoot dangerously and take sublime first touches (Morata is borderline Bergkamp with Juventus' long ball play), a lot of individuality has been lost, and a lot of stats simply don't matter like they used to.

I wish it was just because football has lost a lot of individuality, a lot of archetypes who used to decorate the elite leagues. But it's clearly more of a game design issue.

I agree with this post. I don't understand why people don't get it. Most stats just don't work.
Come on it's great and I've pre ordered but there are glaring issues that need fixing

Ok not perfect but pretty stunning compared to the last 2 years which were a total mess IMO. But like i said, what's up with online ? No news ? Nothing ?
I finally found the best formation set-up for Brazil. I couldn't win any game with the default one. I selected 4-3-3 with Luis Gustavo as MCD, and Douglas Costa and Oscar as creative midfielders, and then Willian, Neymar as false 9, and Robinho.

I've had the best games ever. So many jaw-dropping moments. WOW!
Can't wait to try Barcelona, Manchester City and start a Master League. I'm even considering playing it with the default Konami squad.
I remember the old WE games had a 6 star difficulty setting, Konami should create a new difficulty level, that's full manual agressive AI which should increase mistimed sliding tackles allowing more fouls and also pressure to be more intense, that should satisfy a lot of people and if people complain it's too hard drop it back to superstar.
How could they ruin such a beautiful game with some shit like this?
I hope they fix the CPU ping-pong passing in the full version or I won't be able to play football this year because I'm NOT getting FIFA again.

I did notice that you're pressing the ball carrier straight away and chasing around. Of course they'll move the ball on quickly. Relax a little, pick your battles and drop off when the ball is in their half. See if that's any different. I sometimes get sucked in to playing "get the ball back as soon as possible" and it only escalates the problem. You slow down and they should slow down. I agree that some of the passing is a bit ping pongy from the AI but I think this example isn't the best as closing the ball carrier down so quicky will make them pass it continually.
How could they ruin such a beautiful game with some shit like this?
I hope they fix the CPU ping-pong passing in the full version or I won't be able to play football this year because I'm NOT getting FIFA again.

Tottally disagree. I think it was the CPU passing and upseting the defence very nicely. Marking was poor and they took advantage of it, so I'm actually glad the cpu can do that to create a goal.
I did notice that you're pressing the ball carrier straight away and chasing around. Of course they'll move the ball on quickly. Relax a little, pick your battles and drop off when the ball is in their half. See if that's any different. I sometimes get sucked in to playing "get the ball back as soon as possible" and it only escalates the problem. You slow down and they should slow down. I agree that some of the passing is a bit ping pongy from the AI but I think this example isn't the best as closing the ball carrier down so quicky will make them pass it continually.

Yeah, that's what I meant...
I've just discovered something by total coincidence. While in the Japanese PSN store looking to download the WE 2016 demo, I've noticed a WE 2015 My club full game version, for free. Thought maybe it's just an add-on. Checked it out and it's almost 25gb! Got me intrigued, and so went ahead and downloaded it. Playing it now, it's WE 2015 stripped from all modes apart from My club. That's the only mode you can play. It's interesting though as this allows you to play the full game for free, only just one mode. So it's f2p WE 2015 My club. You can keep playing and earning GP through playing games, or pay real money. Not bad for those who'd like to try the full game for free and keep it eh. I'm quite surprised this wasn't released in other markets. Would've got them a ton more people since it's F2P.

Anyone who wasn't interested in buying PES/WE 2015 can play this for free until 2016 comes out :)

(I know this isn't the 2015 thread, but tbh I thought this is a very interesting find and subject that it might get buried and lost in the 2015 thread, and gives us a possible insight on this mode's future)
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Ok so I played around 6 matches yesterday (Professional, Pass level 1, manual shooting, advance through ball, auto feint OFF). And I must say Pass level 1 is not THAT assisted as I first thought. I still think it's too assisted and should be tuned closer to manual passing a bit but maybe not as much as I first felt.

With that being said, since everyone online will choose Real/Barca/Bayern there will be some ping ponging going on anyway.

Once again though, I think advance through ball is broken or need some explanation of how it has changed, seems super random.

When playing people who are ping ponging, try to be cool and don't pressure the ball carrier to much, instead take control of a defender or midfielder and try to read where he is going to try to put the through ball (because he always does).
"PES2016PS4 with PES2016PC" What is the difference between? What are the common features? And what is more missing features?
I've just discovered something by total coincidence. While in the Japanese PSN store looking to download the WE 2016 demo, I've noticed a WE 2015 My club full game version, for free. Thought maybe it's just an add-on. Checked it out and it's almost 25gb! Got me intrigued, and so went ahead and downloaded it. Playing it now, it's WE 2015 stripped from all modes apart from My club. That's the only mode you can play. It's interesting though as this allows you to play the full game for free, only just one mode. So it's f2p WE 2015 My club. You can keep playing and earning GP through playing games, or pay real money. Not bad for those who'd like to try the full game for free and keep it eh. I'm quite surprised this wasn't released in other markets. Would've got them a ton more people since it's F2P.

Anyone who wasn't interested in buying PES/WE 2015 can play this for free until 2016 comes out :)

(I know this isn't the 2015 thread, but tbh I thought this is a very interesting find and subject that it might get buried and lost in the 2015 thread, and gives us a possible insight on this mode's future)

Lami did you play the WE Demo and if you did do you think there is a difference. I know people will say placebo but I have found it different. The play is not as frantic and I've scored some great teamplay goals that I didn't manage to do on the other Demo.
People say the assists ruin everything. But, in truth, manual has 'ruined' everything.

I've got nothing against manual in principle. However, because of manual passing, most of the people who want error are the ones who now subconsciously make do with the fact that the error is 99% in their thumb, rather than the player on the pitch (see ctruppi's excellent comment above).

By playing with manual passing, you're not using the default gameplay option. The gameplay on every disc and install of the title is balanced according to the default gameplay option, and this is now chiefly aimed at people who aren't interested in things like passing inaccuracy or individuality. The CPU uses the default gameplay option, and expects you to do the same. And right now the default gameplay option has no short passing error at all. On passing assistance level 1, I had a passing rally between my LB and CB of about 10 passes, where I just pressed 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the stick. Every pass went straight to the man, even as the players slowly shifted to stand at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

Manual passing has no short passing error at all - it's just your aim that's off. If you were to just hit passes at exactly 12 o'clock every time, would see the ball go to exactly 12 o'clock 99% of the time, regardless of player. The only thing that seems to vary at all is the ball speed.

This was exactly how passing worked in FIFA 11.

I think aspects of PES 2016 are great. I do like a lot of the dribbling, though it needs some refining to avoid players doing inhuman things with momentum. It's also a bit too easy to sprint aggressively at defences with any player - Iturrbe is great at dribbling in tight quarters but most Roma players are pretty dangerous if they're able to turn and face goal. But, I do enjoy the responsiveness, the ability to improvise and play instinctively. I actually now think the pace of the game is fine, it's just that getting to top speed when dribbling is too easy and too fast for many players, who should at least give the impression of being more reticent when coming forward with the ball.

But, without passing inaccuracy across ALL assistance levels (from OFF to 3), and with every player able to dribble aggressively, shoot dangerously and take sublime first touches (Morata is borderline Bergkamp with Juventus' long ball play), a lot of individuality has been lost, and a lot of stats simply don't matter like they used to.

I wish it was just because football has lost a lot of individuality, a lot of archetypes who used to decorate the elite leagues. But it's clearly more of a game design issue.

Good points. Thing is like i said a few times now, this demo for me seems to have been designed specifically to be fun and playable. Its a demo aimed and easing those who play FIFA into PES since i have a feeling if they setup Pass assistance on 1 like they did so well last year it would of put many of the FIFA players off.

Also i feel as if they looked to focus on the fun, skills aspect to test those levels of the game. The sim aspect almost seems as if its sitting on the bench in metaphorical terms being given a rest for the real thing. Pass Level 1 just seems the same as full assisted passing apart from the power to a very low extent. You can't miss a pass at all.

Last year Pass level 1 was awesome and stat relevant, it wasn't quite full manual but it was how thy describe it with better passes able to pull of different types of passes which players on lower ratings couldn't.

I'm sure the other things you noted will be brought out to a more sim representation, because it seems like last year where the demo was rather arcadey/fun orientated then this sim aspect came in for the full game.
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