PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

doubt hes on full manual lol.

@bonyi, overall yeah i like the slide tackles i love pressing x right after after sliding to hook the ball and keep possesion.
I'm surprised you say that. Many complain that the PES thread is full of complaints and negativity :THINK:

But I know what you're on about. The reason some might get bashed or criticized for their negativity here is because they're seasonal re-regs; Banned a zillion times before. They always come back to stir up trouble and play the victim and they sadly never learn, always with the same style. You might ask, well why not just ban them as soon as they reg again? Well, I have hope in humanity, and like giving people chances. That can both be a pro and a con at the same time. Sadly though, some just take advantage and their intentions were always going to be sinister. But in the end, they always get banned.

Oh ok, that's understandable.

PES 2011 will forever be in my memory, that game gave me lot of joy. I thought PES 2015 was going to replace it but no, Superstar level was just to crazy to be believable. Now I look forward to PES 2016, I want something to make me remember the good old days of PES 2011, Fernando Torres was my best striker on that game.

Awesome :)

Yeah man. Mine too.
I hope they're gonna give him a proper face again.
On 2014 and 2015 he looked like a sad old Chinese man.

Still enjoying the demo and will very likely buy the full game.
Just not that impressed by the technical aspects of the game.
I mean many faces look great but the turf looks sometimes like a cheap green carpet.
And the crowd doesn't look good either. Looks better on fifa 15 for example.

But I've read somewhere that the demo is toned down visually compared to the full game.

It's not that important anyway.
My mate whose a FIFA fan boy absolutely rinses Superstar.. dunno how lol he must just naturally good.

Is he playing on full manual? It's not difficult with assistance on.

If you've gotten used to playing FIFA, and its much quicker pace of play, then PES is really, really easy on anything less than Superstar. You just have much more time for decision making and reactions. At least that's my theory anyways.

And yeah, you can make PES harder by playing on manual but on anything less than Superstar and I'll rarely concede a goal in PES.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone plays this game on a slower speed setting and anything less than Superstar.
Can I ask you guys a favour, to test something that is bugging me please ...

When you play this game at do you notice the screen dimming and brightening when near the shadowed areas on the pitch or in replay mode when looking at the sky then tilting down the camera to show the pitch ?

It is very noticeable when in replay mode and you cycle the cameras quickly with X.

Thing is I thought it might be my TV doing it as it is a Samsung and some models have forced dimming but I haven't noticed anything on other games.

I just tested the demo using a PS Vita remote play and it still dims the brightness on the Vita screen ?

So it must be the game surely ? Surprised no one else has mentioned it as I find it quite noticeable if it is the game.

Could someone be so kind as to check it out for me on their console/TV and let me know if they have the same dimming brightness.

I find it more obvious in the Juventus Stadium.

Thanks guys.

check this on your TV:
picture option
HDMI black level

If it is on low, change it to normal
I have philips led tv and experienced this on pes 2015. i think that rgb have no matter at all for this, it is game issue don' worry ;) also one advice if you have pc mode try that on full rgb settings from ps4, world of difference also zero bitton lag ;)
look here, over 40 stats, now i count 24 in the demo. what the. thats less then FIFA. they couldnt erease these since i feel more individuality now than in 2015

Not sure if you guys knew, but those "Combined Ability" stats (elusiveness, ball retention etc.)were not actual stats. They were calculated by a formula, according to the real stats (those which remain in pes2016 demo), just like the ovr rating. So I'm actually happy they removed those fake stats, as they were more confusing than helping.
I guess the guys at pesstatsdatabase were figuring the formulas out some time ago.
FIFA players dominanting the game so easily.

Can de agree the game is a PES FIFA hybrid?

This demo like last year has been setup to be easy and instantly playable.

Just like last year the full game will enhance the game and bring out some more realistic aspects. Hopefully the strategies will be solid at least.

I'm 100% sure the full game will be harder and more simulation than the demo.
I post it here as well. The Russian guys are collecting feed-back which will be, than forwarded to Konami via WENB (where I happen to be banned).

My demo feedback:

I think the game is enjoyable but it has as every game flaws, which in my opinion can be addressed.

Based on roughly 10 hours of playing on PS4 / superstar, full manual

Top priority:
1. keepers inside box reactions
2. referees - fouls
3. shooting variety

1. goalkeepers
Although they are making amazing saves and re-action saves, they have quite a few problems.

in certain situations when an attacker is carrying the ball inside the box, they simply stuck to their lines or come out late to cover the corners of the goal. This is not helped by the fact, that when they decide to dive, they make an unnecessary mini jump before jumping and dive late and slow-motion, with not fully stretched arms.

This kills the joy of scoring. Too accurate shooting is not helping either.

Example video:

2. referees
They are bad, inconsistent. I think there are enough fouls, but they are not given. Last men tackles not awarded with red, etc.

Advantage rule is ridiculous. Almost every time advantage is given. Should be only in case of real goal scoring opportunity.

3. shooting

It's not varied enough. Almost every shot is on goal. Lack of AI. high shots, over the bar shots.

R2 shooting can be overpowered, but I think the keepers should be improved.

Not real difference between players. Almost every player can pull of really strong, long range shots.

You cannot modify the shot type after you pressed square. I mean start with a normal shot and changing your mind and press R2 afterwards. It was in PES5-6 and was a really good weapon to trick defenders and keepers.

4. defending

I find the sliding tackles too easy to pull of. They lack variety and every player skills seems to be the same.

5. general
Bug. There are 2 nets shapes, they start with tighter version, once they are connected they become loose and remain loose.

Not every dive should be awarded with yellow card (If you fall to the ground without being a player near you, or if it shouldn't be obvious for the referee it shouldn't be awarded with a yellow card).

When a ball is out and it's obvious who contacted the ball last, that team's players shouldn't gesticulate in a crazy way, claiming that they have the throw in.

individuality should be improved, difference between players.

Night lighting could be further improved.

Replays should be re-designed. Too slow motion.

6. Further areas for improvement

Bring that fucking coin toss back

Implement a sliding tackle system which requires skill, where direction can be influenced, speed, length of sliding, etc..

Enable to record voice to replays (not high priority on PS4 - it's recorded anyway).

Smaller stadiums for master league.

This what came to my mind this evening.
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check this on your TV:
picture option
HDMI black level

If it is on low, change it to normal

Thanks for your reply mate - yeah TV is all good in its setup, been a member at AV Forums for years and educated myself about the whole limited and full RGB issues and crushed blacks etc. years ago. This is not the issue on this occasion - It must be the game as I say it was happening on Vita screen also.

I have philips led tv and experienced this on pes 2015. i think that rgb have no matter at all for this, it is game issue don' worry ;) also one advice if you have pc mode try that on full rgb settings from ps4, world of difference also zero bitton lag ;)

Hi and again thanks for taking time to reply.

So are you saying you see/have the issue I am seeing ? You are correct this dimming does also happen on PES 2015 Demo. So it is just the game then ?

Just surprised no one else has noticed it as it is quite annoying and noticeable during open play when the screen goes from shadow to light or bright to dark etc.

Thanks for advice my TV is always in 4:4:4 PC mode for all gaming for the reasons you state sharper true 1:1 pixel mapping and reduced input lag. The ONLY games I have ever had to take it out of PC mode for are .... you guessed it PES games/yearly demo. The reason being I can't artificially increase colour in PC mode as it is locked/greyed out to '50' default and PES looks soooooo de saturated with grey/light green lifeless pitch.

So I have to turn off PC mode and go to game mode and ramp the colour up just to get the turf to look a rich more natural green. Problem being then the kits like Bayern red become too rich and same for pink boots etc. they glow and bleed more than you would want for natural look.

You just can't get a happy medium with Konami on PES, they also seem to have charcoal blacks on kits and other game art but it has always been this way - even the PS2 games had de saturated colours when using in game editing tools. You could never get the right shade or vibranc until you edited a kit with PC tools.

Sorry for rambling on but I do feel Konami's image quality and calibration of colours is all over the place and always has been really, they even removed the RGB contrast option a few years back for no reason ??? That used to help boost/offset some of the colour issues. Every year I see people saying the pitch/turf is too dull or lifeless and yet it is never fixed (apart from PES 2011 - lovely green grass in that game and great night turf as well)

They should give us edit options to fix or alter it in game ourselves. Strangest thing is you go into replay and look at close up of turf and its perfect colour but when in gameplay zoomed out its lifeless and faded and vibrant look has gone - Konami need to realise grass is still very green even when 20-30 metres away from it! ;-)

Again, my apologies for long post, as always with Konami there are many things that you 'want to get off your chest' with them.
Thanks for your reply mate - yeah TV is all good in its setup, been a member at AV Forums for years and educated myself about the whole limited and full RGB issues and crushed blacks etc. years ago. This is not the issue on this occasion - It must be the game as I say it was happening on Vita screen also.

Hi and again thanks for taking time to reply.

So are you saying you see/have the issue I am seeing ? You are correct this dimming does also happen on PES 2015 Demo. So it is just the game then ?

Just surprised no one else has noticed it as it is quite annoying and noticeable during open play when the screen goes from shadow to light or bright to dark etc.

Thanks for advice my TV is always in 4:4:4 PC mode for all gaming for the reasons you state sharper true 1:1 pixel mapping and reduced input lag. The ONLY games I have ever had to take it out of PC mode for are .... you guessed it PES games/yearly demo. The reason being I can't artificially increase colour in PC mode as it is locked/greyed out to '50' default and PES looks soooooo de saturated with grey/light green lifeless pitch.

So I have to turn off PC mode and go to game mode and ramp the colour up just to get the turf to look a rich more natural green. Problem being then the kits like Bayern red become too rich and same for pink boots etc. they glow and bleed more than you would want for natural look.

You just can't get a happy medium with Konami on PES, they also seem to have charcoal blacks on kits and other game art but it has always been this way - even the PS2 games had de saturated colours when using in game editing tools. You could never get the right shade or vibranc until you edited a kit with PC tools.

Sorry for rambling on but I do feel Konami's image quality and calibration of colours is all over the place and always has been really, they even removed the RGB contrast option a few years back for no reason ??? That used to help boost/offset some of the colour issues. Every year I see people saying the pitch/turf is too dull or lifeless and yet it is never fixed (apart from PES 2011 - lovely green grass in that game and great night turf as well)

They should give us edit options to fix or alter it in game ourselves. Strangest thing is you go into replay and look at close up of turf and its perfect colour but when in gameplay zoomed out its lifeless and faded and vibrant look has gone - Konami need to realise grass is still very green even when 20-30 metres away from it! ;-)

Again, my apologies for long post, as always with Konami there are many things that you 'want to get off your chest' with them.

Noticed as well. Your TV is fine, it's bad programming I guess.
But I will try the mentioned PC mode on my TV to see if it improves respond times further.. Should work also on a Sony set, shouldn't it?
Not sure if you guys knew, but those "Combined Ability" stats (elusiveness, ball retention etc.)were not actual stats. They were calculated by a formula, according to the real stats (those which remain in pes2016 demo), just like the ovr rating. So I'm actually happy they removed those fake stats, as they were more confusing than helping.
I guess the guys at pesstatsdatabase were figuring the formulas out some time ago.

so 24 stats? okay we have special moves to make players unique but how can we talk about individuality if the game has less stats than FIFA? :O
Thanks for your reply mate - yeah TV is all good in its setup, been a member at AV Forums for years and educated myself about the whole limited and full RGB issues and crushed blacks etc. years ago. This is not the issue on this occasion - It must be the game as I say it was happening on Vita screen also

Hi and again thanks for taking time to reply.

So are you saying you see/have the issue I am seeing ? You are correct this dimming does also happen on PES 2015 Demo. So it is just the game then ?

Just surprised no one else has noticed it as it is quite annoying and noticeable during open play when the screen goes from shadow to light or bright to dark etc.

Thanks for advice my TV is always in 4:4:4 PC mode for all gaming for the reasons you state sharper true 1:1 pixel mapping and reduced input lag. The ONLY games I have ever had to take it out of PC mode for are .... you guessed it PES games/yearly demo. The reason being I can't artificially increase colour in PC mode as it is locked/greyed out to '50' default and PES looks soooooo de saturated with grey/light green lifeless pitch.

So I have to turn off PC mode and go to game mode and ramp the colour up just to get the turf to look a rich more natural green. Problem being then the kits like Bayern red become too rich and same for pink boots etc. they glow and bleed more than you would want for natural look.

You just can't get a happy medium with Konami on PES, they also seem to have charcoal blacks on kits and other game art but it has always been this way - even the PS2 games had de saturated colours when using in game editing tools. You could never get the right shade or vibranc until you edited a kit with PC tools.

Sorry for rambling on but I do feel Konami's image quality and calibration of colours is all over the place and always has been really, they even removed the RGB contrast option a few years back for no reason ??? That used to help boost/offset some of the colour issues. Every year I see people saying the pitch/turf is too dull or lifeless and yet it is never fixed (apart from PES 2011 - lovely green grass in that game and great night turf as well)

They should give us edit options to fix or alter it in game ourselves. Strangest thing is you go into replay and look at close up of turf and its perfect colour but when in gameplay zoomed out its lifeless and faded and vibrant look has gone - Konami need to realise grass is still very green even when 20-30 metres away from it! ;-)

Again, my apologies for long post, as always with Konami there are many things that you 'want to get off your chest' with them.

try to adjust tint out of pc mode and then set pc mode with the custom tint you made. I spent a lot of hours on this becouse i wanted to max out the tv i bought. you were right about colors, konami has screwed up with it in pes 2015, grass is not green and if you pop up the colours kits and boots look like you are in the middle of the carnival :D but with pes 2016 if you calibrated your tv for watching tv the colours in pes will look just right, also they removed grain from last years game which is good. don't forget to enable full rgb in ps4 settings if you use pc mode ;) cheers
So which players are your favorite(s) in this demo so far? Stand outs?


Douglas Costa
Yanga Mbiwa
This demo like last year has been setup to be easy and instantly playable.

Just like last year the full game will enhance the game and bring out some more realistic aspects. Hopefully the strategies will be solid at least.

I'm 100% sure the full game will be harder and more simulation than the demo.

do you really think they'll do something like you did with the formations in 2015?

btw with such high passing assitance R2+low pass lost its purpose, they gotta lower the passing assistance i can make out of this world passes on assist lvl1
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I'on holiday on a hilltop in Pardailhan near Beziers in Southern France and nowhere near a PlayStation, so i haven't got a clue about the demo.
I remember an interview with Adam Bhatti last year where he told that the demo of games are made by another team than the development team and that these people sometimes have the tendency to put something "personal" in a demo. So demo's aten't always representative for the retail version of games...don't want to rain on any parades...but somehow fielt the need to add his here...

If it troubles people...sorry.

about to tap into a Provencal rose in your honor gerd!
I translated this with google translate from German to English
sorry for any bad thing
Marvin: Can you tell us something about the editing on the PS4, where you can use the image import function?
Adam: For logos (team emblems), coach Photos, the jerseys and the leagues.
Marvin: Even with faces?
Adam: Yes. But in my opinion, we have greatly improved the mechanism for creating faces, there are better hairstyles, hairstyles or newer, and there's plenty of ways to edit things. I know that some different numbers [in Jersey data, images, etc., n. D. Red.] Have seen, but we have plenty of space because you need to you not to worry.
Noticed as well. Your TV is fine, it's bad programming I guess.
But I will try the mentioned PC mode on my TV to see if it improves respond times further.. Should work also on a Sony set, shouldn't it?

Thanks for confirming - I can at least try and ignore it now.

If you have something like a Sony W 6 & 7 model TV I believe it will enable the 4:4:4 PC mode with the Game mode and you will get true 1:1 pixel mapping and also still be able to boost colours if need be. These TV's by Sony are designed to bring the best out in PS4 and I will be getting a Sony TV next time.


Thanks I see we agree on the colour issue - clown colours at the circus indeed ;)

Yeah TV has been tint and white balance tweaked to push the most colour possible in PC mode but still looks bad with PES ONLY ... Arkham Knight, GTA, BF4 etc. all look great.

Its because normally in PC mode you would be able to boost or correct the colours up using Windows graphics options but that I'd not possible with PS4 so slightly less sharp Game Mode but with greener turf is the compromise for me with this current TV from Samsung.
I translated this with google translate from German to English
sorry for any bad thing
Marvin: Can you tell us something about the editing on the PS4, where you can use the image import function?
Adam: For logos (team emblems), coach Photos, the jerseys and the leagues.
Marvin: Even with faces?
Adam: Yes. But in my opinion, we have greatly improved the mechanism for creating faces, there are better hairstyles, hairstyles or newer, and there's plenty of ways to edit things. I know that some different numbers [in Jersey data, images, etc., n. D. Red.] Have seen, but we have plenty of space because you need to you not to worry.

Unfortunately google translate was bad..
Faces cannot be imported..
Nein is no..

Marvin: Bei Gesichtern auch?
Adam: Nein. Aber meiner Meinung nach haben wir den Mechanismus zum Erstellen von Gesichtern stark verbessert."
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