PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

I'm thinking of banning every PES section around here and go all FIFA instead :SMUG:

No, seriously, what the fuck is this shit? It's 2014 ffs.

It really sucks but no surprise since the game is online region locked since the first PS3 version... How long you don't play a PES version, Tom????
Uhm. Five years. Six? :OOOH:

Wow! So you're probably paying the price for having switched to fifa :P

Unfortunaly you will be stucked online and can only play against people with the US versions too... The problem is that most of them will be from NA or SA and the connection may not be good enough for a lagless game...
Wow! So you're probably paying the price for having switched to fifa :P

Unfortunaly you will be stucked online and can only play against people with the US versions too... The problem is that most of them will be from NA or SA and the connection may not be good enough for a lagless game...

Yeah, it's most probably going to be a shitfest online for me. Are there really no plans on their ends to change this? I totally forgot about those weird online room lobbies and thought they were a thing of the distant past. It's utterly ridiculous.
Apparently so, yeah. There are English, Spanish, French and Portuguese lobbies, but I suppose they're all based in America to cater the Canadian/Mexican/Brazilian/whatever part of the community.
So the angry Spanish speaker I played was actually Latin American then.

Lag wasn't even bad, probably better then any previous PES game Ive played against European opposition.

Still took a good 10 minutes to find a game tho.
I'm kinda baffled I'm not able to play peeps here in Europe/Germany only because I bought the US version digitally via PSN. It's so fucking stupid, I'm actually in a loss for words.

:))same here, but have now bought the Austrian version on disc now:CONF::CONF:
Anyone know of its possible to write on the front of shirts to add sponsors?

Also anyone had a crash when it keeps saying establishing communications?

1. No you can't.

2. Still didn't had problems with crashing but many people are reporting problems with the game connected to the servers. They fixed it keeping offline or without servers auto-log.
Yeah, it's most probably going to be a shitfest online for me. Are there really no plans on their ends to change this? I totally forgot about those weird online room lobbies and thought they were a thing of the distant past. It's utterly ridiculous.

When Manorito Hosoda came to Chile to present the game in October and I was lucky enough to interview, I asked about that and was clear in telling me that for now there are no plans to change the region lock online.

But be positive, you can play with Honome :)
When Manorito Hosoda came to Chile to present the game in October and I was lucky enough to interview, I asked about that and was clear in telling me that for now there are no plans to change the region lock online.

But be positive, you can play with Honome :)

No way! Don't wanna get a ban for kicking Tom's ass online!! :SMUG:
To be fair its only 2 hours but so far...


Great AI - pings the ball around nicely

No fouls- i could of had a bout 4 freekicks but ref always plays advantage even when i dont want it or there is none
Keepers glued to line on one on ones..nearly always leads to a goal
Decent players can run diagonally through defence - i did it with di maria unchallenged from half way line
kits, team names, nets just kill the experience for me from a immersion pov (saying that i should of know what it would be like)

maybe with my career and work life balance i need a footy game that i can just pick up and enjoy as i dont have hours to invest anymore like the old ISS days.
Really like when players hold the ball up and use their body to protect the ball from defenders, but is this just automatic or is there a way I can initiate it myself (like FIfA's protect the ball feature)?
I'm kinda baffled I'm not able to play peeps here in Europe/Germany only because I bought the US version digitally via PSN. It's so fucking stupid, I'm actually in a loss for words.

Tom playing PES ? I'm lost for words :CONFUSE:

Either I've been away too long, or gone back 5 years in time....

But yeah, it's bullshit about the whole region lock rubbish :(
hahah oh wow. Is this true, I'm in the same boat Tom.

Easily the worst $60 I've ever spent.

I've seen people selling their PSN log ins on eBay, so others can download the digital version for £18. Then the seller changes his passwords and sells again and again. They are even offering bundles of PS4 games this way. I can't believe Sony haven't put a stop to this.
Where's the Jimmy G-Force review??

I've only had the game 1 hour bud, but some of the new things I've seen from the Demo is about 4 pages back.

I'd be here all day writing everything I love about this game. And I'd given up all hope after PES 14 tbh.

Hope you're keeping well MJ ;)
Agree with that assessment. The tactical depth is superb, the seperation between attacking and defensive phases of play is a really nice touch.

I'll give it a go tomorrow, hopefully the pace makes for a decent online game.

It's just a shame as dribbling is the aspect PES nailed back in the day. People on here always waxed lyrically about inertia/momentum, but I don't see any of that this year.

No inertia/momentum ? Really ? I'm gobsmacked Dan. :CONFUSE:

Sprint then R2 stop is very effective. As is R2 sidestep then double tap sprint. Draw the lead, then burst away.

Dribbling is so more advanced than anything we've seen before.

Also, I love the new fake shot, fake pass, Square then X, or Circle then X. You have to be body directional relevant, but it's so much smoother and natural than before, and with all new animations.

I will have to start making some videos, nothing beats visual evidence.
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