PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread


PES 3 was so solid

Clearly remember the day I got it. And how i felt when I first played it.

Aah the good life before we became poisoned by the world wide web.

I will also never forget how dissappointed I was with pes 1 and 2 after playing winning eleven 4 I expected this huge jump and there just wasnt.

Funny we regard The great PES 3 so highly after so many iterations of really puts things into perspective.

That's not a good look for KONAMI and us as PES fans.
:PRAY: for PES 2015
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Of course, why rock the boat with the huge fanbase? I have no faith that FIFA will become a purist's game any time soon. Why would it?

To avoid another PES takes over the football market. They know that by experience, either evolve or stay behind.
Not saying FIFA will be better or whatever, but they are showing interesting ideas and improvements.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Played a couple hours of PES2014 earlier, it was fun, frustrating at times and then it was just plain boring.

But then I typed "FIFA14 gameplay" on youtube, and it remind me of all the things I hate about that game. I can't play a game where you can run for 20 yards practically unchallenged, go back, get surrounded by 4 or 5 players but somehow manage to get out... with Flamini ffs !!! I can't believe, especially in a World Cup year, that people think FIFA is the best game to recreate all the variety of a football match.

Speed is unrealistic in FIFA
Game flow is unrealistic in FIFA
Player movements especially close turns are disgusting in FIFA.
Individuality is too pronounced in FIFA.
Body model, running, and loads of stuff are unrealistic in FIFA.

So Konami better get it right this year, I can' take it anymore...
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

To avoid another PES takes over the football market. They know that by experience, either evolve or stay behind.
Not saying FIFA will be better or whatever, but they are showing interesting ideas and improvements.

They don't need to. Even when FIFA was comprehensively behind PES in gameplay, it still outsold it every year (with the exception of PES5 I think).

FIFA has the licences and it has a strong online component. That's all that matters to many.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Played a couple hours of PES2014 earlier, it was fun, frustrating at times and then it was just plain boring.

But then I typed "FIFA14 gameplay" on youtube, and it remind me of all the things I hate about that game. I can't play a game where you can run for 20 yards practically unchallenged, go back, get surrounded by 4 or 5 players but somehow manage to get out... with Flamini ffs !!! I can't believe, especially in a World Cup year, that people think FIFA is the best game to recreate all the variety of a football match.

Speed is unrealistic in FIFA
Game flow is unrealistic in FIFA
Player movements especially close turns are disgusting in FIFA.
Individuality is too pronounced in FIFA.
Body model, running, and loads of stuff are unrealistic in FIFA.

So Konami better get it right this year, I can' take it anymore...

Thank you, just as it is and not otherwise.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

They don't need to. Even when FIFA was comprehensively behind PES in gameplay, it still outsold it every year (with the exception of PES5 I think).

FIFA has the licences and it has a strong online component. That's all that matters to many.

If FIFA didn't get their shit together in the previous generation, at this moment we would have a 2K/Live situation with PES having all the licenses and FIFA trying to get some.
The difference is that NBA 2K took the ball and ran with it, PES went backwards.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

If FIFA didn't get their shit together in the previous generation, at this moment we would have a 2K/Live situation with PES having all the licenses and FIFA trying to get some.
The difference is that NBA 2K took the ball and ran with it, PES went backwards.

The NBA does not allow exclusivity of their 2K and Live has the license.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The NBA does not allow exclusivity of their 2K and Live has the license.

Which is great as it allows rival franchises to compete on merit. In the case of 2K vs Live, the former pushed the boundaries and the latter was incredibly shit and paid the price.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

If PES 3-6 had the EPL license I reckon we wouldn't have the problems we have today, which were caused by Konami lack of investment when the franchise start to struggle with an outdated engine.
Locked licenses only makes companies deliver the same shit year in and year out. Madden, anyone?
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Pes is terrific, Why? Because, according to some statements as a Pes 5 or 6 teams up play and I find that amazing, arcade or not it's video game and not a real 90 minutes of football. It should be fun and with a proper simulation, it does not work, why? Because it's a video game. :)
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

If PES 3-6 had the EPL license I reckon we would've the problems we have today, which were caused by Konami lack of investment when the franchise start to struggle with an outdated engine.
Locked licenses only makes companies deliver the same shit year in and year out. Madden, anyone?

Locked licenses together with progressive Sales makes companies deliver the same shit year in and year out,FIFA

Konami's problem is that the try to design PES as simple as possible. I don't know if its their intentions or because of man power,lack there of...but whichever it is it's not helping the franchise progress.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Should license exclusivity be illegal?

I'm not sure that could ever happen. A licence-holder can sell their rights to one party or numerous parties, it's their decision and I don't see how they can be told to do otherwise.

Morally I think exclusive licensing is damaging to the video games industry. It stifles competition and creates monopolies. If there was a case against exclusive licensing deals in the gaming sector it could be considered an anti-competition business practice.

Exclusive licensing deals are obviously financially lucrative to the rights holder but in other respects they are actually quite dumb and short-sighted. I would say getting your product exposure in multiple games is better than one.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Unless you are contempt with the ludicrous amount of money it gets you to go exclusive

I hear it's quite a sum and if EA lose that exclusivity they would run into a huge loss because the amount they pay on licenses and development versus their sale it isn't big profit margins.

Can't remember where I read it though and is all hearsay.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

There's a case to be made in terms of anti-competition law. However, it only could be made if the competition could actually compete, e.g., offer the same money and conditions, etc.

Don't know why Konami never took a shot at that. It would be a game changer.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Unless you are contempt with the ludicrous amount of money it gets you to go exclusive

I hear it's quite a sum and if EA lose that exclusivity they would run into a huge loss because the amount they pay on licenses and development versus their sale it isn't big profit margins.

Can't remember where I read it though and is all hearsay.

For argument's sake though, if the Premier League got the same sum of money for their licence, split down the middle between EA and Konami, yet they get exposure in two games, particularly PES which is more popular in the very Asian market the PL is always trying to attract....isn't that a win-win for the PL?
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

For argument's sake though, if the Premier League got the same sum of money for their licence, split down the middle between EA and Konami, yet they get exposure in two games, particularly PES which is more popular in the very Asian market the PL is always trying to attract....isn't that a win-win for the PL?

Sure, but that does not work in the real world. Not only would EA up the ante as much as possible and pay an unreasonable amount for exclusivity, Konami would not even pay as much as EA currently pays to have it.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The trued is that the best marketing and managing clubs in the world (Man U and Bayern) are on PES, for about 10 years (or something), despite the leagues that they are in aren't licensed in the game.
The more exposure that you have the better, even if the (direct) money coming for a license is shorter.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The more exposure that you have the better, even if the (direct) money coming for a license is shorter.

Yes, that's the point I was trying to make in a nutshell.

I understand that EA are unlikely to ever relent on the Premier League licence. They will pay pretty much whatever it takes to keep it exclusive and shut out competition. We know that, even when FIFA was a terrible game, it used to outsell PES because it had all the real names, and if you're going to go all-out on licence, the EPL is it.

But as I said, the Premier League is missing a trick by not granting its licence to a game that sells millions of copies in Asia. FIFA isn't so dominant in that market.

But there you go. Short-term financial gain wins out over potential long-term gain through brand exposure to a huge, burgeoning market in Asia.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

We all know that licensing gets people to buy the game even more. so yeah they are important. EA is probably paying big money for it.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Since we have heard nothing in regards to the botched trailer from the 25th. It leaves me to think that there have been some bad communication problems within Konami regarding when the game will be ready for promotion.

The code used and what has been developed for E3 seems to be a 'gameplay only' code which has deliberately removed any gloss, bells whistles and all. I'm also thinking this is a 'dual console code' in that the gameplay shown there will be the heart of both the PS3 and PS4 version. I'm thinking that the PS3 version will play exactly the same as PES 2014 with PES 2015 gameplay with the PS4 version looking a lot different and much more advanced to the ps3.

Linking this point in with the trailer, i don't think the PS4 version with all the weather effects and graphical enhancements was ready to be used properly in a serious trailer, the teaser released earlier in June looked slick and professional, it seems konami only want to use that when the game is at a near finished state. All they where left with was to do a total shit, quick, 5 minute job, using a super early code.

Seems as if the strategy is to build the gameplay to use all the power of the PS3, then port it to the PS4 with lots of bells and whistles and all. This makes sense in that last year they announced late that rain will not be included in PES 2014 so it's clear they have been working on graphical elements like this and have looked to integrate them for the PS4 version and not bothered to dither around with trying to squeeze in into the PS3

I overreacted in saying PES may be dying, but it's still a piss poor trailer and a piss poor effort by Konami there, sort it out guys!

Going on to FIFA as spoken by a few here here, FIFA have shown so much in their trailers, the game looks ready to be released now and leaves me thinking it will be again the same old shit with better graphics and animations, the trailers where great, the gameplay videos just looked like fifa 13/14. This is the exact mistake Konami made for PES 2008, not changing enough.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

We all know that licensing gets people to buy the game even more. so yeah they are important. EA is probably paying big money for it.

I imagine so. Konami can't compete in that arena for several reasons (finances, unavailable licenses etc...) but I bet their profit margin isn't that much less than EA's after all is said and done. Konami should focus on gameplay and making the editing mode as intuitive and expansive as possible. Those two elements were always been Konami's ace in the hole, especially during the "glory" years.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I'd love Konami to incorporate the j league into the western versions of this years game..I know it's not the ip so factor for all..but I've always had a real love for that league..I've never really understand there reasoning for its exclusion..the South American bases are covered and its a great asset for a game already stifled on the licensing front.

For the true die-hard like myself and others,gameplay is naturally always king and pre ps2 it's something most of never even gave a second thought.

Some real thought provoking stuff,the last page or so,and I'm sure I speak for most when I say if the player individuality is really there across the board and a vast array of stadia and content,licensing will be the last of are concerns...although I'm not underestimating its importance in the sporting genre.

The CL is still a major draw,its just a shame the gameplay hasn't yet matched its billing or has the great wealth of history and players of that competition really been exploited.

So many great things already in place that could be taken to another level with a really solid game.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I think Adam should be very worried about you. You sound way off centre. He works for a company and has an opinion, it differs a lot from many of ours but to post pictures of him with pigs shouldn't be excepted in here and you should leave it out now. Most of us have had a dig at him but have been told not to take it too far. You must stop now it's all gone on a bit too long and it's boring.:YAWN:

Adam don´t know me, and i don´t have any account on facebook, twitter and all that shit things... because i hate it.
I'm a normal costumer like you, and i have the right decision to do, who is right and wrong...
Adam if tell us pes 2014 have a good condition he need to use glasses, because other people complain the game and they tell to him is bad!
So is still ignore the users on twitter and banned users and etc...
If this game had bugs we can see and for him he don´t, that means is only play on PS3, and not test on a PC Computer...
PC Computer is the programmer of all this, all videogame consoles are made it on a PC.
The computer have all the power to conquer the consoles, i don´t know how stupid people like that don´t see a tiny bug in secounds!
Who dares to tell us is the best game on earth? No one!
KONAMI choose a normal employee to do is job, and i only know is face when PES 2014 came in to this.
Seabass was better making soccer games, people still love to play PES 2013, and you are seeing someone cares about this last game? No one. Because konami try to change that anger before about that stupid pes 2013 demo was hacked by someone.

Do you see when we recieve the PC Demo?
31 October 2013...
After i buy the game! I'm sorry, no sence at all! And that was a start all over my anger... :OT:

I'm so sorry superleeds1 that is the last drop i will post about Adam.
I'm tired to speak about him.
Please stop talking about him, okay? :BYE:
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Some real thought provoking stuff,the last page or so,and I'm sure I speak for most when I say if the player individuality is really there across the board and a vast array of stadia and content,licensing will be the last of are concerns...although I'm not underestimating its importance in the sporting genre.

I'm really hoping the stadia count significantly increases. I'm a bit of a stadium freak and love the authenticity you get from playing in the correct stadia. I was gutted when the stadia list was slashed in half with PES2014.

The last couple of years have been frustrating. PES2013 announced that all 20 La Liga stadia would be present. Fantastic, I thought! League mode will be awesome! Then just before release Konami drop the bombshell that league mode is gone.

Last year....league mode is back! Now I can enjoy playing full La Liga seasons.....Nope. All Spanish stadia are gone.

For fuck's sake. :FAIL:

Anyway, the problem with 2014 is most of the stadia are of a similar type i.e. modern bowl design. There is very little variety and no small stadia for smaller clubs. I hope this changes, or at least Konami makes the game more modder friendly with unlimited stadium slots on the PC.

Actually, make that unlimited editing slots for everything.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The author says: "Whereas FIFA is further blurring the lines between gaming and reality, with evolving pitches and enhanced player emotions, PES still feels more of an arcade offering."

Thanks for the life of me I didnt see this.

Well as I mentioned before that article was purely based set against fifa, so I am not surprised a statement may come like that. A game that caters (panders) for mass audience (and young) with manual control pushed to the background for modes and online, with staff even mentioning not being able to make the game they really want (Fifa member talking to pesutd) to say the other game "blurres the lines to reality" is comical in many ways.

Sumulation is about freedom and the overall control to play out and see speed/anim/visual what you see on a TV and Im sorry but after 3 years of the other game and just 9 month of 2014 (let alone 15) I pretty much worked out which one is trying to simulate a match and which one is a game that you have to work hard to get to simulate, regardless of eye candy.

Anyway getting back to the game in hand, jinking runs etc will be much welcomed indeed.

I'm really hoping the stadia count significantly increases.

I would welcome that for sure, also the mention of more slots even if its just for modding.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

More News!

Please use the translator.

Brazillian Serie B coming to PES 2015. Confimed only on GamesCom. (maybe)
Bad and Strong Weather is coming...

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