PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Let's not make Adam a victim either. Even if he does indeed have no real power over Konami's decisions, he constantly makes promises he can't back up.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Siting individuals out and making them the scapegoat for some poor marketing decisions does seem a little dark.

I buy pes every year and will continue to give the Japanese dev co my support this year and well into the next.

Why..because despite all the shortcomings and failings,there has been progress and they still have the potential to produce a barn stormer of a game.

Those times sitting at work thinking about the plays I would create once home,and finding that unknown or generic player that just had that little something that made him shine.

We may well be surprised next week,and despite not being the huge technical advancement we all expect there may well be enough there and some great rebirths of forgotten ideas that freshen this years experience.

As some have already mentioned pes14 has progressed via patches this year and if your willing to not focus on it shortcomings and take it for what it is,enjoyment can be obtained.

Let's hope we get some nice videos of pes15 refinements and a bit more evidence there on track and the two year cycle that started with pes14 is more near completion.

I still prefer the more organic look of pes and it's art style and when it's at it's best it's unrivalled.

Konami should level with us,show us what they've got,being alot more transparent about the future and a early demo would go along way.

If they nail the gameplay,it will certainly appease there fanbase and provide a descent spring board for future titles...I think that's what we all really want.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

despite all the shortcomings and failings,there has been progress and they still have the potential to produce a barn stormer of a game.

My feelings exactly. I haven't forgotten the magic they produced with PES 3-6 and there are glimpses of it here an there in the recent PES games.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

He's no victim by a long shot. He probably can't believe he's got the job, but panda boy takes it too far.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Some do have a axe to grind and I understand why..he treated some pretty badly especially Anderson and for all his contempt of the community and his own personel gain ie getting early development code before his employment at Konami pr Europe..but that's all he is a marketing mouthpiece he's not one of the developers.

I dont think the job he's doing of a slow trickle is paying off,or particularly smart.

Konami need a more aggressive broad marketing style that shouts loudly with content not words.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Remember the PES 2011 trailer showing the return of Lionel Messi?


Maybe the planned trailer was a similar thing featuring Luis Suarez,Who correct me if I'm wrong,looked like he was going to be the cover star for pes2015...If you were Konami would you want to show a trailer of your next release with a player whose been BANNED until october?

...That,between on-pitch snacks,he plays for Liverpool is beside the point.

My thoughts exactly. Yesterday when I read someone Tweeted about Konami removing the Trailer, the first thing I thought was "what a coincidence..." I think they killed two birds with one stone: "Shut up the mass" and "Silently fade out Suarez".

I think probably some German player will be Konami's new star. It's either Götze or Müller, I'm pretty sure about that.

On another note, stop pointing Adam out. You're just shooting the messenger, and he gets payed to do his job. I too would give thanks a praises to Konami and defend PES with my heart and soul if I got payed to do it. Blame it on Seabass for some 3 terrible years, and Kei Masuda for the lastest one and probably two (including PES 2015).
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

My thoughts exactly. Yesterday when I read someone Tweeted about Konami removing the Trailer, the first thing I thought was "what a coincidence..." I think they killed two birds with one stone: "Shut up the mass" and "Silently fade out Suarez".

I think probably some German player will be Konami's new star. It's either Götze or Müller, I'm pretty sure about that.

Sorry, but why there has to be a specific footballer on the cover? There has to be something related to a specific player to release the game? This is one of the thing most annoying for me.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry, but why there has to be a specific footballer on the cover? There has to be something related to a specific player to release the game? This is one of the thing most annoying for me.

There doesn't have to be. There wasn't last year, nor during the years when PES was at its best.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry, but why there has to be a specific footballer on the cover? There has to be something related to a specific player to release the game? This is one of the thing most annoying for me.

No, not necessarily. Last year's cover is the best example.

However, Konami and EA both usually pick one player as their star for the year and also for the motion capture. It's both a marketing move and a way to add some signature moves to the game. That's why I think this year might be Götze or Müller.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Luis Suarez was main man in Fifa15 teaser, so i don't think that's the case. They just made shitty trailer and removed it, because it was shitty.
That's all :]
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry for the off-topic…

"By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup."

“Each team is fully autonomous in all RoboCup leagues. Once the game starts, the only input from any human is from the referee.”

RoboCup – Wiki:

Over 400 teams from all over the world are working on this?!
It kind of makes you wonder if KONAMI (or EA)… Nah…
I’m not even going to start…

So, 3rd July, eh? We’ll see.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

No, not necessarily. Last year's cover is the best example.

However, Konami and EA both usually pick one player as their star for the year and also for the motion capture. It's both a marketing move and a way to add some signature moves to the game. That's why I think this year might be Götze or Müller.

Best cover ever


It scared you into buying it
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Actually this year there is so much negativity about PES 2015, that I feel pretty confident it will turn out to be good. :))
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Dude. What is this now?

Pes thread here. That isnt even football related

The Fox Engine is mote than capable of producing a great game.

Yeah, in the right hands it is, but... This was done on mobile platform (smartphones/phablets/tablets).

Anyway here is new contol layup for PES 2015:


Looks interesting.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Don't know why you keep posting these off-topic stuff info0... we all knew PES 2015 reveal trailer was crap, so that they removed it. Beside it was an unfair comparison to begin with since Unreal Engine 4 project is bankrolled by bigwigs of the industry. Whilst PES/WE are no longer Konami's top priority, it's only here to served the niche (but still profitable) crowd.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Don't know why you keep posting these off-topic stuff info0... we all knew PES 2015 reveal trailer was crap, so that they removed it. Beside it was an unfair comparison to begin with since Unreal Engine 4 project is bankrolled by bigwigs of the industry. Whilst PES/WE are no longer Konami's top priority, it's only here to served the niche (but still profitable) crowd.

Better check the new controls. They look really easy to grasp. One of few positives thus far for PES 2015.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Just listen to the pes united podcast. It's cool that Konami is building off PES 2014 instead of destroying the solid foundations that the game had, especially movements and space position. But they still felt that defending and goalkeeping were poorer. Let's hope that improve on that, because otherwise he will have the same history of last years, when they had an amazing offensive gameplay pre-release, but had to tune it down at release in order to the game to be balanced.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

So is this Suarez rumor true? that the reason they came with a half-arsed trailer? was Suarez supossed to be in the official trailer?

Go get James Rodriguez....NOW!!!

Amazing player, he should be cover boy.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Read about the jinking run in this preview of PES 2015:

It describes PES 2015 as an arcade offer and Fifa 15 as a simulation.

On a more positive note, the game’s new ‘jinking run’ control is the true star of the show. A simple addition which adds control and finesse to the game, we found this more precise ball control brought a new dimension to our play.

No longer just about punting the ball up field, playing pass-and-move football or simply trying to sprint past an opponent, the jinking run controls allowed us to keep the ball close to our body, make tight turns under pressure and round defenders with a combination of skill and agility.

Using the jinking run does slow general gameplay down, making you more vulnerable to tackles, but timed well it can help open up new avenues and spaces in which to push play. This is a feature which will help evolve your play the more you use it. A novel addition at first, even after just a handful of matches we found ourselves starting to incorporate the new control into elements of our attacking play to good effect.

It does seem we will be able to dribble like Messi with Messi finally! ;) That's a plus for me too :P.
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