PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread


I am sure you another that was banned previously

I am all for criticism but theres criticism and there is flat out trolling

LOL at your "fifa hating is short sighted" comment. It kinda plays back to what I said previously. I played, owned sold and didnt like Fifa and its not the yardstick for football gaming

love my quote at the top..whatever...and really...youve played fifa14 next gen with a skilled manual player and can genuinely say its not a great benchmark interms of fluidity,animation,presentation,control,physics..and that konami shouldnt be aiming for that level of finish and execution on a piece of modern hardware that has been on the market for less then a year.

When did i not express my love of pes or my concerns,and i openly talked up pes ps2,its forebears and some of the good that does exist in both pes13 and 14.

You strike me as someone whos on the payroll,so blinkered by your blind love that your unable to see the wood through the trees or be gentlemen enough to acknowledge the good work of a company that atleast is trying to push the envelope and provide something more akin to what the hardware of today can produce...fifa14 nextgen..and i stress next gen,is the first fifa ive played where i can play manual against a assisted player and have a edge..moving the ball,using the space and picking them off at will..something i used to be able to do on pes on the ps2 before konami lost the essence of what made the pes series so great.

Im no fifa devote,just a footie fan that expects more in 2014 then i was getting on my ps1 back in the mid ninties,and to be fair for the last few years we havent even been getting that.

What happened to freedom of expression,or are you a facist nazi jumping on anyone that even mentions something that causes you so much hatred.

Fifa lacks soul,no doubt but on a purely technical level its superior to anything that came before it..and again im talking fifa14 next gen...any coder or industry insider would laugh you out of the room for saying otherwise...
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

You really shouldn't. Konami are a large multinational company, not the plucky underdog we (or they) like to view them as. Sure, compared to EA they may be small, but isn't everybody?

PES has provided Konami with a huge revenue stream for well over a decade, yet, they haven't sufficiently reinvested in the series, nor have lessons been learned.

I respect Konami for what they achieved in the PS2 era, but feel sorry for them I do not.

I don't see Konami treating Metal Gear Solid V like this. When they promise something big for that series... shit happens.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I just want good, polished game, so I don’t have to pretend that everything is a OK.
Then, I plan to start a blog, YouTube channel and FB page so I can share happy vibes all over the net and earn some money in the process.
Now, what name should I choose for my epic blog?
All good names are taken. I should probably choose the most stupid name out there like Pestinator or something… Yes, that sounds OK.

I can’t believe it! It’s already taken! :SHOCK:
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread


and its you that needs to develope your manual skills and learn to play a football game again..pes on the ps3 and xbox 360 has obviously been holding your hand to long...yes the foot plantings great as is the weight of the players but its not the most complex game anymore and its very simple to play.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

:SHOCK: This is the worst first presentation of the game ... ever ... just anything to say on address of Konami will be slightly

Agreed. Who knew that "gameplay trailer on June 25" meant that the trailer would ONLY be available on the 25th, then promptly removed.

Konami should be embarrassed. They need to make some HUGE announcements on the 3rd and show everything, actual gameplay, menus, physics, etc.

If they blunder the July 3 announcement as well, nobody is going to pay attention anymore.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I have a feeling I’m going to be banned for good this time…
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Zeemeister strikes one as passive aggressive as seen in his exchanges with Info. What is causing that?
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

But its good that they removed that teaser of the teaser. Maybe Konami understand they make mistake to upload armeteur video. Just need show to Pes fans what they got in Pes 2015, no useless teaser of teaser of teasers:D
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Won't find a more objective or passionate forum on the web...and when did I say I was Leaving.mis-communication via a iPhone me thinks!

Anyway I'm glad that's clear,and I won't be accused of trolling.

Not hear to engage in verbal warfare,just objectivity and truth.

I thought the days of the zealots was long gone,and folks had matured and see the merits of both games.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Zeemeister strikes one as passive aggressive as seen in his exchanges with Info. What is causing that?

Yeah, they hate each other’s guts.
The problem is Banksy is not Info. I think it’s klashman…
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Konami, this is embarrassing.

That is all I can say, such a shame.

This might even be theend of an era, which means we will be only playing FIFA.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I guess I was wrong.
Sorry klash.

weird how i came in right at that moment. :LOL:

That trailer was awful, its as if it was rushed together and made in a hour or so.

I think PES team are having severe issues understanding the new technology, this game needs to postponed. Maybe even cancelled until further notice.

I think this could be it for PES guys...
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

No way klashman is legend.

This Banksy guy is defo a comeback though. Maybe ole expander? Only he would claim his autocorrect on his iPhone said goodbye on his behalf.

There has been so many over the years and they always join pre launch. Just to voice their disapproval of Konami claiming to have been life long fans and have freedom to express their view on a game the gave up on 2008 already and they so happy with Fifa blah blah blah. Question begs if they so happy with it why are they here?

That would be like me joining a GTA forum claiming to have loved vice city and San Andreas and warning people away from Gta5 because Watchdogs is better. It just doesnt make any sense

Hate is a strong word. I couldnt hate someone for a videogame.
What i do hate is parade pissers and people who have no intention other than to wind people up. Unfortunately such is the way of the world wide Web.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Shittiest company at marketing, ever.

Changing subject, as the franchise is declining in sales every year, what solution Konami would have to compete against the FIFA behemoth?

- Keep releasing annual installments at €50 with a damaged branding, plus short and not-enough development time?

- Or make a full switch to a free-to-play business model, with a new branding, with continuous updates (no more annual releases) and a decent communication between developers and userbase?

I honestly think EA will make FIFA a free-to-play game soon (at least FUT). so if Konami doesn't react soon enough, they will also lose that opportunity.
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