PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Jesus Navas,
Am I the only one who had noticed that comment about “weather conditions will have affect on ball physics”?

I think this is huge (if it works) .
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread


Seriously, this thread is a joke and some of the people here should search for medical treatment.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

That was embarrasing.

The fluidity of the movement is awful, the goalie dive is worse and the ball hitting the net.

All clunky bullshit. This is supposed to excite and showcase!

The July announcement better be that this announcement was a joke
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Five years ago seems like an eternity when I was so enamored by what PES10 on 360 made me feel the goals I scored the contextual first touches the Master League and BAP game mode.

Everything was so fresh and new that I went out and bought PES5 and dusted off my PS2 to play it,straight up just paying homage. Then through the dark arts two years ago getting my hands on PES6 for PC and being so blown away that I bought a new PC for the arrival of PES14.

However after playing both PES14 and FIFA14 extensively for the last year I can definitively say that the thrill is gone.

I am sure we have all heard the old line that goes

:You show me the most beautiful women on the planet and I will also show you the guy that is tired of shagging her:

I would rather watch the real games than to play the virtual version, and its not because I am getting old both franchises seem to not care anymore.

Anyway enough of the melancholy can not wait to preorder.(hehe)
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

haha, every year it is the same thing. Fans come, moan and bitch, say Konami is done, they are done with the series, the games, go crazy over waiting for a trailer, go crazy when there is a trailer, go crazy when they see PES.

Yet, they come back the next year and the cycle repeats. Either you are just here to troll PES, or there is something in the game that draws you back regardless...

For me personally, I'm fine with the trailer, shows some game play, and I never expect much from a trailer. Its a game, until I actually play it, I won't think of much of anything about it. Simple as that.

But please do keep on as it is so much fun reading all these reactions
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

haha, every year it is the same thing. Fans come, moan and bitch, say Konami is done, they are done with the series, the games, go crazy over waiting for a trailer, go crazy when there is a trailer, go crazy when they see PES.

Yet, they come back the next year and the cycle repeats. Either you are just here to troll PES, or there is something in the game that draws you back regardless...

For me personally, I'm fine with the trailer, shows some game play, and I never expect much from a trailer. Its a game, until I actually play it, I won't think of much of anything about it. Simple as that.

But please do keep on as it is so much fun reading all these reactions

Hold on a minute. This was not a "usual" year, this was THE year. Konami had the opportunity to come back, but PES 2015 is just an improvement over 2014 and that sums it up, this game needed to be more than an improvement to ever compete with the arcade-mess which is called FIFA.:RANT:
In my opinion, this year will be the death of PES, as we know it, if they don't make the comeback this year, they never will, I'm tired of always waiting "the next year". :FAIL:
PES 2013 was decent to be honest, but if they will make a new PES 2013 I think that will be a wonder. :(
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

There is no such thing as death of some game.
Especially a game that is coming out every season.
They will try every year, so eventually they will succeed.
And i can bet that they fuked up something and that video was made yesterday, so i can bet that final product fill be fine (more or less :) ).
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

And thats why i think that Konami PR sector for PES must resign from a job, because they have no commercial, no collr relationship with gamers, does not respect anything that community does for them because they have no licence...
They are paying them for nothing!
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Marketing move.:))

Nah... It's stupid move. Marketing should be smart. It's better to show nothing in this moment and wait only for Gamescom than show 30 second of shit. What a amateurish peaople work in Konami. It's simple, if you don't have nothing special to show don't do it.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry such a terrible and monotonous football, how can you have on something fun.
Because it's effective.
To the point that it's not just effective, it's blatantly overpowered. And people just want to win no-matter-what (look at KSI's style of play for example: kick-off glitches, LB+Y passes, sweaty goals all over the place)...

LB+Y passes were overpowered in FIFA11 (PC), were toned down to a reasonable effectiveness in FIFA12 then became again unstoppable in FIFA13 and in FIFA14 (despite EA swearing they would fix them with a patch).

In FIFA14 you can play pretty and actual football, but it's just worthless online: when you try to play possession football with short passes around the pitch and your opponent rushes at you with 2 men while covering every single pass option with other men (because a custom tactic allows him to do so), you know you're going to lose. And you feel there's something wrong.
On a different note, that's why I can't progress further than 5th division in FUT online: because when I first hit Div.5 I started to find less "good players" and more "cynical abusers" (who score from kick-off glitch, who use LB+Y even to pass the ball in the midfield, who exploit custom set pieces). Yet I'm glad I made it into Div.5 playing properly and this is all that matters to me (because when you beat one of them, it's extremely rewarding).

But this is NOT the "Waiting for FIFA15" discussion so let's keep discussions regarding FIFA elsewhere plkease.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Another useless Trailer.
They should better shut up, save effort, money and ressources and focus on the final game.
I will not judge if pes 2015 will be a good game, it is impossible by those few seconds.
And i personally give a fuck about new Features revealed in a week. Important is on the pitch. If it will the same crap as last year and / or the years before i am finally done with this series. I am playing pes Since more than 15 years, but i am disappointed since the start of ps3 aera.

Last year it was the first time i sold a current pes version after a few weeks.
This time i will test final Version before buying crap again.

I would switch to fifa, if it would be good, but it was also awful.
I have a bad feeling i will have to stop playing football games due to the lack of good games....
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The nets still look like cages in that nano second when the ball hits the net..

Roll on July 3rd cos there was nothing to see in that vid. Im trying to be positive but Konami have ruined that with the last 6 releases.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Jesus Navas,
Am I the only one who had noticed that comment about “weather conditions will have affect on ball physics”?

I think this is huge (if it works) .

It just shows how idiotic Konami PR is, if they have cool weather effects why show the same shitty sunny day match we've been forced to play constantly in PES2014. Surely the Pogba headed goal from the trailer would of gotten pes fans hyped if it was a slo-mo diving header in the rain were he slides through on his chest flicking up water spray after he lands a la Klinsmann.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

It does seem like Konami weren't ready to showcase the game yesterday and have bought themselves a week to prepare something more substantial.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

I was watching trailer over and over. Its shows nothing. No features absolutely nothing. What i can see is same zombie defenders.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

People overracting on the trailer. You could only expect to see some little flashes. It's basically to showcase the visuals and graphics.

What I find amazing is that we've any information on the features. Not even only on an article, without video or photos. I would love to see what they've done new. How improve is it when compared to 2014.

FIFA showcase a lot at E3. PES did not give us the slight info on what is about.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

it's because PES 2015 is more special than FIFA 15.
please remember, something that covered more inviting attention.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Snow and weather effects having a bearing on the behaviour of the ball,you can back as far as 1999 and see these assets in a Konami footie title as well as thunder storms and lightning..I even remember on the ps2 puddles and splashes off the turf.

The sought of attention to detail that existed on very primitive hardware.

We should be seeing pitch degradation by now,a true stamina system and bullet proof ai and awareness.

So much from the past to draw on and again the crux of the problem...stripping assets and lacking direction.

It's almost like they filed the secrets in a draw somewhere and it was thrown out In a office move...they've been scratching there heads since trying to work out what they did...
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Just on a complete speculative random note.

Remember a few pages back when we saw Suarez in a deal with PES Manager and it sparked debate on rather Suarez would be the cover boy of PES2015? And then after the "incident that never happened" against Italy, did Konami have to quickly pull the plug and make a new video on a day's notice just so it won't be placed in the middle of unwanted media/pr stuff?

I don't believe this is true, but this idea just came into my head and I'm writing it here...hahaha. But enough excuses, it was just a trailer anywayz.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Just wondering how much of a difference the game would play on Ps4 compared to PS3. I don't think I'd buy a ps4 just to play the new version.

There's a lot of overreaction to the trailer. .. .we all know what Konami are like so it wasn't unexpected.

As regards the reviews. .. . . you have to take into account that an awful lot of these reviewers prefer to play Fifa so they're hardly unbiased. If I was reviewing Fifa I don't think I would be mentioning and comparing it to Pes every paragraph.

Amazingly in Ireland there are a couple of games reviewers in the local papers who are pro-Fifa and won't even review Pes each year and yet they criticise Pes in their reviews of Fifa.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

haha, every year it is the same thing. Fans come, moan and bitch, say Konami is done, they are done with the series, the games, go crazy over waiting for a trailer, go crazy when there is a trailer, go crazy when they see PES.

Yet, they come back the next year and the cycle repeats. Either you are just here to troll PES, or there is something in the game that draws you back regardless...

For me personally, I'm fine with the trailer, shows some game play, and I never expect much from a trailer. Its a game, until I actually play it, I won't think of much of anything about it. Simple as that.

But please do keep on as it is so much fun reading all these reactions

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

haha, every year it is the same thing. Fans come, moan and bitch, say Konami is done, they are done with the series, the games, go crazy over waiting for a trailer, go crazy when there is a trailer, go crazy when they see PES.

Yet, they come back the next year and the cycle repeats. Either you are just here to troll PES, or there is something in the game that draws you back regardless...

For me personally, I'm fine with the trailer, shows some game play, and I never expect much from a trailer. Its a game, until I actually play it, I won't think of much of anything about it. Simple as that.

But please do keep on as it is so much fun reading all these reactions

+ 2
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Adam and co were actively asking us to criticise the game, taking videos and pictures to take back to Japan to show physical proof.

That said Nico, who tried a test game at E3. ;)

edit: fix
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