PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

After the last ten years of Pro Evo's, it's clear to me Konami are a company who like to "play it safe". So in my view, the series is doomed to familiarity forever.

I hate to sound arrogant but isn't that obvious? Look at Konami as a company and what they release and it will come as nothing of a surprise. They don't look to generated interesting new ideas like some publishers (both western and eastern), rather their business strategy is to keep releasing updates to 'safe' series that were popular decades ago: Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, PES, Castlevania. Games that they've never actually managed to make better versions of compared to games released either during the PS1 or PS2 era.

Last time they released something new was Neverdead (2012) I believe and there was nothing about that game that didn't seem juvenile (and it was reviewed as such). Before that it might have been Elebits (2006) for the Wii.

Seriously, they're updating MGS again (a series Kojima implied would end after IV) and bringing out another Silent Hill. Unlike say Ubisoft (who keep churning out AssCreed games en mass) they don't appear to use the money generated from those series to fund new projects and recoup any potential losses. Capcom has a lot of ill-will in the gaming community but Konami are a far less progressive publisher.

People don't generally talk about it but both the developer and the publisher are integral to the production of a video-game. If the developer has interesting ideas but the publisher isn't willing to adopt them (or put the money up for them) then the developer loses and the publisher gets their way. I hesitate to say PES Productions is perfect but working for Konami must be an absolute ball-buster if your name isn't Hideo Kojima.
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Anyone knows if its possible to change difficult on MyClub offline games against the CPU? It seems locked to regular...
I think the future of PES is alright. I really do.

I compare PES 2015 to PES4. A very good game, with a few issues, a game that cut ties with the past in a lot of areas - finally a PES game with solid yet realistic GK's - and is (rectius: I believe it will be) the precursor of a great game (PES5/PES 2016).

Konami took major steps in the right direction. Next year they will give us a total package. Graphics will be truly next gen, maybe not as good as FIFA, but really enjoyable. More stadiums and maybe more licenses will be there. The sales are already very solid and I believe will be an overall good year- Let's not forget that PES has always been a top 25/50 in the best selling game of the year (excluding PES 2014. What a mess lol). They sell poor compared to FIFA, but overall they are still a major franchise, they just like to portrait themselves as poor indie company (Bullocks).

I don't think going full sim is the way to go for the future of the franchise. Sim market is small and for them to have the licenses they need to target a large audience. Kids will definitly not buy this game, since they cannot score with Messi dribbling half the opposing squad and then make a fish celebration. But a lot of teenagers - not only the adults that used to play PES on the good old days - will buy and move towards this game. Spoiler - ramblings of an old man lol
I remember in my high school days being frustrated with the lack of a proper football game in terms of realism and heard that ISS was the way to go, then buying a magazine that had the ISS 2 demo in it (Boy, I feel old just thinking that was the way to get a demo back then) and felt in love with the game. For two months play only the demo (5 min games, you could barely score a goal, but it was so good nonetheless) until I got enough money to buy the game (play it for 2 years).

PES 2015 offers a solid, fluid gameplay, with the best passing ever, great individuality, plus the all MyClub features that it's being highly praised. I reckon a lot of teens and young adults will buy the game this year.

Let's way and see and in the meanwhile enjoy what's good and critique what's bad.
Depends which set(s) you plan on using. Is your question about preference ('what does everyone else like to do?') or functionality ('do I have to do this to get it to work?')?

Well I guess my question is a little bit about both.

For example, if my default is a 4-2-3-1, but I want to put on a third CB late in the game to play with a back 5, should I change all my formations to accomodate? Or is it only necessary to change the defensive formation? I'm assuming I need to change the attacking one too, or else my third CB will go on a walk-about where I don't want him, but changing multiple formations sounds a pain.

And I assume the inverse is the same: if I'm playing a 4-2-3-1 and want to throw another player up top, then I assume it's probably smart to alter the defensive formation too so that my new second striker stays up top and doesn't revert to playing in deeper positions when I don't want him too.
Well I guess my question is a little bit about both.

For example, if my default is a 4-2-3-1, but I want to put on a third CB late in the game to play with a back 5, should I change all my formations to accomodate? Or is it only necessary to change the defensive formation? I'm assuming I need to change the attacking one too, or else my third CB will go on a walk-about where I don't want him, but changing multiple formations sounds a pain.

And I assume the inverse is the same: if I'm playing a 4-2-3-1 and want to throw another player up top, then I assume it's probably smart to alter the defensive formation too so that my new second striker stays up top and doesn't revert to playing in deeper positions when I don't want him too.

Change only on the Ofense or Defense formation and choose the selected one manually in game with up or down digital. If you choose custom it will go back to fluid formation.
Anyone knows if its possible to change difficult on MyClub offline games against the CPU? It seems locked to regular...

I'd like to know this too. I think you're meant to play a certain amount of games and then it unlocks the higher difficulties, no?

Wish we could change it though - not fun winning 10-0.
Well I guess my question is a little bit about both.

For example, if my default is a 4-2-3-1, but I want to put on a third CB late in the game to play with a back 5, should I change all my formations to accomodate? Or is it only necessary to change the defensive formation? I'm assuming I need to change the attacking one too, or else my third CB will go on a walk-about where I don't want him, but changing multiple formations sounds a pain.

And I assume the inverse is the same: if I'm playing a 4-2-3-1 and want to throw another player up top, then I assume it's probably smart to alter the defensive formation too so that my new second striker stays up top and doesn't revert to playing in deeper positions when I don't want him too.

There are 3 settings (Offensive [the main one], defensive and costum), in which there are 3 formation (at kick off, when in possession and when without possession), so in that cenario (late game) you can change your defensive settings (each 3 formations) and put a third cb. It will not affect the offensive. You can do this pre-game and in-match just change the settings using up or down in the d-pad.
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There are 3 settings (Offensive [the main one], defensive and costum), in which there are 3 formation (at kick off, when in possession and when without possession), so in that cenario (late game) you can change your defensive settings (each 3 formations) and put a third cb. It will not affect the offensive. You can do this pre-game and in-match just change the settings using up or down in the d-pad. Fluid formation much be on.

Wait, now i'm confuse. Doesn't the manual selection between Ofense/Defense/Custom overule the fluid formation???
I'd like to know this too. I think you're meant to play a certain amount of games and then it unlocks the higher difficulties, no?

Wish we could change it though - not fun winning 10-0.

It has to do ho well you do. If you loose and relegate, youre level goes to amateur. If you win all the time you promote and your level goes up.
You start with the standard level.
Wait, now i'm confuse. Doesn't the manual selection between Ofense/Defense/Custom overule the fluid formation???

When you select "fluid formation" you have two formations for each one of those: with and without ball.

If you have this regular changes like putting on a new striker/new def you should use the three types of formations according to what you want at every moment. That means that you should set six different formations before the game, which sounds like a lot of work, but actually it saves you a lot of time once its done.
Wait, now i'm confuse. Doesn't the manual selection between Ofense/Defense/Custom overule the fluid formation???

No, I misplaced that sentence. Fluid formation works inside the offensive, defensive settings for when in possession and when without possession formations to work. Fluid formation off means you will have on the kick off formation at work (like in previous PES').
I think the future of PES is alright. I really do.

I compare PES 2015 to PES4. A very good game, with a few issues, a game that cut ties with the past in a lot of areas - finally a PES game with solid yet realistic GK's - and is (rectius: I believe it will be) the precursor of a great game (PES5/PES 2016).

Konami took major steps in the right direction. Next year they will give us a total package. Graphics will be truly next gen, maybe not as good as FIFA, but really enjoyable. More stadiums and maybe more licenses will be there. The sales are already very solid and I believe will be an overall good year- Let's not forget that PES has always been a top 25/50 in the best selling game of the year (excluding PES 2014. What a mess lol). They sell poor compared to FIFA, but overall they are still a major franchise, they just like to portrait themselves as poor indie company (Bullocks).

I don't think going full sim is the way to go for the future of the franchise. Sim market is small and for them to have the licenses they need to target a large audience. Kids will definitly not buy this game, since they cannot score with Messi dribbling half the opposing squad and then make a fish celebration. But a lot of teenagers - not only the adults that used to play PES on the good old days - will buy and move towards this game. Spoiler - ramblings of an old man lol
I remember in my high school days being frustrated with the lack of a proper football game in terms of realism and heard that ISS was the way to go, then buying a magazine that had the ISS 2 demo in it (Boy, I feel old just thinking that was the way to get a demo back then) and felt in love with the game. For two months play only the demo (5 min games, you could barely score a goal, but it was so good nonetheless) until I got enough money to buy the game (play it for 2 years).

PES 2015 offers a solid, fluid gameplay, with the best passing ever, great individuality, plus the all MyClub features that it's being highly praised. I reckon a lot of teens and young adults will buy the game this year.

Let's way and see and in the meanwhile enjoy what's good and critique what's bad.

The bold part in your post looks like you are quite certain about this :).

Don´t get me wrong.
I´d love this to happen as well.

In many forums I read that the Gameplay finally has been implemented nearly perfect again (I for myself need to test the PC demo a little bit more until I can make a final conclusion, but I feel an improvement), which is a good thing of course.

Even I wonder whether it was really such a big challenge, as they already had it right a couple of years ago. Okay, it´s the fox engine...

Anyways, a logical way would be:
Keeping this year´s gameplay as a base, maybe tweaking it a tiny little bit here and there (overpowered shots, more fouls etc.) and work on everything aside the pitch, like presentation, game modes, graphics, little details, maybe tweak ball physics and goal nets a bit etc.

I´m not talking about licenes, of course they should try to get/keep as many as they can, but the main attention has to be the stuff apart from gameplay for next gen consoles AND PC.

Let´s say, the main issue has been sorted out as the majority is happy with the gameplay now, so the focus should be everything around.

I really really hope they make up their mind and act this way and just don´t change their direction lead by absurd decisions and kind of redo stuff, like they did times ago.

I don´t know how anybody else felt about PES 2012 for example, but I for myself was absolutely thrilled about PES 2011 and it was the last PES I really had fun with for a whole year.
Then I couldn´t believe how different PES 2012 felt.

Just my 2 cents.
I hate to sound arrogant but isn't that obvious? Look at Konami as a company and what they release and it will come as nothing of a surprise. They don't look to generated interesting new ideas like some publishers (both western and eastern), rather their business strategy is to keep releasing updates to 'safe' series that were popular decades ago: Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, PES, Castlevania. Games that they've never actually managed to make better versions of compared to games released either during the PS1 or PS2 era.

Last time they released something new was Neverdead (2012) I believe and there was nothing about that game that didn't seem juvenile (and it was reviewed as such). Before that it might have been Elebits (2006) for the Wii.

Seriously, they're updating MGS again (a series Kojima implied would end after IV) and bringing out another Silent Hill. Unlike say Ubisoft (who keep churning out AssCreed games en mass) they don't appear to use the money generated from those series to fund new projects and recoup any potential losses. Capcom has a lot of ill-will in the gaming community but Konami are a far less progressive publisher.

People don't generally talk about it but both the developer and the publisher are integral to the production of a video-game. If the developer has interesting ideas but the publisher isn't willing to adopt them (or put the money up for them) then the developer loses and the publisher gets their way. I hesitate to say PES Productions is perfect but working for Konami must be an absolute ball-buster if your name isn't Hideo Kojima.

MGS is definitely the only consistently high budget title in that mix. I'd say Silent Hills is definitely shaping up to be a fundamentally different title to its forebears - at the very least the demo and subsequent teasers have looked quite unique, mostly without precedent in conventional gaming, and getting Kojima & Guillermo del Toro involved certainly resembles an ambitious move (though obviously it's Kojima again). Obviously it's not a new title, but the Silent Hill name at this point looks more like reuse of the name than the entire structure or design.

I do think/hope the budget for PES is increasing, and the London studios would be an indication that it is. There have been some improvements which could well be a result of that expense, though of course the coming years will tell us more. At the very least, 2015 seems to be much more of a FIFA 08 breakthrough for Konami - a solid, promising foundation upon which Konami can build, rather than having to allocate a larger proportion of the budget to trying to get the gameplay up to scratch. Whether this plays out in the long run remains to be seen, but you'd hope that more attention can now go towards everything around the gameplay.
The way I see it this game is on the good way fpr the proper soccer game. I don´t want a full sim, and honestly believe no one does. But that balance between arcade with realistic features is what we always waited for.

Now this game behaves a bit strange sometimes, and people do argue that licenses, menus, stadiums etc are getting disapointing after all these years. If we look at Fifa its a more polished game, better out of the box, because of all the wistles and bells that show up right after the first match. Let me tell you is absolutely stunning, and the gameplay is very good, if you´re not expecting it to be realistic. Its a fun game, its beatifull, no one can deny it.

Now, looking at the "ugly" PES first sight might take most people away, unless your a real fan for the series and you have really high hopes for the upcoming versions. Thing is, if we look closely, specially unde the hood, we see this old rusty car with a supercharged engine with lots of space for improvement. I can sure see where konami worked, and I know they spent most time perfecting gameplay. Look at all the individuality, it shines!! Its amazing how much detail each player has, also each team. They praticly nailed it.

I still haven´t made up my mind about buying it for xbox, but keep playing the demo and try to convince myself its a good investment, despite the flaws. If Master League proves to be a solid mode (doesn´t matter if its short on features, all I want is a mode that works properly, unlike Fifa manager mode´s bugs) then I´m sold.

In fifa, wich I enjoy pretty much, its about how many times I have to shoot to score a goal. In PES, its about how many passes I have to make to create a proper chance. I still don´t like the overall, but those little things have grown too much for me to ignore this game.
I'm so tired of the "foundation to build upon" and "next year it will be the full package" stuff. Every dam year a lack luster PES is shipped with promises of a great future.

KINGAH IS BACKE! Best PES since the PS2 days! -> Oh wait the game actually has some big issues, still good but next year will be great. -> after all it's kinda mediocre -> save us modding community. -> Adam: "sorry guys, PES X sucked, PES X+1 will be great, totally like PES 5/6"

As long people keep defending their shortcomings, all we will get (much like in the last gen) is "foundations".
Well I guess my question is a little bit about both.

For example, if my default is a 4-2-3-1, but I want to put on a third CB late in the game to play with a back 5, should I change all my formations to accomodate? Or is it only necessary to change the defensive formation? I'm assuming I need to change the attacking one too, or else my third CB will go on a walk-about where I don't want him, but changing multiple formations sounds a pain.
If you're using the Defensive strategy, just change that one. But presumably you'll have to change it for both With Possession and Without Possession, within the Defensive set.

I really like the tactical options provided by Fluid Formations, but the way you have to set it up is both confusing and time consuming.

As I understand it, with Fluid Formations you basically have nine different tactics to set up (three strategies x three formations each). And I haven't found any way to make global changes or copy changes, I've been altering everything individually so far.

Also you only have one lineup, so... that has to comply with all your nine formations if you plan on switching between sets on the fly, otherwise you're very easily going to end up with players in wrong positions.

It's also a bit confusing that the Offensive set appears to be considered your default set, rather than Custom.
I'm so tired of the "foundation to build upon" and "next year it will be the full package" stuff. Every dam year a lack luster PES is shipped with promises of a great future.

KINGAH IS BACKE! Best PES since the PS2 days! -> Oh wait the game actually has some big issues, still good but next year will be great. -> after all it's kinda mediocre -> save us modding community. -> Adam: "sorry guys, PES X sucked, PES X+1 will be great, totally like PES 5/6"

As long people keep defending their shortcomings, all we will get (much like in the last gen) is "foundations".

Luckily this year they've finally done a pretty good job. This year does have shortcomings and further issues will become clear over time, but it's the first title I've played where the single player genuinely seems to have legs, where the general balance of the game means there are a lot more possibilities, a lot more scope for creativity within the confines of player ability, and far fewer gamebreaking flaws.

I appreciate that there will still be a subsection of this and all other forums who will go overboard in their criticism, just as there are those who will deny any knowledge of any issues with the game. There is always a tendency for cliques to get caught in a vortex of confirmation bias, one way or the other. I'm not interested in going either way - I'll gladly identify problems, but I won't shout every single one of them out at the top of my voice as though they're all unforgivably, horrifically broken. There are middle grounds, and balancing a football game is impossible if you only work in extremes.

Right now, nothing about the gameplay is as obviously 'broken' as they were in the previous 3 titles, or PES 2008-2010. There are issues, but none as major as were prevalent in those titles when I tried to get into a ML. It's a shame there aren't enough fouls, but I still get fouled often - yesterday I scored a free kick from the edge of the box and a penalty after the keeper was sent off. I've only had one sending off and I fully deserved that, while generally speaking I'd say the bookings I concede feel fair.

Shooting from range is a bit too accurate, but I don't score from them that often - it's more that the shots get saved often or fly a foot or so high/wide. I feel like I can mostly defend anything a lot more effectively than in 2014, when I often sat there wondering why everyone in my penalty area was just watching the opposition winger dribble through / run onto a loose ball. There are a few 'gamier' aspects of PES compared to FIFA, but these ultimately lend to a closer overall representation of the tactical depth of football, which I value above fluency of animations, responsiveness of players or what a keeper looks like when landing after a dive.

I could write at length about improvements I'd like to see, in gameplay or otherwise. But so far (which, granted, is the sort of caveat you're talking about), PES 2015 is comfortably the most balanced football game I've played since the PS2 era. It still has imperfections and the odd piece of outdated tech, but I genuinely feel like there are more possibilities, more potentially effective styles of play and more ways of stopping them than I can remember being in any recent PES or FIFA. There's still a lot of old tech in here, but what matters to me is the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Right now I get that, and I feel a lot more connected to the cause of my players on the pitch as a result. For all my efforts I never really got that from FIFA, and I've only really got that from PES 2011 MLO (as the single player left me cold).
what shooting mode are people using..ive gone from manual to advanced now - manual was either too straight or always wide for me even with top strikers
I'm so tired of the "foundation to build upon" and "next year it will be the full package" stuff. Every dam year a lack luster PES is shipped with promises of a great future.

KINGAH IS BACKE! Best PES since the PS2 days! -> Oh wait the game actually has some big issues, still good but next year will be great. -> after all it's kinda mediocre -> save us modding community. -> Adam: "sorry guys, PES X sucked, PES X+1 will be great, totally like PES 5/6"

As long people keep defending their shortcomings, all we will get (much like in the last gen) is "foundations".

Totally wrong.
Actually Bhatti put the series back on the right track and he was one of the biggest fanboys.

People like you will not help PES.

Oh and i'm also tired of the American guy with the Valderama avatar and his posts.
Totally wrong.
Actually Bhatti put the series back on the right track and he was one of the biggest fanboys.

People like you will not help PES.

Oh and i'm also tired of the American guy with the Valderama avatar and his posts.

Here in the US, GameStop, Best Buy, Electronics Butique, some smaller private ahops sold out in couple of hours. Winning aEleven Japan release and Asia sold out on Play Asia within an hour of release date. I am guessing South America did fine with PES sales so I am thinking Europe needs to pick it up. I will take videos with how long it takes me to find an online match with WE15-Japan.

I'm enjoying this game a lot. I truly am but that statement is misleading. If in fact those stores sold out, it would only be because of very small number of copies they stock for obvious reasons. I live in the States, I know how PES vs FIFA sales go. Let's not kid ourselves.
I'm enjoying this game a lot. I truly am but that statement is misleading. If in fact those stores sold out, it would only be because of very small number of copies they stock for obvious reasons. I live in the States, I know how PES vs FIFA sales go. Let's not kid ourselves.

Just read some of his posts. This sabh valderama kid is completely lost.
He is going places.
While I agree you do seem to go overboard occasionally, I have to support your point that no PES has been perfect.
I could produce 2 rather long lists showing the problems in PES 5 & 6 and yet they are hailed as the pinnacle of football games. They are superb, no doubt, but they too had a number of issues that held them back.
just added you to ignore list and about 5 other negative posters

Yeah, well...I don't even know what to say...Thanks maybe?

Hopefully, you haven't ignored me by now...because I wanted to ask for your permission to take your pathological quote as my signature! I think i do it anyway:

Also, for those of you that complain about the lack of fouls from the CPU well maybe your just playing too much CPU ?

bye. take care.

ladies and gentlemen the game sucks becauae online play is not PERFECT on a first day of the release. Don't buy the game. It sucks. It should of been perfect FROM DAY ONE....I am a loner, I dont have any friends or mates to play with so online is the most important thing to me.I need online so I can play with Ronaldo and Messi and do cut backs and score beautiful goals. But if online sucks then PES 15 sucks. I wish I had mates to play with because computer sucks..
I actually love the game.

Agreed. The passing as awesomeness me; the variety is astounding, on manual or one bar of course. Love it. I knew one day you would come.
In fact so is the dribbling, defensiveness; everything. I really feel like I can play proper football.
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