PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

@ EASYPEASY! or the other person who wanted to know about injuries.

I just had Memphis Depay ruled out for 4 Weeks after a nasty tackle from a Fiorentina player. So injuries do happen, i think there aren't enough aggressive fouls to show them.

Have a look at the input lag thread in the pc section, if your finding defending clumsy its most likely input lag, which can be sorted.

thanks that is good to know
The game's okay and I'm enjoying it but I can't pretend that I think it's some kind of majestic football game.

One thing that really bothers me is the shooting, which is far too simplistic (physics-wise). Vice-versa, the only thing that really stands out as being truly fulfilling is close-control (passing is great too but it still feels like collecting passes is on-rails).

Everything else fits into some kind of middle-average.

Couldnt agree more.

On the pitch Konami has this game much better but the longer I play it the more annoyances I see. Ive had the game less than a week and already im feeling meh. I like it but off the pitch the game is as dull as it comes.
The constant communication problems. The ageing time it takes to do anything. The menus are laggy. Theyve updated them which is great but no good if everytime you select something that communication screen keeps freezing everything.
Back to the pitch and I like most of it but I do agree theres a slight delay when passing and some players are way too fast - like Clint Hill of QPR - Looks like a 100m sprinter up the wing.
Fouls - Just played as Juve V Chelsea in a CL game. Chelsea are losing 2-1 with 10 to go and Im counter attacking. They do not make one foul in the entire game with the likes of Terry and Matic in team. Ive hardly seen any AI fouls since Ive had the game. Maybe cos its ive only played exhibition mode at moment.
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Question about the fluid formation setup and the different formations for kickoff, defense, and attack: when you guys alter your formations during a match, like say to move an additional man forward when you need a goal, do you only alter the relevant formation (in this case, the attacking one), or do you alter all three?
Depends which set(s) you plan on using. Is your question about preference ('what does everyone else like to do?') or functionality ('do I have to do this to get it to work?')?
the fouling system is just broken end of story.i had one decent game so far with 6 fouls but now zero again

every foul no matter what is yellow card
ive seen the ai almost cripple me off the ball with a late tackle in front of the ref ..ignored
obvious obstruction in the penalty

you could argue that fouls get missed in real life but this is obviously not deliberate by developers just poor..hopefully it will get fixed
Quick question: I imagine 2 players vs the CPU (via online) is still in the game, correct? If so, can you actually change the stadium and what not? PES 2014 took away these simple options that PES 2013 had and it irked me to no end. Had to play match after match in the same stadium. Appreciate it.
As much praise as iv given the game so far, one thing im not a fan of is the heavy scripting of the keeper coming out to punch the ball, cause when ever u take a corner and the keeper comes off his line straight away, you know it's going to get punched 100%, I would like some randomness in that area, there should be an individual attribute to this.
Well, the wait is almost and finally over. Tomorrow, when I come home from work a hard copy of WE 15 Japan release will be waiting for me :).

I want to let everyone know something. Its not that I'm just making this up - you can do your own research but I've spoken to about 30 people including from this forum and others..that WE15 Japan is the game to have if ONLINE is your primary goal. Everyone that I spoke to says they are having no problems finding match online and almost zero lag. WE 15 Japan is obviously for Japan. Japan is known to have the best if not best high speed internet in the world. On top of this I'd also think and assume that their servers are better and more stable. Say what you want but Konami always cared more about Japan then the rest of the world - it would not surprise me if they did more "tunning" for WE15-Japan than EU/US PES 15.

Also, or those of you that complain about the lack of fouls from the CPU well maybe your just playing too much CPU ? Its evident that the fouling system is broken which will Im confident will be addressed in the DLC/Patch of some kind or PES 16. Klashman can probably confirm this since he knows a thing or two about game developing. I believe this broken fouling system is left out on purpose, so they can say on their next PES 16 advertisement "Completely New Foul System". They have to kake deliberate errors so they can fix them in the next PES for profit reasons which I understand. There is more positive then negative in this game. The game is doing massive damage, blowing FIFA 15 out the water, FIFA players coming and playing aPES, new converts - but as always your going to get players who are never ever satisfied no matter what which is also understandable. I for one don't care about ldoulsf fouls from CPU. Online mode and multiplayer is where its at. CPU gets boring to me after a while no matter how smart and good the AI is. Its always more satisfying whooping a human players ass in PES than the CPU. But I also understand that not everyone can afford high speed internet, lucky enough to have 1mbps internet speed and probably dont have friends that play the game. So for those that mainly play CPU I'm afraid to say but this game is not for you. Not this year.

bold part. evo-web quote of the month.

1. General point: In my honest opinion your behavior towards others and their opinions in this forum is more than immature. There are more than enough issues with this game. Deal with it.
Your etiquette should have been questioned many times. Also some of your posts are so underwhelming that they disturb my flow. But that's just me.

2. I just logged in to ask how old you are? seriously,. So you have WE15 tomorrow and want others from this forum to join you so you can play against some of them online, because you realized what mistake it was to order WE instead of PES because there will be less people online for you to play against? fair enough. SO you come up with the idea of a post that will advertise WE15 instead of pes eu/uk bless code? nice. Because japan has fast internet? k.
And people playing against CPU (most people play against com, at least ML, so I don't get why you are referring to them as a minority, this no fifa) are either poor, don't know whats satisfying or have no friends with the game?

No Fouls are an issue. That you don't like to play against CPU doesn't change it. At least you seem to get this one.

You defending this game religiously, and dissing other people not liking certain elements is pathological. And you are getting the game tomorrow? Puts all your posts in perspective.

Can't take it no more.
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Pogba is immense in this game. The player individuality is fantastic.
I do have a lot of love for this game its just the stupid things that let this game down and in the world of next gen its not acceptable.
On the pitch the game is 90% great. 10% dated mess but off the pitch the game and features are straight from PES1 days.
It just seems with Konami they get a lot right then create a problem by undoing a lot of their work.
It always about game play this year. Thats all that mattered. Im hoping now they have this pretty much sorted that they can work on the little touches that make Fifa look (not play) great.
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Also, for those of you that complain about the lack of fouls from the CPU well maybe your just playing too much CPU ? Its evident that the fouling system is broken which will Im confident will be addressed in the DLC/Patch of some kind or PES 16. .

Oh thats all right then. Im glad by paid nearly £40 for a game I can only half play and I dont mind waiting ANOTHER year and another £40 for them to sort it out.

Your blindness and loyalty is way over the top.

PES15 is a very good game but too many glitches stop it being a great game.
I keep thinking it. Game could be the best. It´s not, period. Some really, but really awesome stuff is happening in the pitch, only to get screwed by some really stupid and childish/unprofessional programing stuff at the same time.

Fouls, they are there, but still so many colisions wich should be called and just won´t. Then a very small touch in a insignificant play by the CPU and yellow card it is. I can see fouls, by using and abusing the little touches and smart dribbling, wich sometimes feels great, but it´s not consistent, and long term starts to feel frustrating, because we can´t use it as a tactic against a more agressive team.
Honestly, I can´t even get close to understanding the reviews this game has received. Someone new to this gaming world reads them and really thinks this is some kind of revolutionary game from all times... It just proves the marketing is way too powerfull these days.

Konami did great after all, improved the game so much, and its still enjoyable at times, but it can´t be taken serious long term, as they simply didn´t take care of some important stuff for the overall feeling of soccer playing. I mean, yeah every team must concentrate on some part of programing, to improve others. For instance, leave the licenses, or number of unlicensed leagues, leave number of stadiums, but biuld a convincing menu system. Hell leave the editor away, but work hard on a revolutionary career mode. And of course, concentrate all strenghts in overall gameplay.

Instead, PES falls short in every single department. In all fields you can point your finger and in a matter of seconds, find something that doesn´t make sense. Gameplay is super great, trust me I love it, but I also get really sad because of the missing basics of true soccer in some moments (call it lack of fouls, call it GK reactions, call it unbalanced CPU mentality, they are all wrong at some parts of the match). Then I look at the game and realise that I wanted him specially because of gameplay, no matter of licenses, stadiums, career mode being small for a NG game... but after all, PES has all that and a inconsistent gameplay.

It makes you jump of your couch, for the greatness, and then it makes you sit down again, ashamed for the lack of a polished product.
Defensive awareness need some work, especially in counter-attacks. Players don't seem to know what to do, or when they are in a good position they failed to compensate their colleagues. There's a bit of a lack of "help defence" (basketball term). Also defenders stay too fixed to their zone, don't recognizing gaps among the defensive line. At some point every zone defence becomes man defence.

Here's an extreme example that happen to me:

YouTube - PES2015 [PC] - Defensive awareness need some work [Superstar dificulty]
Very important match! Lost 2-3, this was the 1-1 goal. I was behind Real 4 points (Playing league mode) in the final fixture of 1st half of the league. Now I'm at 7 points. Tough to come back...

In a counter-attack, Modrić get the ball with a lot of real estate, given that both Xavi and Dani Alves were really high up the pitch. I let him go forward – I’m controlling Mascherano - and try to avoid a through ball to Cristiano Ronaldo. The rest of my defence does not come to my help. They simple stay in the opposite side of the pitch, to the point that 4(!) guys are around Benzema, leaving Mascherano (Me) to either choose to stop the passing lane to Ronaldo or try to pursue Modrić. Basically a Lose-Lose situation,

Konami needs to focus on improving defensive awareness. It’s not broken, but still need some significant improvements.

completely agree, right now counter attacking feels very similar to normal build up attack because all the defenders just wait in their zone, they don't care for the ball carrier at all

if they could make the help defense more aggressive this would open up so many new scenarios, you would have to anticipate so much more because you don't have the space and time anymore

maybe they can fix some of this with a patch, but either way future is looking bright again for pes
There will be an uproar if there isn't a significant difference in tech, ML and presentation for PES 16. If they really want to listen to the fans, they should create a survey for all the major PES sites and say what areas we want improved as a priority.
If the game is unbalanced and the AI doesn't do crosses or fouls, it's our fault for playing too much with cpu... You gotta be kiding me.
There will be an uproar if there isn't a significant difference in tech, ML and presentation for PES 16
No there won't. There never is. I've played Pro Evo for 15 years. People (including myself) have said that every year. Konami will do whatever they want.

There's no difference in tech, ML or presentation this year is there? Plenty of people said what you've just said last year. "No 2014 next gen version, they're taking a year to make sure it's amazing on next gen, it better have big changes."

I'm loving the game online. There's faults but I can overlook them because "perfect" doesn't exist. Personally, I'm delighted with the game this year. That doesn't excuse the faults that have been there for years, though, and those who aren't enjoying it are in the same place I was 5-6 years ago. (There's no need for conflict - we are all the same and we all want a football game that blows our minds.)

For years I've read that the core of the game won't change a great deal because (apparently) the Asian market is particularly resistant to change, and less sales means less chance of a PES 2016.

Here's what worries me about Pro Evo's future.

When I picked up my copy of PES 2015 on the high street, the manager who served me (who I've spoken to a few times over the last year or two - I think he gets bored and appreciates having a conversation with someone over the age of 8), told me "it's a good job you pre-ordered this, we didn't receive any to put on the shelves".

(Post is quite long so I've spoilered the rest...)

I was stunned by that, but he said "they have to make a business decision, they don't want to send out copies that they're not going to sell, and they don't think it will sell particularly well anywhere - anyone who wants it will buy it on the internet and it's only going to be people who played the game 10+ years ago, and EVEN THEN it's only going to be a certain percentage of them who are going to buy it as some of them will have 'grown up' and ditched gaming entirely" - and kids aren't going to buy it, not when they've never heard of it and the Premier League teams have fake names, and kids are a huge chunk of EA's market in terms of sales and (more importantly) microtransactions.

Also, after the first week or so when I was getting games within 30 seconds every time I tried to play online, now... I'm waiting for 5 minutes at a time. That doesn't happen on FIFA.

I don't think that's a server issue. I think that's a "nobody else is playing this game" issue...

So as much as I'm enjoying the game, sales pale in comparison to FIFA (which is obvious). Even with great reviews.

Will Konami not look at that and think "fuck, what can we do to get people to buy our game?" At which point, they're either going to go "let's stop making it", or (at best) "give them the budget they've always had and don't let them change the game too much or they could wreck the core gameplay and then nobody will buy it AT ALL".

After the last ten years of Pro Evo's, it's clear to me Konami are a company who like to "play it safe". So in my view, the series is doomed to familiarity forever.

There's even a nod to FIFA (and Ultimate Team) with myClub, which feels to me like an admission of defeat (in popularity and sales at least). "They do it, so we'll do it, we'll ditch the online Master League we spent years honing, we have no idea what you want but clearly you want this so here you go, just don't stop buying our game, please."

My biggest hope for the future is that the FIFA developers learn lessons from playing it, and make a more tactical game that isn't about who can score the dribbliest, most unrealistic bollocks-of-a-goal ever.

But I also know that won't happen, because the kids love it, the microtransactions pour in, every year it sells more copies regardless of what they do (I mean, look at the kick off bug, it's a fucking disgrace guys, it's a BUG, and it's still there because it's only us adults complaining about it).

What we need is a third title to rise up, funded by a company that throws barrels of cash at it. That's the only way things are going to change for the better.

Until then, I'm enjoying PES online, FIFA against the CPU and Football Manager when I want some realism. That's one more game than I was enjoying last year, and they'll keep me going 'til next year.
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Nice writing Chris. For me it seems clear that Konami already throw the towel about UK market, and i thik they are right, specially after EA is puting their focus colpletelly over it in Fifa 2015. Trying to compete with EA there would be insane. PES 2015 will still sell a lot, specially on Asian and South American markets, and these markets, together with NA, are where Konami should invest more in the future.

Brazil is probably the country that PES sells more worldwide, and still we only have 1 stadium in the game, lots of fake players on teams and no 2nd division.
Funny to see the same tendency on this forum...
- PES 2015 demo comes out: People initialy are very happy and positive.
- About one week later long posts with mostly negative comments about the game.

- PES 2015 release version comes out: People initialy are very happy and positive.
Now just watch the last pages or two....:
Yes you've guessed it!
- About one week later long posts with mostly negative comments about the game.
How predictable are we on Evo Web :D
I loaded the Fifa demo last night and that's a truly awful game (imo) but I can see why it sells a ton of copies more than PES.
The freedom of movement, responsiveness and the ball physics are pretty amazing. But that comes at a (CPU) cost. The AI is boring, dumb, and defending is broken - online games are a goalfest and it's piss poor (online), in my opinion.

There's only so much CPU power in a console, though, and that's their priority list. With Pro Evo, it appears to work in the opposite direction. It's stiff, unresponsive at times, animations are poor and the ball physics aren't quite right, but online you have to concentrate to win, player individuality is much more important (not just "this guy's faster" or "this guy's dribblier"), AI is more realistic. It's a more realistic game all-round.

The ideal game would be a combination of the two, but is there enough power in a console to give us that? I don't think there is. So playing either leaves you with frustration. It's just picking the one that leaves you with less of it.

(Which, funny enough, is what I remember saying in the PS2 days. Roll on the PS5 and the XB2, eh?)

Nice writing Chris. For me it seems clear that Konami already throw the towel about UK market, and i thik they are right, specially after EA is puting their focus colpletelly over it in Fifa 2015. Trying to compete with EA there would be insane. PES 2015 will still sell a lot, specially on Asian and South American markets, and these markets, together with NA, are where Konami should invest more in the future.

Brazil is probably the country that PES sells more worldwide, and still we only have 1 stadium in the game, lots of fake players on teams and no 2nd division.
Thanks Honome :)

I think that indicates how limited their budget is, which is why I can forgive the faults, years after abandoning the series.

I will take videos with how long it takes me to find an online match with WE15-Japan.
Dude, you don't have to, this is just my report from Europe, you don't have to defend the game to this degree... Relax... I've just said I'm loving the game online, I'm on your team...
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Fifa might be unrealistic etc etc. Actually I have it and quite enjoy it.
Now, Fifa HAS to be just the way it is, because there´s a huge market for that type of games. In the other hand, PES also has a huge market waiting for it, but Konami just doesn´t grab the oportunity. With some not so hard changes in the game, sim lovers and hardcore fans would grab this game like their lives depended on it, but Konami doesn´t seem to aknowledge this.

They need to stop worrying about competition and do what really matters, grab this game and tweak to finally kill the long existing bugs/gameplay issues. That will make the ultimate PES and finally please their fans 100%. Why they still haven´t done this is out of my understanding.

This game breathes perfection, but it falls short showing it. Player idividuality has tons of work behind. No Fifa has come close to this ever. Too bad about other issues that could turn this game in to a proper winner.
Fifa might be unrealistic etc etc. Actually I have it and quite enjoy it.
Now, Fifa HAS to be just the way it is, because there´s a huge market for that type of games. In the other hand, PES also has a huge market waiting for it, but Konami just doesn´t grab the oportunity. With some not so hard changes in the game, sim lovers and hardcore fans would grab this game like their lives depended on it, but Konami doesn´t seem to aknowledge this.

They need to stop worrying about competition and do what really matters, grab this game and tweak to finally kill the long existing bugs/gameplay issues. That will make the ultimate PES and finally please their fans 100%. Why they still haven´t done this is out of my understanding.

This game breathes perfection, but it falls short showing it. Player idividuality has tons of work behind. No Fifa has come close to this ever. Too bad about other issues that could turn this game in to a proper winner.
Absolutely agree, but where you say "why they still haven't done this is out of my understanding" - again, it's Konami playing it safe (alongside console CPU restrictions), in my opinion. Adding FIFA's responsiveness and ball physics means the core gameplay and the way the AI works has to change, it's not easy for the CPU to compete against you and stop you winning if the framework isn't rigid enough for it to be able to be more intelligent than you, and/or cheat you if it can't figure out a way to (which it's been programmed to, because they're Chelsea and you're Burnley, and it will do whatever it takes to give a realistic result).

They alter things like that, the whole gameplay changes, and I think Konami's panic is that people stop buying it altogether at that point.

However, long-standing bugs and issues - I think they get ignored because they just don't see the issue. I really do believe that. I don't think word travels up to the top. Especially when it has to be translated from a number of European langauges to English. I wonder if the same bugs and issues are mentioned in the Asian market or if they're just glossed over? I've not read any Japanese reviews of the game for example (well I couldn't, I don't speak Japanese). :D
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Absolutely agree, but where you say "why they still haven't done this is out of my understanding" - again, it's Konami playing it safe (alongside console CPU restrictions), in my opinion. Adding FIFA's responsiveness and ball physics means the core gameplay and the way the AI works has to change, it's not easy for the CPU to compete against you and stop you winning if the framework isn't rigid enough for it to be able to be more intelligent than you, and/or cheat you if it can't figure out a way to (which it's been programmed to, because they're Chelsea and you're Burnley, and it will do whatever it takes to give a realistic result).

They alter things like that, the whole gameplay changes, and I think Konami's panic is that people stop buying it altogether at that point.

However, long-standing bugs and issues - I think they get ignored because they just don't see the issue. I really do believe that. I don't think word travels up to the top. Especially when it has to be translated from a number of European langauges to English. I wonder if the same bugs and issues are mentioned in the Asian market or if they're just glossed over? I've not read any Japanese reviews of the game for example (well I couldn't, I don't speak Japanese). :D

Some really good points Chris and ones that I agree with.

I think that you are spot on with the game being developed with the “asian” market in mind, the establishment of the Windsor studio has helped to bring in some of the European influences but the core gameplay is optimised for the core audience which remains in Asia and South America. I have no problems with that.

PES14 was largely panned in the Western markets, but interestingly the Famitsu score for PES14 and PES15 are the same (37/40) again it reinforces the belief that whatever the game is doing is resonating positively with that core markets.

I have played both FIFA and PES over the last few years, this year I am enjoying PES far more than FIFA. The frustrations that you highlight are the ones that I experience, although with Matt/Placebo’s sliders the CPU is playing a little better but online playing against random people is big no/no for me as it is just not enjoyable.

PES is not the perfect game, far from it, but for me on the pitch I am deriving considerable enjoyment from playing the game, I liked the demo and love the final game. Hopefully they can patch some of the issues such as the lack of fouls but other than that I am happy to play the game.
After weeks of playing with the quality demo teams, last night me and my "myclub" duffers got demoted to amateur level. Felt good.:NO:
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