Retired Footballer
One of the stupidest control choices Konami has made in the past few years.
This is incredibly counter-intuitive and square + triangle worked perfectly fine.


tested it; while on basic you can score the same goals from the same angle, from the same distance with Ibra and with Sirigu on advanced only Ibra is the only beast in the PSG to score with R2 from 16 meter, even Pastore, Verratti misses the shots, they often make wide shots or their shots goes in the keepers hands and has not that much power as a classic world class striker. and even then Ibra can miss 2-3 out of 10 times and it was 1on1 on training with no defenders
so Konami only need to tweak basic shooting now

still wondering if its the same case on next gen with Basic...someone would be so good to go to training and try to R2 shot on Superstar with a world class striker and with the teams keeper from 16 meter to see whats up, if its general or is it only on PS3.
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