PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

You guys need to understand the approach of PES gameplay. For those of you that want this "freedom" on the pitch and the gameplay that was in PES 2011 that was an ERA when PES tried to go full simulation and failed miserably. What made PES good on PS2 was a blend between a sim and arcade and that's what PES 15 is now. Football game is not and never will be enjoyable in a full total simulation control. The only way to achieve the great PES feeling from PS2 days is to do what they've done to PES 15. Sim with arcade is what makes football games great. That's why the speed is the biggest factor in football gameplay. What made SWOS so great ?

Yes, KONAMI tried to capture the ps2 feeling, but with not much success. Still get a better satisfaction with we9le. It's a full package for the year 2005. We reach 2015 and yet some elements its not in the game.

We9le has slightly better ball physics than PES 2015, way better passing system, better shooting system, more fluid gameplay and animations.

And we talk about a game 10 years old. Unfortunately the new era is the photorealistic faces.
I think the final third plays good enough to be fun. I agree that there is room for much improvement in the ball physics and shooting department. Also the slow mo keeper animation pisses me off.
The first third and second third are great though :D So that compensates the flaws for me and should keep me happy for almost a year.
well guys I have one simple solution here. just save yourself the money and don't buy the game. Problem solved. Now how easy is that :)
Plenty of fans of the game have been doing just that these last few years, hence falling sales and a number of wake-up calls that appear to go unheeded by Konami.

Look, if you love PES the way it is then that's great but you should consider how healthy the future of the series is if long-running fans are turning away from PES because of a lack of progression.

Simply having good gameplay isn't enough for a mainstream sports title to survive long-term. You need a good all-round package yet PES looks like it's in a sad state of decline in all things off the pitch.

PES2015 appears to be an attempt at fan service for the PES5/6 generation, which is fine, I love those games too. I just wonder if the game does enough to appeal to younger gamers (kids basically)? I started playing ISS when I was about 13 and stuck with the series through it's transition to PES and now I'm 33. Does PES do anything to inspire kids to play it these days? I'm not sure.

It goes back to all-round package, particularly online play which is so important these days and something PES is woeful at. The lack of licences and stadia, the unappealing presentation, menus and's all quite off-putting to anyone other than the long-serving players like us that know what to expect and too easily give the game a free pass for things it clearly should be doing much better.
I fed back about the lack of shooting outcomes on WENB. To me the game had lost a massive plus it had over fifa, which was that goal felt satisfying, you would often punch the air and watch them back and record them.

Shots seemed to now just go left or right at the same height and any satisfaction that came from scoring was solely down to the build up play.

However, I think this may be down to an implementation of a new shooting system which people haven't picked up because they havent been told about it.

When you shoot, if you pull back afterwards the shot goes higher. If you pull back and twist, its seems to curve depending on the players stats. If you do this with a decent amount of power you can get some spectacular goals

This is PES2014 now

:FAIL: for people that love fifa so much you hanging around an awful lot

Whoa, dude.

What´s your problem now?
This is a discussion board and I can express my opinion, right?

If you have a different one, fine!

But no need to show any kind of disrespect.

Yeah I hang around here an "awful lot", cause I wanna discuss about the game, as I was and still am a fan of this serial.

And who said I love FIFA so much?
Cause I wrote something positive in the other thread?

Yeah I like that game, even there is stuff that annoys me.

Is criticism restricted here, or what´s the problem actually?
I've tried hard to like it but the xbox360demo of pes 2015 still doesn't click for me. Yes it reminds me of Pes 5 on the surface but it doesn't offer that magic nor the satisfaction of Pes 5.

Is the ps4 version much better? Cause on xbox360 it feels to me considerably worse than pes 2014 with the latest update.
People that say that the gameplay is the only thing that matter and give as an example PES5/6 forget that in 2005, PES5 was probably one of the best looking sport games. What you had in other titles presentation-wise you had in PES5, from the wet pitch to breathing vapour coming from players mouth’s on a cold night. Today it looks basic, but at the time it wasn’t. The only thing that FIFA had better was the licenses.

Nowadays, you look at PES2015 - and even forgetting about the presentation off the pitch - and where are those realisms? The nets are weak. The pitch doesn't have wet spots. The hair of players doesn't move (like in PES2010 (!)). No pitch degradation. And I’m not forgetting that the faces, players’ models and kits are way better than FIFA, but the rest is way worse.

I can give a pass this year, since they need to focus all their human resources on fixing the gameplay, but next year it better be on-par with other sports title, not necessarily better, but on the same level.
I've tried hard to like it but the xbox360demo of pes 2015 still doesn't click for me. Yes it reminds me of Pes 5 on the surface but it doesn't offer that magic nor the satisfaction of Pes 5.
My thoughts exactly. Still, it's only the demo, I suppose.
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It seems that lots of people are disappointed with the game since the somewhat underwhelming information that was given Wednesday.

I will buy the game, because i'm longing for that PES5 feeling (which may never come back), but i don't really have an opinion about the demo. Sometimes it feels good, sometimes it doesn't. I've Always had that with PES, but after PES 6 (with the exception of 11) i always had much more bad days than good ones...not sure about the demo.

Maybe the game will be very good gameplaywise, but honestly, as much sympathy i have for Bhatti since that podcast with him (i genuinely like the guy, he wants the best and i even think he is our only hope for the future of PES), it really seems as if the guy has a hopeless task.

In the podcast he explains that he is well aware about things people ask and then he proposes them and the accountants force him to make choices. I can understand that Konami hesitates to invest in a franchise with diminishing sales, but they continue to do stupid things.

Why on earth did they have a game without the Chilean league ? I why not having more stadiums ? Why not some other leagues (Russian, Allsvenskan, Danish, Scottish, Belgian, Norwegian), why not having emerging football countries like Iceland in the game ? I could give plenty of other examples.

We all know that FIFA is the game for the main stream football fan and that will never change again, but why not target the hipsters ? There are plenty of lesser known teams who play very good football...

Personally i have discovered dozens of players and teams by playing PES...that is an aspect that can still attract thousands of football fans...but no, Konami gets lazy or seems to get lazy or unimaginative...

I have a very bad feeling that Konami are spoiling their ultimate chance...

After november 13th, this game desperately needs enough interesting DLC towards PES2016 and i'm not talking about balls and boots....i'm talking about leagues, more stadiums, game modes and additional teams...if could be all over.

This is pretty pessimistic, i know...i hope Bhatti reads this...and can convince Konami's "accountants"...
I think the lack of game modes are going to hinder the potential rebirth of PES15.

For all intense and purposes the demo is so enjoyable why buy the full release? If you like playing one off games then everything there is for you in the demo. But I will be buying this day one because I do enjoy PES15. Im used to them totally ruining everything after a positive start. But why should a FIFA fan come over to PES? He will look around the modes and will be impressed by the Europa and CL but will laugh at the Master League.

Ill give the master league a crack but over the years its gone stale. Its reeks of PS2 days. I dont want it the same as FIFAs but it needs modernising.
I fed back about the lack of shooting outcomes on WENB. To me the game had lost a massive plus it had over fifa, which was that goal felt satisfying, you would often punch the air and watch them back and record them.

Shots seemed to now just go left or right at the same height and any satisfaction that came from scoring was solely down to the build up play.

However, I think this may be down to an implementation of a new shooting system which people haven't picked up because they havent been told about it.

When you shoot, if you pull back afterwards the shot goes higher. If you pull back and twist, its seems to curve depending on the players stats. If you do this with a decent amount of power you can get some spectacular goals
I totally agree with this.. I Turned advanced shooting on, and it really does change the gripes with ball trajectory in the shooting.. Thanks mate
I can't hit the broad side of a barn on advanced shooting. :(

What's the secret lads?

I don't use it, I was on about normal shooting, but advanced would be brilliant it there wasnt a couple of issues with it

From what I remember you hit shoot and move the cursor to where you want and then shoot again

I found that shooting first time was very difficult with this and a lot of shots hit the bar
I don't use it, I was on about normal shooting, but advanced would be brilliant it there wasnt a couple of issues with it

From what I remember you hit shoot and move the cursor to where you want and then shoot again

I found that shooting first time was very difficult with this and a lot of shots hit the bar

I'll give that a go.
People that say that the gameplay is the only thing that matter and give as an example PES5/6 forget that in 2005, PES5 was probably one of the best looking sport games. What you had in other titles presentation-wise you had in PES5, from the wet pitch to breathing vapour coming from players mouth’s on a cold night. Today it looks basic, but at the time it wasn’t. The only thing that FIFA had better was the licenses.

Nowadays, you look at PES2015 - and even forgetting about the presentation off the pitch - and where are those realisms? The nets are weak. The pitch doesn't have wet spots. The hair of players doesn't move (like in PES2010 (!)). No pitch degradation. And I’m not forgetting that the faces, players’ models and kits are way better than FIFA, but the rest is way worse.

I can give a pass this year, since they need to focus all their human resources on fixing the gameplay, but next year it better be on-par with other sports title, not necessarily better, but on the same level.

My thoughts exactly.

These little nuances you mentioned might not mean a lot in particular.
But altogether they cause a nice impression and add life to the pitch.

If the aim was going back to PES 5, why not implement that stuff also, let alone the running arrows we had back then.

Btw, there is an online gameplay video out in the PC section and again there are no linesmen, just like in PES 2014 there were non @ online games.

Wonder how it´s gonna be on the PS4/Xbox 1
seems like everyone is hating on pes 15 lol. glad konami are not listening to evoweb. this place has become a circus

If that was a reaction to my post...

I never said that i hated PES15 (how could i, i haven't played the retail version yet ?).

I just said that i have some doubts.

And wednesday, it certainly wasn't evo-web that was slating the game (after the news announcements).

But surely, even a fanatic fanboy (i hate that word, it's the first time ever i use it since i'm a member of this forum and that is more than 10 years...)like you, must feel a litle underwhelmed by the news we heard wednesday ?

You got to agree that at the moment at least (and imo forever), Konami have totally lost the main stream football fan. Well why not start searching a niche and build further along that basis...but it seems they aren't even very good at that aspect.
seems like everyone is hating on pes 15 lol. glad konami are not listening to evoweb. this place has become a circus

Everyone is entitled to individual opinions here.
Thats the beauty of Evo Web.
So kindly stop making these sweeping statements about this forum Thank You.
seems like everyone is hating on pes 15 lol. glad konami are not listening to evoweb. this place has become a circus

Heres the joke though

Its not even out yet :D

Fucking idiotic - I stay away from WENB boards for this reason.

I am all for opinions but people seem to enjoy standing on the soap box atm

@gerd dont think he is referring to you wise sage.
So I now have pass support off, shot type as advanced, auto-feint off, auto slide off... And I'm cracking dipped curved shots at all sorts of angles and heights.. Dribbling feels better and more chaotic moments in the box ensue.. I just don't see any major problems with this game once its fiddled with?? Its fantastic on the pitch...
So after reading the news that option files will not be available in the next generation consoles can someone tell me wat the benefit is of buying the game on next gen?

The gameplay seems the same for old and next gen, graphics are obviously better but I rather play with proper kit and emblems than with better lighting! Is the another reason to go next gen?
Konami lost loyal fans that eventually showed their true face. thats all bro. More and more people are being exposed for what they really like. Animations, presentation, kits..etc.

Lol... I guess you would mind playing PES without a shred of realism. Why they even bother putting skin, face and hair on players, just ship the game like this konami and you have a buyer in sabh:
You guys need to understand the approach of PES gameplay. For those of you that want this "freedom" on the pitch and the gameplay that was in PES 2011 that was an ERA when PES tried to go full simulation and failed miserably. What made PES good on PS2 was a blend between a sim and arcade and that's what PES 15 is now. Football game is not and never will be enjoyable in a full total simulation control. The only way to achieve the great PES feeling from PS2 days is to do what they've done to PES 15. Sim with arcade is what makes football games great. That's why the speed is the biggest factor in football gameplay. What made SWOS so great ?

Pes2011 was flawed and much like now a base but it was different and a more froward thinking approach that in my humlbe could of been something much greater in time.

I'm 40 dude..and like most on here have been a konami footie man since the nes,I don't need educating on the simulation/arcade aspects of pes on whatever format.

Like many I've been on this treadmill of disappointment and mediocracy since the birth of the PS3 and xbox360..

Someone said it well and was bang on...where is the detail or attention to it.

The passions gone and the gameplay mechanics don't cut it in 2014 like they did in 2000..even then it's not halfway on par with even those old titles...where's the variety in shooting,passing and individuality gone.
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