PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

i prefer it simplified as well. I dont want want emails and faxes to read. Bit worried about the pedigree of players you can sign and negotiations could be a bit more testing. I like he thrill of a player accepting or the dissappointment of not sigining

I was glad they had simplified ML last year. It was getting to be too much where you just had too much going on. ML should be simple and not make you feel overwhelmed by the time you have put together the team of your choice. Emails and smileys doesn't change a thing for my ML experience. Player development is key. Fatigue is key. All of the stuff that impacts my game play experience should be the focus.

Same! Neither realistic nor fun. An unnecessary and bloated gimmick that I don't think has any value.

What helps me get the most fun out of the Master League is implementing some self-imposed restrictions i.e. a limit of 3 players per season (with only one being foreign) and etc.

Like with you guys, the simplicity of the ML is okay with me. However, I do like Konami to work more on the fatigue system, player development, injuries and the transfer system/difficulty. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the training mode they had in PES4 ML back; I thought that was good.

i like the look of the master league, it only needs to have the basic features on it. it don't need any extra shit that just gets in the way of playing the game, i wanna play PES not a manager game, also not bothered that there is only 12 stadiums, don't really notice them in-game anyway.

I don't mind a basic ML.
I wish we had a good ML thread, we simply made stories out of our carreers, the best thread ever on this forum.

A question, can you play My club offline too ? Or is it only online...

I would also like more stadiums and litle ones...

Where is Wembely by the way ? I know that on Wenb they said that there can be more in the retail version...sincerely hope so.

Agree with all. I like my ML mode uncluttered with unnecessary gimmicks. Areas of improvement should be things we really benefit from like development, training, transfer and injury system, and youth academy etc, not silly emails.

Totally agree with Gerd about ML stories. Hopefully we get to see that thread come back to life with PES 2015 :)
Agree with all. I like my ML mode uncluttered with unnecessary gimmicks. Areas of improvement should be things we really benefit from like development, training, transfer and injury system, and youth academy etc, not silly emails.

Totally agree with Gerd about ML stories. Hopefully we get to see that thread come back to life with PES 2015 :)

That's why I've avoided Career Mode so far on FIFA 15 and am far happier to "play" the various leagues and tournaments without spending half my night clicking through screens and reading emails. Some people enjoy the managerial wheeling and dealing whereas I prefer to play the game and think through game day tactics.

I did enjoy MLO in PES 2011 as I really tried picking up players who had strengths in certain areas without being high in overall stats. I loved Gargano as a DMF and Eduardo up front but they weren't good in many other positions. Why I enjoyed it was that you didn't have to wait for 6 to 12 months and 18-36 games before you could make any changes to your team. That kind of limitation you find in a proper career mode was a bummer as I'd get a bit of game fatigue by then.
I won't get this on release. Will be content to wait and see what they patch after release date...if it's just faces again then I'll be majorly disappointed. You really have to wonder what's been going on there or about the size of the team when each year you see what they've achieved in the last 12 months and it doesn't seem to be that much of an overhaul.

I mean keepers logic is improved and there's a couple of new animations but not a whole year's worth of work on them. Gameplay is smoother and feels alright but it's more an evolution than a revolution. Ball physics, net physics, lighting, Master League etc. I'm talking out loud here but maybe my expectations of what's going to be fixed in 12-14 months is too high...but then again, given that each year they keep saying there's something holding them back, you have to start wondering.

yeah won't be getting either on release not from what iv seen, im so disappointed, so much fkn time spent on faces where it couldv been spent on advancing the AI, or giving ML more depth.
yeah won't be getting either on release not from what iv seen, im so disappointed, so much fkn time spent on faces where it couldv been spent on advancing the AI, or giving ML more depth.

Agree 100%. When you hear about limited resources or certain elements having priorities you say ok, that's fine. But when they flat out say they're spending so much time on player faces...when they're already very good and could be worked on post release, then it becomes a real slap in the face. FFS fix the nets before you tweak the number of whiskers in Ibra's moustache...
Agree 100%. When you hear about limited resources or certain elements having priorities you say ok, that's fine. But when they flat out say they're spending so much time on player faces...when they're already very good and could be worked on post release, then it becomes a real slap in the face. FFS fix the nets before you tweak the number of whiskers in Ibra's moustache...

yeah the nets feel like steel cages, as iv been saying in previous posts, we are in the year 2014 not 2004, also next gen consoles, you would think they would make more of an effort.
That's why I've avoided Career Mode so far on FIFA 15 and am far happier to "play" the various leagues and tournaments without spending half my night clicking through screens and reading emails. Some people enjoy the managerial wheeling and dealing whereas I prefer to play the game and think through game day tactics.

I did enjoy MLO in PES 2011 as I really tried picking up players who had strengths in certain areas without being high in overall stats. I loved Gargano as a DMF and Eduardo up front but they weren't good in many other positions. Why I enjoyed it was that you didn't have to wait for 6 to 12 months and 18-36 games before you could make any changes to your team. That kind of limitation you find in a proper career mode was a bummer as I'd get a bit of game fatigue by then.
Maybe myclub woild be a better mode for you :)
Sorry guys, but something I really didn't understand. In what way i can change an emblem to a team or a league on ps4?:THINK:
From what I read about option file for ps4 and xboxone, it is not yet clear if we can at least create images with ingame editor (much like ps2 days where we could create emblems and sponsors with a simple ingame editor) or if we can only choose from kit templates. The latter one would be a big let down for me.
Anyone has any clue about it?
So pretty much if ML is not as good as you thought you guys won't be getting the game... or becauause of poor net animations ?

Il make my judgement come release, if I encounter stutter in animation while walking/running, that's enough to turn me off and il wait again for next years release. My main concern is the amount of time spent on faces which could've been better off spent on AI considering there's not enough people making this game. Also yes I'd rather see realistic net physics than faces.
Il make my judgement come release, if I encounter stutter in animation while walking/running, that's enough to turn me off and il wait again for next years release. My main concern is the amount of time spent on faces which could've been better off spent on AI considering there's not enough people making this game. Also yes I'd rather see realistic net physics than faces.

+1 Nets have been complained about for a long time and I wouldn't think it's that hard to change?? You'd assume it's more of a global change that can be applied as opposed to the incredibly detailed work that goes into recreating a face. Sometimes I wonder whether they're just trying to win side by side face comparisons on twitter...

So to answer the other question - the nets or ML news aren't the most concerning issues for me - but telling you for a few years that there's no time when they MAKE time for faces IS a big issue for me. And when they say goalkeepers have been totally reworked two years in a row and they feel 25% better rather than 100% better, then I will seriously think twice before buying the game.
From what I read about option file for ps4 and xboxone, it is not yet clear if we can at least create images with ingame editor (much like ps2 days where we could create emblems and sponsors with a simple ingame editor) or if we can only choose from kit templates. The latter one would be a big let down for me.
Anyone has any clue about it?

Someone posted the editing info here. If I recall correctly you wont be able to edit images with pixel editor on ps4 or Xbone
even if sony/microsoft allow the use of file sharing (or whatevers needed) to create an option file, Konami have taken whatever you need to create the option file out of the game for PS4 & XB1.
For all the high hopes I had for this game (ill still get it) I do feel somewhat let down. It does look like another extended demo rather than a full game.

I played FIFA for the first time in about a fortnight and straight away you are blown away by the presentation. I know its all about gameplay for Konami this year and rightly so but would it have taken much to make the game off the pitch more attractive?

As much as I love the old Master League I cant help but feel this mode is a tad dated now.
even if sony/microsoft allow the use of file sharing (or whatevers needed) to create an option file, Konami have taken whatever you need to create the option file out of the game for PS4 & XB1.

maybe they can patch it in if it becomes available
For all the high hopes I had for this game (ill still get it) I do feel somewhat let down. It does look like another extended demo rather than a full game.

I played FIFA for the first time in about a fortnight and straight away you are blown away by the presentation. I know its all about gameplay for Konami this year and rightly so but would it have taken much to make the game off the pitch more attractive?

As much as I love the old Master League I cant help but feel this mode is a tad dated now.

Same here.

I was hoping for a much more substantial one.
I don´t need that boot option or a 2nd coach explaining me the tactics over and over again.
But last year´s ML was way too simple or my taste.

Also, if it´s true that you get players too easily, that would cut out so much depth of it.
Like zee said, the satisfaction finally getting a player you wanted and the disappointment when not getting a player was a big plus for me in the ML.

I just wonder whether they sorted out the players-never-get-injured issue from PES 2014.

I guess I won´t be getting this game on release day.
Also don´t really feel like buying a PS4 just for that game...
Adam Bhatti and pes team says "It's all about gameplay" this year?

Why i can't see it?

Where is the realistic stamina system?

Where is a new and better passing system? Not one-dimensional and with unrealistic curves. I don't believe it that we9le has miles better passing system.

Where is the nextgen ball physics?

Where is the nextgen collision system? With real time push & pull?

So "it's all about gameplay"? No it's all about words, mottos and faces this year.
Has anyone noticed if there is the option to trade players in ML?

Apologies in advance if I missed it due to falling asleep during Asim's 'thorough' presentation ...
Has anyone noticed if there is the option to trade players in ML?

Apologies in advance if I missed it due to falling asleep during Asim's 'thorough' presentation ...
I don't get the November release date now. If the gameplay was complete round about gamescon code. What did they do for the next 3 months? Just faces? Cos nothing off the pitch was touched and the stadium list is poultry.
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