PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Our pals Champions and Beglin are back with the same amazing lines they've been babbling about for the past few years. Sigh...

ML seems a bit disappoint. The transfers system looks good, but it's still too easy to get a players and I miss the mini-management of the team like in PES2012, with all the players complaining for playing time, etc.
Nothing I honestly care about. It's just like the old days. This is a more straight forward ML of old with added real currency and improved transfer. The problem is he wants it like Fifa's mode. I don't want that.

i prefer it simplified as well. I dont want want emails and faxes to read. Bit worried about the pedigree of players you can sign and negotiations could be a bit more testing. I like he thrill of a player accepting or the dissappointment of not sigining
What helps me get the most fun out of the Master League is implementing some self-imposed restrictions i.e. a limit of 3 players per season (with only one being foreign) and etc.

Like with you guys, the simplicity of the ML is okay with me. However, I do like Konami to work more on the fatigue system, player development, injuries and the transfer system/difficulty. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the training mode they had in PES4 ML back; I thought that was good.
D2 ( generic second division) gone!

What a fuck.. now we would have the possibility to get all the 2nd divisions and they kill of the d2 league wich could be the 2nd Bundesliga... They knew how to fuck people off!
Stringer said:
Like with you guys, the simplicity of the ML is okay with me.

Wise words m8. In his vidya Asim complains about lack of features, but think about it lads - Master League was NEVER about being a real-life manager. You were just managing a team and getting the players you want, and it always had its own specific climate and charm, and I am happy it's entirely different from FIFA.

Personally, I wonder how match stamina will affect season fatigue. If it would force you to rotate squad often and have lots of players, that would be truly amazing. In PES 6 23-people squad would suffice. In PES 2014 I played through ML season nearly without any changes.

Overall ML might seem to be a bit empty. It could use some additions - PES 2009's player loyalty and club popularity would be a most welcome addition for me.

Now, there is co-op option in Master League on these videos. Don't get it. You can play with a friend as one team via Multiplayer? Omg that would be glorious!

As for MyClub, it's different story altogether, it's still mysterious but I can't wait for it.

Licenses...was hoping for more, but team list is supposedly not final.

Stadiums, balls, edit mode...I don't give a damn.


Stringer said:
What helps me get the most fun out of the Master League is implementing some self-imposed restrictions i.e. a limit of 3 players per season (with only one being foreign) and etc.

I usually just buy the players I like and try to buy mostly players from a region where I'm playing. For example I had a Next-Gen Soviet Union (TM) as Dinamo Moskva in PES 6, amazing ML year or two ago.

Overall, love the news.
i like the look of the master league, it only needs to have the basic features on it. it don't need any extra shit that just gets in the way of playing the game, i wanna play PES not a manager game, also not bothered that there is only 12 stadiums, don't really notice them in-game anyway.
I don't mind a basic ML.
I wish we had a good ML thread, we simply made stories out of our carreers, the best thread ever on this forum.

A question, can you play My club offline too ? Or is it only online...

I would also like more stadiums and litle ones...

Where is Wembely by the way ? I know that on Wenb they said that there can be more in the retail version...sincerely hope so.
I don't mind a basic ML.
I wish we had a good ML thread, we simply made stories out of our carreers, the best thread ever on this forum.

A question, can you play My club offline too ? Or is it only online...

I would also like more stadiums and litle ones...

Where is Wembely by the way ? I know that on Wenb they said that there can be more in the retail version...sincerely hope so.
You can play against the AI.
The things I wish to be improved for the final version (played only the xbox360-demo). :

1. The gamespeed in the demo is a bit too fast.
2. The ballphysics seem ok, but the rolling of the ball while passing feels like a marble-ball, it's too clean, it needs to feel more like a football rolling over the pitch.
3. When approaching a player from behind, he seems like a wall, regardless of his physical stature, unmoving, unaffected.
4. When only walking/jogging with the ball, the ball seems stuck to my foot, same happens when the opponent has it, it seems like there is a forcefield around it protecting it from dispossession.
5. When players make passes or crosses, no matter the pressure of the defenders, he will make it perfectly. But in reality it's often so that when under pressure passing and especially crossing or high passes become more inaccurate.
6. It seems like every player has the same accuracy for passing, there needs to be way more variation according to stats in the ability of making good timed, precise passes.
7. Often, even when anticipating a pass, my player just jumps over the ball instead of intercepting.
I wish we had a good ML thread, we simply made stories out of our carreers, the best thread ever on this forum.

I guess I was the last man writing in this thread about my last ML in PES 6. A dedicated ML stories forum section could be nice indeed. I've seen something like that on Neoseeker (Story of my Season they call it?).
Just watched a few of the edit videos etc - despite PES15 being great on the pitch it really hasnt moved on off it. The main menu is nice but the rest of the game is so dated.
Just watched a few of the edit videos etc - despite PES15 being great on the pitch it really hasnt moved on off it. The main menu is nice but the rest of the game is so dated.

Agreed, Is there an actual reason why this is the case? I've heard it all from small teams to Hideo Kojima getting all the love to culture differences but what is the real reason.
East Anglia Town.
I won't get this on release. Will be content to wait and see what they patch after release date...if it's just faces again then I'll be majorly disappointed. You really have to wonder what's been going on there or about the size of the team when each year you see what they've achieved in the last 12 months and it doesn't seem to be that much of an overhaul.

I mean keepers logic is improved and there's a couple of new animations but not a whole year's worth of work on them. Gameplay is smoother and feels alright but it's more an evolution than a revolution. Ball physics, net physics, lighting, Master League etc. I'm talking out loud here but maybe my expectations of what's going to be fixed in 12-14 months is too high...but then again, given that each year they keep saying there's something holding them back, you have to start wondering.
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