PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

I think Pes 2014 was a brave attempt to advance the gameplay to something we haven't had before but it backfired. The last gen consoles couldn't cope with what they were trying to achieve and was too unresponsive and fidgety to play. . . .in saying that after the patches it was a reasonably good game which I'm still playing.

I think this year they listened to fans and are trying to recreate the old feeling of Pes5/6 which is fair enough and hopefully it works. There obviously has been influence from the UK studio in Pes 2015 and that's probably a good thing.. . . we would all like an enjoyable experience when playing.

The problems that I would be worried about are that it could end up a bit similar to Fifa gameplay wise and would end up in a situation where Pes would have to up the ante in the licenses and gloss which I don't think they can win.

It will be interesting to hear opinions after the demo ....hopefully positive . . .. I've been passionate about Pes since it began as have a lot of people on this site and would hate to see it folding up.

So let's hope for the best on Wednesday.
i dont get this advert thing. no need to put on TV for tons of money. just lend a few pounds to a kid to make 10 short vids and make viral videos. everyone is on the internet instead watching tv nowdays so.. OR invite KSI to test it and give a free copy to him if he likes it. instant marketing bomb as he has one of the most watched youtube channel.
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i dont get this advert thing. no need to put on TV for tons of money. just lend a few pounds to a kid to make 10 short vids and make viral videos. everyone is on the internet instead watching tv nowdays so.. OR invite KSI to test it and give a free copy to him if he likes it. instant marketing bomb as he has one of the most watched youtube channel.

"Hardcore fans" would immediately cancel their pre-order.. and claim in every forum/video that they'll never ever buy a PES game again...
OR invite KSI to test it and give a free copy to him if he likes it. instant marketing bomb as he has one of the most watched youtube channel.

Except KSI's audience would never buy PES. It's all about licensing and authenticity for them. For most of them FIFA is more of a card trading game, getting that ultra rare FUT TOTS that they can show of to their mates to. PES will never replicate that experience so it's pointless trying.

If Konami want to carve out their own niche they need to make either a true simulation, or complete arcade type kick-about for casual players. The series doesn't have any identity anymore. It's just half-hearted attempts to appease everyone while attracting no-one.

All the harking back to PES5 is embarrassing. Has anyone seen a video of it recently? For it's time it was exceptional, but football games have evolved since then. I fail to see anything in that game that the FIFA series hasn't built upon.

There's room for two football titles, and I hope the series is never discontinued for competitions sake. But at the moment it's not offering an alternative experience, just a diluted version of it's rival in all aspects.
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The "we let the game speak for itself" motto is hardly a strategy. More so a lack of a proper Marketing department, which EA are experts at.

What worries me the most is how EA leveled the PC version with the NextGen one, a direct wink at PC gamers. While Konami did the exact opposite. Instead of having the PC community eating off their hands, they slapped them with it. Let's not forget how the PC Community practically kept PES interesting since PES 2008 when the game itself had very little to offer.
People should realize that Konami make most of their money from pachinko and Metal Gear. It's not a coincidence that those are the only things that get proper treatment.
They basically killed most of their franchises because they don't need them to be a very profitable company.
I hope it's just the human players screwing up the game because in that last video, the tempo of the match is completely destroyed. 2000 balls lost in a match, almost no creative plays made... Just R1 pressing and countless fake shot dribbles.
The "we let the game speak for itself" motto is hardly a strategy. More so a lack of a proper Marketing department, which EA are experts at.

What worries me the most is how EA leveled the PC version with the NextGen one, a direct wink at PC gamers. While Konami did the exact opposite. Instead of having the PC community eating off their hands, they slapped them with it. Let's not forget how the PC Community practically kept PES interesting since PES 2008 when the game itself had very little to offer.

actually im glad about it. it will run on my pc. ande its the first next gen title for pes. has to be console exclusive
Except KSI's audience would never buy PES. It's all about licensing and authenticity for them. For most of them FIFA is more of a card trading game, getting that ultra rare FUT TOTS that they can show of to their mates to. PES will never replicate that experience so it's pointless trying.

If Konami want to carve out their own niche they need to make either a true simulation, or complete arcade type kick-about for casual players. The series doesn't have any identity anymore. It's just half-hearted attempts to appease everyone while attracting no-one.

All the harking back to PES5 is embarrassing. Has anyone seen a video of it recently? For it's time it was exceptional, but football games have evolved since then. I fail to see anything in that game that the FIFA series hasn't built upon.

There's room for two football titles, and I hope the series is never discontinued for competitions sake. But at the moment it's not offering an alternative experience, just a diluted version of it's rival in all aspects.

Have to agree with this man.
I think part of this issue can be attributed to the user dragging his midfielders out of position thus opening up space for the CPU to exploit. Perhaps if the user had stayed compact with maybe banks of defenders the CPU would have been forced to hold the play more along the lines of what we see from Costa with Spain/Chelsea. That being said Portugal looked just as disjointed as they do in real life when they play Spain.

This is also true. If Konami's goal was to create a Portugal team the replicates the disaster that was at the world cup then it's worked! I have faith that most of my gameplay worries will be fixed by using the tactics editor well.

I do hope so though, because so many lower ranked teams do not have the fluency to play like Arsenal, Bayern or Barca (i.e. without much hold-up play as they have such a fluid midfield). I prefer playing with lower ranked teams personally, so Peter Crouch must play like Peter Crouch damn it! :D
Whilst it's fair to say that EA does a better job at marketing the game than Konami, the FIFA 15 trailer just came out and the game gets released in a couple of weeks. PES comes out in a couple of months. 2 months before the release of FIFA I don't recall that much info.

Not to make excuses for PES as they might not release a trailer before the game but people hardly compare apples with apples. Either way, the demo will sell me more than a glitzy trailer. I'm yet to try the FIFA demo as my Xbox Live just expired and the place I bought a code from to renew hasn't yet shipped it. I was hoping to give it a good run this weekend. Not to be :(
About the marketing of Konami:
They are not so stupid not to have a plan. The timing of the demo is done on purpose and so will a trailer and the info about game-modes.
Maybe they don't do a trailer. I myself see no use of that. I am more interested in the demo and in the info about game-modes and online.
Since Pes 2015 releases half november, I guess Konami waits until the first few weeks after FIFA 15 release are past, and than they come with the most important info about PES 2015.

About the demo: I bet people will have a lot to complain about it, because people here on Evo Web always find something to complain. I would be very surprised if everybody was happy with the demo.
I'm talking in terms of overall marekting investment and planning, here.

If it plays smart, Konami shouldn't publish anything these weeks, or at least as a marketing professional I wouldn't waste any bullet. Now is Fifa time, they have a demo and a game coming in 2 weeks, and they are collapsing all the marketing space and have a much bigger wallet. It would be a waste to try the direct head to head approach...

Head to head approach would only work if they were so bloody confident that their product is much much better on all aspects, but clearly as a market product, PES isn't the marekt leader, not even a leader contender, so they need to save their bullets for the october to launch period to take the most out of it, a period in which EA probably won't be as dominating.

That said, there's the risk of being too late later on, thus a guerrilla scenario would have been wiser than saying nothing. At least they have the demo next weeks so they can build a bit upon it. Or they could be publishing screenshots, small vids, teasers, releasing tiny bits of info... do something. That would, at least, make some impact on the hardcore niche.

But maybe their marketing plan is focused on a big shot before launch for a reason. It's risky but at least in terms of marketing shows some confidence in their product that they didn't show last years, where they tried to stick themselves to Fifa and ride the same wave.
Amaizingly PES BR(One of the worst PES sites in the world) spoke about that mode(Role Control) 2 months ago.

Some of their information is actually correct! :WORSHIP:
The thing EA has done very right with their marketing is releasing small videos about features over the last few months. If you look at the EA Fifa channel on youtube you can see the number of videos they have already:

11 videos to influence the customer to pay their money. Konami, 1 shitty trailer which was pulled, no features videos and a few gameplay videos and fan made trailers which only the PES community will see or care about.

10 million views on the Fifa E3 trailer. More than 1m views on all other trailers.

I think the gameplay videos have sold most people in the PES community to buy the game, but there's no concession to new customers to explain what the game is about, other than it's a football game.
Don't know if it was posted yet, but here's a video I quite like:

YouTube - PES 2015 - Gameplay Compilation #1

Don't want to discuss Fifa 15 vs PES 2015, just want to say that the animation and the players look and move imho better in that PES 2015 video than in the Fifa 15 demo-videos.

P.S.: How do I get that video to be embedded?
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People should realize that Konami make most of their money from pachinko and Metal Gear. It's not a coincidence that those are the only things that get proper treatment.
They basically killed most of their franchises because they don't need them to be a very profitable company.

Are you sure? Metal gear comes once every 4-5 years? I don't think that's enough for a company to survive on only. I don't know the pachinko game though.
I think pes is a very important franchise for Konami, since it is coming out every year.
I once learned in school that Japanese business culture is very different from western. Where in western companies it's normal to use the expertise of the subsidiary company or other teams. In Japanese companies it's not something usual. They work more separately. Thats why we only now see that technology used for metal gear is finally being used for PES. And that also explains why franchises like MGS get much better and professional treatment than pes. It's like two different companies.
Are you sure? Metal gear comes once every 4-5 years? I don't think that's enough for a company to survive on only. I don't know the pachinko game though.
I think pes is a very important franchise for Konami, since it is coming out every year.
I once learned in school that Japanese business culture is very different from western. Where in western companies it's normal to use the expertise of the subsidiary company or other teams. In Japanese companies it's not something usual. They work more separately. Thats why we only now see that technology used for metal gear is finally being used for PES. And that also explains why franchises like MGS get much better and professional treatment than pes. It's like two different companies.

They're into all sorts of business ventures these days. Even real estate, IIRC. Videogames are not their primary focus. And Konami as a company is right up there with EA. The difference is that EA sticks with videogames, Konami has expanded in a very large scale beyond that.

Fitness facilities, casino machines, all sorts of unrelated stuff. Which is why there's been a steep decline in their output in terms of videogames and the quality of those that do exist.
Thank you Jesus adam bhatti has finally confirmed that camp nou and santiago bernabeu will be in pes 2015

He was asked if la-liga will be licensed and he said yes and that we should not expect any issues from last year
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