PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

The AI passing around defence and midfield looks superb. They look for a good passing option and look to pass first rather than dribble first.

The two concerns I have after watching this video are:

- Lack of hold-up play from the striker. When Costa receives the ball, he should play with his back to goal, keep the ball and wait for support from the midfield to move the rest of the Spain team further up the pitch. Instead he either runs straight at the defence or runs left or right (towards or away from the camera).

- I can see there being a lot of goals from goalkeeper punches from crosses/corners. From the corner at 6 mins you can see the AI defender leave the player at the edge of the box and run to the penalty spot, leading to an easy shot. He should really drop back to the edge of the box to clear any defensive headers which fall short which would keep him close enough to rush out and block the shot from the attacker (Silva?). Once the goalkeeper does punch though, the defenders do an OK job or trying to block the shot, but the more realistic way would be for the defender to stay more with the player on the edge of the box rather than going so far away from him.

I do hope these problems can be corrected in the tactics menu. With 4-3-3 formations that most teams play now, a striker which plays with his back to goal and holds the ball up is really important, otherwise the ball is returned to the opponent all the time.
You talk about "concerns" and "problems" from which you hope these will be corrected, but I can only be happy if the degree of concerns and problems are so little as this. These are microscopic. Just watch a real football match and you see bigger flaws than the one you describe. Summing up these problems means Konami made a near perfect football game ;)
You talk about "concerns" and "problems" from which you hope these will be corrected, but I can only be happy if the degree of concerns and problems are so little as this. These are microscopic. Just watch a real football match and you see bigger flaws than the one you describe. Summing up these problems means Konami made a near perfect football game ;)

Oh, there's plenty of other things I wish they'd fix like that horrible 180 degree turn animation that takes about a week to play out. But I've been really impressed by the videos so far, and that's maybe because I've been playing more PES6 than anything else recently and it does seem that style of gameplay is reflected more in 2015.

I just hope master league is a better experience with a proper 2nd division and more intelligent transfers, better youth team options etc. etc. etc. Most of what I want fixed hasn't been shown in videos yet.

We shall see. :)

This is the problem with PES.... EA are doing a great job with this adds all over the place... it's almost pathetic that Konami has yet to release a single Trailer... :RANT:

Don't get me wrong, the game looks good.... but people don't even know that, seeing that there is not a single oficial trailer for it.

They should use the fact that they're the only game with the Brazilian League.. but no.

Why don't they use their biggest weapon... a trailer about the Champions League... DO SOMETHING!! :COAT:
I have a feeling that PES as a franchise is literally fighting for it's life.
PES2015 might be the last chance for the franchise...

This is the problem with PES.... EA are doing a great job with this adds all over the place... it's almost pathetic that Konami has yet to release a single Trailer... :RANT:

Don't get me wrong, the game looks good.... but people don't even know that, seeing that there is not a single oficial trailer for it.

They should use the fact that they're the only game with the Brazilian League.. but no.

Why don't they use their biggest weapon... a trailer about the Champions League... DO SOMETHING!! :COAT:

God knows why they don't. Its mind boggling how they work so hard all year to develop a potentially great game and dont even bother promoting it in the basic ways. A professional trailer, any news or announcements or a press release.
Pes doesn't have English stadia ( one of them).

Pes doesn't have German stadia( one of them)

Pes doesn't have two the most famous Spanish stadia too :COAT:

It's ridiculous :FAIL:
Actually, there are 2 English stadia and PES 2015 will also have 2 German stadia with the Olympiastadion in Berlin.
I have a feeling that PES as a franchise is literally fighting for it's life.
PES2015 might be the last chance for the franchise...
I feel that too, more so than ever this year. Normally I consider these kind of statements to be over dramatic but I think we are getting to a critical point where Konami really has to deliver.

Whatever we think of FIFA it's hard to deny that it's doing so many things right on a commercial level. EA is building on the series year by year, adding content and features that gamers want. The full Barclays Premier League experience is a killer feature that will push FIFA higher than ever.

PES has an equally attractive feature - the Champions League - but they do very little to promote this.

The low-key "wait until you play it" approach was sensible pre-Gamescom but now Konami needs to step up and really sell this game.

PES is one 'brand' that is appallingly 'managed'.
The lack of marketing is appaling. Most people don't go to forums like this. If you don't promote your game it simply is forgotten. This exclusive promotion by the fans and the community isn't a good idea, IMHO.
The lack of marketing is appaling. Most people don't go to forums like this. If you don't promote your game it simply is forgotten. This exclusive promotion by the fans and the community isn't a good idea, IMHO.
Exactly. Konami's marketing strategy is basically preaching to the converted. Getting the message out to people that are already looking for information serves little purpose.
I don't agree with You about promotion game in the same time when Fifa. Why? Because Pes will release at 17th of November. They have time to promote game. They have to promote now because Fifa make it??? Fifa will release in 14 days. In my opinion Konami wait when Fifa will come on market and than make big marketing promotion thier game. It's good. They change strategy to fight with Fifa.
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I don't agree with You about promotion game in the same time when Fifa. Why? Because Pes will release at 17th of November. They have time to promote game. They have to promote now because Fifa make it??? Fifa will release in 14 days. In my opinion Konami wait when Fifa will come on market and than make big marketing promotion thier game. It's good.

But FIFA has been doing this for the last 3 months.

Konami is yet to release A SINGLE TRAILER! :YAWN:

GAMESCOM and E3 are the best place to showcase the game... show an epic trailer, showing all the features of the game... Konami didn't do nothing...
The AI passing around defence and midfield looks superb. They look for a good passing option and look to pass first rather than dribble first.

The two concerns I have after watching this video are:

- Lack of hold-up play from the striker. When Costa receives the ball, he should play with his back to goal, keep the ball and wait for support from the midfield to move the rest of the Spain team further up the pitch. Instead he either runs straight at the defence or runs left or right (towards or away from the camera).

- I can see there being a lot of goals from goalkeeper punches from crosses/corners. From the corner at 6 mins you can see the AI defender leave the player at the edge of the box and run to the penalty spot, leading to an easy shot. He should really drop back to the edge of the box to clear any defensive headers which fall short which would keep him close enough to rush out and block the shot from the attacker (Silva?). Once the goalkeeper does punch though, the defenders do an OK job or trying to block the shot, but the more realistic way would be for the defender to stay more with the player on the edge of the box rather than going so far away from him.

I do hope these problems can be corrected in the tactics menu. With 4-3-3 formations that most teams play now, a striker which plays with his back to goal and holds the ball up is really important, otherwise the ball is returned to the opponent all the time.

I think part of this issue can be attributed to the user dragging his midfielders out of position thus opening up space for the CPU to exploit. Perhaps if the user had stayed compact with maybe banks of defenders the CPU would have been forced to hold the play more along the lines of what we see from Costa with Spain/Chelsea. That being said Portugal looked just as disjointed as they do in real life when they play Spain.
I have a feeling that PES as a franchise is literally fighting for it's life.
PES2015 might be the last chance for the franchise...

I don't think so. Even if the game will be mediocre, it will stilll sell millions of copies worldwide, mostly in those countries it has the leagues licensed.

Not quality is decisive but licenses.

And even for us who look deeper into game and write in forums about, we will always be there to hail the game when it comes to form, no matter how long it takes.
It's a tad unfair to compare marketing practices. EA's is very aggressive and, needless to say, I doubt you'd all rather PES allocated funds to the marketing department rather than to the game itself.
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I have a feeling that PES as a franchise is literally fighting for it's life.
PES2015 might be the last chance for the franchise...

I don't think so. The game still sells like gangbusters, and I have a feeling Konami's overhead is quite manageable based on their small development team, slow technological progress and their lack of advertising.
I just saw the new 2k trailer and it was its usual insane self and then i look at pes and i am truly sorry for this franchise, i have tried to talk to adam about the konami's marketing policies and instead i am met with "Gameplay is focus".

I tried a lot to understand where konami was coming from and listen to all the podcasts but maybe it seems that konami are waiting for fifa's marketing and promotion to end before they start to market and promote their game.

The downside of this strategy begs one question Will People still care?. I just hope that everything goes to plan i still feel that fifa is being rushed for that september release and that pes's release date of November is more sensible that is if konami use the time to polish up their game and improve modes such as Master league and commentary which is far more important to me than My-club which is going to be a brazen money-grab.

I know konami desperately needs this money but still micro-transactions will ruin gaming. Ultimate team is essentially armed robbery.
I still look forward a lot to see the AI in PES. It has always played more realistic and that goes a long way for me as an offline only player.
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