Have to agree, the delay in pressing for pass or shot means being tackled or losing the ball. I've played against a lot of teams in ML Spanish 2nd Div and from top to bottom all the opposing teams play a high possession game, I've seen at half time 65% for them, and its no use traying to chase them or the ball down, you have to wait until the come into your half and so you have players closer to get any chance of getting the ball.
The delay in pressing a button and getting the reaction for your players is causing the loss of goals and possession, this combined with the highly accurate pass rate of the computers team with its movement can be very frustrating. I've noticed that when you have a computer player pressing along side the player you have on the ball, the power bar may go up but my player won't pass the ball, while the other way round I had 2 players press either side of the computer player on the ball yet they can still pass the ball.
I've so far only tried Superstar and Top Player, I am going to drop to the lower setting to see if this lowers the high possession rates of the computer opponents remains the same.
The fact that your back 4 are always in a line and at least a 10 yard gap between both centre backs and they with their fullbacks, allows for a high rate of through balls either on the deck or in the air.
Annoying things ... toe poke tackle - not that's bad itself - 4 things usually happen - 1. Your TPT only serves as a pass to one of the computer players team mates. 2. The computer player falls down and you player goes into an auto jump over this again gives time for another cpu player to get the ball. 3. You player falls on top of said player. 4. The player falls over and your player gets stuck against this fallen player, long enough for the opposition to get the ball back.
Slow reaction times of the player your controlling and more so you AI controlled team mates, and the delay between pressing a button and the action commencing are 2 things that need fixing but these have needed fixing for years.
The game is good, not great - if the collision system and the delay - reactions could be fixed then it would be a great game.
Ps .. Pissed, it would seem they have taken out (Y) the downward header.
That just summed up PES 2015 PC.