PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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One thing i miss, which used to be hugely prominent in FIFA and a favorite of mine was


What ever happened to arguments after bad tackles or a game boiling over through bad temper? I'd really like to see some player personalities implemented into the game, i'd like to see players lose their composure and possibly intimidate others affecting the mentality of the game, more arguments off the ball in a derby match or a match with high intensity and high pressure.

Also it's really about time there was a section in team edit to edit which teams are rivals to eachover an how intense the rivalry is.

Agreed. There's rarely any emotion on the pitch. You would think there would be since the implement of crowd reactions this year. There's such a lack of cut scenes as well. The only argument scene i've had was a Barca - Madrid match. But that was the first and last time that i've had that cut scene.
my belated christmas present to all. One of my fav goals so far! Showing when the right analog and sprint button is used rightly, it results in effective dribbling. Yes dribbling is difficult in this year's version. But perhaps that is a good thing.

YouTube - Pes2014 Sanchez Solo

by the way, anyone knows how to embed youtube videos? I can't seem to do it...tried url, html tags but no use. tried direct copying the embed link from youtube as well..
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You're more than welcome to do that :)
sorry Lami been a little busy, i sent an email to adam bhatti, a comprehensive one, stating almost everything and added pictures i took of keeper bugs and User Interfaces konami can try. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
One thing i miss, which used to be hugely prominent in FIFA and a favorite of mine was


What ever happened to arguments after bad tackles or a game boiling over through bad temper? I'd really like to see some player personalities implemented into the game, i'd like to see players lose their composure and possibly intimidate others affecting the mentality of the game, more arguments off the ball in a derby match or a match with high intensity and high pressure.

Also it's really about time there was a section in team edit to edit which teams are rivals to eachover an how intense the rivalry is.
klash i miss all that, seems konami took the no-cutscenes a little too literally
Hi, if I start a new ML and the new patch 1.06 is released does anybody know if it will affect my ML?

I wanted to wait until the new patch was out before I start one but I'm getting impatient.

I bought a new PC with very high specs for gaming
GPU = Asus GTX780 OC 3G
CPU = i7 3.50 Ghz
RAM = 8G
unfortunately PES 2014 has many stutterings and micro freezing (almost 1 second sometimes)..does anyone has got the same problem with GTX780?

P.S with my former PC ( with a gtx560 and an old quadcore 2.40 Ghz )the games run smooth ...WTF?!??!

Is it really possible that a gtx560 and an old CPU are better for PES2014?

Please anyone help me out
By the way, i am looking for opponents for friendly matches, i am playing full manual, on Xbox 360. Feel free to add me, here is my GT : Mongolourk
Yep. Downloaded the pes 2014 trick tutorial on my phone and took to the traimong pitch. Its alot mpre advanced than what we have the last few years. Neymar Cronaldo, Ronaldinho et Al are phenomenal with the plethora of tricks the have, boggles my mind why they would do this and allow everyone to be able to do the Damn rainbow flick.
Where can I download that PES 2014 trick tutorial you mentioned? I am very interested :)
What are the problems with the DLC's?

At least on xbox360 imho they ruin the CPU's AI. With the DLC's the CPU-AI's attacking is very repetitive and boring, without the DLC's there's more variation to it.

The other thing the DLC's do is set up the teams tactically with very high defense lines and very compact teams.

And the last thing the DLC's interfere with is that control of the player is more laggy with the DLC's on it.

That are my observations, without the DLC's I find the game much more enjoyable. Of course you lose all the faces Konami created and winter-transfers, but imho that is a small price to pay for a more enjoyable game.

Had another few great matches on top player and 25 min with 1 bar-passing. The game is imho awesome. Only the goalkeeper could and should be a bit better. I've set all abilities on 99 and that helps, he is more reliable, but certain shots that are close to the body of the goalkeeper he just can't handle, he just dives under them. If the ball is bit farther from his body he handles the shots great, but when the trajectory is very close to the torso of his body he doesn't know what to do.

He simply can't just put the one hand on the ball in that situation and push the ball away.

But I don't know if real goalkeepers have much problem with shots that are close to their torso.
Happy holidays easypeazy.

Fixed it for you :)

Thanks Lami!

At least on xbox360 imho they ruin the CPU's AI. With the DLC's the CPU-AI's attacking is very repetitive and boring, without the DLC's there's more variation to it.

The other thing the DLC's do is set up the teams tactically with very high defense lines and very compact teams.

And the last thing the DLC's interfere with is that control of the player is more laggy with the DLC's on it.

That are my observations, without the DLC's I find the game much more enjoyable. Of course you lose all the faces Konami created and winter-transfers, but imho that is a small price to pay for a more enjoyable game.

Had another few great matches on top player and 25 min with 1 bar-passing. The game is imho awesome. Only the goalkeeper could and should be a bit better. I've set all abilities on 99 and that helps, he is more reliable, but certain shots that are close to the body of the goalkeeper he just can't handle, he just dives under them. If the ball is bit farther from his body he handles the shots great, but when the trajectory is very close to the torso of his body he doesn't know what to do.

He simply can't just put the one hand on the ball in that situation and push the ball away.

But I don't know if real goalkeepers have much problem with shots that are close to their torso.

I play without the DLCs for the PC version and I have witnessed similarly to you in the variation of play. Even the AI doesn't always cross to the near post. One thing though is they don't take much long shots.

I agree about the keepers too, that is the biggest problem, they can't handle shot too close to their upper torso. It doesn't happen irl at all unless its a blunder. IRL, the keeper will most likely punch it away or over the top of the bar.
I bought a new PC with very high specs for gaming
GPU = Asus GTX780 OC 3G
CPU = i7 3.50 Ghz
RAM = 8G
unfortunately PES 2014 has many stutterings and micro freezing (almost 1 second sometimes)..does anyone has got the same problem with GTX780?

P.S with my former PC ( with a gtx560 and an old quadcore 2.40 Ghz )the games run smooth ...WTF?!??!

Is it really possible that a gtx560 and an old CPU are better for PES2014?

Please anyone help me out

This thread should be helpful :)
I'm starting 2 like the game more and more.
it has it flaws everybody knows that, but it really plays like soccer.
I got the custom chants 2 work, makes a different game.
im trying to look at the game from a positive side, although I still think they better should have passed the current gen.
I think they scared allot of people 2the other Side.
The right stick is key as well as not usinf the speed button as you truly lose xontrol easily.

One annoyance is the new R2 functionality, I am too used too using it as close control but the default dribble is now close control. Still loving this game though, you need to concentrate for the full 90mins on top player
The right stick is key to what exactly? Skill moves?

I only use it if I want to do croquetas, cryuff turns etc, or push away a 'locked on' defender.

Everyone keeps mentioning the importance of the right stick when attacking, is there something I've missed, some hidden shielding mechanic?
The right stick is key to what exactly? Skill moves?

I only use it if I want to do croquetas, cryuff turns etc, or push away a 'locked on' defender.

Everyone keeps mentioning the importance of the right stick when attacking, is there something I've missed, some hidden shielding mechanic?


No mate playing 0 assist on passing negates the player stats completely unlike PES2013. I much prefer 1 bar.

@sincover yes. If you run without speed with the ball and turn away from a defender you use the right stick and fend him off then sprint to get away from him. Its hard as you have to push in the players direction but once it clicks it works well.

The right stick in general is your body ahift and can also be used to wrong foot pkayers. The CPU does it incredibly well.
I'm starting 2 like the game more and more.
it has it flaws everybody knows that, but it really plays like soccer.
I got the custom chants 2 work, makes a different game.
im trying to look at the game from a positive side, although I still think they better should have passed the current gen.
I think they scared allot of people 2the other Side.

I play without the DLCs for the PC version and I have witnessed similarly to you in the variation of play. Even the AI doesn't always cross to the near post. One thing though is they don't take much long shots.

The DLC doesn't change the game code but it does change team strategies. So, the near post crosses are the effect of the team playing narrower. This in turn tells us why players occasionally feels blind. This is because they don't really see their team mates, they look at the team sliders to find out where friendly players are supposed to be and play the ball accordingly even if it looks weird. This exact issue has been present in PES since 2012 at least. Something that is much more annoying is that team mates in BAL always dally on the ball when they could put a cross into the box to your relatively unmarked player. Instead they wait until the defender gets a tackle in so best case scenario you get a throw-in. I've seen this happen even when your wing/back has half a pitch head start so it HAS to be coded in there that friendly AI in BAL is supposed to deviate from regular AI in many situations.

So, if you want to keep the faces and graphics updates, just manually edit the team strategies and you'll be back to "normal" gameplay. A stroke of genius have had them limited the amount of stored tactics for some "brilliant" reason though, so manually fixing the strategies will take some time. I personally set everything to "Custom" and start from a base tactic. The AI explodes into motion with a decent setup though.
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PES reminds me of IRC (Internet Relay Chat). It was the most used chat client in 90's and early 2000 but what I read recently is IRC will shut down soon. Same thing with PES. The writing is on the wall. Konami did great and left us with great memories but they just wont overtake what EA started. Everyone I know and their mother plays FIFA on xbox one etc. EA are sitting on top and nobody will take them down. The hardcore PES fanbase isn't big enough to keep PES alive. Unless Seabass comes back full time, brings his old team back, takes the fundamentals from PES5/WE9LE, PES will be finished in a year or two. Mark my words.

Off topic, but can you link/pm me the source for IRC shutting down?
I have no clue what it does. I've always had it off. Dribbling like this wouldn't be possible with the old dribbling speed. The close control in this game is really wonderful.

If you have Auto Feint on and move the right stick to the direction your player is looking at and move the left stick to the direction you wanna go, he is either doing some kind of sombrero or ronaldo choppish something.
Looks quite cool and is useful sometimes depending on timing and space.

I am having a lot of fun with this game. Really!
I didn´t have it at the very beginning, I gotta say.
It took me time to like it and get used to it.

On Xmas holidays my cousin came over and we had a few matches on the PS3. We had a blast!
It was plain fun.
Of course we sometimes noticed issues like awful keepers etc but we were more like laughing at it screaming "What the hell is he doing???".

So, playing it together on the console or PC it´s quite fun imo.

We´ve switched player emotions off though, I feel it plays more fluid that way.

Playing it on the PC also but masterleague offline only. Have quit playing it online for a while as it really pisses me off at times. I had that with PES 2012 and 2013 too though.

Although masterleague is quite stripped down I´m still having fun as I love the features of coaching national teams and taking part in tournaments depending what team you have (worldcup, euro cup, south american etc.) and being able to change your club team.
Adding more depth to it in the next release would be great!

Also I have to add another thing which I mentioned in the PC thread already:
Since I started with PES I was using the D-Pad and never wanted to get used to the analogue stick at all.
I was able to play all the releases that way, even 2013.
This year I feel the limitations of using the D-pad the very first time, which took out a lot of the fun factor.
Now I´ve forced myself getting used to the analogue stick and I have to say it´s even more fun now and I logically feel more freedom in steering my player.

I´ve read that many people got back to play PES 2013.
I had my fun with PES 2013, but after playing PES 2014 I can´t play the previous realease no more because I love the animations of this game and 2013 looks too robotic to me now.
A few pages ago someone said (I guess it was eazypeazy) animations on PES 2014 come very close to a real life footbal match on TV and I totally have to agree on this one.
PES 2014 has the most realistic animations, even more than the other footy game, which I though of having the best animations till 2013.
Sometimes though the movements of the upper part of the body doesn´t really match. You can see that on the replays.

This game has its flaws, no doubt. But which version didn´t?

Sorry for the long post and my english :)
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Has anyone else found the game plays smoother if you set your training up to be more about speed?

Without any of the players changing stats, it seems to make them more reponsive. I was really enjoying the game with it set like this, then changed training to be more about passing and forgot all about it and then nearly gave the game up as it seemed unresponsive, then changed back and it seems to play better
Has anyone else found the game plays smoother if you set your training up to be more about speed?

Without any of the players changing stats, it seems to make them more reponsive. I was really enjoying the game with it set like this, then changed training to be more about passing and forgot all about it and then nearly gave the game up as it seemed unresponsive, then changed back and it seems to play better

What do you mean by setting up training to be about speed?
If you have Auto Feint on and move the right stick to the direction your player is looking at and move the left stick to the direction you wanna go, he is either doing some kind of sombrero or ronaldo choppish something.
Looks quite cool and is useful sometimes depending on timing and space.

I am having a lot of fun with this game. Really!
I didn´t have it at the very beginning, I gotta say.
It took me time to like it and get used to it.

On Xmas holidays my cousin came over and we had a few matches on the PS3. We had a blast!
It was plain fun.
Of course we sometimes noticed issues like awful keepers etc but we were more like laughing at it screaming "What the hell is he doing???".

So, playing it together on the console or PC it´s quite fun imo.

We´ve switched player emotions off though, I feel it plays more fluid that way.

Playing it on the PC also but masterleague offline only. Have quit playing it online for a while as it really pisses me off at times. I had that with PES 2012 and 2013 too though.

Although masterleague is quite stripped down I´m still having fun as I love the features of coaching national teams and taking part in tournaments depending what team you have (worldcup, euro cup, south american etc.) and being able to change your club team.
Adding more depth to it in the next release would be great!

Also I have to add another thing which I mentioned in the PC thread already:
Since I started with PES I was using the D-Pad and never wanted to get used to the analogue stick at all.
I was able to play all the releases that way, even 2013.
This year I feel the limitations of using the D-pad the very first time, which took out a lot of the fun factor.
Now I´ve forced myself getting used to the analogue stick and I have to say it´s even more fun now and I logically feel more freedom in steering my player.

I´ve read that many people got back to play PES 2013.
I had my fun with PES 2013, but after playing PES 2014 I can´t play the previous realease no more because I love the animations of this game and 2013 looks too robotic to me now.
A few pages ago someone said (I guess it was eazypeazy) animations on PES 2014 come very close to a real life footbal match on TV and I totally have to agree on this one.
PES 2014 has the most realistic animations, even more than the other footy game, which I though of having the best animations till 2013.
Sometimes though the movements of the upper part of the body doesn´t really match. You can see that on the replays.

This game has its flaws, no doubt. But which version didn´t?

Sorry for the long post and my english :)
yeah every game i play assures me that the animations in this game are superb,natural and very fluid, its so close to real-life even when compared to the other game on nextgen which in my opinion still looks a tad unnatural and robotic too me... Konami needs to smoothen the transition from one animation to another on nextgen to increase response time
Guys, had the opportunity to play Next Gen Fifa, for me PES 2014's gameplay is definitely way better, game is more responsive, ball physics, collisions, game feels much more fluid.

I understand that PES 2014 has some serious gameplay flaws such as goalkeepers, Artificial Intelligence, response times should be better, graphically I find PES 2014 very good as well, played both games at 1080p (PES 2014 PC vs Fifa NG PS4).

Fifa's past and current gameplay flaw is that it feels scripted, ball does not feel as a real soccer ball. If Fifa does not fix or change that issue/feeling, I believe that PES can offer a better gameplay experience on the Next Gen platforms if Konami fixes all the bugs currently affecting PES 2014.

Playing PES 2014 with 1.06 patch, DLC 3.0, +1 Speed, Custom Long Camera.
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