PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Just been trying training 11-1 to look at shooting.

To get players to hit first time shots running onto the ball is difficult. Changing angle it is nearly impossible.

If a player runs pointing north west to the ball and wants to hit the ball straight or south west, the player will always take a touch and then push the ball forward before shooting. This in a game destroys the chance of a goal as the keeper or defender would get it.

This happens on a lot of shots when running onto a ball and shooting a different direction and is infuriating
"Catch-up design choice" doesn't sound as snappy, does it?

How about "desperate balancing act to counter the effect of the absurdly high defensive lines we've imposed on every single team because we're no longer able to program an opposition AI capable of passing its way through a properly set up defence"?
Just like I suspected: The "shifting to attack" is one of the key-sliders to get the CPU-AI to play more varied.

Per default it is often set up low and so the attacking of the CPU is somewhat handicapped because the strikers don't move or do it too late in the middle so that plays are often opened up through the wings.

I increased the default setups for that aspect by 5 points for each of the three tactical setups, and voila the CPU mixes its attacking patterns.

But that's also one of many aspects worth to change, but those who don't want to experiment on their own, there is Klashman's topic with example setups of how teams play in real life.
I agree with this. I hope for this in the next release, but for now I can only continue playing with my current setting to achieve satisfaction.

Still, I'd never mind some sort of global editor/slider. I still like tampering with stats.

Fair enough too. Global editor/slider wouldn't be bad either. Much better than having to go through each team or player individually!
How about "desperate balancing act to counter the effect of the absurdly high defensive lines we've imposed on every single team because we're no longer able to program an opposition AI capable of passing its way through a properly set up defence"?

That's not the problem. It's only natural that the defensive line (in fact the entire team) shifting upward whilst in attacking phase. The real issue is the team don't bother to drop back immediately when losing possession, unless it is initiated manually (by holding d pad toward your goal).
Just like I suspected: The "shifting to attack" is one of the key-sliders to get the CPU-AI to play more varied.

Per default it is often set up low and so the attacking of the CPU is somewhat handicapped because the strikers don't move or do it too late in the middle so that plays are often opened up through the wings.

I increased the default setups for that aspect by 5 points for each of the three tactical setups, and voila the CPU mixes its attacking patterns.

But that's also one of many aspects worth to change, but those who don't want to experiment on their own, there is Klashman's topic with example setups of how teams play in real life.

Shifting to Attack slider is an interesting topic. What I think, it is understood quite well, however is often wrongly interpreted and used by tactics makers.

In essence this slider is what determines attacking transitions of a team, or, how fast team advances up the field. Low values are good for slow possession game, but what is important to understand, they do not have to be such to have your team dominate possession. Basically every value below 5 represents players staying in their positions and not offering attacking runs unless clear opportunity arises. Few teams play like this, Guardiola's Barca would be one, but there are not many. Teams use speed in their attacking game. Borussia players shift from defence to attack in lightning speed, that's why I set Shifting to Attack to 17 in my setup. Juventus I give 16 and their midfielders advance up the pitch rapidly as they do in reality. It basically shows tempo of the team.

Klashman for example gives very low values of Shifting to most teams, and they really build slower when AI plays them. But when you play them, your own offense gets very frustrating. I started to see this new slider in a new light and the results are good and very logic.

When you set Defence Prowess higher for every player, it makes your game slower by default, as teams defend much better. Then you don't really need low values in Shifting - there are less spaces in defensive lines and attacking teams are forced to probe for oppenings instead of just rushing forward.
That's not the problem. It's only natural that the defensive line (in fact the entire team) shifting upward whilst in attacking phase. The real issue is the team don't bother to drop back immediately when losing possession, unless it is initiated manually (by holding d pad toward your goal).

Raising Defensive Prowess for players solves also this problem for the major part.
That's when a global editor/slider kicks in. Use one slider to adjust defensive prowess for all. Fixed.

Can't be bothered doing it for each and every player...
This is unfair criticism.

It doesn't matter whether the game is 'realism' or 'arcade' instead what matters is how much depth there is to the game.

Pes 2014 is deep, the problem is it's unresponsive too,and that makes it frustrating to play.
Good morning to all !
Can anyone (specialist) make a list of all these changes(oppposite and our team formation/tactics and players stats) that we can do so as to improve the game?
I mean changes like "shifting to attack" level or "defensive prowess", etc.
I was playing in practice mode and Ive come to the conclusion that shooting in this game dont feel right. Assited shooting feels heavely scripted. It doesnt feel stat based anymore. I know that stat based shooting is scripted in a kind of way but now it seems that every player accuracy is the same.

Now, speaking about the old gen PES, I dont think that was it was arcadish at all. I dare anyone to play PES 5 or WE9 LE, the same way we play PES 2014 this days. Spamming through passes and running in the ball carrier. It would be an error passes and fouls called fest.
can someone please upload edit.bin of PES 2013[pc] which contains latest transfers ??i am using an old transfers are not up to date...i don't want to download whole patch just for transfers.thanks in advance...i wanna go back to PES 2013....sorry for off-topic.
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manual keeper controls work best vs human opponents or online. all u got to do is move/place the keeper in a good position in front of the attacker or make him stay back if your anticipating a lob. also is very effective against free kicks i always select GK with L1+R3 and i move him in the center of my goalposts instead of his default position were on the left if the wall is on the right or vice versa. its all about positioning the rest he does automatically on his own for example saving shots u dont need to press anything whereas vs cpu you got to do all manually. O to dive for high balls, double press X to dive in the legs of the attacker or square
for normal shots. truth is i find it very difficult vs cpu though, 90% of the time my gk cant save the shot dives but cant make it to block the shot but again idk i play on superstar. cpu on superstar always finds a way to dribble or shield the ball in crazy ways probably its the same when is attacker vs my goalkeeper always find a way to score with tricky shots haha

Thanks for this. I've started using this online in 1-on-1 situations, had some success in making the keeper big and stopping some 1-on-1 shots. Haven't had a chance to try this in other varieties of shots.

Superstar CPU plays in a realm of its own, and often unrealisitic. They sometimes utilize gaps in ways that it's impossible for me to respond to. Not even talking about responsiveness issues here, just their mixture of manual and heavily assisted passing (when you think you have them trapped/contained), and the too-perfect execution of tricks. They can take out your defenders like they don't feel the mental pressure of facing a wall of defensive players ahead of them.
I'm so disappointed with how broken this game is at times (90% of the time) But 1 thing I haven't seen anyone mention so far is how much the AI has been made completely derpy. More specifically, the dribblers.

Players like Robben, Ribery, Messi, Ronaldo are an absolute shambles in terms of how they've been programmed.

Far too often (every time it seems) they will hog the ball moving up the pitch at 2mph disappearing up their own ass until they either get tackled by an out stretched leg, or worse, run head on into traffic to kick in some derpy collision animation.

The passing game, with the right tactics (which btw WE shouldn't have to be spending endless hours editing countless game plans for every team and Def/Att awareness for every single player to fix Konamis complete programming incompetence)is epic.

But no amount of editing can fix what is just an all out broken AI for the dribblers. They are in the same boat as the terrible goalkeepers.

I want to love this game, at times I do. But then I always come crashing back down to earth due to the bad far outweighing the good. You can't escape it. It's almost as if you're constantly being trolled by your purchase and the people who make it.

From the online, AI issues, half baked face DLC, watered down modes. Updates/Patches fixing 1 thing only to mess with another.... Or not downloading at all.

Is it just me or have certain animations been removed? Player weight? Cloth physics? (That could just be me though)

I want to remove all the patches and DLC to try it out but again... All my edits will be erased because they "aren't compatible" then when I re download it takes too long and it won't let me use my initial edits even though they should be "compatible" it's a troll fest of epic proportions from konami.

I swear the game felt more natural and life like fresh out of the box.

Sorry for the rant guys. It's just I been a fan of Pes since around 4 or 5. Could never get into FIFA so this is my only footy fix. To think The preview's looked SO promising. But as is the theme, I was trolled. Great.
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Well I'm glad I don't feel the same as you. I'm having so much fun with it and only have a few niggles :)
Haven't touched it in a while but I can't imagine it being that different. I'll try it soon and try see if there are any.

One thing for sure though is that WE J is on patch 1.05. Not sure if that makes any difference.
That would be an incredibly helpful feature that I've been wanting for years.

All konami have done game play wise for years is tweak things and try to get the balance of attack, defence, response and realism right.

If you give hundreds of thousands of people the ability to do this through gameplay sliders, someone is bound to get as perfect a game as possible with the current engine. It would also stop people the complaints as peoples ideas of how the game should play vary hugely.
I said fuck it and rolled it back to version 1.0.

The game plays miles better on Superstar. The AI is mixing it up, retaining possession when needed. Not running into Brick Walls or hitting the near post from the wings for the full 90 minutes.

If you're playing with the updates you're really missing out. This isn't a placebo. The difference is night and day.
I said fuck it and rolled it back to version 1.0.

The game plays miles better on Superstar. The AI is mixing it up, retaining possession when needed. Not running into Brick Walls or hitting the near post from the wings for the full 90 minutes.

If you're playing with the updates you're really missing out. This isn't a placebo. The difference is night and day.

I agree, is not placebo.

I'm playing WE Asia Version 1.01 / 1.02 and the AI is different on every team and every game, it feels like real football, matches are different, best football game ever. In WE J and PES, after last patches all CPU teams play just the same in Professional / Top Player, forcing you to play the same.
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