Do you think simple patch will get rid of this:
YouTube - Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 - GK blooper again HD
I hate this animation. Haven't seen goalkeeper in real life use this move so much as it happens in Pro Evo...
It's BAD. This should COULD have been saved if goalkeeper... Dived properly. But instead KONAMI thought, it would be brilliant if he fell on his knees here and look like a complete retard.
I hate this
YouTube - Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 - GK blooper again HD
I hate this animation. Haven't seen goalkeeper in real life use this move so much as it happens in Pro Evo...
It's BAD. This should COULD have been saved if goalkeeper... Dived properly. But instead KONAMI thought, it would be brilliant if he fell on his knees here and look like a complete retard.
I hate this