PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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EA direct or indirectly through representatives paid good money for that! Or should I say dirty money. They use every trick in the book and them some.

Same people can see their games for what they are. They buy into this deception.
I can't deny there's a bias towards FIFA in UK media, but there's a reason people stick to FIFA: it's fun to play, and provides a finished product, which is what the majority of people want today. Plug and play.

EA can look evil with this practices (sometimes they truly are), but in the end it's a business, and the goal is to make money. Konami want the same, but they don't know how to do it.

I'm sure your ideal football game would be one with a R-Factor structure, that is, core gameplay with modular database, so everyone could create mods for it.

It would be cool if some day I can see a Football Game Kickstarter project made for true football fans.
PES 2014 still feels like PES, it's just largely unfinished and appears to not have gone through much QA. As Jamez said, the pace is there and the animations are mostly excellent. Some times you can see the makings of a great game struggling to keep its head above water, but too often it's dragged under by a host of glaring issues.

What makes me sort of cynical is that a lot of these issues have plagued the series for a long time. I don't have confidence that the PES team will devote any attention to fixing them.

Referees. Player Switching. Response times. Keepers. The deficiencies in these areas are not overridden by any amount of added features, stadiums, boots, animations or fancy Fox Engine graphics. The mere fact that these issues still exist are testament to the PES team's ignorance of the faults of their own game.
So, I've been using default tactics for teams so far, and I've been having a little look at them to see if I can improve things, but in true Konami fashion there's no explanation for the sliders. What exactly do stuff like front line pressure, shift to attack and even basic stuff like player support do? I mean is player support how fast they get up to attack, or how close they are to the ball carrier for a passing option etc? Konami are so vague.
So, I've been using default tactics for teams so far, and I've been having a little look at them to see if I can improve things, but in true Konami fashion there's no explanation for the sliders. What exactly do stuff like front line pressure, shift to attack and even basic stuff like player support do? I mean is player support how fast they get up to attack, or how close they are to the ball carrier for a passing option etc? Konami are so vague.

When you're in the Gameplan screen, press Back/Select and then chose Team Tactics. There's explanations for all of the sliders there.
I'm scoring a disturbing amount of goals just by running at defenders and winning the ball off them, then I'm through on goal. I just think there's far too much space around the vital areas of the pitch, it just doesn't feel like a PES game. I know that's a contradiction as I didn't want it to feel like the previous games, but I expected it to be more realistic than what's already been released in the past, and I just don't feel like it is.

Very true, another thing they need to fix in an update. I think I've scored 5-6 goals just running straight at the goal from a kick-off (on top player), no one will stop you. And a very efficient way of defending is basically to just constantly hold X and square when you want to retrieve the ball, you'll win the ball back without much trouble, and often in dangerous areas.

I've played 13 games of a league campaign so far with Montpellier, and the amount of stupid goals caused by robbing a defender of the ball is shocking. Far too many to be even close to realistic. Buuuut, I really do believe there is something to this engine, and I think this game CAN shine, given the proper programming care. It really does seem very unfinished, though.
Interesting. Even with the niggles, PES 2014 offline plays a much better game of football than any FIFA game, ever made. Still, I can see how the FIFA bells and whistles can be luring.
Sadly I must say I'm about to follow him. I've given the game plenty of time, it s just soul destroying at times. The amount of games I lose to the stupid keepers is beyond a joke.

Online is an absolute shambles, the lag is horrendous. I played my nephew last night and the game just really slowed down and it was not even online. Tonight a friend came down to play and it was bastard awful. He was sat next to me and it was like our players were running in treacle.

When the game plays smooth it's awesome, well apart from the keepers. We ended up playing pes 2013 and after that the FIFA 14 demo. I'll be honest I'm considering FIFA 14 , even though I think the pitch is too small. The keepers are pretty good on it too.

I doubt a patch can fix pes 2014 as I believe using the fox engine is too powerful for the ps3. How can they fix the keepers too ?. If I remember a few years ago there was a problem with the keepers and what did konami do to fix them , they packed the the 18 yard box with players so it was difficult to get any shots through on goal. Heaven forbid they try the same thing again eh.

Nope I'm finished with pes 2014 until I read that it's been fixed.
people who talk about fifa 14, ea have retired the online teamplay, no 2vs2 or 5vs5 or 11vs11 lobbies, only you can play with friends in pro clubs mode. Pes will have 11vs11, or 2vs2 if ea dont revert his decision many fanboys seel your copies to the store. Fifa people ara very hungry. I have the 2 games and i like more the realistics things of Pes gameplay. Always the fanboys talks dirty words about PES, how about now Fanboys?.
Using advanced thru ball over short distances into space opens up so many options, I'm talking 5-10 yard passes. You have to play the game like real football to enjoy it. Run, run, run will just be crap - the game is designed to play football - not be played like an arcade game. I personally think people are killing their own enjoyment by not playing it properly.
people who talk about fifa 14, ea have retired the online teamplay, no 2vs2 or 5vs5 or 11vs11 lobbies, only you can play with friends in pro clubs mode. Pes will have 11vs11, or 2vs2 if ea dont revert his decision many fanboys seel your copies to the store. Fifa people ara very hungry. I have the 2 games and i like more the realistics things of Pes gameplay. Always the fanboys talks dirty words about PES, how about now Fanboys?.

On the ps3 it can't even handle 1v1 connections without lag. I'd be astonished if we actually ever see 11v11 in pes14.
I can see where you are coming from, but I just don't get any satisfaction these days with playing Football games against the AI. I don't know why, I just can't motivate myself to play more than 1-2 games at a time offline.

I only really get that "one more game" feeling in human against human matches.

That's the main reason I'm resorting to FIFA, which for me is an extreme measure. Sadly I won't be the only one.

My sentiments exactly.
PES plays a better offline game (the AI actually make off the ball moves without triggering runs) but I'm an online player, hence I had to pick up FIFA yesterday. Shooting is far more rewarding btw :JAY:
Does anybody know how to get the fullbacks going forward? If I move them up the pitch in the formation screen as I did in PES2013 they change to midfielders. Playing as Everton, Baines should have been bombing up the wing but he just stayed back all of the time.

Anyone? Klash?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO FIFA DEMO TALK IN HERE!)

If i rememer correctly Konami has been working with this new engine and Pes for 2 or 3 years?I have a question,it was my biggest concern when i played the cancelled demo that continued to grow with the second demo and goes probably to the retail version judging from 2 videos...
What is the purpose to put M.A.S.S in the game (which in the UK demo i play is very flawed) so we can have realistic collisions and animations if YOU CANT CALCULATE THE FOULS FROM BODY CONTACTS...I played 12 days wth CPU and 1vs1 with friends and the lack of fouls is ridiculus...
In addition to this,you dont have to play proper defence in the game cause you can barge sprinting to the opponent,throw him down or cut his leg and guess what...???Its almost never a foul!!! Online maybe a wrestlemania game???Lets not speak for advantages...jesus...This is the game killer for me,of course it has other problems too like we mentioned before.But i stick to this and i hope after the patch they fix it

I think i mentioned this a long time ago Jamez,its a shame they released this game like this...It needed at least 6 months of extra development.
Is the very worst in the UK, it's just disgusting corrupt here. talk Sport have Adboards in FIFA and typically on Wednesday a guy came in reviewing the game, said nice things about FIFA and took snipes and PES, saying it was bad because 'lack of licenses'.

It's pathetic, they didn't even mention the gameplay. It's so, so shallow but it works on society these days. Because the mass market doesn't know depth, are very easily lead and people are more insecure than ever and have to follow others and just regurgitate what people say on the TV, or internet or radio.

Konami needs to understand this if they want to increase sales. It's about Bells and Whistles and Gimmicks here.

Konami have it hard enough already in regards to it's game needs modding for kits and licenses which puts people off who just want everything setup and ready for them on release. The gameplay is clearly miles and miles better than FIFA's totally broken mess despite the flaws in PES. Even if this patch fixes all the flaws which it probably will anyway and be outstanding. You can't market that enough.

They need better networking and more contacts in the west. They need more people to invest and work in partnership with the game. Konami fail badly in the marketing war every year, it's not like the PS2 days where it wasn't nearly as blatantly corrupt as now. You need sponsor certain gaming sites and connect with more organizations to promote your product.

Also helps to finish the game ontime :LOL:

I was reading a small games part in the paper (Forgot which one). Pretty much said PES is better. But lack of licenses make FIFA better.

Anyways, still loving the game. I just really wish online would stop be so damn slow and unresponsive. I only play online to play with friends too.

Also, the pull back analogue stick shot is way, way to overpowered. You can grantee a goal every time you do it.
I was reading a small games part in the paper (Forgot which one). Pretty much said PES is better. But lack of licenses make FIFA better.

Anyways, still loving the game. I just really wish online would stop be so damn slow and unresponsive. I only play online to play with friends too.

Also, the pull back analogue stick shot is way, way to overpowered. You can grantee a goal every time you do it.
The gameplay IS amazing this year,but why the slowdown in both offline and online. This is killing the game this year.
I don't get hardly any when i'm playing an exhibition game or playing a league game. It's just online or playing a 2 player game.
I do believe especially in two player games that when you have a lot of players near the 18 yard box , this is when it is at it's worst.
Loving the game. Want to keep playing all the time. Some of the 'bugs' have slowly started to disappear for me - especially after I learnt to defend and learnt the tactical set ups. Great variety in the game. Even within 'professional' there seem to be multiple sub-difficulties. Some games I win comfortably and some I get a thrashing. I've even ended up with 34% possession once. The more I try the impossible, the more I discover the game. Still waiting for my Winning Eleven 2014 copy though. Once that and the second patch arrive, I'll be in football gaming heaven.

Back on 720p :)
I think toning down some of the graphics with a properly working LOD would help immensely. Would stop the game rendering things it doesn't need to, there will be much less lag.

Anyone? Klash?

move him forward as much as you can while he stays as a left back, play around with player support, make sure it's high enough for him to support all the time you need him.

Not sure if it's me but Pro seems harder than Top player.

Been saying this since the demo, professional is the best level to play on.
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