PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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I prefer top player, professional just feels like a training match much more intensity on top player better closing down, harder to create chances ect.
On super star Barcelona restricted me to only 1 shot during 15 minutes match. They bossed the possession with 63%, i felt like passenger throughout the match. I know i'm not a bad player. In the end they won 1-0, injury time goal. I feel the game really shine on 15 minutes and above.
Loving the game. Want to keep playing all the time. Some of the 'bugs' have slowly started to disappear for me - especially after I learnt to defend and learnt the tactical set ups. Great variety in the game. Even within 'professional' there seem to be multiple sub-difficulties. Some games I win comfortably and some I get a thrashing. I've even ended up with 34% possession once. The more I try the impossible, the more I discover the game. Still waiting for my Winning Eleven 2014 copy though. Once that and the second patch arrive, I'll be in football gaming heaven.

Back on 720p :)

Can you share your defense techniques and tactic setup
I scored the greatest video game goal I ever scored. Hiquain def has player I'd and I can see his individuality. Basically calleon had a deflected cross get into the box on the ground at pace, Hiquain did a behind opposite leg flick into the near post, was fucking brilliant. Then I had a hard own fight in the corner and Maggio crossed a perfect ball into Hiquain who one touched a volley past the keeper. I def stood up and loudly exclaimed Hiquain!!!!!!!
Is there anyone else out there that thinks the shots on goal are more about power than placement? I can not hit a low shot alway from the goalkeepers reach from outside the box.
AM I correct you can't play a country only league?

why is that KONAMI can't make a league mode and we add our own teams?

this game is so addictive and they ruin it by ignoring the small details. shocking really.
They're not even casuals but a couple of American games journos with no interest in 'soccer'. It's quite funny to see them sample this quirky Japanese football game and try to make sense of it.

Yeah thougtht abuot editing it and adding "extreme" before "casuals", but yeah, they're completely clueless but that gives you a perspective you pretty much didn't have before over the game :P Like with all the annoying settings screens you have to go through...
Yeah thougtht abuot editing it and adding "extreme" before "casuals", but yeah, they're completely clueless but that gives you a perspective you pretty much didn't have before over the game :P Like with all the annoying settings screens you have to go through...

The framerate was mentioned on a number of occasions.
Is it me, or are difficulties broken?

Professional is piss poor easy to win against, by high margins. Sadly, situation remains similar on Top Player. Haven't tried Superstar yet...

Not mine screenshot, but friend I play with sent me this:


Professional difficulty + 2 bars + Basic/Basic + ALL other stuff OFF.

He was good at FIFA, but this is first year he switched to PES and does the above after 1.5 week of playing... Tad too easy?:D
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Is it me, or are difficulties broken?

Professional is piss poor easy to win against, by high margins. Sadly, situation remains similar on Top Player. Haven't tried Superstar yet...

Not mine screenshot, but friend I play with sent me this:


Professional difficulty + 2 bars + Basic/Basic + ALL other stuff OFF.

He was good at FIFA, but this is first year he switched to PES and does the above after 1.5 week of playing... Tad too easy?:D

Well he has basic shooting on, try advanced and it won't hit the target as much as that, or go in that much. It's too assisted still he's playing. I've had games where i smashed palace, but i've had more than fair share where palace and cardiff showed me up also. AI isn't to easy at all, would argue the best ai i've played in a very long time.
Loving the game. Want to keep playing all the time. Some of the 'bugs' have slowly started to disappear for me - especially after I learnt to defend and learnt the tactical set ups. Great variety in the game. Even within 'professional' there seem to be multiple sub-difficulties. Some games I win comfortably and some I get a thrashing. I've even ended up with 34% possession once. The more I try the impossible, the more I discover the game. Still waiting for my Winning Eleven 2014 copy though. Once that and the second patch arrive, I'll be in football gaming heaven.

Back on 720p :)

Glad you pointed that out. Thought I was the only one having that experience. Right now I'm getting beat probably 70% of the time in this years PES and I love it:)) Such a great game on the pitch.
The window that comes up when the option file is being loaded would look poor for a PS1

Played a few games this morning using teams from all over the place. There is a massive difference in game play between the very top teams and even just the teams slightly behind them.

I tried Benfica, Porto, and Arsenal and they seemed really sluggish. Tried Chelsea and Man City and the pace and response seemed to givme amuch more enjoyable experience

This used to be how the game was years ago. I know people individuality to come through, but the majority of people playing in their home country with their team will be getting a game that feels very unresponsive with defenders that react terribly and towards that cannot hold a ball up or beat people
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For the people that cant hit first time shots, its because you are using advanced shooting and its broke. After playing in the training ground I have found that I can hit first time shots every time on both basic and manual shooting but I can not hit a first time shot at all using advanced. Also I have found that there is zero variation using manual shooting, every shot no matter what my input is is hit very hard. I really wish they would of finished the game before its release.
Top Player is much more competitive. I end up having teams penned into their half on Professional and creating loafs of chances.. Both are good for different reasons.

Whats the bugs like on Top Player, I've been using professional more. The don't pressure you nearly as much but it helps the AI since they keep their shape much better, less holes to exploit.
Is it me, or are difficulties broken?

Professional is piss poor easy to win against, by high margins. Sadly, situation remains similar on Top Player. Haven't tried Superstar yet...

Not mine screenshot, but friend I play with sent me this:


Professional difficulty + 2 bars + Basic/Basic + ALL other stuff OFF.

He was good at FIFA, but this is first year he switched to PES and does the above after 1.5 week of playing... Tad too easy?:D

He should try 1 bar. 2 Bar isn't really much different to 3 bars.

I think Barca are easy to play against on this game, since their tactics aren't setup yet in a way which bring out their true game. Similar with most team who play using possession game. Their player support is vey high so their players will constantly run ahead of the ball, so they wont keep possession as much as they can.

Nonsense. I've hit so many first time shots on advanced shooting.

Advanced shooting takes time to get the hang of.

Its totally different to manual and basic you MUST! Absolutely every time you shoot first ONLY press the shot button, THEN direct the shot. Don't hold the direction then shoot, that's whats broken.
Advanced shooting takes time to get the hang of.

Its totally different to manual and basic you MUST! Absolutely every time you shoot first ONLY press the shot button, THEN direct the shot. Don't hold the direction then shoot, that's whats broken.

True, or you can (or must) release the stick after directing the shot. Holding the left stick is a big no, as the mechanism being told you're still in the middle of aiming. All of this need split second reflex, similar to advance though ball.
i have the feeling that there is no difference of speed among the players...every player has same speed...a 70 speed player can easily catch ronaldo or messi...this 'catchup' bug must be fixed asap. its ruining the game :RANT:
Nonsense. I've hit so many first time shots on advanced shooting.

I tried about 20 in training and many before that and I have never hit one, switched to manual or basic and hit them every time. Do you play on the PS3?

Advanced shooting takes time to get the hang of.

Its totally different to manual and basic you MUST! Absolutely every time you shoot first ONLY press the shot button, THEN direct the shot. Don't hold the direction then shoot, that's whats broken.

Excellent! This is working, thankyou. The only problem I have with the shooting now is that I hit the crossbar an inordinate amount of times.
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Is it me, or are difficulties broken?

Professional is piss poor easy to win against, by high margins. Sadly, situation remains similar on Top Player. Haven't tried Superstar yet...

Not mine screenshot, but friend I play with sent me this:


Professional difficulty + 2 bars + Basic/Basic + ALL other stuff OFF.

He was good at FIFA, but this is first year he switched to PES and does the above after 1.5 week of playing... Tad too easy?:D

Ok, I've come to a very quick conclusion on this.

Used spurs vs Barca in a friendly 10 minutes, after just 3 ingame minutes i had easily scored, i quit the game after 20 it was clearly piss easy.


Then after did a match, me as Spurs again vs Real Madrid, much much harder, went 1-0 down after 10 ingame minutes.

There was the conclusion. Barcelona's tactics like i said even before doing the test are crap and they are easy to play against on Top Player and Professional!

Don't judge professional on just Barcelona alone. The game seems easier vs teams that use possession game and harder vs long ball and quick counter.
But i was dominated by Barca on Super Star. 63% ball possession to them, 14 shots on target compared to mine 1 on target. On 1 bar, advance though ball and shooting, 15 minutes match. I guess motivation play a factor there.

Also have to admit i tried couple of matches on professional and top player, didn't feel challenged like Super Star.
After playing this game extensively and I still keep my word this is the best game of pro evo iv ever played. Iv noticed a couple of things, I started off by playing udinese and found the Italian league great CPU AI is great on top player I had minimal issues with response and was constantly involved in good midfield battles throughout the season, but I do agree goalkeepers need fixing as well as a few other issues this game has but to me they wernt game breakers UNTIL I played in the Brazilian league, now this league I understand clearly where a lot of people are complaining about the game for starters a lot of teams in Brazil from my experience defend too deep allowing me to easily run up from the middle to take easy shots on goal outside the box, rarely I had good midfield battles shooting felt too broken and keepers felt too scripted.
After experiencing this I feel konami rushed these South American leagues by not implementing there ideas in these leagues properly and to me I feel they are unplayable atm til the patch comes out. I do remember kei masuda saying different regions will have different types of football being played which he said all South American leagues will be more attacking, in a way he was right cause that's the experience I had but not in a realistic manner. In the end I hope this patch fixes up all these hiccups as I will be playing this for a very long time.
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