PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't understand the problem with headers, or first time shots. I think the heading is fantastic, and I can take first time shots no problem. But my mate came round last night and he was having all these problems - chest control instead of heading, and players taking a touch instead of shooting first time.

Very weird. No idea what's going on there. Maybe something I'm doing without realising it, which others aren't? Or vice versa?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The way keepers are programmed relies heavily on the rest of the game.

This is why they have terrible moments, the main issue is the general responsiveness problems. It hurts everyone and keepers especially. One issue on Top Player and Superstar, not so much on Professional is keepers staying on their line too much and not responding to one on one's

Konami haven't completed the game fully yet and haven't accessed how each aspect will effect the game, how powerful will shots be, how much bend and curl which they show, things like that need to be finished and tested like crazy then the keepers are programmed to respond to this. Keepers where great last year, shame about the animations 70% of the time :( then again that was because last year was about fine tuning rather than a journey into the unknown.

Keepers are very hard to program realistically, they need to be better but i see why there is so many issue with them. I'm unsure if people would prefer them to be like FIFA on the PS2 where Keepers were literally perfect and superhuman to almost everything apart from shots from those 'sweetspots'

Its a case of try to make them balance but suffer from responsiveness and certain program errors or just cheat and make them super human and perfect. fine balance to hit.

Little bit worried about Suffman speaking of underlying issues which can't be fixed? What are these? can the current gen hardware handle this game properly? One thing for sure this game is more than ready and crying out for next gen hardware and maxed out PC's

I'd like to see a dynamic day and night engine for Next gen, it's on metal gear on the PS3 so they have the coding, it's if the stadium can handle the Sunlight properly.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't understand the problem with headers, or first time shots. I think the heading is fantastic, and I can take first time shots no problem. But my mate came round last night and he was having all these problems - chest control instead of heading, and players taking a touch instead of shooting first time.

Very weird. No idea what's going on there. Maybe something I'm doing without realising it, which others aren't? Or vice versa?

I have no problems with headers myself either (have scored a few), but I'm struggling with one-time shots. Think about how you're doing it the next time you're playing, and come back here and tell the rest of us what the secret is. ;)

klashman; I hope Konami sees it that way too, and release an update sooner rather than later.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't have a problem with headers, at all. Scored some beauties with the head. My two major problems are players not responding to snap shots in the penalty box and keepers either not responding at all or taking forever to respond when I press the triangle button:RANT:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't understand the problem with headers, or first time shots. I think the heading is fantastic, and I can take first time shots no problem. But my mate came round last night and he was having all these problems - chest control instead of heading, and players taking a touch instead of shooting first time.

Very weird. No idea what's going on there. Maybe something I'm doing without realising it, which others aren't? Or vice versa?

I'm having the same problems when it comes to first time shots/Headers. It works sometimes but not often enough.

Was playing with Man Utd last night hit the cross bar with Van Persie and Rooney was there to tap the header home however for some reason Rooney wanted to chest it and lost the ball.

It's the response time that is killing the game for me.

PES 2014 is riddled with errors. It's an unfinished game that plays well in parts but overall its not that great.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

gosh, i don't know, perhaps i'm not looking hard enough. I'm playing a league season as FC Utrecht, about 15 games in (4W 5D 6L)and I'm not seeing much of the crazy keepers. I think I've scored a couple of dodgy goals and given up 1-2 as well, but mainly the goals have been satisfying (though lacking the usual PES pop) and the midfield play is great. Sometimes I spend the whole game just getting out of my own half, sometimes I spray 20 shots. I've had 67% possession, I've had 41% possession. The cpu is playing some great ball. When I'm down a goal and turn up "front line pressure" by one or two degrees the cpu will actually pass back to the keeper!

I think it helps that the Eredevise has a sort of uniform mediocrity--very competitive.

I know the urge is to use the d-pad to tighten the offside trap, so that when the CPU gains possession in midfield, the urge is to push your defensive line up to trap the forwards; but, especially when I am up a goal, I find dropping the defensive line deeper is working out nice. It helps especially when your back four chase a runner, ruining the offside trap anyway. Further, and perhaps more importantly, dropping the line deeper with the d-pad seems to give the CPU midfield attack a bit of a pause. They often hang on to the ball or pass sideways, foregoing the through-ball. Sometimes, they will still send in the chipped through-ball, but my back four will now be placed to head it back into midfield. It has started numerous counter attacks for me. In short, consider using the d-pad for covering and not just for the trap, especially when the CPU turns the screws and sends runners foward. For reference, my standard defensive line tactic is set to 8, with offside trap on (automatic) and then I drop deep from that for cover. For those conceding too easily, consider a deeper starting line than usual. Unlike pes 2012, the line is, under all conditions, overly high. An 8 for the line is still high in this iteration, but allows you flexibility with the d-pad at your in-game discretion.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Why do Konami still somehow think that cup-matches are to be played at "neutral" grounds? I just don't get that thing. Do they play cup-matches at neutral grounds in Japan? I'm playing a season with Montpellier now (some great players on that team), which is why I've just noticed.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Not sure if I'm correct or not, but when playing BAL I've noticed that as the match goes on, you can see the pitch develop dirt spots...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I have no problems with headers myself either (have scored a few), but I'm struggling with one-time shots. Think about how you're doing it the next time you're playing, and come back here and tell the rest of us what the secret is. ;)

klashman; I hope Konami sees it that way too, and release an update sooner rather than later.

adam said an update would come a few weeks after release. he specified responsiveness and shooting. Responsiveness the main thing which need sorting, long with replays. We do need something to sort out the responsiveness for all players very soon.

I think we will have a lot of gameplay patches this year from Konami normally we have about 3, I can see a lot more happening. The gameplay for PES 2015 should be too different, just add a few animations in here and there, I don't think we need any new control, just focus on what is there and keep developing it for the next version or two, focus on other things to build around the gameplay.

It's still surprising not as bad as we make out, this game is still great eevn with the flaws.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

It's still surprising not as bad as we make out, this game is still great eevn with the flaws.

I have to agree with that. It has its niggles, which admittedly are quite annoying, but it has the foundation to become an incredibly good football game. I'm playing a season now, and despite the shitty goalkeeping from time to time (the trick is to involve him as little as possible, hehe), it's very enjoyable.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Another sort of "bug" that I've noticed is how incredibly effective the pressing of X defending is. Even if an opposition player has broken away from you, he will sometimes slow down to play more cautiously if you press X and try to hold up play him (even though you're in no real position to do so). In general, a very effect defensive strategy is just hold x and square while aiming for the guy on the ball. A bit too effective, almost. ;)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

adam said an update would come a few weeks after release. he specified responsiveness and shooting. Responsiveness the main thing which need sorting, long with replays. We do need something to sort out the responsiveness for all players very soon.

I think we will have a lot of gameplay patches this year from Konami normally we have about 3, I can see a lot more happening. The gameplay for PES 2015 should be too different, just add a few animations in here and there, I don't think we need any new control, just focus on what is there and keep developing it for the next version or two, focus on other things to build around the gameplay.

It's still surprising not as bad as we make out, this game is still great eevn with the flaws.

did he really say the shooting wasn't already 'fixed' by them in 1.01? that's what i got from his twitter link the other time.

could you post a link yourself please?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Three mayors problems after a long season on ML.

- Player don't respond on somes little passages of the game (shooting, header, tackles, etc)

- All keepers, included the weak ones, are Superman when you do long shots, they just catch the ball without any effort at all, regardless of the power of the shot.

- Quality shots, :r2: + :square:, are too weak compared with power shots, and i'm still using default ML players, Allejo and company.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

- All keepers, included the weak ones, are Superman when you do long shots, they just catch the ball without any effort at all, regardless of the power of the shot.

I've noticed this too, but I've found that it's a lot easier to score with long shots if you use advanced shooting. Have had a couple since turning that on.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Shooting is abysmal in this game. Utterly abysmal. One of clearest signs that the game is unfinished. The sensitivity of the directional sticks is far too pronounced (playing on manual at least). Controlled shots are just broken simple as that so there is just no point in using it. One on ones are virtually impossible to score - they always seem to go outside of the post leaving you with the one sure way to score which is to simply blast the ball straight ahead. Yeah you can score this way but it is deeply unsatisfying and unrealistic.

As others have said first time shots are just atrocious as is heading. Timing is just completely counter intuitive. I have read people say that with heading you should press the shoot button as soon as you cross. I have tried this an it works on occasion but it still feels completely random. Surely Konami have to tweak this again as the game is clearly unfinished in this area alone.

Player switching is problematic and a bit too slow. There is a heap of things defensively that appear to have been imported directly from previous PES games (defenders going walk about, staring witlessly at through balls, etc).

Really disappointed with the experience so far. The game looks great and if you exclude the final third of the pitch the game plays very well but its far, far from a finished product.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

And here my keepers are saving my arse game after game o_O

I just don't get the inconsistency in opinions with this game.

Oh and by the way I outran a few defenders lastnight so I am done talking about catchup bug. Will post vids when I can be arsed to do it. If it is made oversimplified it WILL be an exploit online and offline.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The keepers are fine from anywhere outside the box or even when running at an angle from the corner of the box, the problem is one on one running straight towards the goal, they just stand there on the line, basically leaving the entire goal to shoot at, they should be coming out a few yards and making the goal smaller at least.

Responsiveness, I've scored rebounds in the game running the ball into the net when I feel my actions on the pad should have resulted in....well something on the screen.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The game hasn't been released here so I'm still playing the demo. Is it just me or does the shooting direction input seem to be inconsistent? Almost an over-ride like in PES 2012. I'm talking about Basic shooting but even a bit on advanced. Manual seems to work ok with where you point and has more power which I like but it's too sensitive for my liking.

There's been too many occasions where I've held the direction full lock to one post or the other and on checking the replay, the ball has gone straight down the middle. And it's not in situations where the player is off balance. I'd rather see the ball go wide of the post or over the bar and wide...not straight at the keeper.

I appreciate that Konami have given us a game on the same timelines as every year but I'm cautious about getting the full version now as for full retail price, I'd expect the full game to have a few more issues ironed out. If they keep working on patches (and in a timely manner) like last year then it will alleviate some of my fears but at the moment I'm in no rush to get this game (thanks to GTA V) even though I waited optimistically for a long long time.

FIFA came out today and after playing the demo again last night for 1 game, there's no way I'd buy that. The way players move and turn from side to side at light speed is comical at best. They may have good looking shooting and keepers but everywhere else on the pitch is stress inducing.

I appreciate that Konami has gone down the sim route and I love their football philosophy but some of the animations have the players "walking on eggshells". In no way do I want the general pace of the game any quicker, but there's certain animations/transitions that I would consider even too slow compared to real life, let alone a video game.

Player switching and awareness too need improving. There is a solid foundation here for PES 2015 and I appreciate the time constraints, but at times it does still feel like there's a fair bit inherited from PES 2013. Not saying it plays like PES 2013, but you can tell that not everything is new just yet.

This is not meant to be a rant as such, just voicing some opinions based on my demo playtime so far. Hopefully they can fix some of these issues with patches...although I haven't played the retail code so need to qualify my statements with that proviso.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

no one's bothered about floaty shots? seriously?

Not sure what I'd call them but two things:

1) Controlled (finesse) shots are too loopy. Scoring one is anti climactic. Look at the goals Balotelli and Yaya Toure scored in the last week to see that curled shots have more power than what we see on PES.

2) On assisted settings for shooting, at times there is too much influence on the power. Most professional players should be able to whack the ball - I'd prefer to see the true ball tech used to give us more varied error in shooting rather than keeping shots on target but at a slowed down speed. PES 2011 seemed to do this well from memory.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm not seeing any of the delays in shooting etc so I'm wary that a patch might actually mess with my game. Everything seems great apart from my keepers doing bizarro stuff like running away from the ball. The rest of this game is great.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Not sure what I'd call them but two things:

1) Controlled (finesse) shots are too loopy. Scoring one is anti climactic. Look at the goals Balotelli and Yaya Toure scored in the last week to see that curled shots have more power than what we see on PES.

2) On assisted settings for shooting, at times there is too much influence on the power. Most professional players should be able to whack the ball - I'd prefer to see the true ball tech used to give us more varied error in shooting rather than keeping shots on target but at a slowed down speed. PES 2011 seemed to do this well from memory.

Yes, exactly.

Why are not many others complaining? Is this really too much to ask of Konami for a normal footy game? Can Division 3 or Conference players not able to get power on shots? Do Konami not eat for days before they test the game to replicate the poor weak shots?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

no one's bothered about floaty shots? seriously?

It's not so much floaty shots. You can hit powerful shots but you've just got to be in the correct position, in the correct amount of space, on the players preffered foot and no defender in contact with your player (and the sun aligned with Jupiter)

There are too many variables which interfere with shooting power in this game imo. Real players can still hit powerful shots in most of the instances I've mentioned, it's the accuracy which should be affected more
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

It's not so much floaty shots. You can hit powerful shots but you've just got to be in the correct position, in the correct amount of space, on the players preffered foot and no defender in contact with your player (and the sun aligned with Jupiter)

There are too many variables which interfere with shooting power in this game imo. Real players can still hit powerful shots in most of the instances I've mentioned, it's the accuracy which should be affected more

Exactly my thoughts. And with true ball tech, we should see the ball being skewed more and stubbed into the ground or lifted over the bar. What happened to the mapping of shot trajectories we heard about pre-release? I'm guessing they can't release the full potential of shooting until the keepers are up to scratch. They might look ok at the moment, but I think they're balancing what they have rather than really increasing the keeper footwork and intelligence. Time constraints or current gen hardware limitations?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Had a quick match this morning and it was probably my most frustrating experience so far, lots of balls lobbed over the top of the defence to deal with, plenty of rebounds and balls bouncing about in the area in which my defenders wouldn't respond to and when they did they'd take a touch allowing the strikers a chance to steal the ball.

My controller was lucky to survive that match, there was a serious risk of it being chucked at a wall :P
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Even on manual shooting you get the feeling that you are not controlling the shots. I have now lost count of the number of times i have been through on goal and just decided to go close to the keeper only to see the player screw the shot wide of the far post (exactly the opposite of what i was trying to do). I was completely prepared for a steep learning curve but this at times seems so illogical that your input does not matter. I am beginning to sound like one of those hyper conspiracy theorists i know but there is definitely something here that stinks of poor design.

Whether this is to make up for underlying issues with keepers who can say but it is seriously pissing on the chips in terms of my enjoyment of the game. Placed shots are just bad comedy. Heading seems like a lottery. I think i am feeling this all the more acutely because in this game you really need good build up play and to see it all just fall on its arse because of the shooting/heading issues is doing my head in.

Ok I think i am ready for a drink...
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