PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Hey, uh, guys. Little tip. For those having problems with defenders catching them, try holding R1. This will accelerate the pace of the player to more than without R1. Just a little something I picked up, hope it helps.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, the South American Com Manager from PES, Robbye Aron, just posted today a message on Facebook saying that all PES players tell him for today all the good and bad things about PES. PES Team ask him to do it so they can consider the opinions for next updates.

Anyone here have someones? (serious one, for a great football game) so i can notice him.

I think that there are just two thing that are really annoying:

The super slow menus and something that i'm not quite sure if it is actually happening but is my best guest about it:

When you're attacking your teammates are very intelligent, stats based and stuff, but when defending is as if Konami wanted you to control the whole defense... sometimes they're quick and reactive, but sometimes until you tell them to do something they just adjust the d-line high according to tactics, and the closing up. They do not react neither at rivals' movements nor yours except if you trigger them.

That's nice, but, at least for me, is impossible to control all the players in the field if they do not take decisions at all....
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Also, I manage a last-gasp goal to salvage a draw thanks to Ronaldo. I manage to stay ahead of the defender by using right stick and then the pace of the ball beat the keeper, he absolutely lashed the ball in.

YouTube - Ronaldo Last Minute Goal
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

BAL is so crappy now, why Konami? It's just calendar and game and nothing else at all. It could not be more boring than this.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, the South American Com Manager from PES, Robbye Aron, just posted today a message on Facebook saying that all PES players tell him for today all the good and bad things about PES. PES Team ask him to do it so they can consider the opinions for next updates.

Anyone here have someones? (serious one, for a great football game) so i can notice him.

- Heading a goal, heading a goal and heading a goal,
- I dont understand the refs they tend to be too forgiving on the COM I have numerous front slide tackles called as well as body checks when the COM hacks you down the ref seems oblivious to it
- Headers towards goal
- The Keepers tend to stand rooted to the spot till the ball is right infront of them they do not anticipate
- Headers towards goal
- Slowdown in the box online and offline
- Headers towards goal
- 0 Pass assist you cant play a short lobbed pass even small presses fly to the furthest player
- Headers towards goal
- Sloooooooo gameplan screen
- Headers towards goal

- Still very erratic connection that seems slow
- Headers towards goal
- Advanced throughball is glitchy as the player receiving it kicks it away
- Headers towards goal
- No Camera options online
- Did I mention headers towards goal?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I must say, this game is tons of fun in BAL (gameplay wise). Having such close control makes it a lot better. Also hearing the sounds of boots clattering, collisions, the realistic sounds make it so enjoyable.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Alright lads?

Having problems holding onto the ball when I pass it to my CF. I always get tackled very easily and most of my passing moves go to shite.

Any advice you could offer, like what buttons you press timings etc?

I'm probably a below average player and I'm on professional with pass assist = 1.

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

- Heading a goal, heading a goal and heading a goal,
- I dont understand the refs they tend to be too forgiving on the COM I have numerous front slide tackles called as well as body checks when the COM hacks you down the ref seems oblivious to it
- Headers towards goal
- The Keepers tend to stand rooted to the spot till the ball is right infront of them they do not anticipate
- Headers towards goal
- Slowdown in the box online and offline
- Headers towards goal
- 0 Pass assist you cant play a short lobbed pass even small presses fly to the furthest player
- Headers towards goal
- Sloooooooo gameplan screen
- Headers towards goal

- Still very erratic connection that seems slow
- Headers towards goal
- Advanced throughball is glitchy as the player receiving it kicks it away
- Headers towards goal
- No Camera options online
- Did I mention headers towards goal?

I think that there are just two thing that are really annoying:

The super slow menus and something that i'm not quite sure if it is actually happening but is my best guest about it:

When you're attacking your teammates are very intelligent, stats based and stuff, but when defending is as if Konami wanted you to control the whole defense... sometimes they're quick and reactive, but sometimes until you tell them to do something they just adjust the d-line high according to tactics, and the closing up. They do not react neither at rivals' movements nor yours except if you trigger them.

That's nice, but, at least for me, is impossible to control all the players in the field if they do not take decisions at all....

All this things are already said on the post and are pretty much the same :SMUG:
I'm realizing that all PES players, the real ones, from all over the planet have the same issues, and all we are on the same tune. So it will be difficult from now that some of issue from you guys will differs from the south american one.

At this time they are 578 comments :SHOCK:

Hope that Konami listen to us this time...
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Is control shooting broken on manual? There doesn't seem to be a way not to blaze it over the bar when holding R2. If somebody knows the trick then please fill me in.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'd add the input lag, and also player switching on semi-assisted still changes a bit more often than necessary.

The menus are indeed quite slow, BUT if you use the dpad instead of the joystick, it will move between selectable items like in the PS2 days. Meaning that if you want to make a substitution, instead of using the analog stick to move one player on top of the sub you want to make, just click the dpad a couple of times and it's done.

On defending, since I managed to learn how to do the shoulder barge, defending has become much easier.

Also, what camera are you using on BAL? None of the player cameras are doing it this year (well, in previous years they also weren't that good, sadly), so I end up playing in Blimp cam.

Is control shooting broken on manual? There doesn't seem to be a way not to blaze it over the bar when holding R2. If somebody knows the trick then please fill me in.

Yeah manual controlled shots are broken, manual offensive headers are broken as well...its a shame cause manual passing and manual shooting are a joy to use
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

-- also, while I'm at it, is there any forecast on when there'll be a transfer update? I would love to start a ML/BAL career, but I'd like to have some updated squads...

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

All this things are already said on the post and are pretty much the same :SMUG:
I'm realizing that all PES players, the real ones, from all over the planet have the same issues, and all we are on the same tune. So it will be difficult from now that some of issue from you guys will differs from the south american one.

At this time they are 578 comments :SHOCK:

Hope that Konami listen to us this time...

Manual controlled shooting needs fixing ASAP!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Still impossible to play online on the ps3, the lag is simply horrific in almost every game.

Also, the times I have managed to play through balls are overpowered still, you'll start to notice it soon. Opponent uses assisted off the ball run, he powers up to full speed, full powered lofted through ball, your defender is caught on the back foot and the striker is clean through on goal. Player one guy who had obviously mastered it, must have been clean through 10 times, if he could finish I'd have lost 10-0.

Also, this is the ps3 again, manual filters are broken. I play on 0 passing assistance, one guy I matched up to twice was kind enough to admit he was on 3 bar passing, so we also know that's broken.

All in all, have to say (and I will normally defend PES until I'm blue in the face) this is quickly becoming the worst PES experience to date.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Manual controlled shooting needs fixing ASAP!

Bhatti just confirmed to me he has informed the team about broken R2 manual shooting and "hopefully news on a fix soon"

Also he confirmed no DLC commentary for different regions on XBOX, stuck with Champion and Beglin unfortunately. That sux
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, the South American Com Manager from PES, Robbye Aron, just posted today a message on Facebook saying that all PES players tell him for today all the good and bad things about PES. PES Team ask him to do it so they can consider the opinions for next updates.

Anyone here have someones? (serious one, for a great football game) so i can notice him.

Since everyone seems to have covered everything else but haven't mentioned this - the lack of fouls called against the CPU is shocking. I get one per 15 minute game if I'm lucky and they are constantly barging over, tripping up and beating the bloody hell out of my players!

Seriously this has been an ongoing issue for several years now - it's like Konami is afraid to have the action stopped for a foul call - I think they fear that casual gamers just want to run up and down the pitch and not be bothered by such nonsense. It's a major part of the real game and it's almost gone missing out of theirs!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Still impossible to play online on the ps3, the lag is simply horrific in almost every game.

Also, the times I have managed to play through balls are overpowered still, you'll start to notice it soon. Opponent uses assisted off the ball run, he powers up to full speed, full powered lofted through ball, your defender is caught on the back foot and the striker is clean through on goal. Player one guy who had obviously mastered it, must have been clean through 10 times, if he could finish I'd have lost 10-0.

Also, this is the ps3 again, manual filters are broken. I play on 0 passing assistance, one guy I matched up to twice was kind enough to admit he was on 3 bar passing, so we also know that's broken.

All in all, have to say (and I will normally defend PES until I'm blue in the face) this is quickly becoming the worst PES experience to date.

Is there shooting filters also to play manual shooting or is it only for passing?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, the South American Com Manager from PES, Robbye Aron, just posted today a message on Facebook saying that all PES players tell him for today all the good and bad things about PES. PES Team ask him to do it so they can consider the opinions for next updates.

Anyone here have someones? (serious one, for a great football game) so i can notice him.

Need to fix these issues;

- shit goalkeepers (especially their reaction after an initial save, which is often veeeery slow, and their Commodore 64-like animations when trying to save shots sometimes, e.g. jumping high on a low shot and such)
- central defenders going out of box instead of following threat inside box when opponent crosses from the sides
- first time shooting (players always seem to take one touch too many when you attempt this, and generally just doing it slow)
- cursor changing needs to be better and faster
- in general, players should be more aware of the ball when it's close to them
- changing players when a cross is in the air; this one is driving me mad, it doesn't seem like you can manually switch to a player which is closer to the ball when a cross has been hit into the box
- same goes for through passes and other types of passes and changing players in general, to the one closest to the ball at any one time
- CPU seems to get away with far too many fouls that would've been given if committed by human player

That's on top of my head. :) Would be awesome if they could fix those.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I must say, this game is tons of fun in BAL (gameplay wise). Having such close control makes it a lot better. Also hearing the sounds of boots clattering, collisions, the realistic sounds make it so enjoyable.

I like that too. Love playing with the commentary off and the sound effects + player calls turned up:SMUG:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Is there shooting filters also to play manual shooting or is it only for passing?

Doesn't say this year if it's just passing filter (last year it was just a passing filter) or if it includes all the filters lumped into one. It just says something like "You will be matched up against similar support settings". Whether it's passing, shooting, whatever, had no confirmation. (Does anyone actually know?!).

Anyway, besides the point, it doesn't work. I selected manual for EVERY setting and it gave me a 3 bar assistance player who was using assisted shot. I had nothing against the guy, he played alright but I was at a severe disadvantage. He won 3-0 then I got a 1-1 draw. He fully admitted he was on 3 bar and assisted shot when I asked him (not his fault of course).

Simply means matchmaking is broken totally, as the ONLY filter I had was support assistance similar and obviously there is no way the match-up I got twice in a row is anywhere near similar!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Must admit I'm not enjoying it so much, I think the lack of responsiveness in the box kills the tension, the keeper won't move off his line and the defenders just back off and constantly leave gaps for a long shot.

I think the excellent animations give the impression it's a better game than it is, it's very close to being good though.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I have to admit I'm jumping on the keeper bandwagon, they're simply unacceptable. I'm not complaining about keepers not saving shots they perhaps should, but I'm seeing a LOT of instances where the keepers screw up to a massive extent. I've ignored it up until now because they've been few and far between, but tonight I've conceded four goals in about six games where the keepers have done something bizarre, like the code is screwing up or something.

This is a perfect instance of what I'm talking about. He comes out to meet the striker and just runs past him and the ball. For a full price game made by a company like Konami this is totally unacceptable. I was winning this game 1-0 on a 15-minute match, and this happens in the 88th minute. What a waste of 15 minutes. This is on Top Player by the way.

YouTube - Keeper

I'm hoping it'll be patched but losing goals like this in a football game is not good enough. Earlier, I let in a goal where my keeper ran out for a cross, then just stood there and let it bounce over him virtually on the goal line where a forward managed to tap the ball in on the line, standing behind my static keeper. Must be a break-down in the game's AI or something.

The rest of the game is fantastic, in fact playing 15 minute matches was even better, but if this sort of thing is going to happen when I'm playing Master League then I won't bother. What's the point?
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I have to admit I'm jumping on the keeper bandwagon, they're simply unacceptable. I'm not complaining about keepers not saving shots they perhaps should, but I'm seeing a LOT of instances where the keepers screw up to a massive extent. I've ignored it up until now because they've been few and far between, but tonight I've conceded four goals in about six games where the keepers have done something bizarre, like the code is screwing up or something.

This is a perfect instance of what I'm talking about. He comes out to meet the striker and just runs past him and the ball. For a full price game made by a company like Konami this is totally unacceptable. I was winning this game 1-0 on a 15-minute match, and this happens in the 88th minute. What a waste of 15 minutes. This is on Top Player by the way.

YouTube - Keeper

I'm hoping it'll be patched but losing goals like this in a football game is not good enough. Earlier, I let in a goal where my keeper ran out for a cross, then just stood there and let it bounce over him virtually on the goal line. Must be a break-down in the game's AI or something.

The rest of the game is fantastic, in fact playing 15 minute matches was even better, but if this sort of thing is going to happen when I'm playing Master League then I won't bother. What's the point?

I'm glad someone else sees it as well. I just conceded three goals in one half where every single one involved some very very shaky goalkeeping. It's such a shame, as it's an important part of any footballl game to get right. I really, really hope a patch is around the corner, as the goalies are simply the worst I think I've ever seen in any PES game as they are now.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

If you have such problems, please post video links to Adam on Twitter to let him know it's BIG problem, not something PES Team can put under carpet!

Sorry, but this is just game breaker.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Yeah manual controlled shots are broken, manual offensive headers are broken as well...its a shame cause manual passing and manual shooting are a joy to use

Managed a few controlled shots manual but offline. Lastnight online they were going into row z.

Day 7 and still no headers - I did have a failed bycicle kick that the player missed by a few centimeters looked brilliant though animations wise :D
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Mine haven't even been down to shaky goalkeeping, they were outright breakdowns in the game's AI. Stuff like my keeper running past the play, effectively running out of his own goal. I even scored a goal myself where the keeper pretty much dodged out of the way of a crappy shot I hit at goal.

I can deal with keepers being suspect at times, but I can't deal with keepers who pretty much run out of their goal for no reason or stand and watch the ball roll into the net when he could easily stop it.

I mean the goal earlier too was ridiculous, a cross bounced in the six yard box and he walked under it then froze in position as it trickled into the net two yards behind him.

Oh and while I'm at it, SIX days the game's been out now and still no word on when the 360 data pack will work. Their official line appears to be to download it from a random PES fan who managed to upload it to some share site, because they can't provide it themselves.

Pathetic, Konami.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

One thing I thought was only in the demo but is in the full game: if you pick play rematch after a two player game, the form arrow stay the same. Which is no good.
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