PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Yes, true and comparing FIFA/PES is even more useless if you carefully pick good reviews for your favorite game and bad ones on the compatitor of your favorite. The guy above did not include the 9 for PES on Eurogamer.
We better avoid these useless discussions.

Because Eurogamer is considered PES fanboys. No-one reads their football game reviews. IGN and Gamespot have much broader range of impact for casual gamer.

But must say, FIFA 14 menu system is top notch. It's unbelievable how organized it looks (Career Mode menus are absolutely amazing!).

KONAMI must step up their game. That's all I will say. They cannot compete if they don't sale enough games. No profit = no new licenses. No profit = lack of progress gameplay wise (fe: no new technology to buy or hire players to do MoCap [yes, they don't do it for free]).

Gameplay wise, I will repeat, it beats FIFA hands down, but it does not mean it is finished product. There are annoyances, which should NOT be there if the game was tested properly before release.

It's unacceptable to release such untested product on PC!!!!!! (stuttering, lagging replays, player switching issues, game optimization failure (only using single core, GPU almost not used when playing)).

Seriously, this wouldn't pass our QA Level 1 check in OUR company.

I will still play it. As this game offers "one more game, I promise" syndrome as previous PES prior to PES 2008 era. ;)
Overall, this is a good game, but a lot of potential has been thrown away. If they released in the usual time-frame(Mid October) and took their time to iron out the bugs, add some more polish etc. this would be a masterpiece IMO.
Also, I Find it incredible that after 7 years the online Modes are still a bloody shambles. This really is beyond me.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Because Eurogamer is considered PES fanboys. No-one reads their football game reviews. IGN and Gamespot have much broader range of impact for casual gamer.

But must say, FIFA 14 menu system is top notch. It's unbelievable how organized it looks (Career Mode menus are absolutely amazing!).

KONAMI must step up their game. That's all I will say. They cannot compete if they don't sale enough games. No profit = no new licenses. No profit = lack of progress gameplay wise (fe: no new technology to buy or hire players to do MoCap [yes, they don't do it for free]).

Gameplay wise, I will repeat, it beats FIFA hands down, but it does not mean it is finished product. There are annoyances, which should NOT be there if the game was tested properly before release.

It's unacceptable to release such untested product on PC!!!!!! (stuttering, lagging replays, player switching issues, game optimization failure (only using single core, GPU almost not used when playing)).

Seriously, this wouldn't pass our QA Level 1 check in OUR company.

I will still play it. As this game offers "one more game, I promise" syndrome as previous PES prior to PES 2008 era. ;)
The start of your reply is disappointing. I could say the same ( the other way around ) about the sloppy and uninterested review of Gamespot. You can't take that serious anymore, do you? A 6/10 tells me the man has not judged the depth of the game. I bet he at best played two matches, shrugged his shoulders and throwed it away!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

He's whacked it.

I think the commentary is the worst its ever been.

Its a new engine, new start (although still not goo enough) but get some decent commentators in.

Doe Jon Champion say "He's whacked it" when commentating in real life? No, so why say it in the game.

If Komami give him the things to say he should turn round and say to them where they are going wrong.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

To be fair mate, that wouldn't probably solve anything. Konami is a Japanese company. If they turn on the telly on a Sunday afternoon, it'll probably be some game show where a 25 year old woman is dressed like a cow kicking a man in the balls while he licks syrup off a donkey riding a skateboard.

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The guy doing review for Gamespot isn't even sports fan, but that's another matter :LOL:.

The point is, his bad points, are "almost" spot on.

You don't have endless time to do review of game or even finish the game before doing review.

You have deadlines. Believe me, if they did truthful reviews, no-one would buy FIFA/NBA/PES games. The more you play, the more visible some things become to you. FIFA gets repetitive and boring, PES lack of polish, cheating AI, scripting becomes visible, in PES 2013, ML + boots boosting + players whining about shirt number (or was that in PES 2012 wtf?!), NBA scripting yet again in career mode where AI becomes superman in last quarter of the game, etc.

They only judge sport games after 5-10 games at most. Unfortunately it's not enough, because of excitement, to have proper opinion of what needs addressing or patching.

I didn't judge my PES 2014 buy based on any reviews nor did I with FIFA. I judge those games with my own rational thinking. The demo for FIFA 14 did not convince me enough to throw money at EA Sports :P.

I bought PES without playing demo and... After first 20 games of excitement, I started noticing dents in what could be superior product.

Knowing KONAMI, they will fix it with patches in next coming months. I can wait for them to fix their game, but do normal players have such patience? Most of them don't. They will just sale/trade the game.

FIFA 14, even if it's subpar to PES this year, is finished product. Complete package from start to end. People know what they pay for. KONAMI needs to learn how to do this too (or actually it's not KONAMI problem, more like PES Dev Team).
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

i have a problem with saving my team tactics...i made my 3 tactics for the team and save it, and in the next game, if i will load it, there s no saving s a bug or i m a bug:) i remember there was the same problem in the pes2013 beginning?!
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

He's whacked it.

I think the commentary is the worst its ever been.

Its a new engine, new start (although still not goo enough) but get some decent commentators in.

Doe Jon Champion say "He's whacked it" when commentating in real life? No, so why say it in the game.

If Komami give him the things to say he should turn round and say to them where they are going wrong.

Can't we give this guy a separate thread.
He is entirely entitled to his opinion. I understand people who don't like PES2014 (i like it a lot, but it still has serious falws), but he keeps repeating himself over and over. With all respect he is an enormous bore... i'm sorry.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Anyone done a ML? I need confirmation I'm not going mad. Just played a Copa match followed by a ML and it's light and day. In the Copa I could barely get near their goal, in the ML I could waltz into the box without a challenge. Both on Top Player. Doesn't make sense.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The CPU (Superstar) just fired a low free kick under my 5-man wall. Just a small example of how much variety the AI offer this year.

I think the AI got to be one of the best ever in sports title. Betcha can't name any other example, at least not when it come to team sport.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Definitely next patch must fix floaty shooting on Basic and crossbar shooting on Advance. It's the only thing that really annoys me atm.

Did they fix the manual shooting (finess & lob) with first patch?
I did not check yet.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I switched from top player to professional and am getting nice results, winning some games, losing some and the scorelines seem realistic on 15 minutes. However, if the shooting was like it was in 2013 I would be playing on top player. I suck at shooting (am using basic) and all my shots from range slurp donkey balls. Granted, the shots in 2013 were insane at times but the drop in their power is a bit too much for my liking. I hope it's just a case of having to set up better shots with more space and run up to the ball, etc. Then I will be fine with it eventually. Headers on the other hand I absolutely love! the animation when a player is going for power in a header is so satisfying to watch.

My suggestion for those finding this game too easy is to set the passing to Zero and play with less than stellar teams but if that still means you are hammering the AI well I'm rather impressed!

I think the keepers are fine, for the most part they do a great job, the only complaints I have concerning the keepers I have said here before, they are too stuck to the goal lines at times and they can look very uninterested until they spring into action.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm totally gutted but I think I'm going to have to go with FIFA this year. There's just too many things wrong with this game that I can't ignore

Too many floaty/soft shots
Too many goalkeeper howlers
Worst catchup "bug" I've ever seen
Too many scripted outcomes
Far too many unlicensed teams
Terrible menus

I really hope that Konami get their act together quickly and patch the shit out of this game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Good afternoon Chaps

I finally got to play my first 2 games on PS3 having downloaded it via the PS store last night.(Professional, 15mins, Camera Custom 0/10/0, Basic shooting, Passing 1 bar and otherwise unassisted)

Gremio v Internacional @ Estadio Scorpio - Lost 0-1

Amazing atmos with the samba bands in the crowd. Quite a tight game, few chances and to be fair they deserved to win. Players felt suitably sluggish if that makes sense

Porto v Benfica @ Monumental - 2-2

They took the lead through a Cardozo header. Tackles were flying in and I got taken out for a penalty which Jackson Martinez slotted away. 2nd half, I upped the tempo and Martinez scored again, a delicious run (automated by the AI not me) before finishing off a diagonal through ball with a low first time shot from the edge of the area. I realised that first time snap-shots work best when there is already momentum on the ball. Benfica tore back at me and pressured me into giving away a corner. From the resulting kick Cardozo flicked the ball in for the equaliser.

Players felt a notch above the previous game in terms of touch and technique and Rolando at CB was outstanding for me, and interestingly noticeably dropped deeper to mop up.

Overall the verdict is What...a.. game. Smoother than a Swiss Tony chat-up line! and the only downside is the on-pitch shadows in the day and the quality of the graphics that to me look a little pixelated? Maybe I need to fiddle with my settings on the TV & PS3 as has been suggested here.


Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I had the same issue> i couldn't perform any header in attack but changed the settings from advanced shooting to basic shooting and now its working properly.

That must be it, then! Played the demo 'out of the box' with no changes to the support settings other than passing assist and scored quite a few headers. Now playing ML with advanced shooting, though, and they only jump in defence. Big find, if it is true (will check tonite). Thx mate.

Just typical Konami 'logic' again to make something called 'advanced' actually more of a hindrance...

BTW, anybody else have the impression night matches are generally more fluid and organic than those at day (I am on the PC)?
Yes there is, although not a bug as such. It seems to be a choice the PES development team have made to include to balance out speed merchants

Exactly, it's a balancing factor. It has always been in PES to some degree.

Not that I agree with it but gameplay could be affected equally adversely without catch up.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But the problem is it makes the game too challenging for the people that like to complain about menus and unlicensed teams:((
Sorry to say this, but how can you tolerate this aspect of the game? How can you defend Konami in this?

I know everyone is entitled to his opinion, but it's a case of something just not being realistic. You don't see defenders catching up so quickly with the quickest dribblers in the world like Messi for example. Just doesn't happen - if Messi get's behind the defence, it's over, they can't catch him.

Why did Konami do this to the game I ask myself... They couldn't make a well organised defence, with aware and smart defenders? Then they thought if we slow down attackers on the ball it will bring some balance?

Well, everything this does (at least for me) is piss me off and I don't want to play anymore, because it's nothing, and I mean, NOTHING like the real thing.

How could somebody even think that this is a good thing for a footie game? FFS they even went on the simulation route and now this...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But the problem is it makes the game too challenging for the people that like to complain about menus and unlicensed teams:((

Oh please! Those 2 points were the last on my list. How hard can it be to design a decent menu. You know what they say about first impressions, well this makes the game look damn amateurish and is a prime example of Konami's attitude in recent years.

I want to like this game, I love how it plays in midfield but at either end of the pitch it leaves a lot to be deisred

And, do you know what, it's not even the lack of licensing, it's the choice of strips for the unlicensed teams which are just ridiculous. I played a game as Belgium v Brazil last night and Brazil were playing in green! Green ffs. The most iconic strip in world history and Konami have them playing in Green
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I strongly disagree there is no catch up bug been finding it a bit easy with the faster players to breakaway from defenses once your through. Once this game is mastered the Ronaldo's will dominate this game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can't we give this guy a separate thread.
He is entirely entitled to his opinion. I understand people who don't like PES2014 (i like it a lot, but it still has serious falws), but he keeps repeating himself over and over. With all respect he is an enormous bore... i'm sorry.

Never mentioned commentary before but heard it last night and thought it had got worse. I normally turn it off but was amazed how poor it was.

Anyways - thats my last post on PES14. Looks like its another year of "next year" but trouble is we have heard that for 7 years. With PES15 they will probably roll out the "its our first game on next gen so PES16 should be perfect" bollocks.

See you in 12 months...................................
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Exactly, it's a balancing factor. It has always been in PES to some degree.

Not that I agree with it but gameplay could be affected equally adversely without catch up.

Agreed but I'd rather it were in my own hands to defend better against fast players than have the A.I decide when to implement player ID and when to ignore it all together and have Gerard Pique catching up with Theo Walcott over 5 yards
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Sorry to say this, but how can you tolerate this aspect of the game? How can you defend Konami in this?

I know everyone is entitled to his opinion, but it's a case of something just not being realistic. You don't see defenders catching up so quickly with the quickest dribblers in the world like Messi for example. Just doesn't happen - if Messi get's behind the defence, it's over, they can't catch him.

Why did Konami do this to the game I ask myself... They couldn't make a well organised defence, with aware and smart defenders? Then they thought if we slow down attackers on the ball it will bring some balance?

Well, everything this does (at least for me) is piss me off and I don't want to play anymore, because it's nothing, and I mean, NOTHING like the real thing.

How could somebody even think that this is a good thing for a footie game? FFS they even went on the simulation route and now this...

I get behind the defence and stay ahead of them in PES 2014 at least as often as I see that happening in real football, which isn't a lot. What sort of challenge would this game be if I could just get past the opposition every other time I have the ball and go one on one with the keeper? Would be like playing...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

If you use R1 correctly,you can run away from defenders.

I get behind the defence and stay ahead of them in PES 2014 at least as often as I see that happening in real football, which isn't a lot. What sort of challenge would this game be if I could just got past the opposition every other time I have the ball and go one on one with the keeper? Would be like playing...

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

There are elements of catch up but right now without them every game would finish 7-7. they need the catch up to compensate for the lethargic defensive reactions to attacking passes and player movement
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