PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Hi can somebody with the US xbox version confirm if Closs and Niembro are invluded as commentary options?


bump. Anyone please? this will affect whether i purchase the pal or us version.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

When you say triangle, do you mean triangle after square or simply triangle? All mine have been standard square headers.

Yeah triangle after square, same for doing low shots. I'm on basic shooting though.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

OMG, I think I finally cracked the defensive system! I (and probably most of the players around here) was used to use sprint button to catch someone with the ball. It´s what I always did and it worked so far in previous versions. But today I tried defending only with the X button, nothing more. The result is brilliant! Even when i get caught by a smart passing in the midfield, selecting the closest defender and then using just X, my player imediatly starts runing and covers the AI. This game encourages playing a cautious defense. Rush days are over and it gets so real! I mean, it looked like a diferent game! This is great for those of you who think defense is broken and defenders are to slow in acelerating. Try using just the X and they will gains back position faster and smarter. Amazingly, it doesn´t get the game easier. I just lost against Barcelona 0-2, and I was aparently dominating possession... Loving the game more and more.

But hopefully this doesn't mean perfect defending at the touch of a button. That would be pointless. You shouldn't need X really. Just get control of a defender ahead of the ball and track back/jockey. I'd be surprised if holding X makes the defender run faster than holding sprint. That would be a :FAIL:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Are people on 360 experiencing lag with right stick! Might b and issue I'm getting on PC
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I still dont get it, who likes this game, people on xbox or ps3? Is there still a difference in full retail or both are smooth. I am debating which one to get it.

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

All in all, I'd say 9 out of 10 goals (if not more) are far from realistic, mostly due to an attack involving one of the aforementioned bloopers

Yeah, this is what's annoying me at the moment. I don't think the computer's scored a single goal against me yet which wasn't from either an obvious glitch, or a "cheat" through ball where someone makes a run straight down the middle of the park and the computer screws with your player so he doesn't track the run (usually he stops dead for no reason, then suddenly starts running again when it's too late... or sometimes he just changes direction and runs off towards the corner flag, leaving the cpu attacker clear through on goal with no one anywhere near him).

The worst thing is I can't even say I want this patched out, because if that did happen I'm not sure I'd ever concede another goal. And of course it won't happen, because Konami know damn well it's the only way their AI can score. But it happens so often... I'm playing 30 minute matches at the moment, and it's absolutely lovely except that I'm conceding about three goals a game, all of them from computer cheats or weird scenes in the penalty area where three defenders all stop running at once, or my full back sprints into my CB who's on the ball and sends him flying, and the cpu striker nips in and scores... sigh. I honestly don't remember seeing a computer goal where I could say "That was my fault." PES2013 was far more cheaty in general, but at least you'd sometimes concede a goal that it would have been possible to stop with better defending.

Haven't played 1v1 yet, I'll be doing that tomorrow. I hope it's good.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Definitely next patch must fix floaty shooting on Basic and crossbar shooting on Advance. It's the only thing that really annoys me atm.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can't Konami ever get Juventus shorts right?? Think this is the 3rd or 4th year in a row that they've been black instead of white. Not like it takes major research - just turn on the bloody telly some Sunday afternoon :BRICK:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Been reading other forums abit, PES 2014 probably has the most extreme differences in opinions of a game; some people say its the best pes this generation, and some people say it's worse than pes 2008.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Still learning to play the game, after barely having played PES since the 2011 edition.
I'm currently playing a Coppa Libertadores with Newell's Old Boys.

And yesterday evening i had two classic QF matches against Peruvian team Real Garcilaso. I had never heard of that team, but in the last Coppa they progressed to the QF's.

It turned out to be a very good team. Played the first match at home. Garcilaso played very defensive and i was playing too offensive. This resulted in a 0-1 lead for them at half-time.
In the last 10 minutes of the game i scored two goals.

The away leg was a thriller. I played more cautiously (quick counter), but still tried to score. In the end the match ended 0-0 and my team defended superbly, Garcilaso did not have a single shot on goal in a match that was pretty even...

I'm also playing an Serie A league with Udinese and i lover playing counter with that team.

I have the impression this is the best PES game ever even if there are obvious flaws (the stutter and i have my PS on 720).

I don't understand people complaining about horrid GK's. Until now i saw one GK mistake (in the second demo). I played a game against my son, he was Belgium and i was Colombia. I tiotally dominated the match but Courtois was fantastic, he stopped everything... he was MOTM with 9/10.

Maybe i haven't played enough matches or the people complaining have played lots of matches, but i really don't understand the complaining about the GK's.

Sometimes i don't understand the people who are moaning. I'm the first to criticize Konami, they make lots of mistakes...but moaning about Juventus' shorts...some people will never be satisfied.

I have a question about DLC, wasn't there supposed to be two stadiums (La Bombonera and another one) for people who pre-ordered the game...i did...but i haven't seem the stadiums. I vaguely remember reading a message about them when downloading stuff...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can't Konami ever get Juventus shorts right?? Think this is the 3rd or 4th year in a row that they've been black instead of white. Not like it takes major research - just turn on the bloody telly some Sunday afternoon :BRICK:

To be fair mate, that wouldn't probably solve anything. Konami is a Japanese company. If they turn on the telly on a Sunday afternoon, it'll probably be some game show where a 25 year old woman is dressed like a cow kicking a man in the balls while he licks syrup off a donkey riding a skateboard.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can't Konami ever get Juventus shorts right?? Think this is the 3rd or 4th year in a row that they've been black instead of white. Not like it takes major research - just turn on the bloody telly some Sunday afternoon :BRICK:

Juventus officially launched the kit with is combination of black shorts and white socks.

In Matches however.

I think the reason Juventus are wearing white shorts is because they keep playing against teams wearing black or very dark shorts.

Or the black shorts was just a marketing ploy to make the shirt 'different' to last years.

Can't blame Konami for that really, are you on PC, well just make the white short version which I prefer anyway.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

@gerd playing Copa with Athletico Miniero as well. Professional and Manual passing and shooting.

Ronaldinho is a LEGEND yet not exploitive and that is something Konami have done with aplomb you can't exploit the game with superstars.

I have not seen a single goalkeeper fault?!! I am now in my 3rd knockout phase as I have been whipped a few times particularly by Sao Paulo - Ganso, Wallace and the son-of-a-.......... Luis Fabiano require serious marking.

Also I am not having issues with floaty shots but I only use powerful strikes when the time is right, in otherwords, when I would be able to generate enough power IRL so rebounded balls or a ball that has been laid up properly is easier to blast. More than ever you need to time things 100% I am also using the L2 modified shot with the arrow a lot more. I JUST WISH A COULD JUMP FOR A HEADER!

On the passing side I am adapting somewhat to the 0 assist passing but using the manual pass L2 modified with the arrow a lot more. You need it for a 5 yard lob or dink.

Dribbling is very different and unfortunately I haven't been able to master any of the tricks on autofeint off except that fucking awful rainbow flick which is probably the most improbable trick ever I vant wait to understand this part of the game better.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Blargh. I know I can love this game, it just desperately needs to fix some of the painstakingly obvious and destructive issues before I'm able to do so. I'm considering waiting for the PC-modders to step up and make the game properly playable.

- Utter shite goalkeeping
- Slow AI reactions and poor decision making
- Buggy cursor changing
- All those little stupid things that seems to happen during a match takes away from the realistic aspect of it (players taking far to long to "restart" after a collision, goalkeeper standing on his line even though he should be rushing out, defensive AI yet again committing the sin of not following runs in the box, the lack of awareness, the lack of awareness, the lack of awareness)
- All in all, I'd say 9 out of 10 goals (if not more) are far from realistic, mostly due to an attack involving one of the aforementioned bloopers

Have you tried just rushing straight onto the opposition defense from a kick-off? Most of the time you'll find yourself one on one with the keeper. I scored three goals in as many games doing this yesterday. I could of course stop exploiting it, but it just shouldn't be there to begin with.

I feel like making a sort of "analysis"-video of a game, and go through all those little things that ruin the experience of an otherwise great game. I really think that if these things were properly fixed, this game could be an absolute classic, because it has a very solid foundation, it seems.

I'll stop repeating myself now. ;)
I'm both glad and sad that I'm not alone with these opinions. I agree on everything. The player awareness is terrible and completely destroys the game for me.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I play on the ps3 and have noticed 2 interesting things. I had lag when there is a lot of trafic in the box. But when I played with the Champions Leauge frame instead of exibithon (adbords balls etc)it doesnt lag.

I play mainly against friends offline and found when I set offside trap to assisted in the assistence menu in the game plan, my backline worked far better. In previous versions all it did was too impliement the offside trap on occasion (often the wrong one) but this year it seems to do more. I didnt suffer from defenders tracking back to far messing up the line and the back four seemed to be working as a unit.

On a separete note I think this is the best fotball game since PES6 its brilliant at times. Things that still needs fixing is:

AI difficulty they are to weak.

Online I like to play friends online but its to laggy.

Some urgency in players to catch loose balls.

Shooting could feel little more satisfying.

But plese Konami dont change the overall feel and control of the game youre on the right track, finally. You´ve should have just called the game PES 7.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Picked up the U.S. version at midnight tonight. Data pack installed first time with no error. No input lag or real response issues. Plays great. I'm in love again <3
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Are people on 360 experiencing lag with right stick! Might b and issue I'm getting on PC

I'm on 360 and getting no visible lag whatsoever. I Installed the disc to the HDD and it runs great, no slowdown and smooth replays. Only annoying thing is slow menus.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But hopefully this doesn't mean perfect defending at the touch of a button. That would be pointless. You shouldn't need X really. Just get control of a defender ahead of the ball and track back/jockey. I'd be surprised if holding X makes the defender run faster than holding sprint. That would be a :FAIL:

Just try it yourself, you´ll see. It´s great because it only makes you keep positioning. People ara complayining against odd goals and now I think it´s because they can´t defend properly. They are used to rush in and they keep loosing position, giving away easy goals. Yesterday I kept playing like this against Barça and no more easy throughs in my box. Barça had to work hard to get a shot. Oce in a while, while pressing X, I used the sprint button very brieffly and my defender tried to take the ball, mas if he couldn´t he imediatly returns to his positions.

Most important, through the entire match, I didn´t see a single time the so called bug where defenders stand still while AI runs through. It really works!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

@staying power

2 bars for pass, the same i used for pes 2013, but that game was way far, far much difficult on top player than pes 2014. this is silly how easy it is.

they must increase game difficulty via patch.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm on 360 and getting no visible lag whatsoever. I Installed the disc to the HDD and it runs great, no slowdown and smooth replays. Only annoying thing is slow menus.

Same here. Runs as smooth as silk. When I played it on my nearly $3K Alienware system, it ran like crap, on the 360 it's beautiful.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Gamespot: 8.0
Despite the lack of a defining new feature to attach itself to, FIFA 14 is far more than the sum of its parts. It's a fundamentally different experience to last year's game, and an entertaining one at that, moving the series ever closer to the realism it so proudly strives for. The only competition FIFA has this year is itself.

IGN: 95
Electronic Arts keeps polishing the best soccer game on the planet: FIFA 14 is a predictable but outstanding achievement. Its matches show a thoughtful pace and the new ball protection mechanics fit perfectly in the formula. Simply put it's a must buy for every soccer enthusiast out there.

Och well... Talk about sugar coating ;).

vs PES 2014

Gamespot: 6.0
This is a game that tries to straddle the line between arcade action and sublime simulation and never succeeds at either. PES is at its best when it's selective with its realism: here's hoping next year it can go back to doing what it does best.

IGN: 84
A step forward for the series on the pitch, and provides a great foundation for it to build on going forward. But it feels like it?s only taken one step forward rather than a huge leap.

However, truth be told, I do agree with what gamespot listed as BAD in PES 2014:

Frame rate issues during match buildup and replays
Single- and multiplayer modes horribly dated
Inconsistent AI makes passing and setting up goals tricky
Awful commentary
Loses some of the direct control and feel of previous games in the series.

Well, judging by reviews, it is clear that PES shapes up as being far behind FIFA yet again, when this is not the case on field :(.

On field, gameplay wise, PES 2014 > FIFA 14. However, it is very unpolished game and that pisses me off. This could have been a nail to the EA coffin, yet it may end up as KONAMI laughingstock yet again...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

For all those guys playing the Brazilian iv started a season and noticed when playing on top player the defense AI awareness isn't great as compared to superstar which is really good but bloody hard. Can anyone please tell what the awareness is like on professional and is it challenging.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Here is a nice one I scored with Mandzukic. It was the demo, though.

Haven't been able to score one in the real game since. Players just don't jump in the box and I have the strong suspicion Konami botched it again with the final code.

I had the same issue> i couldn't perform any header in attack but changed the settings from advanced shooting to basic shooting and now its working properly.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

To be honest sport games reviews are useless,we have no idea if these guys playing PES/Fifa have any real football knowledge.In my opinion both games are flawed and neither one deserves more than a 7/10 when it comes to real-football simulation...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Not true though is it, full power aim bottom corner and it barely makes it to the goal!
I think it is true in a lot of cases. I was playing my nephew and every time i shot for goal it would hit the bar. I looked later at the settings and noticed i was on advanced shooting, while my nephew was on basic. It lost me all my games, lol
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't get people saying it is unpolished and giving it a low rating then saying game play wise it is better than FIFA.

Surely what matter much more that polished menu's and the occasional stutter is the game play. I can even cope with the odd stutter if it means the graphics are pushed to the maximum on the current generation.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just try it yourself, you´ll see. It´s great because it only makes you keep positioning. People ara complayining against odd goals and now I think it´s because they can´t defend properly. They are used to rush in and they keep loosing position, giving away easy goals. Yesterday I kept playing like this against Barça and no more easy throughs in my box. Barça had to work hard to get a shot. Oce in a while, while pressing X, I used the sprint button very brieffly and my defender tried to take the ball, mas if he couldn´t he imediatly returns to his positions.

Most important, through the entire match, I didn´t see a single time the so called bug where defenders stand still while AI runs through. It really works!

On the controller of the Xbox the X is on the place where the square is at the PS 3. So your discovery sounds different for an Xbox and a PS3. Please can you tell me if you ment the X on the Xbox or on the PS3? I suspect you mean the PS 3 but I am not sure... :)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

To be honest sport games reviews are useless,we have no idea if these guys playing PES/Fifa have any real football knowledge.In my opinion both games are flawed and neither one deserves more than a 7/10 when it comes to real-football simulation...

Yes, true and comparing FIFA/PES is even more useless if you carefully pick good reviews for your favorite game and bad ones on the compatitor of your favorite. The guy above did not include the 9 for PES on Eurogamer.
We better avoid these useless discussions.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys playing on the xbox 360, does changing the display output of the console make any difference? I have a 1080p Samsung Tv but reading a few posts here it seems to make things run better on a PS3?
Has anyone tried this?
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