PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

in pes2013 free kicks you pressed triangle and up after hitting the shot to put venom in it x slowed it down. not sure if this changed
That was just fine. I don't think the freekick system needed to be changed. It was easy to learn, but hard to master (which is the best description of this franchise as a whole during PS1-PS2 days).

The same goes with the attack/defence on-the-fly modifier. Nobody asked this to be removed.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Scored a diving header other day from a corner, they were non-existant in past games.

Has anyone worked out the crossing system yet? I've noticed not holding any direction will centre it, will trying to direct it often results in a cutback. Don't think it's Manual aiming. On PES 11 they had the front post/back post system that took a while to figure out, wonder if it's similar this year?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I use L2 when crossing into the box, which seems to give me more variety and precision to pick out teammates who are in space. Space being a key, I'm finding, to getting attacking headers on goal.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)


I want to score a header :( hell I would be happy if I could atleast head a ball in the box, i just cant do it. on manual shot and 0 pass assistance

You can't do a header in the box if using manual shooting. It's broken atm for headers. Otherwise manual shooting is great.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys .. I do not know ... just .. This game proves that the engine was not a problem.
The more that I play PES 2014, more problems and Issues I find , old problems of old games and new ones that piss me off and after the 2 or 3 matches => ATL + F4 ... There so much great stuff there.. but... the game is so unfinished or i don't know , 7 years every game is " unfinished " , has basic Issues which ruin all fun of the game . And how the game will work 11 vs 11 when 1 vs 1 is total mess ...

Engine is not a problem, never been .. people behind it are the problem.

I'm so depressed now by the game , I do not like that... It can be the best football game for all time, has so much potential, but again and this year Konami are screwing up .
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

is anyone here in touch with adam or someone from konami?

can you please tell them to addres game difficulty in one of the upcoming patches, because game is too easy even on "superstar" level.

i choose to play on "top player" to aviod any sorts of cheating, but game on "top player" is way to weak, i either win or draw, even when i choose to play with small club against big club. and i always have more ball possesion than CPU.

please tell them to make gameplay more difficult.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Is anyone managing to play online on Xbox? If so, how did you get the datapack to install?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I am having trouble establishing play further up the pitch. Passing around opponents box, any tips how to make it work? Whats the proper tactic for this?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

is anyone here in touch with adam or someone from konami?

can you please tell them to addres game difficulty in one of the upcoming patches, because game is too easy even on "superstar" level.

i choose to play on "top player" to aviod any sorts of cheating, but game on "top player" is way to weak, i either win or draw, even when i choose to play with small club against big club. and i always have more ball possesion than CPU.

please tell them to make gameplay more difficult.

What passing assistance do you use? If you're on 4 bars I'm not surprised it's too easy, if you're on no bars I'm amazed!

Basically, if you find it too easy bump down the passing assistance. And once they fix manual shooting switch to that, but right now it's broken.

I am having trouble establishing play further up the pitch. Passing around opponents box, any tips how to make it work? Whats the proper tactic for this?

You get crowded out quickly so find open men. Use a mix of close control (left stick w/ no modifiers) and darting into space with a tap of LB. Don't be afraid to keep working the ball around the box til you see an opening. Also, look for your star players. Playing with Boca Juniors I look to get the ball to Riquelme and have him shoot from long range or play a deft pass into the box.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Scored a diving header other day from a corner, they were non-existant in past games.

Has anyone worked out the crossing system yet? I've noticed not holding any direction will centre it, will trying to direct it often results in a cutback. Don't think it's Manual aiming. On PES 11 they had the front post/back post system that took a while to figure out, wonder if it's similar this year?

My favourite type of cross is to get to the byline and pull the cross back and use R2 to loft a chipped, high cross, a bit like a lofted cut-back. I'm then usually able to use triangle to do a downward header while the keeper is scrambling back across his goal

Also, yeah, I've scored a couple of diving headers, I think again they tend to work when using triangle after shooting.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Blargh. I know I can love this game, it just desperately needs to fix some of the painstakingly obvious and destructive issues before I'm able to do so. I'm considering waiting for the PC-modders to step up and make the game properly playable.

- Utter shite goalkeeping
- Slow AI reactions and poor decision making
- Buggy cursor changing
- All those little stupid things that seems to happen during a match takes away from the realistic aspect of it (players taking far to long to "restart" after a collision, goalkeeper standing on his line even though he should be rushing out, defensive AI yet again committing the sin of not following runs in the box, the lack of awareness, the lack of awareness, the lack of awareness)
- All in all, I'd say 9 out of 10 goals (if not more) are far from realistic, mostly due to an attack involving one of the aforementioned bloopers

Have you tried just rushing straight onto the opposition defense from a kick-off? Most of the time you'll find yourself one on one with the keeper. I scored three goals in as many games doing this yesterday. I could of course stop exploiting it, but it just shouldn't be there to begin with.

I feel like making a sort of "analysis"-video of a game, and go through all those little things that ruin the experience of an otherwise great game. I really think that if these things were properly fixed, this game could be an absolute classic, because it has a very solid foundation, it seems.

I'll stop repeating myself now. ;)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

OMG, I think I finally cracked the defensive system! I (and probably most of the players around here) was used to use sprint button to catch someone with the ball. It´s what I always did and it worked so far in previous versions. But today I tried defending only with the X button, nothing more. The result is brilliant! Even when i get caught by a smart passing in the midfield, selecting the closest defender and then using just X, my player imediatly starts runing and covers the AI. This game encourages playing a cautious defense. Rush days are over and it gets so real! I mean, it looked like a diferent game! This is great for those of you who think defense is broken and defenders are to slow in acelerating. Try using just the X and they will gains back position faster and smarter. Amazingly, it doesn´t get the game easier. I just lost against Barcelona 0-2, and I was aparently dominating possession... Loving the game more and more.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just ventured online, won't again in a hurry lol

Incredibly laggy. Opponent went straight to Man City. Pretty sure he was using Assisted controls despite the settings in the match-maker. Was losing 2-1 then lost connection to the server. pfftt
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

My favourite type of cross is to get to the byline and pull the cross back and use R2 to loft a chipped, high cross, a bit like a lofted cut-back. I'm then usually able to use triangle to do a downward header while the keeper is scrambling back across his goal

Also, yeah, I've scored a couple of diving headers, I think again they tend to work when using triangle after shooting.

When you say triangle, do you mean triangle after square or simply triangle? All mine have been standard square headers.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Played around 12 consecutive games today....and I'm fucked lol.

Superstar, 20 minute matches, with whatever settings were out of the box.

Getting the hang of it at last, both offensively and defensively. When the defensive side is done properly, the CPU plays some nice footy.

STILL...CPU possession is still a problem, needs to hold on fall longer. I also feel the CPU players rush in pressing around the park not realistically on Superstar, it's like they have unlimited lung capacity.

Starting to get to grips with shooting, although haven't had many shots to play around with, it's hard enough just getting space.

I don't know what people are on about the keepers, they seem supermen to me, especially the CPU!

All in all, need more analysis.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

No further advice for advanced shooting except fill the power bar, which doesn't seem to work? I love the game and it feels like PES is really back with that "one more game feeling" but I do need help with this part please
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Good grief, I just took a dip into Master League. The menus are awful. Absolutely painful to navigate, and you have about 4 weeks to negotiate transfers, only being able to do things once per week. Terrible, it's put me right off playing completely.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

for users who have problems with "full manual pass"
I understand the way you think "konami"

advanced pass, this is actually the manual pass, but Konami has implemented for use both as common as long pass pass, wanted to merge the 2 buttons

right now I'm playing advanced pass, without help, and feels manual, it is difficult to control, but is satisfactory
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Hi can somebody with the US xbox version confirm if Closs and Niembro are invluded as commentary options?

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

OMG, I think I finally cracked the defensive system! I (and probably most of the players around here) was used to use sprint button to catch someone with the ball. It´s what I always did and it worked so far in previous versions. But today I tried defending only with the X button, nothing more. The result is brilliant! Even when i get caught by a smart passing in the midfield, selecting the closest defender and then using just X, my player imediatly starts runing and covers the AI. This game encourages playing a cautious defense. Rush days are over and it gets so real! I mean, it looked like a diferent game! This is great for those of you who think defense is broken and defenders are to slow in acelerating. Try using just the X and they will gains back position faster and smarter. Amazingly, it doesn´t get the game easier. I just lost against Barcelona 0-2, and I was aparently dominating possession... Loving the game more and more.

Well done mate. Good to see some people taking the time and effort to learn how to play the game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Played around 12 consecutive games today....and I'm fucked lol.

Superstar, 20 minute matches, with whatever settings were out of the box.

Getting the hang of it at last, both offensively and defensively. When the defensive side is done properly, the CPU plays some nice footy.

STILL...CPU possession is still a problem, needs to hold on fall longer. I also feel the CPU players rush in pressing around the park not realistically on Superstar, it's like they have unlimited lung capacity.

Starting to get to grips with shooting, although haven't had many shots to play around with, it's hard enough just getting space.

I don't know what people are on about the keepers, they seem supermen to me, especially the CPU!

All in all, need more analysis.

Because Goalkeepers scale with difficulty. If you looked at CPULevel.json you would see this. There is reaction time wait added to almost all difficulties bar Top Player/Superstar.

However, this is also written somewhere in executable file (call it hardcoded).

Why can't they just stick with simple rule: "Goalkeepers should stay the same on all difficulties." Presto (always put GK on Legendary in FIFA).

So there... Maybe not goalkeepers are bad, but animations? I could have sworn this goal above would have been saved if different animation was used there. Something to do with game choosing bad animation in some situations. Maybe someone could re-link those?
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