PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

the catch up bug is just too much to bear with. Had neymar one on one against goalkeeper and mertesacker managed to chase up. just unrealistic
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

if your playing ML and you find that your keepers are giving up shit goals. LOok at there form and there stamina..probably your issue.. I was playing my keeper game after game. He let in some howlers. So I benchend him for my hot keeper, made AMAZING double saves.... this game def has nailed the form shit. Have no idea what heart is..
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

if your playing ML and you find that your keepers are giving up shit goals. LOok at there form and there stamina..probably your issue.. I was playing my keeper game after game. He let in some howlers. So I benchend him for my hot keeper, made AMAZING double saves.... this game def has nailed the form shit. Have no idea what heart is..

Hey man, we should play a few games some time in the coming weeks :) (Are you only on 360!?)

I'm loving it!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, been playing all weekend (alongside GTAV), and I really like this game. I can't stop wanting to play.

I've been doing extensive editing so my Serie A and most CL teams are up-to-date (missing players + transfers + player numbers), so my game feels more complete.

At the moment the only issue I have is the shooting and player cursor change - I can't seem to pick the players I want as easily as in FIFA, and the shooting doesn't seem to work consistently on manual. I also find the catch-up vs AI a bit silly, but it doesn't happen too often to me.

Other than that, there's this sense of fluidity (thanks to the animations) and realism that I've always wanted in a football game. I'm playing the digital download edition by the way.

Can't wait for further patches from Konami with new graphics and edit mode features :)

PS - does anyone know why I can't volley or header unless I tap the shoot button multiple times??
turn off auto feint... should help with one touch
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

i'm trying hard to like the game but can't ! its almost unplayable !! obviously gameplay is the main concern but these things are also taking me out from the game -
* player models ( they look ok from closeup but looks like kids when playing with wide cam..specially when kits are tucked in, players look hilarious as some kids are playing on the ground wearing adult's shirts)
* poor cameras. when i first saw the customizable camera on E3, i was very happy.but after getting the game i am disappointed.
* only 20 stadiums !!
* no weather !!
and so many other things........
I'm sorry , but you can't like the game for those specific reasons ?. I just don't get that.

Really i'm not having a go, but it seems you buy a game purely for it's Aesthetics(I think that's the right word) over anything else.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The PES 2014 game on my PC is incredibly slow even on 'low' graphics setting. What can I do to speed it up?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

First and foremost to people who have problems with headers, turn OFF Auto-Feint.

Actually, put all those assistant things to OFF. Leave Through balls and Shooting on Basic and go down to 1 or 2 bar passing.


You can score headers if you get a) crossing right (you can apply swerve to it and AIM anywhere in the box, outside the box. ANYWHERE), b) timing is crucial for execution (tap shoot when the ball is IN AIR to get MOMENTUM before heading animation starts, then aim). Quite tricky, but after practice it comes as something you can do in sleep.

This game could be awesome, if not for some problems causing headaches. And I will repeat, Goalkeepers are a joke. Especially this get on butt animation when the ball bounces of hands/feet into back of the net, when shooting at NEAR post. It's absolutely ridiculous~! FIFA GK are spot on in FIFA 14... Learn from them KONAMI. Really do. (or get proper GK to make MoCap animations and replace ALL of them).

Thanks a lot for the tip! Even though I think that auto-feint is actually turned off...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm not having any proplems with headers, I'm on basic shots/through passes and 0 assistance, I think the key is to press the button earlier, and then if you are feeling frisky, press triangle when the ball meets the head, for the awesome straight to ground header
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Thanks a lot for the tip! Even though I think that auto-feint is actually turned off...

But doesn't turning auto-feint off mean you can't use the right stick for tricks/movements properly anymore?

My issue is that I CAN score headers and volleys, but I find that I need to bash the shoot button multiple times.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Below are my views on some of the common complaints on PES 2014 that I read in the forums:

Player responsiveness: I don't find any problem in this regard at all. Sometimes, the AI opponent reacts quicker but you need to realise that your player also has the pace to catch up and still win the ball. This wasn't possible in PES 2013. So I think many may just lose hope and think there's a problem with play responsiveness.

Dribbling: If you haven't learnt the new dribbling mechanism in PES 2014, you're going to be frustrated and you will surely hate this game. I'm not saying I've fully learnt the dribbling technique but I'm getting there. The biggest mistake one could do in PES 2014 would be to dribble like he used to in PES 2013 or in FIFA 13.

Player switching: Again, I don't find any issues here. Yes there are these odd occasions where the switching may not be as quick as you want but hardly a game breaker. Too small and too infrequent a niggle.

Goalkeepers: Don't know what people are complaining here. I find goalkeepers to be superhuman. They make some Incredible saves and many times looks unpenetrable. The only problem with them is the 'near post goal bug'. It's not a problem with the way the goalkeepers are coded. It's an unwanted script that kicks in for the bear post goal bug. The goalkeepers in PES 2014 are bloody hard to beat otherwise.

High defence: Many complain that their defence plays too high up on the pitch. It's a simple tactical tweak that you need to do in the game plan setting. By default, all teams are set to high defence. Change it before the kick off and you should be fine.

I think many of these complaints won't exist if we spend more time on understanding and playing the game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Below are my views on some of the common complaints on PES 2014 that I read in the forums:

Dribbling: If you haven't learnt the new dribbling mechanism in PES 2014, you're going to be frustrated and you will surely hate this game. I'm not saying I've fully learnt the dribbling technique but I'm getting there. The biggest mistake one could do in PES 2014 would be to dribble like he used to in PES 2013 or in FIFA 13.

I think many of these complaints won't exist if we spend more time on understanding and playing the game.

Completely agreed. I was getting frustrated so I did the training tutorial, and now I love it and think it's great.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

My views on what makes PES 2014 an excellent football game par none.

*Outstanding passing play*: The passing game in PES 2014 is incredible. No other game - past or present - has managed to nail the passing mechanics and passing physics as this game has managed. Sometimes I enjoy the passing so much I end up not doing much with the ball.

Freedom and variety: PES 2014 provides a lot of freedom to play. There's no single successful method or a pointless approach in this game. Stays truthful no matter how you want to play. Playing as Villareal, beat Barcelona 2-1 where I had 39% possession and 5 shots to Barca's 21 shots. Great variety is there depending on how much you want to experiment. Old habits say 'pass and move'. If you come out of it and try to hold the ball or dribble to create spaces, you have a great game on hand.

Great turf: All stadiums in the game have great turf to play on. It's extremely important as that's what you'll be watching for almost all of your playing time. Both the day and night games have great pitches to play and provide great contrast and color backdrop to play with any coloured kit. This time PES have got both the day and night game lighting spot on. For once, I don't need to pick and choose stadiums and time of the day to play my matches.

Atmosphere: The in-stadium atmosphere is absolutely mental. So much so that I leave the commentary (Spanish, because I don't understand Spanish and I like the sound of the language) at very low volume while I turn up the crowd volume. Their oohs and aahs simply add to the immersiveness on the pitch. I can still add numerous audio clips for specific events like 'unfavourable referee decision' etc. Top job with the sound this time.

Game tempo: Real football doesn't happen at the same flat pace all through the game. There are always some spurts, some high tempo moments and some slower moments. Basically, a real football game will have all paces from -2 to +2 in the space of 90 mins. In PES 2014, while there can be a base game speed, the game does speed up depending on the situations. I think this contextual pace is extremely bring in a video game. PES 2014 has done a great job in this area. Provides you a great sense of realism.

Immersive and addictive: The good old 'one more game' feeling is back. You want to play and you want to keep playing. It's not just a pleasure playing PES 2014 but it can soon turn into an obsession. The game is that immersive and addictive.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The things I want the next patch for PES 2014 to fix:

(a) Fix the 'near post goal bug'. That's the only thing that looks buggy. And there are goals being scored through this bug. This should be fixed.

(b) Some final third scripts: While the whole game feels totally free and in full control, as soon as you enter the final third, some scripts do kick in sometimes. These are not always advantageous to the AI but also to the human player's teams. Hope Konami's next patch makes the final third action as free as it's in the other two-thirds.

(c) More player weight: the players don't look as weighty as they should be. Don't know how they do it but they should add some heaviness with the players. Players should not be floaty or light. Not that they are in PES 2014 but some more improvement would do. I'm sure WE 2014 would make the players heavier.

(d) One-to-one shooting: In 'basic' setting in shooting, too many times, the shots during the one-on-ones turn out to be terribly weak and get saved quite easily. This probably is some mistake I'm doing or something I haven't learnt yet. Otherwise, this is a bug that should be fixed.

(e) Slowness: Menus have become terribly slow after applying the option file. There's no way the game menus can slow down because the option files have added a few images. Plus, sometimes, there's some slowness in the final third and particularly when there are too many players in the box. Unacceptable problem in this day and age.

(f) Camera angles: They've made such an awesome game that they should be doing a show off with numerous camera angles. Instead what we got is limited camera options and customisation within those options. They should add more camera angles in the forthcoming patch.

None of these are game breaking for me yet but can immensely improve the PES 2014 experience.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In PES2013 I pretty much always used to pass holding R2 to do a controlled pass. When I try this in PES2014, I've noticed the guy who plays the pass automatically goes charging up the pitch just as he would if I were to use L1 when passing. Has anyone noticed this?

Shame really, as since I completely stopped using this to trigger a player run, and left it purely down to my tactics and player stats as to where he'd move after playing a pass, it revolutionised the game for me.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In PES2013 I pretty much always used to pass holding R2 to do a controlled pass. When I try this in PES2014, I've noticed the guy who plays the pass automatically goes charging up the pitch just as he would if I were to use L1 when passing. Has anyone noticed this?

Shame really, as since I completely stopped using this to trigger a player run, and left it purely down to my tactics and player stats as to where he'd move after playing a pass, it revolutionised the game for me.

Yep, they have taken out that R2 'Controlled Pass' from PES 2013. Now it's a give-and-go trigger.

This system was in PES 13, the only difference was that you pressed R2 after you had pressed pass to trigger the run, not at the same time, as it is now.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The PES 2014 game on my PC is incredibly slow even on 'low' graphics setting. What can I do to speed it up?

1, PC = Post in PC Thread for starters.

2, list Your system specs, graphics card etc.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But doesn't turning auto-feint off mean you can't use the right stick for tricks/movements properly anymore?

My issue is that I CAN score headers and volleys, but I find that I need to bash the shoot button multiple times.

No I think Auto-feints just means your dudes will do feints like mad men even if you aren't doing anything but running around. I haven't turned it on since the demo, it felt like a utter feint-festival with it on.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I haven't seen it. I wouldn't be surprised if this comes in a patch, since base copy is coming in a future patch (confirmed by Adam).

I'm not with the game at the moment but I'm pretty sure I saw an import/export option in there, under OPTIONS I think...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

No I think Auto-feints just means your dudes will do feints like mad men even if you aren't doing anything but running around. I haven't turned it on since the demo, it felt like a utter feint-festival with it on.

I have Auto-Feints set to On, but I haven't noticed anything happen automatically. :CONFUSE:

The CPU Ai loves a trick though, but I'm not sure that has anything to do with it, probably just the Player Stats kicking in.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Auto feints means you don't need to perform any moves manually when on 1-on-1 mode, just makes a random/appropriate dribble depending on the direction of the feint.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

hmm maybe it was the cpu which did the feinting. At any rate, there were a lot more of them.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

No, there only is load data and edit data, but that will not import data from earlier versions.

Ah, you're right. It was the import/export feature in the personal data settings I was thinking of.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Ah, you're right. It was the import/export feature in the personal data settings I was thinking of.

No, that one is not there anymore. For a reason I think. There is a new way of editing and there a new player attributes, so that would cause corrupt files if you want to import it...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, could you please tell me if you use d-pad or analog?
Personally I switched to analog with 2011 but I'm wondering if people using d-pad are able to enjoy this Pes2014
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Again for all the PS3 (and maybe Xbox) players. If you choose a 720p resolution on you PS3 most of the slowdowns will disappear. I test it already and it works really fine. All you have to do is to go into your PS3 settings and choose the resolution 720p. It works for me and for a lot other players so it will be worth a test i guess.

I don't have the game yet but shouldn't the PS3 (and TV/receiver) automatically detect the game's default resolution? That's how all my games work.

Is the game 1080p?

if your playing ML and you find that your keepers are giving up shit goals. LOok at there form and there stamina..probably your issue.. I was playing my keeper game after game. He let in some howlers. So I benchend him for my hot keeper, made AMAZING double saves.... this game def has nailed the form shit. Have no idea what heart is..

If I'm understanding this correctly, the game doesn't encourage (or recognise) having a No.1 goalkeeper?
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