PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

i'm trying hard to like the game but can't ! its almost unplayable !! obviously gameplay is the main concern but these things are also taking me out from the game -
* player models ( they look ok from closeup but looks like kids when playing with wide cam..specially when kits are tucked in, players look hilarious as some kids are playing on the ground wearing adult's shirts)
* poor cameras. when i first saw the customizable camera on E3, i was very happy.but after getting the game i am disappointed.
* only 20 stadiums !!
* no weather !!
and so many other things........

Ok Bye :BYE:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Players without necks? Seriously? Evra could have a neck like Crouch what difference does that make. If this game is unfinished then i can't wait to get the finished version. I have Fifa 14 early release and played it once. I have been playing Fifa over WE/PES since 08 but Fifa offered a better game for me. Not this year and i will be happy to say it's a better year for football games as this is a move in the right direction.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

People complain too much. This is the closest to what hardcore fans always wanted, and now everybody complains.

If only I had a proper controller. I have an old cheap controller wich I rarelly used, only to find that analog sticks are fake!!! They almost have no 360 movement at all! Only the basic directions, just like Dpad, but with stick. pfff

Still, I love the game because I know how good it can be with a proper controller. Damn even on pc keyboard I can enjoy it!!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Right so basically what you are saying is thst they keep holding back features to make us hopeful that theyll be included in the following year? you know wat? i agree. and it sucks

I think that's taking it a bit too far, I doubt that Konami had a "perfect" football game ready and then decided to strip it of a load of stuff so it could be added later. I much rather think they just didn't have enough time this year, it is a new engine and all that, and even if it has been in development for longer then previous games, they had to focus on gameplay (and to be fair, there are a lot of competitions!) and leave out stuff like dynamic weather, etc.
I don't know why they don't promise more stadiums with dlc though, seems they should be able to make a few of those to throw at us at a later stage. I mean, there is not even a training ground. Seriously, what's up with that!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I was so thrilled after the demo. Finally a PES I can play again, and on manual! It felt like PES3 all over, that impossible feeling you had most of the times. I love that kind of game where you really have to put in an effort and learn.
I'm on PS3, and it does not have any problems. Installed. Played a bunch of games, both league, cups and ML. Online is totally broken so not taking that into account.
I like how it looks, and how it feels mostly. Little details that appear during replay, and the variation of how players do similar control inputs is awesome. It feels like I actually play a free and varied football again.

I play on manual shooting and 0 PA (I actually switched last night to basic shooting and 1 PA just to see if it's better). I have huge problems with player awareness. They don't have a clue of what's going on sometimes. It's like watching my 8 year old son and his team. The defense positioning and reaction to the play is horrendous from time to time.
Passes that seems possible to interfere just isn't when my player loose the momentum all of the sudden.
Sometimes when the ball is loose my controlled player can just stand still for a second or two despite what I'm doing with the controller. Or jump over the ball, running just past it etc.
I know PES had this problem, well always, but not as bad as this. Super cancel was just not an optional move when you stepped up in dedication if I say so...

My guess is there is problems in player switching and animation transitions that is causing some of it. And the assisted passing/running that is deep down the game code who locks/unlocks the player reactions to the ball.

There is stuttering, low response and poor performance from time to time. Not much, so I guess not everyone will even notice it. I do though.
Controlled shot, heading and volleying on manual shots is broken. It works fine on basic shooting (I tried that).
Why can't there be a manual setting for the passing and shooting that is the same as the L2? So you don't have to press that to be able to take proper manual passes...

Despite the problems it can be a great experience. But when my defenders stands there and day dream and let the opponent pass a soft ball through them the illusion is teared down.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Also, lets be honest and realistic here. What would happen if companies made perfect video games, errors free ? How would they continue to make money and continue to improve product ? All of the negative stuff people list about PES 14 is easily fixable if Konami wanted it fixed. But what about PES 15 ? 16 ? Get my point....
Yeah, I've been reading that phrase for years and years. I guess you all have experience in producing video games? How much effort, people, time and money it actually cost? How easy it is to fix bugs and problems if the will is there?

They just don't have time to create a video game at this magnitude in just under a year. It's all about prioritize, rationalize and sadly yeah, keep stock holders happy.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I have a bit of slowdown, playing PS3 retail. Slight pause when the ball goes just wide and sometimes into goal I think, also once when I hit the post! Occasional bad slowdown when taking a goal kick, while the view is behind the keeper. Gameplay slowdown hasn't been big enough to bother me though, but the gameplan slowdown can be a git.

I'm testing out Professional - 15 minutes at the moment and am enjoying it, 15 minutes is a lot better then 10 minutes when playing a game but damn, playing whole seasons is going to require some serious time!

Install the game from options > system settings mate it helps with that issue. I've done mine and don't see any of it, well so far :)

C'mon. No need for that.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Lag and Regular difficulty?

Typical online I presume :)

i havent mentioned, my fault, we were playing in my living room

recently pes games were kind of an OK in a human against cpu games, kind of a weird in human vs human games, but literally unenjoyable in 2human vs 2human games, that chaos on the pitch is undescribable (and we are playing pes since ages)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

There are few game breakers in this game.

First is player awareness in both attack and defense. Add GK to this mix too.

Goalkeepers are horrid. They can make some great saves, but... It all feels scripted and unnatural. Same keeper who saved 6 out of 10 shots on target makes a howler on near post goal or ball bounces of his hands into back of the net.

What the hell? It's like GKs, when you have ball in area, do not cover 100% of goal net. Like they are bound to save in certain areas only. It's easy to exploit (when you know where to aim you can beat ANY keeper with 80% chance of scoring).

I will say this again this year, but why on Earth can't we have GK like in FIFA? Scoring against such keepers, after all the build up in midfield and seeking open space, would be great feeling.

Now I just have mixed feelings after scoring goal. Like there is no sense of achievement at times, because you know GK could have reacted faster and saved it...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Install the game from options > system settings mate it helps with that issue. I've done mine and don't see any of it, well so far :)

I did that after my first game. It was better after that but there is still some slowdown. But as I said, not enough to really hurt gameplay.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

So for me MLO has been very good. Through ball whores not working at all. Im controlling matches and winning them with ease. Having 60+ possession and making that count with simple 1-0/2-0 wins. Im really enjoying it. Its also thankfully a slow grind as you dont get many points unless you win loads of matches in a row and build your multiplier. The most ive got is 150 from a 5 game winning streak.

It seems like the game is working beautifully on 360. its the ps side which are having problems.

You're playing online on Xbox!? How did you manage that?
I spent 4 hours downloading the damn datapack but it wouldn't install and told me to re-download it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I've never had a game that's i've enjoyed so much yet still think is in dire need of a patch!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Also, lets be honest and realistic here. What would happen if companies made perfect video games, errors free ? How would they continue to make money and continue to improve product ? All of the negative stuff people list about PES 14 is easily fixable if Konami wanted it fixed. But what about PES 15 ? 16 ? Get my point....
I believe this indeed is the case, but it happens with other games as well : Fifa, Sim City(!!) and many others.
I believe this policy is just necessary because of competitional considerations

There ARE some features that Konami removed ( league-mode) and putted back in, after feedback from the players.
But the main reason for changes is because Konami and EA are watching each other closely and sometimes steal things from each other, just out of competitional considerations.
This competition make that both company's are forced to change things. Sometimes that is good for us players, sometimes it is not.
Konami now implemented an engine to cath up with EA, but it is a bit too early, as the engine was made for the next gen consoles.
What else should Konami do for this year? The next gen Xbox 1 console in some countries ( like Holland ) is in april on the market: That's half a year too late for PES 2014. So they putted it in the current gen console and that one is not strong enough to make use of all features of the engine.
So here you have it: Konami will fully implement the Fox-engine in next years version. That is no policy, that is forced by the circumstances...
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

can someon eplease confirm the price of the game on the Uk stroe? i read in another forum the game costs 31$ in some places but it´s not the euro store :(
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

hi everyone quick question:

is there an Option File out there for pes 2014 PS3 eur version with ONLY correct kits, names and emblems? without bundesliga, other teams or transfers etc. thanks!
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Judging by your post I can SAFELY SAY AND CONFIRM that you havent even touched retail version. Sorry, nice try.

Haha, funny clown...

Nice try, but I had the retail the whole weekend since saturday. I played it several times. It transports for me more or less the same feeling like the demo. I judge by what I saw on my TV. The response still feels bad - it pisses me off. I feel absolutely unconvinient playing this game. Fine if others are happy with it - I AM NOT.

I am not a independent magazine, so I have my own PERSONAL opinion on what I have played: PES 2014 is crap. If I don't feel any joy, I regret buying this game. As Fifa also doesn't convinced me, no soccer game this year for me.

For me it doesn't matter if millions of people, especially new forum members like you or any moderator are praising this game, I judge for myself. I dislike it, so no buy for me.

Now I will next year give it a try on PS4. Until I have enough high quality games to play or complete.
Have fun with your PES 2014, if you like it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

You're playing online on Xbox!? How did you manage that?
I spent 4 hours downloading the damn datapack but it wouldn't install and told me to re-download it.

I actually downloaded the pack really easily the first day it came out. Its weird cause I got a pretty smooth ride no issues except for the first day online. I have played about 20+ mlo matches and 90% of those lag free. Its weird cause everyone else's experiences have been terrible.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

This thread.....

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

This thread.....



Whilst we are having a little bitch, I'm not impressed with the slowdown that happens in a crowded box. I will install to HD tonight to see if that helps. Other than that, loving it. Totally consumed.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

hope somebody can help me here?

I bought PES14 via SHOPTO and got the Classic kits DLC free.
Now, I have the code but have no idea where to input it to get the DLC. I have looked in game and on the PS store. maybe im missing something.

cheers in advance
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Enter the PS Store and chose on left site the option: ENTER CODE

There you have to enter the dlc code.
After that you can select the item and "buy" it. Costs no money.
Next, after completing the "purchase" you can download the item and install it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can anyone please explain to me how to perform headers? The player always controls the ball with his chest and then shoots the ball. I can never perform headers on corners or centers. Can someone help? Thanks a lot
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Again for all the PS3 (and maybe Xbox) players. If you choose a 720p resolution on you PS3 most of the slowdowns will disappear. I test it already and it works really fine. All you have to do is to go into your PS3 settings and choose the resolution 720p. It works for me and for a lot other players so it will be worth a test i guess.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Again for all the PS3 (and maybe Xbox) players. If you choose a 720p resolution on you PS3 most of the slowdowns will disappear. I test it already and it works really fine. All you have to do is to go into your PS3 settings and choose the resolution 720p. It works for me and for a lot other players so it will be worth a test i guess.

Does this effect the graphics at all?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Can anyone please explain to me how to perform headers? The player always controls the ball with his chest and then shoots the ball. I can never perform headers on corners or centers. Can someone help? Thanks a lot

First and foremost to people who have problems with headers, turn OFF Auto-Feint.

Actually, put all those assistant things to OFF. Leave Through balls and Shooting on Basic and go down to 1 or 2 bar passing.


You can score headers if you get a) crossing right (you can apply swerve to it and AIM anywhere in the box, outside the box. ANYWHERE), b) timing is crucial for execution (tap shoot when the ball is IN AIR to get MOMENTUM before heading animation starts, then aim). Quite tricky, but after practice it comes as something you can do in sleep.

This game could be awesome, if not for some problems causing headaches. And I will repeat, Goalkeepers are a joke. Especially this get on butt animation when the ball bounces of hands/feet into back of the net, when shooting at NEAR post. It's absolutely ridiculous~! FIFA GK are spot on in FIFA 14... Learn from them KONAMI. Really do. (or get proper GK to make MoCap animations and replace ALL of them).
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Does this effect the graphics at all?

I'm not sure about it maybe a little bit, it should. But for me it's not that much of a difference and the game is so much better without this little slowdowns. The response is better, for this the hole timing is better. Headers are better, shots have more power, the gameplay wins a lot in my opinion.

I really like it and i really advise everyone to test it. Do it. You can change the resolution back easily if you don't like it. But you need to test it i'm pretty much sure you'll love it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Guys, been playing all weekend (alongside GTAV), and I really like this game. I can't stop wanting to play.

I've been doing extensive editing so my Serie A and most CL teams are up-to-date (missing players + transfers + player numbers), so my game feels more complete.

At the moment the only issue I have is the shooting and player cursor change - I can't seem to pick the players I want as easily as in FIFA, and the shooting doesn't seem to work consistently on manual. I also find the catch-up vs AI a bit silly, but it doesn't happen too often to me.

Other than that, there's this sense of fluidity (thanks to the animations) and realism that I've always wanted in a football game. I'm playing the digital download edition by the way.

Can't wait for further patches from Konami with new graphics and edit mode features :)

PS - does anyone know why I can't volley or header unless I tap the shoot button multiple times??
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