PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Getting the Asia region or the Japan region? Asia region is slated to be released on the 30th this month, but they may release early in certain shops just like PES2014. Not really sure about Japan region though, Early October is the likeliest. ;)

Mine is the Asia region WE 2014. Hoping it's the same as the Japan WE quality-wise. Even the WE2014 demo was markedly better than any PES 2014 demo.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

U can finally use your mlo team to play a friendly with a mate been hanging for that :-)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Why doesn't 2K make a football game or even better Rockstar. Paying the same price for GTA 5 and PES (or fifa): ridiculous.

This really doesn't mean anything. If they're good at open world games that doesn't mean making a football game will be a hit. Their AI can be incredibly dumb. I can show you a ton of bugs in GTA as well. It is no where near perfect like many like to think it is. It's good at what it does though. Does the job and brings us fun.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Downloading the option file. I know I said I won't apply it because of slowdown and sluggishness. But I heard the image sizes and compression methods in PES 2014 are different from the earlier PES. Hope? Let me check.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Generally the moaners are exagerating, i love this game, but one can't deny that Konami is sloppy.

The transfers are not up-to-date.
The lag/stutter in the box (not always but is there) : itvis like sex with a fantastic foreplay and an interupted climax...
The lack of stadiums

On a positive note. Yesterday evening i had one ot
F those matches that are memorable: 4-3 loss with Udinese against Juventus. Juve scored the winner in injury time after i came back from 3-0 down...that is what it's all about. Only PES provides this thrill.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Mine is the Asia region WE 2014. Hoping it's the same as the Japan WE quality-wise. Even the WE2014 demo was markedly better than any PES 2014 demo.

Hopefully the data Pack and patches won't make it a speed fes from what I've read. Well, I'll see you around once it's released here. ;)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I wont be playing PES14 again until its patched. Its clearly not finished.
Curser changes, response in the box and floaty shots all need to be fixed.

Then we need the transfers done along with the faces. I wonder if the update will include P Evras neck?

I guess its too much to ask that Konami release a complete game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Applying the OF now. Each kit file (per team per kit) is more 1MB!! That means more than 22MB of additional data to process for every game. Let's see how this goes.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'll ask again because I could really do with a reply: am I the only one who can't play day games because of the horrible shadows in almost every stadium? The contrast between the light and shade is so extreme, it fucks my eyes up and I can't see what the hell's going on. I mean it's properly impossible to play... is there something I can do to my TV settings or what? I don't have a Game mode on my telly, before anyone suggests it.

Haven't seen anyone else complain about this, which seems weird.

Pere mate. what TV are you using and what are your settings? It may have something to do with your brightness and contrast I would play around with that not sure if you can adjust it. previously the people playing on CRT TVs had issues with this.

Time to vent

Konami need to adress online there is a monster of a game waiting to come out here, its soo soo brilliant and a flawless connection will make PES 2014 one of the greats else its going to be the game without online and find itself in the bargain bin by xmas.

Its 2013 FFS online connectivity on sportsgames or any game for that matter is a bare necessity.

I remember asking about the online side a few months ago. Surely Konami knew that the online game would be affected by all the improvements on the core game everything that is done needs to be shared between the users and the more info there is the to pass between the 2 users the better he servers need to perform.

Also are they still using peer to peer for this?! I noticed in my game against Joe lastnight that the 1st half had wide camera and the second half my closer cameras without any options to change it.

With the new game/physics engine a beta should have been released not a fucking PES lounge party. Who the hell makes these decisions for Konami?

I dont know the nuances of the gaming industry and I am sure there are limitations to what can be done with an old console and with limited timeframes but seriously this poor decision making and PR is going to kill this franchise. Say what you want about EA they stopped from going down the toilet pan by enforcing their PR and marketing.

If they are hoping that the offline game will take them back to the top they are horribly mistaken, other genres and games like The Last Of US, GTA V or he uncharted series are made for the single player experience - a sports game cannot.

PES2011 had a beta and look at how well that worked. Infact I am sure the ideas I had on the setup is the current MLO setup

Konami have no idea what the online side of things are like for the user - they removed lobby chat so you cant ask if anyone wants a game with certain settings, they dont have match room filters for teams and pass/shoot settings.

For online play if I where a reviewer I would give this game a solid 1/10 for allowing me to access the servers and matchrooms but what the fuck am I supposed to do there?

I counted the number of users online and it was around 500 people across all and another 400 odd on MLO. These rooms where bustling with activity in the first week.

Also noticed a large amount of my PSN friends lists playing FIFA 14 demo / FIFA 13 and a few even PES2013 despite having PES2014.

A fair few asking me how I feel about PES 2014 these people used to ask me for a match to the point where I didnt have time to learn it before going online.

Rant Over
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm atrocious at this game! Started as Livorno in ML and my first three matches were 0-0, 0-4, 2-4. Feels terrifying playing against Di Natale, he's class.

There are issues online (found myself LOLing when some guy scored a 30yard dribbler and my keeper backtracked like it was a lob), but offline is a delight. So difficult to command games, yet rewarding.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Pere mate. what TV are you using and what are your settings? It may have something to do with your brightness and contrast I would play around with that not sure if you can adjust it. previously the people playing on CRT TVs had issues with this.

Time to vent

Konami need to adress online there is a monster of a game waiting to come out here, its soo soo brilliant and a flawless connection will make PES 2014 one of the greats else its going to be the game without online and find itself in the bargain bin by xmas.

Its 2013 FFS online connectivity on sportsgames or any game for that matter is a bare necessity.

I remember asking about the online side a few months ago. Surely Konami knew that the online game would be affected by all the improvements on the core game everything that is done needs to be shared between the users and the more info there is the to pass between the 2 users the better he servers need to perform.

Also are they still using peer to peer for this?! I noticed in my game against Joe lastnight that the 1st half had wide camera and the second half my closer cameras without any options to change it.

With the new game/physics engine a beta should have been released not a fucking PES lounge party. Who the hell makes these decisions for Konami?

I dont know the nuances of the gaming industry and I am sure there are limitations to what can be done with an old console and with limited timeframes but seriously this poor decision making and PR is going to kill this franchise. Say what you want about EA they stopped from going down the toilet pan by enforcing their PR and marketing.

If they are hoping that the offline game will take them back to the top they are horribly mistaken, other genres and games like The Last Of US, GTA V or he uncharted series are made for the single player experience - a sports game cannot.

PES2011 had a beta and look at how well that worked. Infact I am sure the ideas I had on the setup is the current MLO setup

Konami have no idea what the online side of things are like for the user - they removed lobby chat so you cant ask if anyone wants a game with certain settings, they dont have match room filters for teams and pass/shoot settings.

For online play if I where a reviewer I would give this game a solid 1/10 for allowing me to access the servers and matchrooms but what the fuck am I supposed to do there?

I counted the number of users online and it was around 500 people across all and another 400 odd on MLO. These rooms where bustling with activity in the first week.

Also noticed a large amount of my PSN friends lists playing FIFA 14 demo / FIFA 13 and a few even PES2013 despite having PES2014.

A fair few asking me how I feel about PES 2014 these people used to ask me for a match to the point where I didnt have time to learn it before going online.

Rant Over

We can discount anybody who is still playing PES 2013 despite having the new one. That's just beyond all explanation. I haven't been able to play PES 2013 ever since I tried the new demo. Light and day. For all of it's flaws, 2014 is a far, far greater game of football.

I pretty much reiterate what everyone else says. Offline is a joy, online isn't worth trying. That suits me fine. It would be bigger issue if the AI was FIFA-like, but I find it to be very challenging and smart. Sure, occasionally hiccups, but for most the AI will give you a real game.

..And if Steelhorse spent as much time learning the new game mechanics as he does repeating the same "it's clearly not finished" he'd probably be shocked to find himself having a good time.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Right, the problem I'm having is the CPUs defence is extremely passive. Their attacking play is fine, so I don't think its locked on a lower difficulty.

But whenever I get anywhere near the 18 yard box, they will stop engaging me. I can near enough dribble without a challenge to the penalty spot, with acres of space to get a shot in.

Unless its how the Chilean teams tactics are set-up. I'll try a match using European teams, but I've scored 15 goals in my first three ML matches so far. In PES it's usually the opposite, the CPU would have insurmontable defences with weak attacks. This year it seems the opposite. Real shame if its the case as it's easily fixable.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Right, the problem I'm having is the CPUs defence is extremely passive. Their attacking play is fine, so I don't think its locked on a lower difficulty.

But whenever I get anywhere near the 18 yard box, they will stop engaging me. I can near enough dribble without a challenge to the penalty spot, with acres of space to get a shot in.

Unless its how the Chilean teams tactics are set-up. I'll try a match using European teams, but I've scored 15 goals in my first three ML matches so far. In PES it's usually the opposite, the CPU would have insurmontable defences with weak attacks. This year it seems the opposite. Real shame if its the case as it's easily fixable.

Chilean teams? That might be your answer there buddy. I've played a lot of games, and although it's obviously easier to dribble around players on the professional difficulty, but still difficult, I very rarely got away with that in the penalty area on Top player and Super Star.

What difficulty are you on?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Pedders - I agree with you and I promise you I am a passionate fan of Konami and PES but the series needs to flourish, grow and grab some market share. As much as it pains me to say without this revenue FIFA will grow and PES will diminish. If you cant give kids the licenses give them a good online experience - Konami need them to learn this game and get back on track
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Right, the problem I'm having is the CPUs defence is extremely passive. Their attacking play is fine, so I don't think its locked on a lower difficulty.

But whenever I get anywhere near the 18 yard box, they will stop engaging me. I can near enough dribble without a challenge to the penalty spot, with acres of space to get a shot in.

Unless its how the Chilean teams tactics are set-up. I'll try a match using European teams, but I've scored 15 goals in my first three ML matches so far. In PES it's usually the opposite, the CPU would have insurmontable defences with weak attacks. This year it seems the opposite. Real shame if its the case as it's easily fixable.

This has been the way on ML for a few years now by the first half of the season you will be sitting pretty but the second half the AI starts tightening the screws. I think its still the case
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Pedders - I agree with you and I promise you I am a passionate fan of Konami and PES but the series needs to flourish, grow and grab some market share. As much as it pains me to say without this revenue FIFA will grow and PES will diminish. If you cant give kids the licenses give them a good online experience - Konami need them to learn this game and get back on track

But you're also a Barcelona fan, therefore I hate you.

Just kidding. :COOL:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

May I ask how do you guys chase loose ball?

I raced down the byline with Nani with Muller, we did not have body contact at all (so Muller couldn't use his body check on Nani) however he got to the ball first, and it happened more than twice.
Nani condition was on up red arrow and I'm pretty sure speed wise, Nani would be faster than Muller.

Is there a trick somewhere?

I tried R1+X, double tap R1, just holding R1 (I am still on default button config). Didn't matter at all.

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I do feel for people who've bought this game purely to play online - i've not played online due to the problems i've read/been told about. But i'm enjoying single player so much and there's so much to learn; i've played pes since ISS and this is the hardest i've found it since pes5, even on regular mode. You do have worked to create a chance. Training mode is must.

However i hope Konami can sort online cause this has got the potential to be truly great when playing vs a human opponent online. Is it a server problem as i know people who had the game early and were playing MLO without a hitch?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Chilean teams? That might be your answer there buddy. I've played a lot of games, and although it's obviously easier to dribble around players on the professional difficulty, but still difficult, I very rarely got away with that in the penalty area on Top player and Super Star.

What difficulty are you on?

Top Player.

Just ran a quick CL match with Olympiakos and it wasn't happening, so I don't know whats up with ML. Could well be the Chilean teams have poor defences, but the behaviour was really low level AI.

I'll start another campaign tonight and see if it happens again.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

May I ask how do you guys chase loose ball?

I raced down the byline with Nani with Muller, we did not have body contact at all (so Muller couldn't use his body check on Nani) however he got to the ball first, and it happened more than twice.
Nani condition was on up red arrow and I'm pretty sure speed wise, Nani would be faster than Muller.

Is there a trick somewhere?

I tried R1+X, double tap R1, just holding R1 (I am still on default button config). Didn't matter at all.


Super-cancel? Hold R1+R2 to gain full control of the run, then simply R1 to get ahead. Honestly don't think there's much of a catch-up bug if at all. In fact I'm slightly worried it'll be easy to abuse pacey players online as the defensive awareness isn't great.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

@ Klash


Whoa pump yo breaks big homie....when this cat says he is a FAN of Dark Souls I totally understand where he is coming from. I know Dark Zouls is a "Gamers Game" and if this cat can put the time into that game he surely has the patience to put in time into PES14 and get the most from that title as well.

Klash you basically called me an idiot for stating that FIFA 09 (all manual) played out like a game of chess in the fall of 2009 right before FIFA10 was released. I took your snide remarks with a grain of salt. And from your post started to investigate the PES brand/series.

Not yo daddy so i am not telling you what to do, but you will always catch more flies with honey.

Maybe the Hard-line approach is not always conducive to what you are trying to achieve.

"Gamers Game"= Hard/Difficult and Nuanced just like PES

Sorry I remember your Avatar but couldn't remember all of that FIFA 09 stuff. I just remember being very disappointed with the depth of FIFA 09 around Christmas, the game had so many exploits and was so, so shallow.

As a FIFA 09 all manual player, i played against some very, very good players, one guy from Finland who regularly kicked my ass, problem was it always played the same way, you knew how to score, it wasn't football, it was how much you know FIFA's mechanics where to shoot from. It's just got worse since then. I'm surprised you took up my comment so much, if you gained any joy from it I'm happy to hear that.

I'm blunt, when I see a response which isn't objective, I'm just blunt and honest, we have a culture where people just moan for the sake of moaning.

It's best always to compare sports games rather than compare it to general games, they are made so different with a complete different time slot. There seems to be so serious sales pressure to release the game at certain dates despite the game still not being 100% completed. I sense there must be some disagreement or some breakdown between some Konami board members and the PES team. Bootgate last year seemed a 'sales' type of idea to promote online heavily rather than something the PES team wanted.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Anyone else find it infuriatingly difficult to beat a man, either for pace or slow dribbling? It's so frustrating.

Also the catch up bug is laughable.

I play as Parma and Biabiany has a good 5 yards on Walter Samuel, who quickly caught him up, completely ridiculous.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Super-cancel? Hold R1+R2 to gain full control of the run, then simply R1 to get ahead. Honestly don't think there's much of a catch-up bug if at all. In fact I'm slightly worried it'll be easy to abuse pacey players online as the defensive awareness isn't great.

So I hold R1+R2, then just release R2 and run towards the loose ball?
I didn't experience catch up bug too, when I am full sprinting (double tapping R1), using the right player and given space, I could leave 'em behind
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Anyone know how to install the game to the ps3 hard drive??
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