PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just wanted to gauge what peoples approach is to the new nuances within this game?

Personally I have had to lower the difficulty, not getting much of a "game" at the moment but I need the extra time and space on the ball as well as a more forgiving cpu while I practice the new features and try to make them second nature.

Anyone else taken a similar approach?

Have to say at times this game is beautiful, and there is a nice mix of user input and contextual happenings.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

On WENB a lot of hidden FIFA BOYS...they claim to be PES Fans but say PES14 is total crap and they are afraid FIFA 14 is better. Not trying to make this FIFA vs PES but how can anyone with any brain cells say FIFA 14 wins this yearl ? FIFA was better when PES first came to PS3 but Pes 14 shits all over FIFA 14. We'll see what happens on PS4. FIFA might crap on PES again but as of now PES 14 is miles better.
IMHO, PES has an excellent offline gameplay, it's a beautiful representation of real football, and have awesome visuals and animations, so it's a good base to work upon, but that's it. Good gameplay cannot carry a game with bad content for 10-11 months, the same as good content cannot carry bad gameplay (i.e. FIFA on PS2 era).

A company with the reputation of Konami cannot release a game in the year 2013 with so few faces, stadiums, game modes, and such a terrible online functionality. Also, with an awful, slow, not up-to-2013-standards UX that drives away anyone who wants to switch from the competition. This is a game only released this early to win sales over FIFA no matter the cost in the long run.

It's an afront to customers who have spent their money.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'll ask again because I could really do with a reply: am I the only one who can't play day games because of the horrible shadows in almost every stadium? The contrast between the light and shade is so extreme, it fucks my eyes up and I can't see what the hell's going on. I mean it's properly impossible to play... is there something I can do to my TV settings or what? I don't have a Game mode on my telly, before anyone suggests it.

Haven't seen anyone else complain about this, which seems weird.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just had the strangest game, the AI completely rolled over for me. I had to check to see if it was on Top Player after as it felt like Regular. 5-1 with the default ML team in my first league match....some of goals their defence literally stood and watched me. Felt unnervingly easy.

Confused as I was being relentlessly outplayed all of yesterday when I was on it. This one was my first game today and I didn't have to try. Might be a ML bug?

Thats strange since the AI on my game seems completely broken (ps3). They can't hold on the ball for nothing within the team, and they can't even pass! The players have no awareness and dwell on the ball way too long, often running with it out of play. Its unbelievalbe since I could get ouplayed in the demo. As for now, haven't seen the AI pass the ball to the backline once. Wtf happened to my game.. I'm playing on full manual and can keep possession for an entire game with the opposition only managing counter attacks. It's not that I necesseraly win but I can keep possession so easy that it gets totally boring. I tried messing with tactics too but doesn't work. Maybe I'll start a league mode to get some continous play and see if things change.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Hype or no hype. This year is another year of broken promises (atleast for me). [/qoute]

They promised you a new engine, then gave you it, they didn't promise perfection.

When someone pays the full price to play a game I don't blame them to expect a better game than this one is. IMO they should just release PES every two or three years since they don't have a lot of licences and are apparently not capable of updating the rosters. It's better than playing this piece of crap (still my opinion).

and then you'll complain about it not being good enough to be released every year.

Why doesn't 2K make a football game or even better Rockstar. Paying the same price for GTA 5 and PES (or fifa): ridiculous.


Why so worked up? These bugs where to be expected since its a new game, there is so much to program it takes time.

The game is going to only get better, this is the first attempt on this engine, it will take time to reach its potential.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'll ask again because I could really do with a reply: am I the only one who can't play day games because of the horrible shadows in almost every stadium? The contrast between the light and shade is so extreme, it fucks my eyes up and I can't see what the hell's going on. I mean it's properly impossible to play... is there something I can do to my TV settings or what? I don't have a Game mode on my telly, before anyone suggests it.

Haven't seen anyone else complain about this, which seems weird.
I have to say I noticed this when played the Xbox 360 demo. It was on a "39 Panasonic, but I cannot play a lot there, so I didn't look for a solution, as I was focused on playing those 5-min games.

Which exact TV you have (brand, size)?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I know i can change them myself but those changes won't take effect online.

Who cares about online ratings, you shouldn't Arsenal's ratings are always wrong, I don't even care, I'm always going to disagree with then, you don't have a choice.

And I can't change all of the player stats, I can't take the game stats seriously with so many players with ratings so far away off reality.

All a matter of opinion, the way you rate PSG players could be totally different everyone.

That isn't even my main concern. I played 7 online matches, lost 3, draw 1, won another 3 and they all lagged so much that it was unplayable. In MLO I was waiting for an opponent to connect and while it was loading his name, the matchmaking defaulted to the main menu and I lost that supposed "match" 3-0. I have a stable internet connection that enables me to play pretty much any game without lag.

Maybe I have the worst possible combination of console, tv screen, and internet... or maybe Konami released an unfinished product and charged 70 euros for it. Many people won't agree with me and I only wish I could see the qualities they admire in the game.

I think you so pissed of about losing online you can't see anything else. Online matches are not serious, the win means nothing. You goal is to have fun, not to wax your ego on you online ranking making you 'better' than a few people.

You have forgotten how to have fun and search for enjoyment.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I think you so pissed of about losing online you can't see anything else. Online matches are not serious, the win means nothing. You goal is to have fun, not to wax your ego on you online ranking making you 'better' than a few people.

You have forgotten how to have fun and search for enjoyment.

But Klash, are you suggesting that complaining about online lag is not fair on Konami? Surely one can play online for enjoyment only, not rankings. If there is a lot of lag, the enjoyment is obviously lessened.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Online is a fucked up lag fest, PES 15 will be out before my pad responds to my instruction to pass, and that's just from kick-off.... :CONFUSE:

Much prefer Basic Shooting now, need to test the consistency of the Finesse Shot though, hope it's not nailed on.

Zero Assistance is getting very tough for me, so much harder than 1-Bar, I thought I'd sussed it, but it was a false down. M

No issues with slowdown at all.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

hello mate , i would like to , but the game already has wonderful varied turfs besides it has only few stadiums contrary to last year

I noticed them, better than last year default but it's not that detailed as yours.. so let us know if you decide to make it later :))
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Who cares about online ratings, you shouldn't Arsenal's ratings are always wrong, I don't even care, I'm always going to disagree with then, you don't have a choice.

All a matter of opinion, the way you rate PSG players could be totally different everyone.

I think you so pissed of about losing online you can't see anything else. Online matches are not serious, the win means nothing. You goal is to have fun, not to wax your ego on you online ranking making you 'better' than a few people.

You have forgotten how to have fun and search for enjoyment.

Again, obviously the way I rate players is completely different from yours but where´s the excitement in buying Lukaku when I can buy a cheap player from Quatar that is better ? Why bother rating players then ? Just give them a bad,good,excellent rating then.

You don´t know me, and I might have passed a childish whine tone with my first post but I don´t care if I lose or win as long as the game is playable and well designed. I died over 100 times in Dark Souls and loved the game. I won a match 6-1 and it was torture. My last match ended 2-2 and my hands hurt because of how much pressure I applied to the buttons for the game to react on time. PES 2014 online is an unplayable mess.

You never really discuss my arguments, you just go on with the predisposed idea that I am whining. Maybe I can get used to the game offline, but online is broken at the moment.

Best regards.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But Klash, are you suggesting that complaining about online lag is not fair on Konami? Surely one can play online for enjoyment only, not rankings. If there is a lot of lag, the enjoyment is obviously lessened.

I haven't played online, but knowing Konami, it would probably be full of terrible lag, PES and and the word Lag go hana in hand when it comes to online since, well, forever.

The infamous 1 bar connection rating anyone?

The power of the internet has meant most yearly releases always contain bugs when first released, because of the reliance on patches and DLC.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Again, obviously the way I rate players is completely different from yours but where´s the excitement in buying Lukaku when I can buy a cheap player from Quatar that is better ? Why bother rating players then ? Just give them a bad,good,excellent rating then.

Then buy the player in qatar then :))

You don´t know me,

Thats the whole point, you don't know me either, but what i know you getting wound up very, very easily which is what I'm showing here, your wrapped up so much in things which you can either change yourself or things which you can't change and shouldn't worry you.

This is the most important point, it shows if you have this nit picking, highly strung up mentality, your not having fun and there is o chance of you enjoying the game even when the patch comes in and eventually the bugs are sorted.

You will just find something else to moan about.

and I might have passed a childish whine tone with my first post but I don´t care if I lose or win as long as the game is playable and well designed. I died over 100 times in Dark Souls and loved the game.I won a match 6-1 and it was torture. My last match ended 2-2 and my hands hurt because of how much pressure I applied to the buttons for the game to react on time. PES 2014 online is an unplayable mess.

What the fuck is Dark Souls, you comparing a fantasy game to PES?

Just take a step back, and look at what your saying? You can talk about NBA2K fine, that is better, but you do know that is 2kSports only good sports sim currently, the rest are suspect and well, crap.

You are the perfect example of people who just become so negative, you will say anything negative for the sake of it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

my....muscle....memory ...

god, I hate this game. Can't dribble, can't shoot, can't keep the ball, just got beat by Celtic at home (on professional!!) 5-1....

I can't wait to love this game.


Same here mate, my pc copy just arrived yesterday.. i am getting my grips of how the game actually works :P

I am enjoying it though..
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Then buy the player in qatar then :))

Thats the whole point, you don't know me either, but what i know you getting wound up very, very easily which is what I'm showing here, your wrapped up so much in things which you can either change yourself or things which you can't change and shouldn't worry you.

This is the most important point, it shows if you have this nit picking, highly strung up mentality, your not having fun and there is o chance of you enjoying the game even when the patch comes in and eventually the bugs are sorted.

You will just find something else to moan about.

What the fuck is Dark Souls, you comparing a fantasy game to PES?

Just take a step back, and look at what your saying? You can talk about NBA2K fine, that is better, but you do know that is 2kSports only good sports sim currently, the rest are suspect and well, crap.

You are the perfect example of people who just become so negative, you will say anything negative for the sake of it.

so now has everyone including the two participants had enough of this argument or what? some posts can just hang in the air--not every post warrants a reply. let it go, both of you.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

@ Klash

What the fuck is Dark Souls, you comparing a fantasy game to PES?

Just take a step back, and look at what your saying? You can talk about NBA2K fine, that is better, but you do know that is 2kSports only good sports sim currently, the rest are suspect and well, crap.

You are the perfect example of people who just become so negative, you will say anything negative for the sake of it.


Whoa pump yo breaks big homie....when this cat says he is a FAN of Dark Souls I totally understand where he is coming from. I know Dark Zouls is a "Gamers Game" and if this cat can put the time into that game he surely has the patience to put in time into PES14 and get the most from that title as well.

Klash you basically called me an idiot for stating that FIFA 09 (all manual) played out like a game of chess in the fall of 2009 right before FIFA10 was released. I took your snide remarks with a grain of salt. And from your post started to investigate the PES brand/series.

Not yo daddy so i am not telling you what to do, but you will always catch more flies with honey.

Maybe the Hard-line approach is not always conducive to what you are trying to achieve.

"Gamers Game"= Hard/Difficult and Nuanced just like PES
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm new. Hello.

Anyhow, just thought I'd say that I was a Fifa boy until the demo for PES 2014 found it's way on the Marketplace. Fell in love almost immediately. Although there are obvious faults with the game, and some minor annoyances, it's funny how I can be completely satisfied with playing the AI on PES whereas with FIFA 13 I could only really enjoy myself online. I think that's a testament to the AI. Keepers are known for the odd howler, and some mix ups in the opposition's defence, but for most part the CPU play some tasty stuff and offer a great challenge, even on Professional. :))
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

IMHO, PES has an excellent offline gameplay, it's a beautiful representation of real football, and have awesome visuals and animations, so it's a good base to work upon, but that's it. Good gameplay cannot carry a game with bad content for 10-11 months, the same as good content cannot carry bad gameplay (i.e. FIFA on PS2 era).

A company with the reputation of Konami cannot release a game in the year 2013 with so few faces, stadiums, game modes, and such a terrible online functionality. Also, with an awful, slow, not up-to-2013-standards UX that drives away anyone who wants to switch from the competition. This is a game only released this early to win sales over FIFA no matter the cost in the long run.

It's an afront to customers who have spent their money.

Me thinks ill be sticking woith the demo this year!!!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't think I can enjoy PES 2014 in its present form, there are too many bugs and it's just lacking in polish overall. 30 fps menus and input lag are the main culprits. Hopefully it can be improved with patches and it will be worth returning to in a few months.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

First OPTION FILE for PES2014 PS3 is out. Check WENB.

I will download that but wouldn't apply the sponsor logos. Would use the option file for correct team names, player names, league names etc and for the team emblems.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

My Winning Eleven 2014 has changed status to "PREPARING ORDER" with Play-Asia! Anyone knows the firm release date for WE2014 for PS3? Can't find it anywhere!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

My Winning Eleven 2014 has changed status to "PREPARING ORDER" with Play-Asia! Anyone knows the firm release date for WE2014 for PS3? Can't find it anywhere!

Getting the Asia region or the Japan region? Asia region is slated to be released on the 30th this month, but they may release early in certain shops just like PES2014. Not really sure about Japan region though, Early October is the likeliest. ;)
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