I dream of occasional fanzine mentions
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)
i've previously been complaining about the error margin with shooting for advanced but it's clear that this extends to any form of shooting. I've seen the ball hit the post so many times now. it's like shots either have to hit the target (+woodwork) or they won't be pulled off at all.
it's funny you mention defenders not holding their line cos i've also seen them actually hold their line in completely inappropriate situations, such as when one single player has the ball and attacks them. they all just stand there retreating ina line and nobody covers the fact i might possibly beat the defender i'm going 1 on 1 against
Completely agree with these.
Add to them also that sometimes I pass the ball in space for a specific player but instead the game decides to pick a further one. Annoying. This is breaking my passing rhythm.
CPU shouldn't be accurate with their passing. There should be more error than this.
Defenders not properly zone marking at times in addition to not holding their lines properly when playing a high line causes lots of successful through balls. I don't mind the through balls as irl teams will do whatever to exploit any teams defenses. My issue is with my defense's AI like these 2 I mentioned already.
Game needs to be more responsive when shooting. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're successful, but at least execute the command instantly even if I press shoot at the wrong time resulting in a failed shooting attempt; don't mind this at all.
Great game but really needs these fixes.
i've previously been complaining about the error margin with shooting for advanced but it's clear that this extends to any form of shooting. I've seen the ball hit the post so many times now. it's like shots either have to hit the target (+woodwork) or they won't be pulled off at all.
it's funny you mention defenders not holding their line cos i've also seen them actually hold their line in completely inappropriate situations, such as when one single player has the ball and attacks them. they all just stand there retreating ina line and nobody covers the fact i might possibly beat the defender i'm going 1 on 1 against