PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Wee i found the shaders. Goddamit. Code with no comment is hard to understand.
uniform row_major float4x4 W:register(c4);
struct _
    float4 p:POSITION;
    float4 c:COLOR;
    float4 t:TEXCOORD;
_ main(float3 p:POSITION)
    _ O;
    return O;

I also think i found some scripts in the exe. hard to understand them. There was one called combination function seemed like how the game rated you online legend modes play

namespace game{
namespace script{
namespace combination_function{

  totaltime        %.2f[s]

  ballmove         %.2f[m]

  cooperate        %s->%s  %d(pass)

  LEGENDs Num      %d

  LEGENDs Long Pass %.2f[m]

  LEGENDs assist   %s %.2f[m]

  CPU              %s

  Dribble          %s

  FK Begin         %s

  CK Begin         %s

       playpt        %d

       cooperate     %d   %s

       result        %d


       combination   %d
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I take anything this young lad says with a pinch of salt as every year he likes to say, "Konami have nailed it..." (when they actually haven't) but it sounds like shooting could be a lot better this year according to some recent jibber jabber from Adam over at wenb...

I'm going to say it, and feel free to slate me, but it's by the far the best shooting in PES this generation, rivalling PES5.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I take anything this young lad says with a pinch of salt as every year he likes to say, "Konami have nailed it..." (when they actually haven't) but it sounds like shooting could be a lot better this year according to some recent jibber jabber from Adam over at wenb...

He'll be happy to to know someone called him young at least.

But probably best to leave WENB impressions there, I'm sure Lami would agree. It leads to attacks on his opinion despite it being just that.

Just focus on impressions from people you obviously care more about. We're not talking facts here afterall.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

From the few videos we've had so far it looks like the shooting is indeed better.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

From the few videos we've had so far it looks like the shooting is indeed better.

The ball certainly isn't ballooning away like a 99p petrol station ball anymore. The Lahm goal in the video looked a bit overpowered but the shooting itself looks miles better than 2012 which was extremely frustrating and lacked any feel of control.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The ball certainly isn't ballooning away like a 99p petrol station ball anymore. The Lahm goal in the video looked a bit overpowered but the shooting itself looks miles better than 2012 which was extremely frustrating and lacked any feel of control.

At the same time, the shooting the PES2012 demo was much better than in the retail version.I actually can't figure out how a certain element of the game can be worse in the retail version than in the demo
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

At the same time, the shooting the PES2012 demo was much better than in the retail version.I actually can't figure out how a certain element of the game can be worse in the retail version than in the demo

It was still pretty bad in the demo too. I redownloaded it a while back to test and knowing where the ball was going is impossible. It usually just floats away after you hit it.

Manual shooting will be such a welcome change.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

At the same time, the shooting the PES2012 demo was much better than in the retail version.I actually can't figure out how a certain element of the game can be worse in the retail version than in the demo

Seemed like Konami toned the shooting down to make the keepers look better in the final code.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Why did you remove the last part?

Fortunately we can see all this for ourselves next week already :D

Not sure what the keepers behaving fantastically has to do with the shooting rivalling that of PES 5. Like you say we will find out next week for ourselves:))
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Not sure what the keepers behaving fantastically has to do with the shooting rivalling that of PES 5. Like you say we will find out next week for ourselves:))

Because they didn't in PES 2012, perhaps? The beauty of the goal you score can be ruined by how poorly the keeper reacted to it.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Because they didn't in PES 2012, perhaps? The beauty of the goal you score can be ruined by how poorly the keeper reacted to it.

Yea, maybe. Personally I thought the shooting in PES 2012 was dodgy and unsatisfying no matter how the the keepers performed. So I hope the quality of shooting and satisfaction received from it this year is not dependent upon the quality of the keepers.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

you dont realize how bad it is till you play WE 9 LE and WE 10. And those games were hyper scripted. Konami even patented their shooting algorithm (google it)
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I felt the shooting in PES2012 was poor. Two basic problems:

1. Shots not going where I aimed for.

2. Shots not powerful enough.

Simple as that really. People can talk about getting the player's body posture and stride correct before hitting a shot - and they are right - but often the above problems still occur. Konami clearly introduced some randomness/scripting into the shooting to compensate for the inadequate keepers.

Basically play FIFA12 to experience a satisfying shooting mechanic. If PES2013 is more like that I'll be happy.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Fifa's shooting always looks silly. So many hook shots and stretch shots. The animations especially ball contact lacks power.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Fifa's shooting always looks silly. So many hook shots and stretch shots. The animations especially ball contact lacks power.

Disagree. FIFA12's ball physics are superior to that of PES. Shooting is one thing FIFA12 does a good job of.

I'm not a massive fan of the game but there are some things it does far better than PES.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Not a bad idea to change the PES name.
PES is ПЕС of Bulgarian, which means dog ... FIFA fans are make a lot jokes with the name before, when PES was better , was on the top and had fights community, forums, now almost nobody is interested by PES or how they was saying :
Bad Dog
To kick the dog
You play with a dog
Your dog smells
Dirty dog ..

OK, you seriously need to register in some more mature forums :P
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I felt the shooting in PES2012 was poor. Two basic problems:

1. Shots not going where I aimed for.

2. Shots not powerful enough.

Simple as that really. People can talk about getting the player's body posture and stride correct before hitting a shot - and they are right - but often the above problems still occur. Konami clearly introduced some randomness/scripting into the shooting to compensate for the inadequate keepers.

Basically play FIFA12 to experience a satisfying shooting mechanic. If PES2013 is more like that I'll be happy.

YouTube - PES2012 shooting.wmv

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Disagree. FIFA12's ball physics are superior to that of PES. Shooting is one thing FIFA12 does a good job of.

I'm not a massive fan of the game but there are some things it does far better than PES.

Agreed. Games these days use both a scripted pattern (more relevant to stuff like passing, trapping and shooting) and actual dynamic ball physics (used for ball bounces and dribbling). PES 2012 didn't do any of them right, while FIFA 12, with a bit of slider tweaking, does both wonderfully imo.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Meh, sliders were the worst idea. It works in NBA games, but hardly in footy games. Plus it's great cheating mechanism to easily boost your VP.

Really would like both games to nail AI perfectly so there would be no need for sliders in the first place. Maybe that Artificial Intelligence PCI_EX card wasn't that bad idea after all (if you have seen tech demos from it, you would see how much potential lies in so called computer AI. It did behave like human would on many occasions :o). ;).

KONAMI did it once perfectly, without relying on cheating or scripted events. When did they abandon this approach I don't know :(.

As for shooting feeling superior on FIFA, true. With new titles it's no contest really when it comes to power and placement. FIFA wins, hands down.

However, they did copy this from PES PS2 era. So many elements from when PES was great made it's way to FIFA, I do wonder how people DON'T notice that... O_O.

Seriously, it's almost copy-paste at times LOL.

KONAMI kick EA ass once more please! Let's show them there is only ONE KING! Rest is copycats ;).

As for FIFA...

YouTube - Fifa 12 Ultimate Team 95 IF Iniesta Player Review

such vids just show me how much FIFA game is still broken -.- (and no, not trying to start FIFA vs PES discussion, just posted for fun :P).
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I felt the shooting in PES2012 was poor. Two basic problems:

1. Shots not going where I aimed for.

2. Shots not powerful enough.

Simple as that really. People can talk about getting the player's body posture and stride correct before hitting a shot - and they are right - but often the above problems still occur. Konami clearly introduced some randomness/scripting into the shooting to compensate for the inadequate keepers.

Basically play FIFA12 to experience a satisfying shooting mechanic. If PES2013 is more like that I'll be happy.

100% agreed. Shooting in Pes 2012 is a joke.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......


the game is not perfec (2012), you may not find a forum to discuss the strange gameplay, think that we all have different opinions. sorry.. you are a conformist

aaand no, but I have enough experience to say, and if I played pes 6 this last time, and is a good game, without limitation or "konami moments" .. nor "scripts moments"
times as many scripts, has been a frustrating experience.

that serves both graphic, if gameplay is less than old times.
look at the thread pes 6, can be a surprise, perhaps this more alive than pes 2012
I have not 60, I have 25 years of age.
I'll be optimistic and play demo, then I will give my final opinion
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

He probably meant that those names given to PES in Bulgaria are so childish ;).

Well... most of the games are playing of kids , and that was FIFA fans , before FIFA to have Next Gen , what do you expect?
And what fault have children when that Konami named the football game, a Dog ? Nova was the only trump for FIFA fans at the time
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Ok i don't know where you see me criticizing FIFA's ball physics. All though it is better than PES it is also not realistic. Being better does not make you the best.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I have to admit that for me the ball physics in FIFA are one of it's biggest weaknesses, along with AI & graphics. Especially the way it bounces is simply WEIRD.
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