PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

im looking forward to pes 13 so take all the 14 talk and stick it up your arses

pes 13 will be great because its all about the gameplay thats wat matters animations can wait for later i didnt stop playing pes 12 because of the animations it was the fooked up gameplay that sent me over the edge
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Yeah and a PES2014 thread would get shut down again,as it just descends into a battle between folks trying to outsmartarse each other with unecessary comment and vitriol.
What is supposed to be a 2013 discussion thread here is now meandering wide of the mark.So please All back on topic, if you wish to discuss PES 2013.
Dont know how anyone can debate the merits when we have not had our hands on either game yet.Its beoming as daft as the Leeds Rumours thread ( Google it ).

Thanks dwyer, just a little more tact and subtlety though please!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Some of the talk of PES2014 is just ridiculous. Heralding the Fox engine as an end to the problems with PES is premature and blindly optimistic. Yes, the game desperately needs a new engine, but it's what Konami do with it that counts, and based on Konami's track record this generation I'm going to adopt a "wait and see" attitude.

I think back to what I imagined PES would look and play like on the 360 & PS3 and the reality was well short of my expectations. I'm not trying to put a downer on PES2014 but I do believe some of you need to be more realistic. A new engine doesn't necessarily mean all that's bad with PES magically disappears. There's a lot of work to be done yet and Konami are notoriously slow when it comes to making sweeping changes to PES.

It could be PES2015/16 before we see a PES game that's truly something special.

Don't agree:NO:

Pes 3 use new engine. The game was brillant. What doesn't mean? It's mean the first game on new engine can be good. How many years have engine of Pes on PS2? 10 years? In this moment when I look old videos from Pes 5/6 a see something really nice. Why? Becasue they used fuckin good engine at that time and made balance gameplay. Good engine = 50% success. If KONAMI will make with FOX ENGINE the same what they did with Pes 3 i have no doubt Pes will be on the top. Of course Pes 2015/1016 should much better but is there no reason to wait 2 years after release Pes 2014. I look forward to an analogous situation like Pes 3 on PS2.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

There's a lot of work to be done yet and Konami are notoriously slow when it comes to making sweeping changes to PES.

I agree that a new engine is not automatically a game-changer, but I disagree with your notion that Konami were slow in making changes. When just comparing PES 2010 with PES 2011 and PES 2011 with PES 2012, the changes are huge and sweeping.

Though not all of them for the better:

PES 2011 has a heavier ball, it shows in passing and shooting. The graphics went downhill from PES 2010 to PES 2011, but even more so in PES 2012, less details, less vibrant colors, worse lighting..

But PES 2012 plays way better, the control of the players alone is miles better than in PES 2011, which has stiff playermodels. In PES 2012 the playermodels are smaller and less detailed, but they have more life and are more flexible in every regard. Dribbling and shielding of the ball works now much better.

Then there's the AI, a massive jump from PES 2011, where the players are so stationary on their positions that they can't enable a good dynamic attack, except maybe on counters.

Every PES-game on this gen played massively different than the one before, so one can't accuse Konami they wouldn't try. The problem is only they started with a bad and limited engine on this gen and were playing catch-up to EA, having to make sweeping improvements while taking tolls in other aspects because of the limitations.

So I'm curious what gameplay-changes will await us in PES 2013 and what price we will have to pay for it.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

i know ill try behave its just im really excited about pes 13 i think its gona be a masterpiece then to hear all this talk about how it will be shit boils me the demo aint even out

i think there might be a few secret fifa lovers in here trying to get sum pr done
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Many people here needing a big chill pill. Take PES 2013 for what it is, be angry if they make another gameplay breaking mistake, be happy if we finally have a fun and addictive game in terms of gameplay again.

Too early to think about PES 2014 'cause we don't have any sample of what Fox Engine is capable on this gen of consoles, and we have no idea of how capable the PES team is in making something out of it. We can only be hopeful, but ditching PES 2013 because of it is ridiculous and unfair considering this gen has been progressively getting better.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

To be fair, looking forward to PES 2013 even more.

Have people tried final patch from yair? The animations seem way better than ever before or maybe it's just placebo effect, dunno :o.

PESEdit + Matrix + yair final exe are the game I play now. Will see if it keeps me occupied till demo release. In case I have still got PES6 installed ;).
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Some of the talk of PES2014 is just ridiculous. Heralding the Fox engine as an end to the problems with PES is premature and blindly optimistic. Yes, the game desperately needs a new engine, but it's what Konami do with it that counts, and based on Konami's track record this generation I'm going to adopt a "wait and see" attitude.

I think back to what I imagined PES would look and play like on the 360 & PS3 and the reality was well short of my expectations. I'm not trying to put a downer on PES2014 but I do believe some of you need to be more realistic. A new engine doesn't necessarily mean all that's bad with PES magically disappears. There's a lot of work to be done yet and Konami are notoriously slow when it comes to making sweeping changes to PES.

It could be PES2015/16 before we see a PES game that's truly something special.

Like for starters focusing on PES 2013 at least LOL..
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......


There's a world of difference between someone who's balanced about PES not happening to notice a particular feature of the game that only happens in specific circumstances (though I'm surprised he hasn't seen it) compared to somebody dismissing a game he didn't want to like, after two weeks (max) play time, because he couldn't transfer his PES skills across. Henry's talked consistently and constructively about PES 2012 gameplay - this thing he's missed is purely aesthetic. Zee was judging FIFA 12 by his experience of FIFA 10, and was happy to do so. Again, there's a whole world of difference.

Reading this place is like getting a lobotomy without the scarring. Xavi2009 and a couple of the old heads aside, it's pretty much all the same vapid stuff that has been said every year/month/week for three years, though more intelligently in the past - be it about HD PES 6, or how PES 6 is arcadey shit and PES 5 is the nuts, or forum cod-philosophy that puts key platitudes in bold, melodramatically escalating everybody from being slightly irked by something to being absolutely furious, and then asking why they are absolutely furious. Baffling.

The loop is generally complete when somebody bemoans the state of the forums in general, so I'm fully aware I'm being just as bad by posting this in the first place. So I'm gonna aim to avoid this place between outbreaks of news.

Case and point people :)
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

just were are the mods here this cant go on come on lads stop picking at each other and ffs lets talk about pes 13 looking forward to manual shooting and cant wait to test it will manual shooting be using up and down on the gamepad or left and right for direction of the shot
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Case in point, Klash.

I wouldn't say your posts were condescending. Not directly - I'm sure you mean well. But as I said, they have been trite platitudes, and when repeated over several paragraphs per post, it wears a bit thin.

The new engine shouldn't mean anything just yet, other than that Konami plan to raise the stakes in the future. The short term focus should be on PES 2013 - but at the same time it's up to Konami's PR to try and control what people are talking about. If they've been talking about new engines as early as this then that was a choice they made. Nobody took electrodes to Jon Murphy's balls. That doesn't mean we should expect deep and meaningful discussion about the new engine, or how it will improve gameplay, but it's inevitable that some people will talk about 2013 and others about 2014. It's a side effect of trying to hint at a better long term future at this early stage.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

well said rom

have u got any news or as they say inside trading have u played pes 13 in the last few weeks do u have any opinion on how the progress is going im to excited i have to calm down

pro evo 13=great game
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's obvious that pes need a new engine, but for me gameplay is most important. We played pes 2013 on playtest in Spain. Changed are noticeable but with bew engine, these changes could be mor big. Is my opinion. Pes 2013 will be the furst step.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's obvious that pes need a new engine, but for me gameplay is most important. We played pes 2013 on playtest in Spain. Changed are noticeable but with bew engine, these changes could be mor big. Is my opinion. Pes 2013 will be the furst step.

u lucky fucker all i want to see is a video of a full demo match and ill be happy. but ye spanish are a greedy bunch ye get the world cup euros now hands on pes 13 im jealous

whats the weather like there dude nothing but rain here
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I agree that a new engine is not automatically a game-changer, but I disagree with your notion that Konami were slow in making changes. When just comparing PES 2010 with PES 2011 and PES 2011 with PES 2012, the changes are huge and sweeping.

What I particularly see is that the problem here was not the changes that weren't big, like you said (and I agree), but it was Konami that "woke up" too late on this gen.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......


There's a world of difference between someone who's balanced about PES not happening to notice a particular feature of the game that only happens in specific circumstances (though I'm surprised he hasn't seen it) compared to somebody dismissing a game he didn't want to like, after two weeks (max) play time, because he couldn't transfer his PES skills across. Henry's talked consistently and constructively about PES 2012 gameplay - this thing he's missed is purely aesthetic. Zee was judging FIFA 12 by his experience of FIFA 10, and was happy to do so. Again, there's a whole world of difference.
Oi I talked about FIFA 12 - tried it - didn't like it - still think its majorly flawed move on. Not my cup a tea.

Also if you are referring to me . I tried to play football not PES and it doesnt translate as well.

According to Zee et al., you're just being a 'Debbie Downer' for no good reason. Inductive reasoning maybe isn't the strongest trait amongst the 'Konami optimists' tendency eh?

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's obvious that pes need a new engine, but for me gameplay is most important. We played pes 2013 on playtest in Spain. Changed are noticeable but with bew engine, these changes could be mor big. Is my opinion. Pes 2013 will be the furst step.

So what have they specifically improved for PES 2013? What about playerswitching, playerawareness, ballphysics, goalkeepers, referrees?

We need details, or aren't you allowed to talk about your experience with PES 2013?

The next paragraphs are for all:

What bugs me in PES 2012 besides all the above and the cheating is the behaviour of my team-players during attacks:

1. When making runs they get into a certain cycle of trying to run forward, usually at the wrongest timing, while you aren't ready to pass. Then they see you don't pass, they return way back from their forward-position until they slowly try to get forward again. That's not how real strikers position themselves in preparation for a run.

2. When making a throughpass or another pass, the striker looks back for a moment, sees the ball, its trajectory, its speed, sees how the defenders are positioned... and yet he takes nothing of that into consideration and simply goes forward awaiting the ball to magically go through all of it, despite seeing it's impossible.

Contextual movement I miss here, the striker should calculate the probability of the pass reaching him and he should adapt his movement to make it more likelier that the ball reaches him, if possible at all.

Be it through an adaption of run-angle or reducing the distance between him and the ball if he sees defenders trying to intercept.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

How long it you try FIFA12 for? What settings? Just asking.

It takes about a week of exclusive playing of Fifa 12 to get into it. When coming from PES it first feels wrong and bad, but after the break-in-phase you can see the good and bad points of it better.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Konami started to ruin it when they tried to add flair into the game. It's not about players flair, it's about getting their technique right. Will they ever understand?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

As for the FIFA comparison, I think some people need to go watch real football again. Both games are wide of the mark in many key areas. Side by side real video with each game, neither represents it properly.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

whats the weather like there dude nothing but rain here[/QUOTE] Well it's still not snowing for me with this fucking patch!:CONFUSE:
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

So what have they specifically improved for PES 2013? What about playerswitching, playerawareness, ballphysics, goalkeepers, referrees?

We need details, or aren't you allowed to talk about your experience with PES 2013?

The next paragraphs are for all:

What bugs me in PES 2012 besides all the above and the cheating is the behaviour of my team-players during attacks:

1. When making runs they get into a certain cycle of trying to run forward, usually at the wrongest timing, while you aren't ready to pass. Then they see you don't pass, they return way back from their forward-position until they slowly try to get forward again. That's not how real strikers position themselves in preparation for a run.

2. When making a throughpass or another pass, the striker looks back for a moment, sees the ball, its trajectory, its speed, sees how the defenders are positioned... and yet he takes nothing of that into consideration and simply goes forward awaiting the ball to magically go through all of it, despite seeing it's impossible.

Contextual movement I miss here, the striker should calculate the probability of the pass reaching him and he should adapt his movement to make it more likelier that the ball reaches him, if possible at all.

Be it through an adaption of run-angle or reducing the distance between him and the ball if he sees defenders trying to intercept.
For me the best improvement is the new freedom.
players are more free.
Manual Passing and shooting.
Supercancel isn't necessary, for me, a big notice.
Regards from Spain!
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