PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Another thing that keeps the game from reaching it's potential is the sad truth that the AI knows only ONE way to play the game. This traslates to a very poor imitation of teams styles.

Team sliders dictate where players will be positioned, but tell nothing (or almost nothing) about what they should do about it. That's why teams should have something like player cards, that involve different AI routines. Example: if you give a team a long ball card, they would actually PLAY long ball style rather than be POSITIONED for that kind of game (as team sliders work right now). The AI doesn't play long ball stlye even if you set the sliders to the max. If the receivers are further away, the player in possesion will simply carry the ball a lot more and then pass, instead having a true long ball dynamic: defenders skipping midfield via long balls, side players willing to cross the ball from a far, etc.

I can think of many team sliders: patient build-up, long balls, CF as pivot, etc. The problem is that they can't be recreated unless the AI incorporate them by scripts.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Bitch, moan, whinge, bitch moan, whinge. Looked at the video at 00:45 expecting the keeper to do something really stupid only to see the plain old jump into the air. Sure its not right but the response is unbelievable.

Seriously people.

Else looks all catch phrasey and the big names are there in Neymar, cronaldo and co. well done konami looking forward to the early demo. Please dear lord they have to fix the gameplay and make online pass assist filters.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Bitch, moan, whinge, bitch moan, whinge. Looked at the video at 00:45 expecting the keeper to do something really stupid only to see the plain old jump into the air. Sure its not right but the response is unbelievable.

Seriously people.

Else looks all catch phrasey and the big names are there in Neymar, cronaldo and co. well done konami looking forward to the early demo. Please dear lord they have to fix the gameplay and make online pass assist filters.

I see but, Konami itself said "we completly reworked the keepers, community's number one priority, we listened etc".

All they did as I understand so far is they reworked their press release writing skills, and that's annoying.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I see but, Konami itself said "we completly reworked the keepers, community's number one priority, we listened etc".

All they did as I understand so far is they reworked their press release writing skills, and that's annoying.

Let's see what the game offers when it is played. Making deductions now is crazy stupid based on what we have seen. Most of the opinions though seem to come from people who hardly play PES.

I am worried by this early demo talk. People get involved and konami end up tweaking and adjusting PES like the whole debacle with 2012 and we end up with a mess that is evetually patched on the 4th month of the product lifecycle. Sometimes the fans need to just be heard but not listened to.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......


Are you happy with mediocrity?

We have this every year - 'positivity' types shouting criticisms down - which is OK but if ppl want to bitch about what for them are issues isn't that what a forum is for???

This isn't some sort of echo-chamber to blow smoke up Konami's arse - other forums along those lines do exist you know!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Please, no more 'screenshots' of PES2013 that aren't screenshots at all but pictures from rendered FMV segments. I have never understood why any PES player gets excited about them. Trying to infer gameplay and animation features from lighting or player posture has always seemed dubious at best.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Please, no more 'screenshots' of PES2013 that aren't screenshots at all but pictures from rendered FMV segments. I have never understood why any PES player gets excited about them. Trying to infer gameplay and animation features from lighting or player posture has always seemed dubious at best.

We all know from Konami's recent history no-one, but no-one, will know what the final cut of the game is like until it hits the stores. That is what the previous evidence suggests, but we must be honest those GK animations in the trailer were quite atrocious.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Looks great. Keepers looks great. PES will be great. FIFA also great. Everything's great.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Please, no more 'screenshots' of PES2013 that aren't screenshots at all but pictures from rendered FMV segments. I have never understood why any PES player gets excited about them. Trying to infer gameplay and animation features from lighting or player posture has always seemed dubious at best.

Yep, same happens with FIFA, only screens I've really paid attention to are the ones with the scoreboard :D

btw, I know these are minor things but still, it looks a bit ridiculous when you visually can't see any rain except in the cutscenes, and also the replay system is so crap compared to what it used to be, some of the angles on the replays miss most of the build wasnt broken in past PES games from years gone by (from memory, I seem to remember it being pretty much perfect) but they broke it, and what's the deal with not being able to manually change the view vertically on one of the cameras for replays, it just sits low down on the ground and looks like shit. This was like it in pes 2011 and they didnt fix it for 2012, so I'm not holding out much hope :/
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Let's see what the game offers when it is played. Making deductions now is crazy stupid based on what we have seen. Most of the opinions though seem to come from people who hardly play PES.

I am worried by this early demo talk. People get involved and konami end up tweaking and adjusting PES like the whole debacle with 2012 and we end up with a mess that is evetually patched on the 4th month of the product lifecycle. Sometimes the fans need to just be heard but not listened to.

Common man, there is no crazy stupid deductions here, it's experience. Last year we all played the game, I see same animations and performance of keepers all the community is unnhappy about.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Common man, there is no crazy stupid deductions here, it's experience. Last year we all played the game, I see same animations and performance of keepers all the community is unnhappy about.

I agree, Zee calm down dude, I think people are just dismayed at Konami having such a god awful animation in the trailer when they are going on about how improved the keeper animations are. It just makes Konami look amateur at times, things like this, they really ought to try winning over more people from FIFA, having something like that in the trailer which is meant to showcase the forthcoming game is going to be used as ammunition by FIFA fans, and just makes Konami look a bit of a laughing stock. We all want to see Konami succeed further with PES than they have been doing, we'll end up with an even better game if they get better sales, so for them to have something like this is daft.

Konami really need to do more to change their image, I for one do treat them with skepticism at times, like for example, I said to someone yesterday evening "great news about the 20 stadiums for the La Liga teams, but does this mean we're going to lose something? one of the leagues?" - it's bad, but I've come to expect it a bit, just hope I'm wrong about something being taken away, I was worried about rumours of them losing the Champions League/Europa League licenses but glad to see the logo in the trailer :)

Don't know if others agree, just so bloody frustrating when Konami do stuff like this :|
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Man the past couple of pages talk on the Keepers had me in stitches. The dis-satisfaction is completely appropriate though. And I'm quite pleasantly surprised about the 20 Spanish Stadia, however I'll believe it when i see it.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Until there is a new game engine the same animations will be there.

It does look like Konmai are taking this engine to limit but it has it limits

They want the new engine perfect for the next gen consoles so we need to wait.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......


Are you happy with mediocrity?

We have this every year - 'positivity' types shouting criticisms down - which is OK but if ppl want to bitch about what for them are issues isn't that what a forum is for???

This isn't some sort of echo-chamber to blow smoke up Konami's arse - other forums along those lines do exist you know!

I think i was pretty clear numerous times before, do not talk ill of other fellow forums. If you cannot handle it then suit yourself.

This will not be tolerated in evo-web.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I haven't seen the actual comments by Konami about keepers, but maybe they just meant that keeper's were suitably improved over previous years. That doesn't really mean new and improved animations, but probably means keepers are more functional and have better decision making etc.

I think people just have to accept that until the new engine comes along, animations will remain largely the same. There's no point getting worked up over them at this stage, as Konami aren't gonna go to town trying to fix them when there's a new engine round the corner. I'm gonna just put up with them for this next game and see what Fox Engine brings perhaps the year after.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I haven't seen the actual comments by Konami about keepers, but maybe they just meant that keeper's were suitably improved over previous years. That doesn't really mean new and improved animations, but probably means keepers are more functional and have better decision making etc.

I think people just have to accept that until the new engine comes along, animations will remain largely the same. There's no point getting worked up over them at this stage, as Konami aren't gonna go to town trying to fix them when there's a new engine round the corner. I'm gonna just put up with them for this next game and see what Fox Engine brings perhaps the year after.

From Konami Press release:

" Goalkeepers: Improvements to the goal keepers was voted the key advancement football fans wanted to see in PES 2013, and the team has worked hard with real keepers to ensure they respond with better reactions, pull off reflex saves, clear their lines effectively.

• The individuality of movement has also been extended to between the posts. Goal keeping has been totally invigorated via new animations and play styles. New varieties of saves and reactions have been added to ensure the game’s ‘keepers are in line with the efforts of real shot stoppers. This level of realism also extends to the game’s top-rated goal keepers, with their moves to close attacks down, fling themselves to tip a shot past the post, and in-goal acrobatics benefiting from all new animations and AI."
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I haven't seen the actual comments by Konami about keepers, but maybe they just meant that keeper's were suitably improved over previous years. That doesn't really mean new and improved animations, but probably means keepers are more functional and have better decision making etc.

I think people just have to accept that until the new engine comes along, animations will remain largely the same. There's no point getting worked up over them at this stage, as Konami aren't gonna go to town trying to fix them when there's a new engine round the corner. I'm gonna just put up with them for this next game and see what Fox Engine brings perhaps the year after.

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Guys, did you not read the pes 2013 press release? Or you just saying press releases are bulshit, ignore it...:TUMBLE:
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Keep wishing 2k Sports made a football game but I doubt that will ever come to fruition
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Please, no more 'screenshots' of PES2013 that aren't screenshots at all but pictures from rendered FMV segments. I have never understood why any PES player gets excited about them. Trying to infer gameplay and animation features from lighting or player posture has always seemed dubious at best.

None of the new screens are rendered.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Sorry my posts often get misinterpreted as a rage as I tend to type and not insert smileys

The point I am making is that Konami have tried so many times to appease the masses that do not actually like PES and only jumped on a bandwagon when PES 6 was being punted by the media and gamers alike.

It seems now that Konami are at a place that they are trying to get people onboard that a more adept to FIFAs interpretation of football and losing their own identity in the process. It has plagued PES this generation and will continue to do so when Konami listen to people that are easily convinced by mainstream media.

PES is, was and must always be the game that annoys you at the beginning and when you spend enough time with it the magic must happen.

As a long time fan and someone that puts in 100s of houts into the game due to online leagues and so forth I grimmace when I hear of the "innovations" that Konami bring as it is done to attract my absolute polar opposite when it comes to football games.

I do not want to sprint past the defenders for 90 minutes (catch up bug) I do not want every long range shot to be on target (shooting is broken) I do not want easy tricks (that god awful trick stick) I do not want FIFAs animations (Puyol = Messi = Busquets when controlling a ball)

This imo has been Konamis greatest flaw this gen they have lost and are losing their faithful fans and trying to lure the mindless bunch that will jump on board in any event if they just stick to their guns and give us their own interpretation of the game. Which is why I am happy and petrified that Seabass is not incharge anymore I do not know what this new chaps ideology is. So far all this player ID and trick stuff is sounding like FIFAs personlity pro +

@ Jamezinho not aimed at anyone in particular mate I am talking about the zombified masses. You not a Zombie are you :)

Also dont usually answer directly to the newbies that we attract like flies to a heap of shit at this time every year but @ Arthur Young I love mediocrity!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

How exactly is player ID ANYTHING like personality+? Personality+ was an attempt to "hide" the fact that up until then, the great majority of stats where irrelevant on FIFA.

Player ID is about giving specific and unique traits to their owners (50 players), things those players are known for. That includes specific animations, actions and other moves.

More than ever they're trying to appeal to the fans. They focused on the things they always did better (individualization and authenticity).

Giving you the ability to play the game how you want has nothing to do with FIFA, you could always do that in the old days. You could sprint past people if you wanted, you could score from long range almost every time if you wanted, you could play on the middle, through the wings, you could play however the hell you wanted to play.

There was no catch-up bug to tell you how you COULDN'T play.

That's the reason why we all stood up for PES saying it was realistic and not arcade. It never had anything to do with the pace of the game, it was down to the fact that you could play in the ways you can IRL.

And Seabass himself had no idea what his ideology was anymore. I think no one does. But certainly isn't a half finished game that never feels fair.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

@ Jamezinho not aimed at anyone in particular mate I am talking about the zombified masses. You not a Zombie are you :)

Only at night. :))

I'm playing a lot of PES2012 at the moment. The PC version seems to have reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the game. I don't know why it feels better on PC as it's exactly the same game, but there you go.
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