PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

With this new AI i think that individuality will be on such a level that no football game EVER reached. It makes me think that those arrows in ps2 days are useless for the real propose of a simulation game like pes2012 will be. It just doesn't need them anymore, really. Just get tatics right and give players the right roles. AMAZING.

Did you guys watch the Brazil game last night ? If so, have you guys noticed how beatifully Micon played, always making overlaps in full speed like a beast and supporting the attack so well (bye bye ALves lol) ? Now imagine you replicating that in the game.... WOW!

ps: yeah, my hype it too high, i need to get it down.
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It's ironic how Jon Murphy now openly criticizes the PES2011. He wasn't that critic one year ago, he can be doing the same with Pes 2012, just "hidding" its issues.

Thats business for you. You can bet your life somethings wont be spot on, therfore giving them something to improve for 2013, thus ensuring we open our wallets again. or am i just being cynical.

Even so on a more positive note i still think it will be the best footie game we will have played to date. Would still like to see the defence in action more though. Its so important they get the attack/defensive balance right. Every attacking/defensive option should have a counteraction at all times, then hopefully nothing will become exploitable.

There was me fooling myself that if they fixed the issues with 2010 then 2011 was going to be the last game i bought on this Generation. Damn! they hooked me again.
With this new AI i think that individuality will be on such a level that no football game EVER reached. It makes me think that those arrows in ps2 days are useless for the real propose of a simulation game like pes2012 will be.

PES 2011 i think made arrows useless because of it's individually but no many give the credit the game is due in this point :(

PES 2012 will take it to a new level although :)
Ok shoot me down and call me a fanboy. Pes2011 individuality was immense. Players made overlapping runs if it was in their style of play.
Take Chievo Verona for example and the SBs in particular. Jokic my LB was a mad man. He bombed forward and almost played in midfield the way he pushed up the field. Which was sometimes a bad thing partocularly against players that tried to get in behind him on the counter.
Sardo on the other side RB was a defensive minded SB and as a result stayed back with the odd foray upfield when he was needed. I like this because it adds to the player individuality and made you experiment with your line up. I would hate to think that this overlapping run is inherent to every player regardless of his nature. The last thing I want are sidebacks bombing upfield and leaving wide open spaces for the 433 whores to exploit on the counter.
Ok shoot me down and call me a fanboy. Pes2011 individuality was immense. Players made overlapping runs if it was in their style of play.
Take Chievo Verona for example and the SBs in particular. Jokic my LB was a mad man. He bombed forward and almost played in midfield the way he pushed up the field. Which was sometimes a bad thing partocularly against players that tried to get in behind him on the counter.
Sardo on the other side RB was a defensive minded SB and as a result stayed back with the odd foray upfield when he was needed. I like this because it adds to the player individuality and made you experiment with your line up. I would hate to think that this overlapping run is inherent to every player regardless of his nature. The last thing I want are sidebacks bombing upfield and leaving wide open spaces for the 433 whores to exploit on the counter.

You clearly have a different game than everyone else :CONFUSE: Where you the one saying you didn't have the catch-up bug? Or was that klash?
Didn't read the rest of your post but how i missed that ?

In defending what i feel that has been most lacking in football game these days (and unfortunetelty that incudes pes 2011) is a proper midfield defence positioning and reading the oponnent passes, and being smart and quick enough to anticipate and intercept the ball. I love it.

It seems that my defence style of using R2 (jockey) and covering spaces (reducing the oponent's alternatives of passing forward, forcing him to pass lateral or even backwards) will be finally more rewarding. Finally midfielders are capable of reading, anticipating and intercepting.:WORSHIP:

I'll read the rest of your post.It seems to be a good read as you touch in one aspect of the game that is VERY important for me.

This defending style makes the pace of the game very realistic, and it feels awesome when you intercept a pass in midfield area and try to counter.:BOP:

Nice post - which begs the question, what match length setting is most suitable to simulating a real match? If you can have these great battles all over the pitch and patience will be rewarded, then a longer duration will help the game play out in a less forced kind of way I think.
You clearly have a different game than everyone else :CONFUSE: Where you the one saying you didn't have the catch-up bug? Or was that klash?

I had the catch up bug, just i learned to cope with it better than most.

I 100% agree with zee, there are full backs in the game, the obvious ones such as Dani Alves and Maicon who always bomb down the wing.

One very extreme Full back is the Bordeaux player Tremoulinas. Even when i set up my team to pretty much all out defend which they did very well. He still continued to bomb down the left side at will. I had to take him off after a while because he was just too attack minded for my system. (this is why i love pes Individuality)

Felipe from Atletico Madrid actually had 'Balanced' set as his mentality but always charges forward! because his aggression is 86! So he always joins the attack.

I think the whole 'overlapping runs' in 2012 Isn't a new feature at all. Most importantly what it is, is just the intelligence of the runs full backs and midfielders make will be better, more supporting and make more sense by considering the space ahead and around him!
Nice post - which begs the question, what match length setting is most suitable to simulating a real match? If you can have these great battles all over the pitch and patience will be rewarded, then a longer duration will help the game play out in a less forced kind of way I think.

20-30. But you need to have a a little bit of time and just plan to have 2,3 intense games a session rather than 10.

15 should be fine for Master league, tournaments and vs matches etc.. Maybe even 10. (10 was kinda rubbish in PES 2011)
I think the whole 'overlapping runs' in 2012 Isn't a new feature at all. Most importantly what it is, is just the intelligence of the runs full backs and midfielders make will be better, more supporting and make more sense by considering the space ahead and around him!

If i remember right even John Murphy at least implicated that the lack of overlapping runs was a weak point in PES 2011...
If you tinker a litle bit with the tactics it's get better, but the movement is not good enough.

I'm quite satisfied with PES2011 (the first good one since the PS2 days) but the game has very obvious flaws: the player switch is awfull, playing co-op is a nightmare (i do this regularly with my kids and the cursor switch is unpredictable, you even have that if you want to save a replay of a goal that it jumps from one controller to the other...winning a match on top player is really an achievement, my daughter and i are playing for months with Ghana against Spain...over and over and Spain always wins...we dominate them totally sometimes, but the one shot on goal is inevtitably a goal...i know this happens sometimes in real football...but not game after the end we quite enjoy the challenge...we will beat Spain in PES2012!).
The player form in ML or league is attrocious: in away matches all your players have arrows down...this is not realistic.

All in all the game is good, but i do hope these annoying flaws will be repaired in PES 2012.
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Just to make sure this reaches everyone.

An update for all. The playtest is happening. Got the green light today and will be invited for a playtest at Konami HQ sometime next week. So please, keep the questions coming.

I'll make sure I'll do my very best :)

Please post your questions here
Just to make sure this reaches everyone.

An update for all. The playtest is happening. Got the green light today and will be invited for a playtest at Konami HQ sometime next week. So please, keep the questions coming.

I'll make sure I'll do my very best :)

Please post your questions here
Well done on that Lami.
Ok shoot me down and call me a fanboy. Pes2011 individuality was immense. Players made overlapping runs if it was in their style of play.
Take Chievo Verona for example and the SBs in particular. Jokic my LB was a mad man. He bombed forward and almost played in midfield the way he pushed up the field. Which was sometimes a bad thing partocularly against players that tried to get in behind him on the counter.
Sardo on the other side RB was a defensive minded SB and as a result stayed back with the odd foray upfield when he was needed. I like this because it adds to the player individuality and made you experiment with your line up. I would hate to think that this overlapping run is inherent to every player regardless of his nature. The last thing I want are sidebacks bombing upfield and leaving wide open spaces for the 433 whores to exploit on the counter.

Totally agree 100%.

I just hope they didnt change what they had due to the whingers that couldnt appreciate how this actually worked.

There are also instances where your players will run into space, then check, and retreat. Alot of this is down to the Management Edit preset tactics. By default alot of teams will sit back if they are in the lead during the final 30 mins of the match. This results in the moans of 'My players aren't making forward runs now .....blah, blah blah." Dig deeper people, and you will see the reason why, the team is set-up that way.

In saying all that, the diagonal runs and dummy runs look great, I just hope they are stat relevant as well, with the clever, creative runs more common to those players that have that trait in real-life.

Edit - Great news that Lami, you lucky, lucky bastard.

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So is this game looking good?

Or is it the same as it has been every year, people wetting themselves and claiming its the best thing since sliced bread only for the game to be totally second rate and ripe for the bargain bin?
Thanks fellas. I'm only lucky 'coz I'm a member of this amazing forum.

Will put this game to the test and do my best to bring you all I can.
If only there was some videos for you to watch and make your own mind up

Videos Schmideos.

You can make anything look good with a video. Guess we'll have to wait and see again. I might not buy it outright this year, had my fingers burned too much. Give it a month or two and then see how the reaction is.
It's a shame really that the earliest point you'll get a good indication of the difference between the two games is with the demos.

I'd like to see a few primarily FIFA players getting a shot at testing PES as it was very interesting when Adam, Suff and other primarily PES players got to try FIFA.

I'm very interested in PES this year but then again I was interested in PES 2011 too and that quickly turned into a game I kept only to play BAL offline.

I'm not going to start singing any games praises because for me I need both games to get the full footballing experiences I want for a video game and whilst many criticise me for defending FIFA and critiquing PES a lot it's because I feel that FIFA gets slated a lot for unfair reasons whilst PES is actually critiqued pretty well, probably because the average PES player is older and more of a footballing fan than a gamer.

What I would like to read is PES' weaknesses as there are plenty being discussed about FIFA but all I'm hearing atm with PES 2012 is "It's amazing, so much better" etc which just makes me less inclined to buy it as I don't feel I'm getting an honest preview on it. No game is perfect, all games have flaws, I want to see someone pick PES apart just as many (including myself) try to do with FIFA.
There is so much less to pick at with PES though, so that will never happen from the Hardcore football fans. Maybe if EA didnt try and sell something it isnt, and concentrate and selling what they have, which is a fantastic video game, then there wouldnt be as much to criticise. Bottom-line.
What I would like to read is PES' weaknesses as there are plenty being discussed about FIFA but all I'm hearing atm with PES 2012 is "It's amazing, so much better" etc which just makes me less inclined to buy it as I don't feel I'm getting an honest preview on it. No game is perfect, all games have flaws, I want to see someone pick PES apart just as many (including myself) try to do with FIFA.

To be fair Fifa gets picked apart because of all the ultra biased previews, reviews, 10/10 scores, ridiculous taglines such as 'footballing perfection' and whatnot. The game is very overrated and has big problems yet you'd hardly think so reading into these things.
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