PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Totally can't see this issue with all teams parking the bus. Some do, as in real life, but that's expected. I had three consecutive games yesterday where I was on the defensive including a Milan game and Man United game. Two of the best tactical games I've ever had on PES. This is the first time this year where I'm kind of fearful that the new game will be much easier than the 2012 iteration. Something that I'm not looking forward to lol. I'm actually believing now that the dribbling and body movement is so subtle and intuitive that any changes will now be for the worse.
One thing I've started doing more lately is dribbling a lot to beat players around the box...which often draws fouls and sometimes you lose the ball to a good tackle, resulting in a quick turnover. Passing the ball around to find space or getting a nice shot off is good but you need to mix things up.
I don't know what the hell is happening on your TV screen but since the patch, on Superstar, I'm getting a lot of teams pin me back in my own half and hardly any bus parking.

Maybe parking the bus is more apparent on Professional then. I haven't tried Superstar or even Top Player since the latest patch came out, I just assumed it'd be more frustrating. In theory, higher difficulties should see less defensive tactics so maybe there's something in that.
So PES 2013 has stolen the spotlight away from 2012 already? I'm still enjoying the hell out of this with the nesa gameplay patch.
Maybe parking the bus is more apparent on Professional then. I haven't tried Superstar or even Top Player since the latest patch came out, I just assumed it'd be more frustrating. In theory, higher difficulties should see less defensive tactics so maybe there's something in that.

For me professional is much more unrealistic than superstar. Playing on superstar, and -2 speed, since the new patch on PS3 games are great, lot of difference from quality teams from small teams. The ball possession is much more balanced now and the AI actually cycle the ball much more than before.

Of course is mandatory learn how to defend correctly, not rush into players when defending or send CPU tackle all the time and try to intercept passes in stead of only try to tackle the ball possessor all the time.
This may sound really funny, but for the first time I'm not so looking forward to PES2013 after the month of 2012 I've just had lol.

I thought I had gleaned everything from the game after spamming it for months and getting some good success with Liverpool, but this last month I've really found yet another level of depth. It's nothing stand outish, no real fad or key way of playing, but I just feel so completely comfortable with the game, how to attack, when to attack, my formation, my tactics, my team selection, and all round defending.

The last say, ten to fifteen games I've had, have been so unbelievably life-like that I'm starting to to form the opinion that 2012, is quite possible the best football game ever on so many levels, and that 2013 now has a lot to live up to.

Animations and quirkiness in some areas aside, the way a match pans out is just so f'kin realistic, it really is staggering. I've always held the opinion that defending is an art form, even when the bashers came out in force early doors (and to an extent still now), but I now really have so much more appreciation of what I can and can't do, positioning of defenders, and my own build up play and learning how to be calm in tight situations in the final third. I am, hand on heart, now playing ANY type of game that I want.

I really do think that people have undervalued this years game. 1.06, Superstar level, on 15/20 minutes, once you have learned how to play defence, is just so staggeringly good. The AI at times just blows my mind.

I also recently began wondering why I wasn't enjoying the aesthetics of the game so much and then it dawned on me that I'd been using GTM World Patch with lots of custom stadia thrown in, which is great from one perspective, but I really do think that the default stadia with the shadows and just better pitch detail (probably 'cos they are default game specific) and gives the game a greater edge.


I've come to an appreciation that the game CANNOT be played more than three games at a time. This is about the optimum level for my concentration and enables me to respect the game, not rush things, and let the game evolve and flow. I also space my days out with three games here, then three games or so in a day or so's time. This way the game is fresh, and the game continues to sparkle and dazzle.

Bottom line, I think 2012 is a work of art, and I really don't mind that much if 2013 doesn't meet my standards.
Fair play because I just CANNOT play the fucking thing, no matter what I do I still can't counter their speed burst dribbling and I just can't break the CPU down. When I first re-bought the game I was having a blast, it felt organic and free-flowing, now for the best part of 4 weeks it's been awful. I can't score more than one goal and always concede some shitty goal time and time again. It drives me up the wall that after playing PES for 10 years, I've just accepted now that I simply can't play this game.

But then it would probably help my cause if the CPU would stop making my defender actively run away from their markers, it's almost like its a bug in the code or something. I don't know how others aren't seeing this time and time again.
LTFC get it on PC ;). Install PESVN or Firepatch, get jenkey gameplay tool or nesa24 gameplay patch.

You will notice how this game can play then. Consoles are limited unfortunatelly :/.
It won't change anything, the CPU will still be super lethal in front of goal.

I just tried a Copa Liberadores for the first time. Played Corinthians in the first round, drew the first leg 2-2, then in the second leg I pretty much spent the entire match strafing back and forth along the CPU's packed penalty area getting nowhere. Whenever I did pull their defence apart, their keeper pulled off some outrageous saves.

Then, yes, you guessed, in the 92nd minute, they hit a long deep cross and the CPU manages to score a diving header, yes, a diving header, from what must have been 35 yards out. It crashed into the net off the underside of the bar. And I go out of the tournament despite having nearly 70% of the ball and quadruple the number of shots on target.

Highs and lows of football? Nope. I probably lose undeservedly and late in games probably once every 2-3 games. In fact, I can barely rwmember the last time I lost by more than one goal. Somehow the CPU will manage to do just enough to score just one more goal than you. It's complete and utter cheating bullshit.

35 yard diving header my arse.
It won't change anything, the CPU will still be super lethal in front of goal.

I just tried a Copa Liberadores for the first time. Played Corinthians in the first round, drew the first leg 2-2, then in the second leg I pretty much spent the entire match strafing back and forth along the CPU's packed penalty area getting nowhere. Whenever I did pull their defence apart, their keeper pulled off some outrageous saves.

Then, yes, you guessed, in the 92nd minute, they hit a long deep cross and the CPU manages to score a diving header, yes, a diving header, from what must have been 35 yards out. It crashed into the net off the underside of the bar. And I go out of the tournament despite having nearly 70% of the ball and quadruple the number of shots on target.

Highs and lows of football? Nope. I probably lose undeservedly and late in games probably once every 2-3 games. In fact, I can barely rwmember the last time I lost by more than one goal. Somehow the CPU will manage to do just enough to score just one more goal than you. It's complete and utter cheating bullshit.

35 yard diving header my arse.

Well, LTFC, whilst I can appreciate your frustrations, it just isn't happening the way for me personally. As Liverpool, I have groomed a Coates/Skrtel CB partnership, with Robinson on the left and Kelly on the right. My last ten games have included games against Milan, Man Utd, Man City, Bilbao and Spurs. I had a run of four games without conceding, and I now pride myself on my defence. I have a lynch pin in Lucas who protects the back four, and is arguably my most important player. I never commit Gerrard to attacks unless I'm certain that the counter is on, instead favouring him and Lucas as my first line of defence at all times. I have the front two and my wingers for extravagant play up the field.

It's hard just to say practice, practice. I think this year, for some it has clicked and for others it has left a trail of utter despair.
I just don't understand how some people aren't seeing some of the outrageously awful AI and game mechanics going on here. I really can't.

The game's going back on ebay for a second time, I just can't tolerate the terrible programming any more. There are so many things that get on my nerves. From the way the ref repeatedly blows for a free kick for tiny, innocuous brushes between players, to the awful shooting, I just can't hack it.

I mean, the shooting, what the fuck is that all about? I get the ball in a shooting position, dig it out from under my feet, am on-balance, tap the shoot button to roll it low into the corner, the power gauge shows barely anything being charged up, aim into the left hand corner, and then the game randomly makes the striker hit a pathetic lofted 'shot' that loops over the bar. It doesn't make sense. I can do the exact same thing on another occasion and the player will expertly side-foot the ball low into the bottom corner. Really, really random.

I'm also finding like others that shots will randomly go either into the middle of the goal, or to the complete opposite side to where I've aimed. I hit a shot this morning where I even aimed 'up' on the controller, and even had his body pointing in the direction of the corner he was going to hit it into, yet the shot went left and wide of the left hand corner. Bemused, I look at my hands, and my thumb is still pushed immediately up on the stick. Absolutely atrocious.

Then there's the defensive AI. It's a joke. Take this goal I conceded, yes, in the 86th minute with their only shot on target in the entire match. What a surprise.

Anyways, the CPU plays the ball into the middle for their striker. My defender should be on his back, not allowing him to turn, but before the ball arrives I see he's not and DESPERATELY try to switch the cursor to him once, twice, three times, and yet it still doesn't allow me to control him. The ball comes into the striker, and for some crazy reason the AI makes my defender run past the striker so close to goal and actively backs AWAY from the play like the AI thinks he should be looking for space or something.

Absolutely atrocious AI and cursor switching mechanics, and another case of a game being lost that leaves a massively sour taste. What a pile of shit. However, it's funny, because I have literally never, ever, ever, ever scored a goal where the CPU defenders do this. Such a joke. It's like the AI massively breaks down at random moments.

YouTube - ??

Wow this, along with Battlefield 3, were the most anticipated games of this year for me but both are being sold for being genuinely buggy, awful experiences.
According to Konami, PES 2013′s demo will be released in the first week of September and the PC platform will be the first one to get it. If you have missed the latest PES 2013 video check this out with some gameplay scenes and video footage directly from the Japanese development studios.

is that true?
Wow this, along with Battlefield 3, were the most anticipated games of this year for me but both are being sold for being genuinely buggy, awful experiences.

lol your opinion of the game has swung widely from one extreme to other since release day. Just accept its neither an awful, buggy mess, nor one of the best in the series. It's a decent but unremarkable football game, nothing more, nothing less.
I can understand where he is coming from, if not for gameplay patches available on PC, I would be tearing my hair out.

The AI cheating or maybe lets call it players getting overpowered when under AI control is absurd ;).

The best way to see it is, play vs Bayern. Robben and Ribery will tear your defense to shreds. Dribbling past almost every challenge, like they know what your next step is going to be.

This needs adressing in PES 2013 and that is one of my main concerns when it comes to AI. Second is 9 men behind ball defense. Puke.
I don't even really think its cheating, maybe really bad breakdowns in code or something where your players' decision making gets muddled and controls don't work - in the instance I showed, try as I may, the game would not let me take control of that defender (I find the right stick player switching to be very glitchy) then the defender clearly moves away as if it thinks his team have the ball and like he's jockeying into space.

Either way, it's shit.
The right stick switching has to be spot on direction wise. Even in general play when it's not as tight as your video, you need to flick it exactly towards a player or else it won't work. Needs to be more forgiving with the sensitivity.

Not sure what happened with your video but maybe he was trying to push up and then got caught in two minds. A lot of defenders get caught in two minds. Just watch the highlights from any round of games in the world, and I bet you there's terrible defending, loose marking etc.

That's not what we should complain about. It's getting the player switching right so we can override the bad positional choices by defenders.
Absolutely. In PES 2013, if you flick the right stick, it HAS to change, rather than only change when you're spot on. It's so unreliable right now.
Exactly Rom. It should change when you flick it and if it picks the wrong player you flick it again. That would work so much better than spending 5 seconds trying to line up the right stick exactly to a player. Sometimes they are off screen as well.

been playing for over a week now and some of the flaws have started to really stand out unfortunately. Its still a solid game but the lack of variety, in both animation and a.i kill it after a while.

Some of the niggles im now noticing regularly:

The way the ball moves. If i do a soft header it bounces once then does a weird spin in the direction of a player. Doesnt look right at all.

Shooting has become repetetive and difficult as i cant master it. When i say master it i mean whatever i do once regarding direction doesnt work the same like the last time. So when i want to shoot to the right and i hit a half decent shot, when i do that again it goes down the middle? Dont get it.

The cpu has 8 men behind the ball most of the time and i have to work it side to side constantly. This is made all the more annoying when the cpu breaks and only has one upfront, but he dribbles like Messi. Failing that a lobbed through balls ALWAYS does the trick for the cpu.

BTW how do you stop your keepers running out?

Also when the computer wants to win a match or make things more exciting it can - and theres nothing you can do to stop it. One game in 4 this happens, were you will play an opponent who wins every ball, plays all one touch passing, gets every foul and most annoying of all, every ricochet.

To be fair theres a lot of good game in there, its just falling short. Ive noticed too, is the pitch smaller this year? on side cam its tiny!

been playing for over a week now and some of the flaws have started to really stand out unfortunately. Its still a solid game but the lack of variety, in both animation and a.i kill it after a while.

Some of the niggles im now noticing regularly:

The way the ball moves. If i do a soft header it bounces once then does a weird spin in the direction of a player. Doesnt look right at all.

Shooting has become repetetive and difficult as i cant master it. When i say master it i mean whatever i do once regarding direction doesnt work the same like the last time. So when i want to shoot to the right and i hit a half decent shot, when i do that again it goes down the middle? Dont get it.

The cpu has 8 men behind the ball most of the time and i have to work it side to side constantly. This is made all the more annoying when the cpu breaks and only has one upfront, but he dribbles like Messi. Failing that a lobbed through balls ALWAYS does the trick for the cpu.

BTW how do you stop your keepers running out?

Also when the computer wants to win a match or make things more exciting it can - and theres nothing you can do to stop it. One game in 4 this happens, were you will play an opponent who wins every ball, plays all one touch passing, gets every foul and most annoying of all, every ricochet.

To be fair theres a lot of good game in there, its just falling short. Ive noticed too, is the pitch smaller this year? on side cam its tiny!

Yeah I've noticed all those things too. I look like I have some kind of personality disorder I swear, twice now I've bought the game, thought it was amazing, then all the flaws suddenly come flooding through and it puts me right off. Oh well.

The same happened with FIFA12 this year. By contrast, I find FIFA12 really boring now, can't bring myself to play it. The ball physics are like a beachball and matches feel like they're the same. I still prefer PES but just can't handle the random bizarreness of it all.

A lot has been said about the shooting, and sometimes shots do happen exactly as you intend, others do really random things. I recently ran in towards the penalty area, from right to left, aimed up on the direction stick and hit a small amount of power while holding R2 after adjusting body position so that my player had opened up his body to hit the ball to the right, and despite barely tapping shoot, it went like a rocket into the complete opposite of the goal and flew into the left top corner. It just annoyed me rather than get excited about scoring a screamer.

On the other hand, when it gets things right, it's brilliant. I posted some goals during my ML campaign and it could at times be amazingly satisfying, but the most I play it, the more I notice stuff that goes, well, wrong.

As for the parking the bus issue, yeah I find myself in exactly the same situation as yourself. I always end up just on the edge of their penalty area, moving the ball backwards, sideways, forwards, but mainly sideways, as it squeezes all the space out in the final third and refuses to budge, even if you try and work the ball around.

I'm giving up on this year's football games and looking forward to the next installments. Hopefully they can iron out a load of stuff. I'm not overly hopeful, but I've all but given up on FIFA now so this is the only hope I have for a good football experience.
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How do I stop my fullbacks from automatically running inside like headless chickens straight from kick off? My full backs are getting abused by this BS manoeuvre online.

When this game is good and everything clicks, its awesome. When its bad and your players switch to dumb ass mode and your keeper chucks weak ass shots into his own net. There is no better example of a game (or game series) that makes you look like you don't have a clue what your doing.
I've been enjoying restarting my ML campagn as I'm glutton for punishment, but I had to share a hilariously bad goal I conceded to lose a lead near the end of a game.

I was calmly, under no pressure, playing the ball across my back line when Palmieri had the ball at his feet. I tapped pass only around 1/8 of the power bar, and used R2, so that he would gently knock a square pass to the right back. Inexplicably, even though the power bar confirmed a weak pass strength, he absolutely smashed the ball at about 100mph straight out of play. Odd, I thought.

Then, the CPU took the throw in and instantly crossed the ball from deep. My CB was already waiting, and as the ball was in the air and dropping down, the game took away control of that defender. I manically tried to regain control of him, only to fail and watch on as he proceeded to gently jog away from the ball heading straight for him, allowing their striker and easy header on goal which he scored from.

From being comfortable in possession of the ball to having several bizarre events conspire against me in quick succession, the CPU 'fashioned' itself a late equalising goal.

Lovely jubbly.

Try superstar for a little while. It is some kind of crazy but your AI-teammates are a lot better playing on superstar. You may find it tougher to score but on the other hand defending will become easier because of your superstar teammates. On professional you will see a lot more errors from your teammates. Just try it even if it sounds strange but the game is not a lot more difficult playing on superstar.
partners ...

LTFC - everything you say, and that is unfortunately what we have at this time

2 options, PES or FIFA (shit)

play 10 games in exhibition mode.
then re-ML, cups, leagues .. and comment

a suggestion for everyone.

on display is a good game, and championships is pure garbage, shit full of cheats, konami moments, and everything that bothers us.

the game in cups, leagues and others IS A FUCK..ING CRAP

personally I'm playing single exhibition and like it. although there are errors
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Well fella's, I think my time has come to pass the game on and await for PES 2013!

I've had some great times with this years game and some frustrating times. The learning curve through the demos right through to even two months ago has been extraordinary, at times I've fallen in love with the game. The last two months has seen a whole new appreciation of some of the more subtle passing movements/tactics/players holding onto the ball, and have generally been gripped.

The game has been frustrating, and it still has some wicked CPU scripting that threaten to ruin some games. The animations and transitions need some more work, the pitches and stadia need vibrancy, the atmospherics toned up a little, and the balance of gameplay between attack and defence restored as well as some patient build up play from the CPU and better pace to the game (ie slower).

BUT - when all things are said and done, I've generally loved it. I just feel it's time to pack it away and wait for the new game as I feel what I'm missing in this game is becoming more and more apparent the more I play it, and nothing more I can do can make these missing things just appear. My final thoughts on this years game - not perfect by any stretch. But a very good, solid 8/10 for me. When it plays its best, this years game has been phenomenal.
Yep,it´s over for me too. Ended playing vs mate, champions league, controlling all teams, and many times the scripting took away the possible enjoyment to be had. Great game, horrible scripting/momentum, takes over it/you too many times in closed competitions, can easily be bettered. Come fast 13!
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