PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Nice one henry's hand. Tactics play a big part in this game.

radha1 - why do you bother? lol. Sorry mate but you keep coming back and giving the game 1 more go...which has been a few times now :P

62% possession? Big deal - if you want to keep the ball and keep passing it, chances are over a simulated match that goes for 10 to 15 mins, you will be able to keep the ball a fair bit. I guarantee if the AI kept the ball all the time and made it impossible to take it off them without fouling, more people would complain than the current situation.

You're in love with that possession stat LOL. Play the game for an extended period mate - it may not change your opinion of the game overall, but hopefully you'd get ssome enjoyment from the game, rather than analysing every little stat :P
Nice one henry's hand. Tactics play a big part in this game.

radha1 - why do you bother? lol. Sorry mate but you keep coming back and giving the game 1 more go...which has been a few times now :P

62% possession? Big deal - if you want to keep the ball and keep passing it, chances are over a simulated match that goes for 10 to 15 mins, you will be able to keep the ball a fair bit. I guarantee if the AI kept the ball all the time and made it impossible to take it off them without fouling, more people would complain than the current situation.

You're in love with that possession stat LOL. Play the game for an extended period mate - it may not change your opinion of the game overall, but hopefully you'd get ssome enjoyment from the game, rather than analysing every little stat :P

lol thank you for ignoring everything in my post except the possession stat! amazingly, that stat has little to do with how I play the game and everything to do with how the cpu plays the game...what made the game crazy was that Dodo fired in two perfect crosses while out of position and on the wrong foot (although, granted, both of his feet are the wrong foot!)...but you are right, why do I bother?
I can testify that there is absolutely no cheating on superstar-level. Usually losing against the CPU has to do with the wrong tactics. The problem is before you play against a specific team you have no idea what tactic is best.

That's why I suggest to play the first game against a CPU-team as a rehearsal-match in order to find out what tactics to use. In real life there are experts analysing the opponent's team, in the game you have to do it yourself with a rehearsal-match. You can then decide to make the second or third game count.

An important element is the defense/attack-level you choose in the tactical help-screen. Against a good attacking team, it's better to set the mentality-level on defensive.

But you are right with nightgames looking awful, and most games in the modis are played at night.

For PES 2013 there should be an option to decide the time and weather of matches in all modi, regardless of realism.

Henry's Hand - if we played even just one rehearsal game to gauge tactics before every proper ML game then a season would be 76 games loing and it would take a month to play one season, hardly realistic, anyway, PES plays differently game to game.
I could load up my ML, play the game, win 3-0 then reload play the same game with the same team and everything and not be given any space, CPU park the bus and lose 1-0 .... so hardly comparable either.
How do you let the ball through your legs when reciving it from a pass? In FIFA, I think its RT + RB (R2 + R1).

Also, which is better or gives the longer run? constantly tapping RB (R1) or using RB + RT (R1 + R2) on runs?
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this game all of a sudden? Patch 1.06 was brilliant a week ago, then came my ML collapse last weekend, and since then I've hated the game with a passion. I haven't won a game, it's playing identically to the game on patch 1.02 all of a sudden.

It sounds crazy because it IS the same game as I've been playing a week ago, but man, it's awful right now. Every single exhibition match I play leaves me seething about something or other. Every match sees me spend 70% of the match passing it sideways across the CPU's penalty area and getting nowhere because I'll have one striker in the box outnumbered by literally 8 CPU players. So I pass it along the box, lose the ball, then get hit on the counter.

My defending, something I'd pretty much mastered, now doesn't work. If I jockey and use R2, either the attacker speed bursts past the challenge or the ref constantly gives free kicks against me.

One other thing seriously pissing me off is how ANY rebound or clearance the CPU makes out of it's own penalty area, drops or rolls into this no-mans land in the middle of the pitch, and there is 100% of the time a CPU player who drops deep and is first to the ball. Every single time.

So, my final match tonight left me absolutely disgusted with this game. It went like I described above, then yes, in the 90th minute, the CPU makes one attack down the wing, hits a weak cross in low into my box, I go to intercept the ball unchallenged, then the game removes control from that player, making him stop short of the ball and just stand there. He lets it roll through, I move towards the ball with a second player, yet AGAIN the game makes control move away from him, he too just stands there, and the ball rolls across to the CPU attacker who hits a shit shot at the stationary defender, which wrong-foots my keeper, and gently rolls into the net.

Since patch 1.06 came out it's played a beautiful, balanced game of football, one where these types of bullshit moments were all but gone. Now, it feels to me just like the older versions of the game that drove so many people so angry with it.

What the fuck has happened to this game? Why is the CPU no longer attacking? The last game I broke away from a CPU attack, played it long up to my striker, and there were nine players on the edge of their own box from MY counter-attack. So previously I could work space, get shots in, play nice football, now all that happens is that I strafe up and down the CPU penalty area with all my players rigidly man-marked by their entire team rammed into their box. It's impossible to do anything creative.

This didn't happen prior to last week, it's as if the game got some bizarre secret patch or something!

Anyways it's made me give up on playing it, it's absolutely no fun like that whatsoever, so I may sell this for a second time. It's no longer a case of PES-itis, not for an entire week. Somethings not right with this.
Yup, made the mistake of playing a few more games in an attempt to see where I'm going wrong. My conclusion? It's definitely not me. The CPU is pressuring me like crazy, which simply didn't happen before. I took this video out of frustration to show what kind of shit the CPU is pulling. I move inside with the ball, play one square pass, and find myself with three attackers versus TEN CPU players swamping out the middle of the park. If I manage to spread the play at all, it still doesn't matter, they pressure you across the field in a unit that's impossible to break down.

YouTube - 1

Also, the passing seems fucked up. Several times tonight I tapped the pass button so lightly that it was supposed to just go a couple of feet, and the power bar barely appeared, so light was it that I tapped the button. The result was my player inexplicably thumping the ball like a rocket off for a throw in. Or, no matter what I do when I do get a sight of goal, suddenly shooting feels broken. Didn't before, does now. If I want to strike a shot low into the corner when fairly close in, I can't. Tap the shoot button as light as you can and he still floats it up to waist height even after adjusting body position etc etc. Go a bit more powerful and he skies the shot.

Plus the one goal I managed to score tonight, I aimed straight up on the direction stick, and he drilled a shot into the opposite corner of the net entirely. Brilliant.
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Yup, made the mistake of playing a few more games in an attempt to see where I'm going wrong. My conclusion? It's definitely not me. The CPU is pressuring me like crazy, which simply didn't happen before. I took this video out of frustration to show what kind of shit the CPU is pulling. I move inside with the ball, play one square pass, and find myself with three attackers versus TEN CPU players swamping out the middle of the park. If I manage to spread the play at all, it still doesn't matter, they pressure you across the field in a unit that's impossible to break down.

YouTube - 1

Also, the passing seems fucked up. Several times tonight I tapped the pass button so lightly that it was supposed to just go a couple of feet, and the power bar barely appeared, so light was it that I tapped the button. The result was my player inexplicably thumping the ball like a rocket off for a throw in. Or, no matter what I do when I do get a sight of goal, suddenly shooting feels broken. Didn't before, does now. If I want to strike a shot low into the corner when fairly close in, I can't. Tap the shoot button as light as you can and he still floats it up to waist height even after adjusting body position etc etc. Go a bit more powerful and he skies the shot.

Plus the one goal I managed to score tonight, I aimed straight up on the direction stick, and he drilled a shot into the opposite corner of the net entirely. Brilliant.

Yup, made the mistake of playing a few more games in an attempt to see where I'm going wrong. My conclusion? It's definitely not me. The CPU is pressuring me like crazy, which simply didn't happen before. I took this video out of frustration to show what kind of shit the CPU is pulling. I move inside with the ball, play one square pass, and find myself with three attackers versus TEN CPU players swamping out the middle of the park. If I manage to spread the play at all, it still doesn't matter, they pressure you across the field in a unit that's impossible to break down.

YouTube - 1

Also, the passing seems fucked up. Several times tonight I tapped the pass button so lightly that it was supposed to just go a couple of feet, and the power bar barely appeared, so light was it that I tapped the button. The result was my player inexplicably thumping the ball like a rocket off for a throw in. Or, no matter what I do when I do get a sight of goal, suddenly shooting feels broken. Didn't before, does now. If I want to strike a shot low into the corner when fairly close in, I can't. Tap the shoot button as light as you can and he still floats it up to waist height even after adjusting body position etc etc. Go a bit more powerful and he skies the shot.

Plus the one goal I managed to score tonight, I aimed straight up on the direction stick, and he drilled a shot into the opposite corner of the net entirely. Brilliant.

Whilst I can't judge on your passing problem, from that one clip alone I'll bet is where players are falling down in this game. Again this is not a dig or slight or whatever, just some tips from a player who has played Superstar from the start and is comfortable with the game -

You can't go forward ALL the time.

It's simply impossible to consistently break the CPU down by attacking linearly all the time, they are far too organised for that, especially teams that will defend deeper and get numbers behind the ball.

This isn't picking holes, and I appreciate that you played this clip in real time, it's why I play the game on -2 game speed which to me is fast enough, apart from slightly floaty ball physics.

I'm going to break down the clip here -

0.01 - At 1 sec your player has the ball with two CPU players hounding him. Excellent, drawing CPU players is a major objective.

0.02 - Your player has created a little space from good body movement, but if you want to BRING PLAYERS INTO THE GAME and commit men forward, why didn't you pass the ball back to the guy on the dark shade of grass near the half way line. That way you'd have created more space AND had more players forwards of the ball carrier? I can tell you right now what the obvious move AFTER this pass would have been, but I'll roll things on for now.

0.04 - You've just fecked this up lol. You've played right into the CPU's hands by playing narrow; exactly what the CPU wants you to do. Now you have all your player and their defensive units bunched into a tight 20 yard square plot. To get out of this situation you either need fast one touch passing with trigger runs or you need to pass it backwards, and find an other avenue.

0.06/0.07 - You try a more intricate forward pass, when the options were clearly open for you to go back. A simple pass back to the guy in the bottom right of the screen would have seen the move continue, more players ahead of the ball.

0.09 - Ball is lost. CPU counter. Excellent CPU defence, straight into their plan!

It's easy to pick holes in one off clips, but the facts remain that at two points during the build up, you had the opportunity to pass back, to get more players involved in forward build up play, and to keep the move going.

I keep re-iterating this - the game needs to be played more between say the 25-30 yard area and the halfway line, this is where you drag out your CPU defenders. Too many players try and play this Barcelona type game between say 25/30 yards out and the 18 yard box. This, unless you play an expansive wide game, will always result in over congestion in and around the 18 yard box.

The solution to this move would have been an earlier change of direction.

Option one would have seen the ball played back, the pitch in front of the new play maker, and a long through ball into acres of space. This would have seen the entire CPU defensive unit back track into defensive chaos, as they would have lost their regimented narrow shape. You could either then have gotten to the by-line and crossed or look to get somewhere the by-line and taken your man on. Either way, you'd have temporarily opened up this stale-mate. Option 2 would have been just to draw the CPU marker in by a yard or two and then release the wide player. Not a bad solution, but then this player may have been left out of the move as the move developed down the wing.

PES is deeply complex at times chaps. If the CPU's game plan is to drop deep and defend in numbers, then a narrow tippy tappy game will fall straight into their hands. You either look to play with more width and involve dummy runners and over-lapping full backs, or you look to play deeper and draw then onto you, either by adjusting tactics and by playing football deeper, in and around the 30/35 yard mark. This type of game, the first goal is crucial, so you need to be dictating the terms and pick your moments.
The more you play pes12 the more it frustrates. Started a ML with Bayern and although the keeper is one of the best in the game he is shit.
He can't hold anything. Let's tame shots in. Comes for crosses and misses them and parries the ball into path of a forward.
Add that to my defenders who can't tackle or keep position, players colliding, CPU players can dribble round everyone and every time players collide I never get a free kick.
The game is so frustrating.
Yup, made the mistake of playing a few more games in an attempt to see where I'm going wrong. My conclusion? It's definitely not me. The CPU is pressuring me like crazy, which simply didn't happen before. I took this video out of frustration to show what kind of shit the CPU is pulling. I move inside with the ball, play one square pass, and find myself with three attackers versus TEN CPU players swamping out the middle of the park. If I manage to spread the play at all, it still doesn't matter, they pressure you across the field in a unit that's impossible to break down.

YouTube - 1

I second what ccshopland said, you played in that situation too forward and linear. In those situations when the bus is parked it's just seldomly right to try to push through it nonetheless, (except if you have some very good dribblers and you make very perfect short passes and using R2 to trap the ball...).

Instead you should have tried to draw them out a bit by either playing back or playing to the rightwing where a player had acres of free space. There are multiple solutions to how to play that situation.

As to the other problems regarding pass-strength, you are right, the game has its issues with that and even more so with player-switching. If there is one thing besides the animation-engine and goalkeeper that needs a complete rebuild from scratch, it's the playerswitching.
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The more you play pes12 the more it frustrates. Started a ML with Bayern and although the keeper is one of the best in the game he is shit.
He can't hold anything. Let's tame shots in. Comes for crosses and misses them and parries the ball into path of a forward.
Add that to my defenders who can't tackle or keep position, players colliding, CPU players can dribble round everyone and every time players collide I never get a free kick.
The game is so frustrating.

I agree that the positioning of the goalkeeper is abysmal and the parrying of shots into the path of strikers even more so. And especially the lethargic reaction to loose balls is frustrating.

But "CPU players can dribble round everyone"?

Can't agree with that. You are doing something wrong while defending. The cardinal rule in defending is not to lose your calm and balance in front of a dribbler. Forget about containment-button, it works only against lowskilled attackers, what you need to do is this:

1. Don't use the run-button! Running while the dribbler jogs is suicide, he will easily skin you every time.

2. Stay in front of the dribbler, stay calm and focused, walking or jogging, a few centimeters between you and him. Don't use the tackle-button!

3. Force the attacker to make a decision by slowly closing down the centimeters between you and him, all the while not wavering left or right, not running and not using the tackle-button.

4. In the tactics-menu you need to put compact-level on 8 or lower. This makes the defense more compact so that they help each other out. And in the tactical-help-screen you can set the attack/defense-level on defensive.

Result: Your defender will either get the ball or the attacker will make a decision to pass or shoot. So point 3 should best happen before he reaches the goal-area.
Henry's Hand - if we played even just one rehearsal game to gauge tactics before every proper ML game then a season would be 76 games loing and it would take a month to play one season, hardly realistic, anyway, PES plays differently game to game.
I could load up my ML, play the game, win 3-0 then reload play the same game with the same team and everything and not be given any space, CPU park the bus and lose 1-0 .... so hardly comparable either.

Yes, you are right, the game changes its tactics as well, so you can't play the same and expect to win, but the rehearsal at least gives you an idea of how the team plays and works, their strong and weak players...

The rehearsal helps me alot, but still I have to adapt and improvise my tactics in realtime.
One thing that needs to be fixed is the CPU's tactical awareness and knowing the strengths of each player. I spent some time going through the tactics for most teams and setting them like their real life counterparts but it all goes to waste once the CPU changes formation during a game.

I was playing against Spurs in the CL and in the second half I took the lead and the CPU responded by switching to the second formation which is more attack minded. The problem is that it didn't take into the account which players were playing where. They started the game with Defoe playing as the lone striker but when they changed formation and later made substitutions, instead of going up front Adebayor was playing CM and Sandro was playing RW. I played against Napoli in ML and despite Hamsik being in the team, Cavani was playing as a SS, Lavezzi as the third attacker and Hugo Campagnaro as the striker! For what its worth, Campagnaro didn't look out of position, his passing and dribbling were on point...

I know some players in the game have wrong default positions (Danny Rose is not a utility man) but that's ridiculous. Its like 2011 where the CPU would play Dani Alves at LB and Maxwell at RB.
Yes, you are right, the game changes its tactics as well, so you can't play the same and expect to win, but the rehearsal at least gives you an idea of how the team plays and works, their strong and weak players...

The rehearsal helps me alot, but still I have to adapt and improvise my tactics in realtime.

Thats fair enough mate and kudos to you for being so comitted but I simply wouldnt have the time to play every game at least twice.
Whilst I can't judge on your passing problem, from that one clip alone I'll bet is where players are falling down in this game. Again this is not a dig or slight or whatever, just some tips from a player who has played Superstar from the start and is comfortable with the game -

You can't go forward ALL the time.

It's simply impossible to consistently break the CPU down by attacking linearly all the time, they are far too organised for that, especially teams that will defend deeper and get numbers behind the ball.

This isn't picking holes, and I appreciate that you played this clip in real time, it's why I play the game on -2 game speed which to me is fast enough, apart from slightly floaty ball physics.

I'm going to break down the clip here -

0.01 - At 1 sec your player has the ball with two CPU players hounding him. Excellent, drawing CPU players is a major objective.

0.02 - Your player has created a little space from good body movement, but if you want to BRING PLAYERS INTO THE GAME and commit men forward, why didn't you pass the ball back to the guy on the dark shade of grass near the half way line. That way you'd have created more space AND had more players forwards of the ball carrier? I can tell you right now what the obvious move AFTER this pass would have been, but I'll roll things on for now.

0.04 - You've just fecked this up lol. You've played right into the CPU's hands by playing narrow; exactly what the CPU wants you to do. Now you have all your player and their defensive units bunched into a tight 20 yard square plot. To get out of this situation you either need fast one touch passing with trigger runs or you need to pass it backwards, and find an other avenue.

0.06/0.07 - You try a more intricate forward pass, when the options were clearly open for you to go back. A simple pass back to the guy in the bottom right of the screen would have seen the move continue, more players ahead of the ball.

0.09 - Ball is lost. CPU counter. Excellent CPU defence, straight into their plan!

It's easy to pick holes in one off clips, but the facts remain that at two points during the build up, you had the opportunity to pass back, to get more players involved in forward build up play, and to keep the move going.

I keep re-iterating this - the game needs to be played more between say the 25-30 yard area and the halfway line, this is where you drag out your CPU defenders. Too many players try and play this Barcelona type game between say 25/30 yards out and the 18 yard box. This, unless you play an expansive wide game, will always result in over congestion in and around the 18 yard box.

The solution to this move would have been an earlier change of direction.

Option one would have seen the ball played back, the pitch in front of the new play maker, and a long through ball into acres of space. This would have seen the entire CPU defensive unit back track into defensive chaos, as they would have lost their regimented narrow shape. You could either then have gotten to the by-line and crossed or look to get somewhere the by-line and taken your man on. Either way, you'd have temporarily opened up this stale-mate. Option 2 would have been just to draw the CPU marker in by a yard or two and then release the wide player. Not a bad solution, but then this player may have been left out of the move as the move developed down the wing.

PES is deeply complex at times chaps. If the CPU's game plan is to drop deep and defend in numbers, then a narrow tippy tappy game will fall straight into their hands. You either look to play with more width and involve dummy runners and over-lapping full backs, or you look to play deeper and draw then onto you, either by adjusting tactics and by playing football deeper, in and around the 30/35 yard mark. This type of game, the first goal is crucial, so you need to be dictating the terms and pick your moments.

One of the best posts i've ever read on here. and completely accurate.
I too had a spell where i couldnt score for shit, passes goiung astray etc and much like LTFC, i was getting frustrated and fed up with the game.
The i looked at how I was playing, because i was frustrated, i was rushing my attacks, route 1, getting closed down, or CPU 'bus-parking', losing the ball, rinse and repeat.
So i adopted a much more real-life probing approach as CCShopland mentions. Patient build up, the golden rule, if there isnt space to move or pass in to or an obvious attacking route to goal, then dont force it, keep the ball, go back, sideways, rebuild. If you keep the ball, you have control, the CPU cant hurt you.
Since then Im enjoying the game much more and grindin out results where before id have drawn or lost through impatience.

Stick at it mate, it will come just be more patient.
Thanks ever so much for the tips, ccshopland, henrys hand and xPJRx! I suppose the clip is a bad example, but I do play the ball backwards and try to draw the team out, but maybe I'm doing that too advanced up the pitch. I've fallen into the trap of playing it around, playing keepball effectively, so that I'm almost on the edge of their penalty area, which of course isn't going to work because they have less space to move back into if you do drag someone out of position.

I'm gonna give it a break for a bit but then try your suggestions when I come back to the game :TU:
A short break for a day or 2 is always good anyway mate, come back with a fresh mindset and the bits that piss you off arent quite as prominent when you play.
The best example of how to play this game at times, comes in the form of this year´s Europa league final, where the possession football team was thrashed by the deep defending fast counter team. I believe most of us here love the patient build up play, the tiki taka, the purity of pass and move,and i also believe Konami wanted to "Mourinho" our asses, having most of teams defending as if they were Inter at Nou Camp. As i was saying, after watching that game, i gained another respect for the game, flaws and everything, because in football even when your mentality,tactics and form are right you can still lose a game, because the other side is there too, and they want the same as you, to win. I believe this is the first videogame that represents this mentality correctly. It does it poorly, but does it. Watch real football, play over 15 minutes halves and replicate what u see in there, because it works beautifully.
After drawing my last three games 0-0, 2-2 and 3-3 I stuck the game down to ametuer for a laugh. The result? I won 5-4. Every shot the CPU had went in. Crazy.
After drawing my last three games 0-0, 2-2 and 3-3 I stuck the game down to ametuer for a laugh. The result? I won 5-4. Every shot the CPU had went in. Crazy.

Thats MAd!! IM not even sure the difficulty levels are actually difficulty levels in PES, just differences in how the CPU plays the game.
Professional can often be harder than Superstar, whgere Superstar affords you more time on the ball and doesnt park the bus as much.
Its quite random at times.
Thats MAd!! IM not even sure the difficulty levels are actually difficulty levels in PES, just differences in how the CPU plays the game.
Professional can often be harder than Superstar, whgere Superstar affords you more time on the ball and doesnt park the bus as much.
Its quite random at times.

The lower the difficulty-level the looser the pressure is, ie. you get more time on the ball. So it becomes easier to make goals.

Ironically though for the CPU it also becomes easier to score because your own teammembers also become looser regarding pressure, so the end-result will be similar to the higher levels, just the score-numbers are higher.

That's Konami's logic of fairness.:APPLAUD:

It's easy to fix for Konami though, if they really wanted to fix it: They just need to make the AI of your own team stay on let's say top-player or superstar (regardless what the user chooses) and the AI of the CPU gets changed according to the level chosen by the user.

That way it becomes really a difficulty-instrument.
I am playing the Copa Libertatores 2012 with Santos and having absolutely the time of my life. All the games have been edge-of-seat thrillers, I played against Internacional in the Group stage and the first game they Equalized last minute... then in the second game I scored 1, they equalized quickly with a S**t goal, I scored again and they got one back with absurdly quick passing and a lucky rebound thrown in. I was so mad at this point, and shouted at the screen towards the Internacional team that I would seriously MESS THEM UP! But I didn't say "Mess".

Elano then went up the right wing, clung onto the ball with sheer willpower with two guys glued to him, and delivered a high cross - Neymar was in the box, absolutely unguarded, no one even close to marking him. He headed the ball in and I cheered like a crazy person. Santos had caught Internacional absolutely off guard, almost as if they were still celebrating their second goal. It was beautiful.
I'm firmly looking forward to PES2013 now, there are far too many other games that I want to play in the meantime. I took a week off from playing PES2012 hoping that I'd rediscover the enjoyment I had previously been getting from the game, but within about 40 seconds all the little stuff that bugs me just came rolling back.

I just can't put up with the scripting, or whatever you want to call it. Conceding goals every match despite me having an absurd amount of the ball is no fun. My best example came this evening, in a friendly as Man Utd vs Stoke, I had 23 shots on goal, 17 on target, their keeper pulled off literally every type of save you could think of. Stoke then scored twice in the last 20 minutes of the match to win 2-1 with 2 shots on goal in the entire match. 23 shots to 2, I lose 2-1, and in the 90th minute. Both goals were from shitty punts upfield, they win the knock-down, another player super-dribbles past a couple, a rebound here and there goes against me, then my keeper just falls flat on his ass and lets a shot weakly find the net. Total bollocks. I go up the other end, almost find an equaliser, but their keeper pulls off another amazing reflex save to claw a shot out of the top corner. Both teams were on green arrows.

I totally appreciate what some say, that it replicates the highs and lows of football, that sometimes you lose games where you dominate, only to get sucker-punched and lose a game you didn't deserve to. Every team has these moments, for sure, but not with the absolute regularity that they happen in PES. If any professional team in the world lost every match they ever lose against the run of play, I swear they'd all just give up and do something else.

I guess that's the ultimate thing that annoys me about the game. I can't ever remember losing a match and feeling outplayed, feeling that the CPU deserved the win. Every loss, which in my case is a fairly regular thing, leaves a sour taste, the kind of sour taste where nothing you do goes right and you get done over against the run of play after battling a ridiculously deep defence.

I mean seriously, I paused the game at one point and took a look. The play was in midfield, with me passing it back, forwards, wide etc, looking for space, before I realised that Stoke had their ENTIRE team, in open play, in their own penalty area. When the ball broke to them, they'd have no option other than to dribble from inside their own area or kick for touch like they do in rugby.

Roll on PES2013.
I'm firmly looking forward to PES2013 now, there are far too many other games that I want to play in the meantime. I took a week off from playing PES2012 hoping that I'd rediscover the enjoyment I had previously been getting from the game, but within about 40 seconds all the little stuff that bugs me just came rolling back.

I just can't put up with the scripting, or whatever you want to call it. Conceding goals every match despite me having an absurd amount of the ball is no fun. My best example came this evening, in a friendly as Man Utd vs Stoke, I had 23 shots on goal, 17 on target, their keeper pulled off literally every type of save you could think of. Stoke then scored twice in the last 20 minutes of the match to win 2-1 with 2 shots on goal in the entire match. 23 shots to 2, I lose 2-1, and in the 90th minute. Both goals were from shitty punts upfield, they win the knock-down, another player super-dribbles past a couple, a rebound here and there goes against me, then my keeper just falls flat on his ass and lets a shot weakly find the net. Total bollocks. I go up the other end, almost find an equaliser, but their keeper pulls off another amazing reflex save to claw a shot out of the top corner. Both teams were on green arrows.

I totally appreciate what some say, that it replicates the highs and lows of football, that sometimes you lose games where you dominate, only to get sucker-punched and lose a game you didn't deserve to. Every team has these moments, for sure, but not with the absolute regularity that they happen in PES. If any professional team in the world lost every match they ever lose against the run of play, I swear they'd all just give up and do something else.

I guess that's the ultimate thing that annoys me about the game. I can't ever remember losing a match and feeling outplayed, feeling that the CPU deserved the win. Every loss, which in my case is a fairly regular thing, leaves a sour taste, the kind of sour taste where nothing you do goes right and you get done over against the run of play after battling a ridiculously deep defence.

I mean seriously, I paused the game at one point and took a look. The play was in midfield, with me passing it back, forwards, wide etc, looking for space, before I realised that Stoke had their ENTIRE team, in open play, in their own penalty area. When the ball broke to them, they'd have no option other than to dribble from inside their own area or kick for touch like they do in rugby.

Roll on PES2013.

I don't understand... did you buy PES2012 for the third time???? :LOL:
I'm firmly looking forward to PES2013 now, there are far too many other games that I want to play in the meantime. I took a week off from playing PES2012 hoping that I'd rediscover the enjoyment I had previously been getting from the game, but within about 40 seconds all the little stuff that bugs me just came rolling back.

I just can't put up with the scripting, or whatever you want to call it. Conceding goals every match despite me having an absurd amount of the ball is no fun. My best example came this evening, in a friendly as Man Utd vs Stoke, I had 23 shots on goal, 17 on target, their keeper pulled off literally every type of save you could think of. Stoke then scored twice in the last 20 minutes of the match to win 2-1 with 2 shots on goal in the entire match. 23 shots to 2, I lose 2-1, and in the 90th minute. Both goals were from shitty punts upfield, they win the knock-down, another player super-dribbles past a couple, a rebound here and there goes against me, then my keeper just falls flat on his ass and lets a shot weakly find the net. Total bollocks. I go up the other end, almost find an equaliser, but their keeper pulls off another amazing reflex save to claw a shot out of the top corner. Both teams were on green arrows.

I totally appreciate what some say, that it replicates the highs and lows of football, that sometimes you lose games where you dominate, only to get sucker-punched and lose a game you didn't deserve to. Every team has these moments, for sure, but not with the absolute regularity that they happen in PES. If any professional team in the world lost every match they ever lose against the run of play, I swear they'd all just give up and do something else.

I guess that's the ultimate thing that annoys me about the game. I can't ever remember losing a match and feeling outplayed, feeling that the CPU deserved the win. Every loss, which in my case is a fairly regular thing, leaves a sour taste, the kind of sour taste where nothing you do goes right and you get done over against the run of play after battling a ridiculously deep defence.

I mean seriously, I paused the game at one point and took a look. The play was in midfield, with me passing it back, forwards, wide etc, looking for space, before I realised that Stoke had their ENTIRE team, in open play, in their own penalty area. When the ball broke to them, they'd have no option other than to dribble from inside their own area or kick for touch like they do in rugby.

Roll on PES2013.

dude, you are so late to this party...
I don't know what the hell is happening on your TV screen but since the patch, on Superstar, I'm getting a lot of teams pin me back in my own half and hardly any bus parking.
What LTFC is noticing is apparent maybe to console version.

That's is also a reason I don't buy Pro Evo for console anymore. PC has got advantage here, you can use yair/jenkey/nesa24 gameplay exes, Firepatch/QPES/PESVN mods.

Without them, the game would feel naked for me... ;(.

Hopefully PES 2013 changes some things around.
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