PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Does the length of a game mean anything? I mean affect gameplay.

I haven't played since Friday and I find -2 way to slow and went back to zero. A few of you are saying -2 is the way to go so will have a go today.
I tested the game beginning a new Champion's League with my usual team, and now i found the game much more balanced even on Superstar, a lot less cheating right now.
Interesting to read some other's thoughts on the new patch. I read some the other night from my phone but it's too hard to type out a proper response from there so I waited til I could jump on the pc.

I'm really enjoying the updated game and the main thing that stands out is an increase in individuality. Whether it's placebo or not is debatable, but I've noticed that:

- team tactics are more relevant now. Have a couple of games where I've won the possession 60-40 or 55-45 but I could hardly get out of my own half. Been a reduction in the number of occassions where I'm stuck on the edge of their penalty box.

- whilst the AI is still fairly direct, only the really well know dribblers seem to be super direct and the other players tend to pass it or hold the ball up and wait for another option. A prime example is where a ball got crossed into the 6 yard box and instead of heading it into the goals, Berbatov headed it back to his teammate, Berbatov dropped off his defender and received a pass back then guided it home. Looked great...if somewhat too selfless ;)

Either of these could be due to tweaking of the gameplay balance but whether it's the chicken or the egg, I definitely feel that individuality is more pronounced.

The ball seems to be heavier as well. Get that impression when passing and when shooting. Lots more shots that stay low and I've hit one where it's bobbled naturally from the time it left the striker's foot until it went wide. Usually it would do a scripted looking bounce.

Love how the AI has a bit more error to their passing and shooting now. Just subtle enough to look realistic. They also can dive in a bit like humans do. I love that. Less rigidness and more human type play.

Sometimes a full back will play one of their strikers onside with a through ball but I didn't have my tactics set up that well so that could have been a partial cause. Haven't noticed any real cheating moments but I did cop an absolute hiding from Man United on Superstar.

Seems to be a lot more movement around the pitch too but I do feel that both offensively and defensively, setting up correct tactics will have more of a pronounced effect.
Does the length of a game mean anything? I mean affect gameplay.

Yes it does, massively.

The difference in Match Times is all about creating a balance of play over the 90 minutes. When you play 5 minute halves, the CPU has to balance 90 minutes of football into a short period of time. Therefore the game is very hectic and feels forced. 10 minute games are a little better but you cannot recreate 90 minutes of football in a balanced manner over that period. 15 minute games feel the most perfectly balanced for me, it covers all potential incidents and scenario's very well. I would suggest that 20 minute matches would probably be even better, although I'm yet to try that, as I'm happy and content with 15 minute games.

I've also been massively busy of late, and as of yet, I haven't tried 1.06. I'll have a good few hours spare tonight though, so I'll give it a proper testing then. I've hammered this game, and feel I'll notice any changes from 1.03 quite easily.
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i see today there is a cup in online competitions called copa libertadores 2012,for 700 players.
after the great patch another good initiative from konami,they should have more of these,no real,barca,brasil,spain in this,a more level playingfield,although brasils corinthians and flamengo with ronaldinho should be favourites,hope i can get in at time,should be popular cup.
Played 4 games and didn't have the cross bug happen once, looking good. Haven't played in a while but what strikes me first is how similar every player feels and looks. Nothing new but I hope they fix this in 2013. Everyone does quick turns, limping thing before skill etc.
Is it just me, or is it much easier to score goals now? I've only played one game v the computer since the patch, and won 8-1 without really concentrating (most goals I've ever scored in a game). I mean, I was playing against a lousy team, but even so... pretty much every decent attempt on goal went in. Keepers looked almost like they did in 1.00, diving under headers and over low shots.

Games I've had vs other people have been a little bit weird too. Loads more time and space on the ball (although I was playing people who don't use high pressure tactics all game), a strange kind of laziness about the play, and again, easy shooting. I put 5 past someone last night in a 15 minute game, all nicely carved-out chances with finishes that looked superb, BUT... shooting is the worst part of my game, I've never scored more than 4 in one match when playing someone decent, but this time it felt almost embarrassingly easy. The same guy put 3 past me in the previous game, every goal giving me a funny feeling of "I'm sure that wouldn't have been a goal before the patch..."

On the other hand, there seemed to be fewer chances. I mean, in 1.03 you had the problem of each game having millions of chances in it (more than is realistic) but very few resulting in goals because of crazy shooting etc. I think the number of clear chances being created now, and the ration of chances to goals, is more lifelike - but there's now that sense when you get a bit of space on the edge of the box, "here we go - goal." Not as bad as demo 1, but very noticable for me.
I just played a match that I could say that this is easily the best football game EVER!!

Everything just felt right, there wasn't a single bug, a single moment that a player didn't do what I expected (considering their limitations), and the Space on the field was right, perfectlly balanced, and amazing passing.

I played on Professiinal dificulty, 20 minutes, -1 speed, CopaLibertadores (I set -2 speed for big european clubs).
I just played a match that I could say that this is easily the best football game EVER!!

Everything just felt right, there wasn't a single bug, a single moment that a player didn't do what I expected (considering their limitations), and the Space on the field was right, perfectlly balanced, and amazing passing.

I played on Professiinal dificulty, 20 minutes, -1 speed, CopaLibertadores (I set -2 speed for big european clubs).

What Passing Assistance are you using ?
Imho on gamespeed -2 the individuality of the players shines the brightest.

Regarding the goalkeeper, he is much better than before but he has a problem with deflected balls. Usually he dives and doesn't take into account the changed trajectory of the ball thanks to the deflection.

In real life goalkeepers can't do it either if the ball is hit hard or if the deflection happened too near, but with a ball hit with the inside of the foot, ie. with not much power behind it or with enough distance between the deflection and the goalkeeper, they usually adapt or at least try it, with a success-rate of 50-50.

In game though the goalkeeper never tries to adapt to deflected balls, no matter what.

Otherwise he is pretty good.

Regarding the game's teammember-AI in the offense, it is better than Fifa's for sure, but still it leaves sometimes something to be desired, the killer-instinct. This could be remedied with the new two-player-control but it is unfortunately too ackward to activate. You press that right stick in and wait that the sign appears over the head of the other player, sometimes it doesn't... Much too slow to be useable.

For the next patch or next version of the game, I suggest that the second player has always that sign over his head, that he automatically gets activated without me doing anything and if I then wish to guide him in a specific direction, be it straight forward, diagonal, sideways, backwards, whatever, I just use the right-stick and it should work out.
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my feeling exactly. pes 2011 greatness is that it nailed the right balance: u can do dribbling and great move with the likes of ronaldo and messi and iniesta but with the other players u simply can't and have to pass the ball around or used them in their peculiar strengh.

in pes 2012 you can go coast to coast with almost any players, just like in pes 6.

I would like to see that in videoform on gamespeed -2 and topplayer-difficulty. I for one can't do it with any player, even the technically best, let alone the defenders.
my feeling exactly. pes 2011 greatness is that it nailed the right balance: u can do dribbling and great move with the likes of ronaldo and messi and iniesta but with the other players u simply can't and have to pass the ball around or used them in their peculiar strengh.

in pes 2012 you can go coast to coast with almost any players, just like in pes 6.

Err, even on Superstar? Cos I can't lol....

Regarding the game's teammember-AI in the offense, it is better than Fifa's for sure, but still it leaves sometimes something to be desired, the killer-instinct. This could be remedied with the new two-player-control but it is unfortunately too ackward to activate. You press that right stick in and wait that the sign appears over the head of the other player, sometimes it doesn't... Much too slow to be useable.

For the next patch or next version of the game, I suggest that the second player has always that sign over his head, that he automatically gets activated without me doing anything and if I then wish to guide him in a specific direction, be it straight forward, diagonal, sideways, backwards, whatever, I just use the right-stick and it should work out.

When you set tactics to something like all-out-of-defence, teammate control only works with the forward types (CF, SS,..) and the AMF. With more attack-minded tactics all teammates can be activated with teammate control.
But when the stamina bar got red, they don't react anymore with teammate control.

Also, with teammate control assisted they run straight forward, they can't avoid defenders in front of them, they are not able to run around them.

But when you use teammate control manual, you can control them freely over the pitch. It's very hard to coordinate the two sticks, I don't think a lot of players use manual control.
But I use manual in a different way, I select a player with teammate control, face him into the direction I want and I release the R3 button.
The player will make his run in the direction you just choose.
You can use it in basically the same way as assisted mode, but you can make him run in any direction, even backwards.
Another plus is that you can select one teammate after the other, while in assisted mode there is a delay. When you are really good in manual mode, you can push half your team forward in all different directions in less than 3 seconds.

PS: but your suggestion is better off course,
but there's a problem...
when the second teammate is selected automatically, how do you select another teammate?

anyway, I hope they don't drop teammate control in PES2013
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Playing 15 minute games, I definitely notice which players are fatiguing towards the end of the game.

Regarding the teammate controls, I've never tried the manual control option but I remember trying the Fixed cursor setting last year. If you don't mind letting the AI do some of your work, you can use that setting to your advantage.

If I remember correctly, under that cursor setting the cursor doesn't switch when you pass the ball, only when you press the select player button. What you can do is pass the ball then move your player (the original passer) into whichever dangerous position you like and call for the ball. It's kind of like become a legend mode but with more flexibility.
PS: but your suggestion is better off course,
but there's a problem...
when the second teammate is selected automatically, how do you select another teammate?

anyway, I hope they don't drop teammate control in PES2013

Good question... How about having the option to use the d-pad for that very specific purpose? Of course using that option it would mean to sacrifice the on-the-fly tactic-change.
Played 4 games and didn't have the cross bug happen once, looking good. Haven't played in a while but what strikes me first is how similar every player feels and looks. Nothing new but I hope they fix this in 2013. Everyone does quick turns, limping thing before skill etc.

In my opinion, PES 2010 is the best animation from previous PES series with limited movement direction it can achieve.. PES 2011 just start the era of PES series with more freedom stuff, etc.. 2012 extends it to next level but i guess Konami has not yet found the right formula.. PES 2013 will just take it to another level to polish it..

We are going to have better game than PES 2012 indeed.. :SMUG:
Good question... How about having the option to use the d-pad for that very specific purpose? Of course using that option it would mean to sacrifice the on-the-fly tactic-change.

I wouldn't mind to sacrifice it, there's always the old method with the strategy button. The D-pad method is good, but you have to scroll through the different presets, with the old method you can activate the preset directly without scrolling. But you have to press 2 buttons.

Maybe select a teammate by looking at him?
So when you are faced towards a teammate the teammate control cursor appears and with the RS you can make him run into the direction you want. It has a downside too though...

Anyway, I hope they improve it for PES2013. If they only could make smart runs (regarding teamwork skills) and not just straight forward... we can only dream :p
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I finally updated to 1.06. I've been a daily player since October, currently heading for my 300th hour in all modes. I'm strongly inclined to believe that if even a few of the changes mooted were present, I'd notice them. I'd notice something, surely.

Nothing. Maybe the pace is a bit faster, but none of the gameplay changes are apparent to me. After about 5 hours of 1.06 play all told, I can only suggest that the reason there are no detailed 1.06 patch notes from Konami is that there's nothing to detail.
I finally updated to 1.06. I've been a daily player since October, currently heading for my 300th hour in all modes. I'm strongly inclined to believe that if even a few of the changes mooted were present, I'd notice them. I'd notice something, surely.

Nothing. Maybe the pace is a bit faster, but none of the gameplay changes are apparent to me. After about 5 hours of 1.06 play all told, I can only suggest that the reason there are no detailed 1.06 patch notes from Konami is that there's nothing to detail.

Same here.

I played 4 matches in my ML last night, 15 minute games, Professional, Zero Speed, Zero Assistance. I felt absolutely nothing either. It was exactly the same game to me pretty much. A couple of games ended 52%-48% Possession in my favour, but that was pretty much it.
Same here.

I played 4 matches in my ML last night, 15 minute games, Professional, Zero Speed, Zero Assistance. I felt absolutely nothing either. It was exactly the same game to me pretty much. A couple of games ended 52%-48% Possession in my favour, but that was pretty much it.

People at Konami must read the major PES forums, and must know how the post-patch placebo effect works by now. It generates a lot of buzz and brings a lot of disaffected payers back to the fold. Konami won't change their policy of making vague noises about minor updates, which are then talked up as major gameplay patches by the community.

It's always fascinating to see how the power of auto-suggestion works in practice. If there aren't social scientists making notes and working on theses inspired by events like this, there darn well should be.
... but I've got to say that the patch issue is very much a side issue. If others do see any or all of the host of changes that people have found, and see PES2012 as all the better for it, that's a good thing.

We should be talking about the awesomeness that is PES2012 and about how, in a fevered atmosphere of hand-wringing and anxiety about the good old days being no more, the good old days are actually still here and so many people don't want to to see them.

PES2012 is the true spiritual successor to the glory games on PS2. It's got bits of each great PES game from PES3 onward. I love it, definitely the best next-gen PES game made (by a long way) and a serious challenger, IMO, for the title of best PES game ever.

I hate it that so much time and attention s being given to PES2013 while PES2012 is still at its peak, but I understand Konami wanting to get momentum building now.
People at Konami must read the major PES forums, and must know how the post-patch placebo effect works by now. It generates a lot of buzz and brings a lot of disaffected payers back to the fold. Konami won't change their policy of making vague noises about minor updates, which are then talked up as major gameplay patches by the community.

It's always fascinating to see how the power of auto-suggestion works in practice. If there aren't social scientists making notes and working on theses inspired by events like this, there darn well should be.

lol.. but it did not work for me really well this time.. direct attack (dribbling) from cpu attackers with most of his team mate behind againts my DM + all defenders is quite dissapointing and still present in the latest 1.06 patch (PC version here). I just could not expect barca playing style resembles actual barca with this cpu ai design..

Eventhough cpu does passing play especially those pass near/inside my box, the man on the ball does not seem to dribble in advantageous direction in order to find better position to launch a pass.. i wonder if animation level of PES also plays role in lessening the joy playing againts cpu ai :CONFUSE:
Definitely not placebo for me. Difference in shot power and ball weight, player feel and response. Defensive lines and initial pressure is higher up the pitch. Keepers much better. I could go on. The other main noticeable thing is that scripting has been toned down dramatically, all this on Superstar, so can't comment on professional mode.
... but I've got to say that the patch issue is very much a side issue. If others do see any or all of the host of changes that people have found, and see PES2012 as all the better for it, that's a good thing.

We should be talking about the awesomeness that is PES2012 and about how, in a fevered atmosphere of hand-wringing and anxiety about the good old days being no more, the good old days are actually still here and so many people don't want to to see them.

PES2012 is the true spiritual successor to the glory games on PS2. It's got bits of each great PES game from PES3 onward. I love it, definitely the best next-gen PES game made (by a long way) and a serious challenger, IMO, for the title of best PES game ever.

I hate it that so much time and attention s being given to PES2013 while PES2012 is still at its peak, but I understand Konami wanting to get momentum building now.

Couldn't agree anymore on both posts Mr H.
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