PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Hehe. Well each one of us surely has his own preferences. No win situation here.

Yes, everyone is different. For me.

PES5 > ISS Evolution 2 > ISS Evolution > PES 2011 > PES3 > ISS 98 > PES2 > PES 6 > PES 2010 > PES4 > PES (didn't play that game much, stuck with ISS evo 2 instead)

Now the shit...

PES 2009 > PES 2008.

Thing is PES 2011 is the best quality in gameplay of the series by quite a margin. It's the most realistic football game you can get at the moment. But it's impact at the time is why it's 4th on my list.

Also i liked PES 2010, but let's not dismiss the fact it was heavily broken!
the xbox 360 version was pretty horrendous though.


How dareth thee..

EDIT: I'd put a list but tbh I can't prefer some of the versions over others. Each one of them has something I like the other doesn't. Even 2008 had something that I'd like but I ain't sure what it was. The whole package though, 2011 wins it for me. It is the most organic football game I ever played.
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When i think of pes6 i cant help thinking about the way Adriano was virtually unstoppable. (stats be damned)

And all the cutback kings online.The start of the slippery slope,And all because people thought pes5 was too hard.

This is a concern for me, in that between now and release konami will dumb down the gameplay if playtesters who are maybe not that good complain too much. Look what happened last year after the demo.
My list :)

We9 (japan version) > Pes 5(europe version of we9) > We7 (pes3) > Pes 2011 >> others (we 6 > we4 > we8) a other pes and we's. The other pes's from this gen don't even worth mentioning tbh. lol

I consider Pes 2011 as a We7/pes3 of the current gen. It doesn't beat we7 simply because is far from being as polished as we7 and ball physics in we7 was better as far as i remember, but the potential to be the best footy game ever in a short future is evident in pes 2011.

Pes2012 may be the we9 from the last gen, it actualy has potential to surprass we9 by a mile, mainly in terms of realism. Pes 2011 was like pes 3, a tottaly rebuilt game and much better than its ancestor from the same generation.
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The Xbox 360 version of PES6 was pretty decent actually. Yes it was quite basic and stripped down, but it was probably the most solid PES of all on the next-gen consoles until PES2011 came along.

How dareth thee..

EDIT: I'd put a list but tbh I can't prefer some of the versions over others. Each one of them has something I like the other doesn't. Even 2008 had something that I'd like but I ain't sure what it was. The whole package though, 2011 wins it for me. It is the most organic football game I ever played.

Sorry, the game just pissed me off! So fucking rigid and scripted. I don't know what the gameplay was worse than PES 6 on the pc and ps2. It just annoyed me i wanted to play so patient football with Bordeaux. the annoying AI, all they did was just sprint down the wings and they sped up when you tried to tackle them.

i was having a hard time trying to play patient football, all when i found all out all i needed to do was just put Darcheville on or (enter fast player) and just run!

When i think of pes6 i cant help thinking about the way Adriano was virtually unstoppable. (stats be damned)

And all the cutback kings online.The start of the slippery slope,And all because people thought pes5 was too hard.

This is a concern for me, in that between now and release konami will dumb down the gameplay if playtesters who are maybe not that good complain too much. Look what happened last year after the demo.

Exactly my thoughts! i see so many complain and complain and say PES 6 was the king, all they did on PES 6 most of them was just play with Inter, Barca or Brazil and abuse the fast players.

Pes6 also have more sprint have more gameplay than all pes next gen....

That's why it wasn't good for me, too much sprinting, not enough football :)

If football was about sprinting Jamaica would be the best team int he world! and Usain Bolt the worst best player :))
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If you ever played PES6 online then you'd know how much of an issue it was playing against teams of 4-2-4, especially Brazil. Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano and Robinho every time. PES6 also had the grand old issue of defenders being terrible at dealing with cutbacks. Quite frankly it was an exploiters dream. This is the 360 version i'm referring to.

This was last year before 2011 came out. I remember taking pictures of 4 games in a row where i had 2 or 3 times the amount of shots as my opponents on goal but because they exploited the lapse defence on cutbacks i lost every game. That's when i'd had enough and stopped playing but i remember everybody talking about it being overrated on this forum.

I just read Buzzy's post - It's not just me who had an issue with cutbacks.
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Don't get me wrong. Pes 2011 overall is easily more realistic than we7, but its not as enjoyable as we7 because it's not well polished as the games from last gen use to be, it's far from it actually.

A polishe and tweaked version of pes 2011 is probably enough to be the best ever and definetly the most realistic one by a mile, but pes 2012 seems to be more than that if those first impressions are true. O_o
The Press Previews are quite worrying from WENB, They basically say PES 2011 was crap and miles of FIFA but this year Konami have bridged the gap
Ah no surprises there. That explains it. 90% of the people who still play PES6, if they could, they would be playing FIFA11

I tell you, EA a clever to base FIFA 10 and 11 very much on PES 6. They know what casuals want. They know exactly what sort of gameplay they like.

Trust me there is no surprise for me that many who played PES 6 and loved it now play FIFA! No surprise whatsoever.

If you ever played PES6 online then you'd know how much of an issue it was playing against teams of 4-2-4, especially Brazil. Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano and Robinho every time. PES6 also had the grand old issue of defenders being terrible at dealing with cutbacks. Quite frankly it was an exploiters dream. This is the 360 version i'm referring to.

This was last year before 2011 came out. I remember taking pictures of 4 games in a row where i had 2 or 3 times the amount of shots as my opponents on goal but because they exploited the lapse defence on cutbacks i lost every game. That's when i'd had enough and stopped playing but i remember everybody talking about it being overrated on this forum.

I just read Buzzy's post - It's not just me who had an issue with cutbacks.

I agree. It was so dam scripted! Balanced badly as well too much in favor of sprinting. I remember playing online with PES 6 and there where still a load of just abusers there with FIFA online like formations picking the usual teams with fast players. They knew what angles to shoot from and when to cutback.
Yes, everyone is different. For me.

PES5 > ISS Evolution 2 > ISS Evolution > PES 2011 > PES3 > ISS 98 > PES2 > PES 6 > PES 2010 > PES4 > PES (didn't play that game much, stuck with ISS evo 2 instead)

Now the shit...

PES 2009 > PES 2008.

Thing is PES 2011 is the best quality in gameplay of the series by quite a margin. It's the most realistic football game you can get at the moment. But it's impact at the time is why it's 4th on my list.

Also i liked PES 2010, but let's not dismiss the fact it was heavily broken!

PES 2010 was the same big shit like PES 2008 and PES 2009. Only graphics in particular lighting was brillant. Of course pace was slower than in PES 2008/2009 but gameplay was crap. PES 2011 is a first decent next gen game. I quess PES 2012 will be strong like PES 5 was on PS2.
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I echo the sentiments of people here about PES6 online - exploiters galore and it actually paid off for them to attempt those cheap goals. Quite impossible to stop if they were good at it.

With PES 2011 on the other hand, I feel much more able to compete with these casual exploiters - I actually beat them more often than not.

That alone shows the superiority of PES 2011's gameplay to me.
I play 2 months with pes2011 and like 2010 and 2009 are annoyed from this. graphic for me are little important if gameplay are bad or no good.

I find that hard to believe. PES 2011 gameplay, although it has a huge amount of bugs and annoyances, is sublime, when played right. The amount of freedom is incomparable to PES 6/5. And it's very different from PES 2010 and before. PES 2011 graphics aren't even that great.
Why no?

You are of 1992 true?

I'm of 1989 and game pes5 and pes6 are perfect for my ideal gameplay, but when avvents of next gen konami have destruction all gameplay for spectacular of graphic...

why does age matter so much?

It's not about the age it's about the content of the argument. Come on, what is this? I'm older so i know more?

Rob present's a good argument in which he speaks of his experience with both games and back up his opinion.

Your argument seems very vague (i know English isn't your first language) but all i can gather is that you thought the easy sprinting was better in PES 6 and your doing something which is ignorant and grouping all the next gen pes games together. PES 2011 is totally different compared to any football game ever made, let alone PES 2008, 09 and 10!

I like football games to provide a variety of football. So you play with Barca like Barca, you play with stoke like stoke. PES 6 was a game where you played football pretty much the same with every team! It wasn't free and had depth in terms of technique and dribbling like PES 2011, it was very rigid and more scripted. (shoot from certain angles = 100% goal)

I can't criticism PES 6 too much for it's scripted gameplay but it's no anywhere near PES 2011 for realism and that's what's important to me, maybe for you fun is more important which is fun but PES isn't that game anymore. That's the 'other' game FIFA.

I think your issue Marsonico is that you want PES to be something it's moved on and learned it's lesson from. I think FIF will suit what you want. I don't even say that in a negative way. Just like my good freind at Uni. FIFA suits him brilliant but PES just doesn't in any way even when he played PES 6 all year!

I said before it's no surprise FIFA players loved PES 6!

People have different perceptions of what they want for a football game. Some what just fun, some want balanced realsim, some what a really hard challenge with bits of realsim to their liking.

Maybe some goals in PES 6 online were cheap but if you compere it to PES 2011 online goals it were much, much better because keepers in PES 6 were more inteligent in all of aspects.

This is because on online ranked in PES 2011, regular AI is setup to be too dumb! Regular AI on PES 6 was more solid.

However top player AI on PES 2011 along with professional to an extent just destroys every football by some margin!
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I think than pes5 or 6 are better on gameplay because movements and action are good,

Well,t hey were responsive and simple to get the hang of. Unlike PES 2011 which you could play like PEs 5/6 but you will probably get frustrated because you need to play with with a totally new mentality.
on pes next gen are repetitive and arcade.

PES 2008/2009 yes

PES 2010 was trying to sort it's movement out but was very broken

PES 2011, hell no!

It's just a lot harder to master the sensitive dribbling control compared to PES 6 which was easy, very easy. To get plays players on those games. Just use fake shot and you scriptely went past them. If you don't really understand how the dribbling in PES 2011 works and how sensitive it is and how players all move very differently due to stats, well your missing out.

On my youtube page, check my video on 'PES 2011 demo dribbling' and the messi one. Try be sensitive with the right stick and you will open the game up, and use manual passing to put balls into space.

so are no interesting for this reason, for you are good and ok, no problem but for me no. and ideas like me are more in the earth. no isn't isolate away.

Nah, don't do that, and try to say that your idea that gameplay which suits you (PES6) is the most realistic just because the gameplay balance suits you and your good at it. Too many people do this.Real football dosen't bow down to no game. Games have to replicate what real football is.
Nah, don't do that, and try to say that your idea that gameplay which suits you (PES6) is the most realistic just because the gameplay balance suits you and your good at it. Too many people do this.Real football dosen't bow down to no game. Games have to replicate what real football is.
I think what happens to a lot of people is that their perception on what real football is like is distorted by the video games they play.

PES5/6 and the arcadey recent FIFAs seem to have become some people's idea of realistic football!
Lets just call it different tastes. At least we all agree 2008 is the worst. Maybe to someone it is a very good fun game.
I think they're just in different heights depending on the stadium. It's a good question though, if it applies to all stadiums and all camera choices.

In real live all cameras angel or heights are diffirend, cool idea from Konami,guess ! Тhis will further strengthen the sense of uniqueness of the stadiums! Now, except grass, another difference to me while I play, can't see and feel!
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