PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

too much hype from wenb members
i'm just waiting and thinking we will have a better game than pes 2011, that's all
and that's fine to me

Exactly, I picture PES 2012 to be subtly different in all the rights areas, enough to make it a big step up overall but isn't immediately noticeable. These impressions sound like complete overhaul of game mechanics which judging by the videos simply isn't true. I see he's already revised his 'completely rewritten physics' to now 'tweaked physics'.

But like has been said it's all about attracting followers and that's only possible through pure overhyping of the product. It's the same across all gaming sites with respect to previews, all of which use vague normative statements that can never be held accountable come release. Makes me skeptical of the motive of every running a blog like that.

And if I hear that cringeworthy 'KING IS BACK' tagline this year I'ma have to punch someone.

Guys it is not usefull to make the same mistakes again and again. Be patient. I suggest to everyone to rent the game before buying it. I made the mistake with PES11 and i realised that online play was awfull in the sense that the product didn't represent football. I prefered to keep playing WE9le. WE9le is a better game than PES11 imo.
Exactly, I picture PES 2012 to be subtly different in all the rights areas, enough to make it a big step up overall but isn't immediately noticeable. These impressions sound like complete overhaul of game mechanics which judging by the videos simply isn't true. I see he's already revised his 'completely rewritten physics' to now 'tweaked physics'.

No one ever promised an overhaul, in anything. Adam always said this year pretty much what you have said there, many little but important changes, many of the stuff the fans asked, making the complete package a great one.

Impressions on the other hand, are what they are. Really subjective, specially when almost every write-up looks like a copy each one.

And if I hear that cringeworthy 'KING IS BACK' tagline this year I'ma have to punch someone.

Have to agree with that, the days where the King existed and was only one are over. :COOL:
Sorry but obviously you heard a completely different podcast than me. Sure Adam is a bit over-the-top with his enthusiasm but he means it well and it's his joyful nature.

People misinterpret this enthusiasm though.

What you said that they said PES 2011 were crap is completely wrong. They said PES 2011 were a good game, a good base to build upon and that PES 2012 were a good build-up on that foundation.

Nah,they seem to be making this false implication that PES 2011 wasn't great, it had crap passing and the AI for PES 2012 had come on in huge way.

Yes the AI in PES 2012 will be better than PES 2011, but no, it's a huge jump as they are insinuating. It's about adding intelligent runs which is great and tying up and refreshing all aspects of the game. tying up and refreshing animations! In a sense finishing of PES 2011.

It sounded like the usual hype when they say the last pes was shit/average and the new one will be amazing!

Guys it is not usefull to make the same mistakes again and again. Be patient. I suggest to everyone to rent the game before buying it. I made the mistake with PES11 and i realised that online play was awfull in the sense that the product didn't represent football. I prefered to keep playing WE9le. WE9le is a better game than PES11 imo.

Should had joined PEEL :SMUG: Online ranked is shit, but whats so infuriating is that if Konami set it to Top Player not fucking regular it would a completely different story.
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Have to agree with that, the days where the King existed and was only one are over. :COOL:

Thing is when the 'king' ruled. What exactly was it competition?

FIFA was a joke on the PS2, This is Football a nice game, arcade game though but at least i knew it was unlike FIFA. What else? Nothing! There was football Kingdom which was good but didn't have the funding really to progress the series.

The difference now is FIFA is a very good video game (crap simulator) but a game with a gigantic fanbase. People forget in that era the fight to be the best football game was, uncompetitive to say the least.
Thing is when the 'king' ruled. What exactly was it competition?

FIFA was a joke on the PS2, This is Football a nice game, arcade game though but at least i knew it was unlike FIFA. What else? Nothing! There was football Kingdom which was good but didn't have the funding really to progress the series.

The difference now is FIFA is a very good video game (crap simulator) but a game with a gigantic fanbase. People forget in that era the fight to be the best football game was, uncompetitive to say the least.

But that's what I said, the King existed because everything else was pure crap when compared. :))

Btw, I think you should listen to the podcast again. They didn't criticized PES 2011 at all, they simply said some things weren't done well and PES 2012 improved them massively.
Thing is when the 'king' ruled. What exactly was it competition?

FIFA was a joke on the PS2, This is Football a nice game, arcade game though but at least i knew it was unlike FIFA. What else? Nothing! There was football Kingdom which was good but didn't have the funding really to progress the series.

The difference now is FIFA is a very good video game (crap simulator) but a game with a gigantic fanbase. People forget in that era the fight to be the best football game was, uncompetitive to say the least.
Yep, PES was better in most aspects on the PS2, including graphics/animations etc.
All FIFA had was the licenses and the lower leagues, as well as real money in the Manager Mode as opposed to "PES Points".

Now, FIFA is very much the more pretty/fluid game, with more online features and gimmicks thrown in - and the casuals/kids love it.

I actually don't mind PES lagging behind in sales and critical acclaim as long as they make enough profit to make the series worthwhile to continue and stick to the same principles that they established with PES 2011 (2010 for Jimmy :P).
I probably won't get to play much PES this year - going to Uni in September and won't be taking my Xbox, and I doubt that PES will be the game of choice if any gaming is going on in the common rooms :P.

I'll most likely just ask for the game for Christmas and have a few games during the weeks that I spend back home!
Even if people in halls hate PES, and they probably almost definitely will, then the first year and halls means guaranteed decent Internet speeds, unless they block online games of course. I was getting 40mb speeds in my first year ( and it made playing online great way back when (FIFA 09 and Cod4). Then i moved into a 6 bedroom house and it's basically impossible to play online games now without lag.

I think part of why my internet speed was so good was that they only allowed about 60 people to register their consoles for online and they would expire if you didn't use them in any two week spell. I always made sure to register as quickly as i could so i would have xbox live. Though i still don't think consoles were even popular, i only met about 3 people who took theirs.
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******** to you ** :JAY:

Anyway. YES FIFA will dominate in uni. Everyone plays FIFA at uni. i don't know anyone apart from my housemates who played PES. Even though i don not have the game i still beat pretty much all the fifa players i've played against (i've lost a few games but I'm still know as a beast :COOL:)

Some of them actually dared to beat me on pes when they came round mine. Some of them, 5-0 down in the first half where making excuses like (i need to use FIFA buttons)

Even though they don't like it they respect PES now, and rightfully so.

I usually really struggle to beat my friends in PES but I beat them big time in FIFA :LOL: Imagine if I played FIFA on a regular basis :P
To be honest i'm pretty sure you can't get significantly better at Fifa the more you play it, which is pretty weird for a computer game to say the least. You get to a certain level in Fifa really quickly and then you never get any worse or any better. It's an odd phenomenon. It's probably why we can all go back to Fifa and if we were beating everybody before then we go back to that as soon as remember the buttons. Everybody i know who plays Fifa just stays at the same level and always has done regardless of play time.

It's probably why so many people enjoy it too, because you can master it to your level (i.e the level you're capable of and will always be at therefore) within about 3 games.
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It doesn't matter what they change tbh. The bottom line is that to get the most out of PES you need to play offline (if you want to experience the game the way it should feel)
But online is now the only way forward for all gamers, just look at the impact the PSN outage had worldwide. Sadly though for PES, online and offline are worlds apart. It really saddens ne the amount of MLO opponents I play where I just can't use skills or dribbles effectively because of lag. Even in online leagues where connections are better, the very best games don't really match up to offline. So you have two versions of the game

1: offline
Where you can do all the things you were meant to be able to

2: online
Where it's a lottery but for definite your play will be restricted to sometimes just being able to pass the ball never mind the wealth of play options that you should be able to do.

It won't change either, Konami promises year on year but don't deliver. For me, PES 2010 was actually good online (with rare button delay really) then came along PES 2011, - absolute nightmare, the slowdown, delay eltc - truly awful experience for me. I had to switch ISP from BE Broadband ADSL to Virgin 50MB Cable. This was better but still very disappointing. I mean I can play my mate who lives 2 miles away and it's a nightmare, then I can play some kid in outermost Turkey and it's absolutely fine. Weird weird weird
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I agree.

online could be better. they already have the game modes for different online matches and i think the community mode is the best mode since 11v11 bap/clubs.

why is it a great mode? Because you can create a evo web community with up to 30 members and create private tournaments and leagues and play friendlies.

it such a cool place if you are part of a huge community who plays online.

The lag is a problem and i think the net code needs to be re done from scratch. outsource it to an american company if need be and let konami focus on the gameplay.

Guys it is not usefull to make the same mistakes again and again. Be patient. I suggest to everyone to rent the game before buying it. I made the mistake with PES11 and i realised that online play was awfull in the sense that the product didn't represent football. I prefered to keep playing WE9le. WE9le is a better game than PES11 imo.

Just delete those denial and rage to that scheme, because for me and many other Pes 2011 is a game to build on, so there is not denial and rage
In my opinion Suff doesnt have a clue, I dont even bother with the pinch of salt for his opinion, it's not even worthy of that. As for Adam, he suprised me last year a little, as he was the only previewer that I'd read that actually touched on a massively important factor with the regards the the semi-auto system and stats. Other than that, he's in it for the free-ride and I personally listen to very little of he writes. I am, and always will be my own judge and jury when it comes to PES.

Just my 2 cents.
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There was football Kingdom which was good but didn't have the funding really to progress the series.

Football Kingdom? Interesting... never played that one... some extreme curl in that game - and some thunderous shots (although it looks maybe too easy to score - at full power bar they don't balloon over the top...?). What's the X for in front of the player running - Manual Passing...?
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I think this recent WENB-podcast is different from those from last year about PES 2011.
The difference is that Suffwann is much more positive than previous years.
The last four years he found FIFA better and only played FIFA.
This year ( in the last podcast ) he literally said that PES 2012 is BETTER than FIFA 12.
And that is quite some statement he never said those last four years.
If you listen to his motivation then you can imagine why PES 2012 is better.
I am looking forward to PES 2012 :)
Hey Han, glad to have you back! :)

And, by the way, I have to say I love Maremas' videos.

@GraGra: the X in front of the players is the direction you're holding the stick. You would then pass/lob (and shoot?) in that direction, controlling the strength as well.

The main issue with FK was that the AI wasn't really that good, if I recall correctly, and the passes - and shots, as you pointed out - would almost always stay in the pitch, even with full power bar.
Hi lads, had anyone heard if PES12 will support 3DTV like all the new NBA 2K11 and MLB11 etc. It would seem a pretty obvious step considering the PES DS release earlier this year??
Hi lads, had anyone heard if PES12 will support 3DTV like all the new NBA 2K11 and MLB11 etc. It would seem a pretty obvious step considering the PES DS release earlier this year??
You mean playing in 3D on your 3DTV? No, that is too much asked, maybe in about 5 years.
NBA 2K11 works with a totally different engine. There are no similarities with PES, other than that both are sportsgames.
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