- 23 December 2007
- SSC Napoli
Anything but.
This game provides both options, Sim and Arcade, and probably a mixture of both with the settings Jamez utilises.
Zero Assistance on Professional has always been the most simulated and balanced option. For all the many reasons I have written here since release. PES has never been anywhere near as simulated as what this provides, not even close.
4-Bar Passing Assistance with all other Assists On, and 0 to +2 Speed is the Arcade option.
2-Bar Assistance with all other Assists OFF, is your 'Sim-Cade'.
Play which ever way your preference suits.
The only problem with this system is Online, it needs Filters like Fifa. Although, even Fifa didn't have them from the get-go as I remember from Fifa 09. Konami should have learnt from this.
i play on professional and zero assistance and i can tell you pes 2012 has almost no simulation approach
this is above all because of the highly scripted and cheating AI, but also because 0 assistance is still too assisted. The real "0 assistance" setting is passing with L2