PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Well, after playing FIFA12 for a couple of hours and then sticking on PES, I can say with absolute certainty that tech apart, PES2012 is comfortably the more simulation-like football game in my opinion.

That doesn't mean it is perfect apart from the tech - not by a long shot - but the pace, flow and overall what the game demands from me makes it a deeper, more rewarding football video game experience. R2 really is the key to getting it all to click. It is such a pity that such a key mechanic has not been properly relayed to players of ALL skill levels, be it through the manual or the games training modes. I am all for the discovery, that mystique, but Konami need to hammer home how their game should be played and what it demands from the user regards this and so much more of the games controls. We actually pointed out the need for R2 in our guide way back when the game first came out but even now, it is still surprising me as to how much it truly opens up the game when R2 is used both liberally and correctly.

Excellent point made in here regards off-ball defence as well. I know we all say we perform our defensive duties mostly off-ball but again I don't think it is signposted by the game as to how much of a rule as opposed to an exception such an approach is.

So operating on the assumption that PES2013 will not be a massive departure, what really needs ironing out? I would say the following :

- Konami need to, absolutely have to, teach users how to approach the game and use it's control scheme through more detailed instruction manual explanation and of course, in game training modes. Leave no stone unturned here. Educate the user. No more ambiguity in explanation.

- Bring back the tactics timeline and expand upon both it and the tactics sliders. Also, have a separate tutorial that breaks down these screens and explains them clearly to the user so as everybody can grasp the depth on offer in this department. Provide video examples of what each slider actually does out on the pitch.

- With the game being built around such intensive use of R2, for the love of god get rid of that atrocious side-step animation and the horrible locked-in/sticky feel to it. For as much as I am loving the game, this glitchy feel to control that surfaces will using the games key mechanic can cause much more frustration than is necessary.

- Following on from the above point, increase the impact of player stats/abilities, particularly when using R2 to move with the ball. Less skilled players should move more slowly, be a little more deliberate in their touches and they sure as shite shouldn't be further hamstrung by entering into that bloody awful side-step move. Players who are more skilful should be more ''explosive'' or ''cuter'' with their touch when R2 is used.

- Return to the PES2011 defensive controls but have more in the way of animation that clearly indicates what the player is actually doing. However, the requirement to play more off-ball defence should be key and also clearly relayed to the user via tutorials etc.

- Loosen the shooting but only so basic placement is more easily achieved, then let the stats really take over. By doing this, the user at least gets the sense that their input is being registered so even if the on-screen player balls up the actual strike, it allows the user to understand what players can and cannot do relative to their stats/abilities.

- A ''one size fits all'' passing model that is a refined hybrid of PES2011, PES2012 ''0 bar'', and how it was on ''2 bar'' in preview code. L2 manual modifier must also remain. A full manual passing model simply takes too much away from stats impact. Also, make it possible to wildly overhit long, cross field balls and for L2 manual cross to feature.

- Less demand from the user to use Super Cancel, and Super Cancel itself should be mapped to L2 + R2. FIFA do get that right as it feels more intuitive.

- L2 to have more mapped to it, be it offence or defence controls.

- More on the fly tactical options. For example, allow the user to switch between man-marking and zonal defence; enable the user to ''mark star players'' on the fly, or double team man in possession. All this could be done via ''hot-keys''.

- Allow the user to adjust the ''deepness'' of the green of the turf in all stadia. Fix how the game performs overall in night-time matches.

- The broadcast camera seems to have the game perform more smoothly. That being the case, nail it down so that a usable gameplay camera - something that sits between pitchside and wide in look - has the game perform similarly to that found in broadcast.

Obviously, many of us don't need full explanations for things like tactics etc., but I remember listening to a weekend confirmed podcast last year in which one of the guys was talking about sports games and how they should do more to teach the sport and their own game to the user.

Now, some other ideas I have rattling about in ma heid :

- Introduce tendencies for all manner of attributes/skills. This is ripped straight from NBA2k. Player index should not be on/off thing. It is one thing having Steven Gerard having an index card stating he can long range drive but it would be quite another being able to dictate his tendency to do so. This would be a huge step in making the AI play more realistically or at least offer a dedicated editing community to craft a more simulation based experience. Every shot/pass type for every player should have a tendency slider. This could address the issue of certain players performing bicycle kicks and alike when it just isn't part of their game.

- If we can't share option files in-game regards kits, etc. at least allow us to share these rosters which would be lovingly crafted by a tremendous editing community. These guys could then constantly update and upload their work so as it can be shared with everyone. Imagine chimps/klashman meticulously crafting and updating their roster continuously, while players are safe in the knowledge that it doesn't require them to be going through the whole USB transfer malarkey. The introduction of such a feature would bring these guys and many others work to the fore.

Just a few thoughts. Back to the game!
Personally not sure L2+R2 would be more intuitive in PES. It's basically Jockey+Sprint in both games. Might get a bit messy mixing super cancel with the tactical modifier button.

Agree with the card frequency thing, and also think much more should be done with keepers and defensive players. More should be done to give lesser players more cards. Everything should be done to kill the speed merchant card. A lot should be done to make the formations a bit more rigid to stop things becoming rather schoolboyish online.

Oh, and it should be possible to hit a cross off for a goal kick. Why doesn't that happen??
Just had the comeback of all comebacks. 2-0 down at half time and completely outplayed, and the lads looking dejected, but somehow there was enough in the game first half to keep me going and feel that the boys could get something out of the game. Pop up Stevie G, captain fantastic. Skrtel scores first to make it 2-1, a headed corner goal, then Gerrard with an equaliser for 2-2. Then within the dying seconds of the game up steps the skipper to seal all three points with a stunning fightback win....

Here's the full highlights -

Now that, my friend, is a Long Ranger!

How much do you think you charged up the power for the winning strike?
Now that, my friend, is a Long Ranger!

How much do you think you charged up the power for the winning strike?

Up to the max! lol.

You know what, as soon as Spearing laid that ball in front of him I knew Gerrard would have a better than average chance of scoring. The ball was placed in front, CPU were camped deep after a constant assault, and I had my best shooter in the side approaching it from distance, to get the full momentum in the shot. It was just a case of staying in the moment, concentrating in getting the timing all right and letting rip. A genuine out of my seat moment was that, especially as it was the last kick of the game and the winner!
- Loosen the shooting but only so basic placement is more easily achieved, then let the stats really take over. By doing this, the user at least gets the sense that their input is being registered so even if the on-screen player balls up the actual strike, it allows the user to understand what players can and cannot do relative to their stats/abilities.

curdstar – great post and I agree with pretty much all your points. It took me 100+ hours to start appreciating PES2012 as a great game of PES, but that 100+ hours coincided with me getting players in Master League whose stats meant that sometimes they could actually shoot. Even then, the weird shooting was still a problem.

So a question if I may (and just ignore this question if you think it might kick off unpleasantries here; I notice things have calmed down from a week or so ago) – but what, if anything, do your contacts at Konami say about PES2012's shooting? Was it an intentional nerfing of high scorelines, as many suspect? Just what the bejesus was PES2012's shooting all about? if you have any definite info, please share. I'd love to know.
- Less demand from the user to use Super Cancel, and Super Cancel itself should be mapped to L2 + R2. FIFA do get that right as it feels more intuitive.

I did this. After a month or 2 of playing FIFA, having the sprint and close controls as R1 & R2 felt terrible. Put the sprint on R2(PES really needs to use analog running next year) and R2 onto L2 and it is much better. I use R1 for manual passing and that also feels better as its on the same side as the passing buttons.
So it appears that the geniuses over at the yair patch thread have found another gem in Konami's code:
This is absolutely, what I am trying to fix on the next patch. Looking at the game engine, the Opponent AI Marking, Compactness and Pressing seems to be greater than the Human AI's one and the most surprising thing is that, it was a part of debugging that they forgot to remove as it has been said on one of the comments. The good news is that the next patch will fix and improve it so that it's much more equal.

Jesus Christ!!! :CONFUSE: So this cannot be fixed on the console versions?
curdstar – great post and I agree with pretty much all your points. It took me 100+ hours to start appreciating PES2012 as a great game of PES, but that 100+ hours coincided with me getting players in Master League whose stats meant that sometimes they could actually shoot. Even then, the weird shooting was still a problem.

So a question if I may (and just ignore this question if you think it might kick off unpleasantries here; I notice things have calmed down from a week or so ago) – but what, if anything, do your contacts at Konami say about PES2012's shooting? Was it an intentional nerfing of high scorelines, as many suspect? Just what the bejesus was PES2012's shooting all about? if you have any definite info, please share. I'd love to know.

Valid questions and the answer unfortunately is that I don't know. This is perhaps one of things when an English speaker on the dev. team would be a huge plus.

I can now get pretty much the placement I desire, meaning there is logic to the shooting but the pretty big problem is that it is simply too unforgiving regards hitting that sweetspot that ensures desired placement.

Even if they just made efforts go wildly off target as opposed to every strike just going down the middle if you don't get the required input correct would be a welcome change as too often not getting the right placement can result in cheap goals. somewhat ironic that as unforgiving placement can be, the actual game forgives you too much by rewarding you with a goal that you feel completely unsatisfied with.
I did this. After a month or 2 of playing FIFA, having the sprint and close controls as R1 & R2 felt terrible. Put the sprint on R2(PES really needs to use analog running next year) and R2 onto L2 and it is much better. I use R1 for manual passing and that also feels better as its on the same side as the passing buttons.

Think I might have to check this out. Will take some time to readjust but could prove worth it.
I did this. After a month or 2 of playing FIFA, having the sprint and close controls as R1 & R2 felt terrible. Put the sprint on R2(PES really needs to use analog running next year) and R2 onto L2 and it is much better. I use R1 for manual passing and that also feels better as its on the same side as the passing buttons.

I've been doing the same since PES2011 , thanks to my 1st fifa game on PS3 (FIFA WC2010 )
That was a sweet connection there, I look forward to getting some decent players in as my defaults just score toe-pokes at the minute.

:P Also I hate to sway this off-topic again, but whats the track? 90s jungle? :SMUG:
Yes he hit it well.
The track is Deep Concentration by Q Project on Legend Records. 1993 I think. Legendary.
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So I go on testing difficulty levels again. Superstar, heavily scripted, which should be very obvious to everyone. Most teams bumped up to better levels and stats to make a better challenge etc, same as when you go on beginner or amateur the teams dumbed down for an easier game.

For the first time, I try Regular. Game feels much less stressful, but not easy and still gives you a decent challenge. Go back to Professional, and it feels a bit better than Regular with CPU being a bit more challenging.

Funny thing is, played Brasil v Holland on Professional and won, then went back on Regular with the same teams and lost 1-3.

Maybe I'm just shit.

One thing is for sure though, Top player and Superstar = heavy scripting = stressful = no go for me.
Well I even find on Professional, some teams will take you to the cleaners. Not necessarily any massive scripting or deflected goals etc but they're just too clinical.

I did find Regular a good balanced game a while back. Maybe outside of Master league games, it's worth trying out again.

Also been messing with some formation and tactic settings to find myself a good match for my preferred gamestyle. Some interesting results so far. Definitely noticed that if you set up your team to play out wide, your wingers really exploit the active AI side of things and make some nice runs. Also if you stop on the ball in the forward third and wait briefly, someone will make a run. I've found that moving the ball on too much and too quickly will just see you passing the ball around the edge of the box a lot so I'm trying to move it backwards and sideways just to open up some variety in goal attempts.
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