PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Jimmy and co thanks a lot for the brilliant informative posts. I really like what I see. Some people are mastering the game and making the best out of it.


Do you think R2 does the short free kicks any good?

I've never tried R2 after a FK to be honest, I assume it won't come into play for any dead-ball scenario. Although, I would never have guessed you can use it after a High-Throughball or High Pass, so maybe.

And Makky, I can't seem to view these FK's ?

The easiest way to get them to work on here, is to simply copy and paste the address from the top of the YouTube page you have uploaded it to. This forum's code takes care of the rest. :)
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I've never tried R2 after a FK to be honest, I assume it won't come into play for any dead-ball scenario. Although, I would never have guessed you can use it after a High-Throughball or High Pass, so maybe.

And Makky, I can't seem to view these FK's ?

The easiest way to get them to work on here, is to simply copy and paste the address from the top of the YouTube page you have uploaded it to. This forum's code takes care of the rest. :)
YouTube - Chris Brunt Special

YouTube - Untitled 21

YouTube - Untitled 22

YouTube - Untitled 23

Here you go Jimmy, hope you can view them now.
If not my You Tube name is makkyization. You could see them there.
Thanx for the info, much appreciated.
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Despite some hideous flaws I do love pes 2012. I play solely offline but one problem I'm having is the fact superstar can defy logic at times, I find professional very well balanced but not enough of a challenge. I'm learning new stuff all the time but I can't seem to get my win ratio above 40%. I do think there is too much scripting in pes these days i dare anyone to play offline ML on superstar and say any different(even the refs are biased).

It just seems strange that after 4 months of solid play on superstar that I'm still struggling, no matter which team I choose I seem to get pretty much the same results. when I do go on a run the AI turns into 11 generic players on steroids where stats seems to lose meaning. I play 0 assist 15 minute matches by the way would appreciate any tips on how to deal with the AI as I dont want to drop down to professional(top player seems to be the same as SS)

I keep coming back for more though, the depth of this game is truly on another level to any other football game, I just wish konami didn't rely on cheap tricks(biased refs, deflections always falling to AI etc) to make superstar challenging. I do have some unbelievable matches on my offline ML on superstar the AI can be fantastic to play against just infuriating when it feels like the game is fucking you over.

Anyone else struggling to cope with superstar?, the concentration needed to beat the AI is something else and even when you do concentrate all your'e hard work and can be undone by the PES gods seemingly deciding that you should lose.

One more thing, how do people stand tackle on this game as the old way of tapping the conservative tackle button seems useless. I use the analog most of the time to position myself, aiming the analog towards the ball seems to initiate a standing tackle(love how this game make positional play a crucial factor), I did use a tap of RT to tackle before the patch but since konami's latest update standing tackles seem even harder.
Your points are the exact reasons why I've never ventured up to Superstar level for more than a game or two in Exhibition. Also, I'm struggling with Boro on Professional, so no need to change. I do tend to have 60-40% Possession, sometimes 54-46% and once 51-49%. I do use the Possession Preset though, so I would expect to have more possession, as only one team can have the ball. And as my tactics are set to that, I'd be disappointed if I didn't have the lions share of possession.

I still use X to tackle, although I do use the R2 and X and back-off, if the CPU comes too close I get the auto-tackle. I also just cover and track with R2 and Away direction on the stick. I use all 3 options, and in my own box I smother them with R2 and X + Secondary Pressure.
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Sometimes I have troubles in trapping high through ball while facing the goal. Do you manage something special to control the ball toward the goal or it just depends on the attacker skills?

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Cheers for the tips jimmy, I do think professional is probably the most realistic setting to play on but I seem to have some pathetic neurosis with pes where I have to play top level, silly I know but old habits are tough to break.

I think standing tackle with X must be more effective on pro(worked wonders on pes 2011), however i have more success using the analog to stand tackle it works wonders at times, also players with the enforcer card are better at standing tackles and more responsive to input it seems. RT and then releasing X can be effective but has to be used in the correct situation.

The biggest problem at the moment when playing superstar is defenders moving way out of position no matter what tactics, maybe I'm missing something but this pes is taking longer than any other to master.
Sometimes I have troubles in trapping high through ball while facing the goal. Do you manage something special to control the ball toward the goal or it just depends on the attacker skills?


Yes, hold R2 as the ball is approaching, keep hold of R2, then turn the stick/pad in the direction you wish to take, and control the ball. It's very effective, I'm using it a lot at the moment with excellent success.
Cheers Jimmy, yours were top drawer as well especially the Carlos Martins one from long range.

YouTube - Untitled 20

Here is another goal that demonstrates the 'Active AI' beautifully.

What a pass that was by the way. How did you do that ?

And what a finish, that looked like an R2 half-volley, although, I appreciate the A.I. sometimes pulls off an R2 for you, depending on the player stats. It was certainly the same animation anyway. Great goal that. :TU:
Yes, hold R2 as the ball is approaching, keep hold of R2, then turn the stick/pad in the direction you wish to take, and control the ball. It's very effective, I'm using it a lot at the moment with excellent success.

I am sure this will work, but sometimes you need longer touch just to prepare for a shot!

Also, other than 1-2 pass and lob shot, do you ever use L1? In old versions it had some close control qualities. When you touch it just before crossing for example it perfects it.

Last thing, how do you perform a first time volley shot? I have been using R2 while shooting with some success!

What a pass that was by the way. How did you do that ?

And what a finish, that looked like an R2 half-volley, although, I appreciate the A.I. sometimes pulls off an R2 for you, depending on the player stats. It was certainly the same animation anyway. Great goal that. :TU:
Thanks again Jimmy.
This goal was all down to the amazing run Gera made.
The pass was a chipped through ball L1 + triangle and the finish a high chip shot L1 and square.
Despite some hideous flaws I do love pes 2012. I play solely offline but one problem I'm having is the fact superstar can defy logic at times, I find professional very well balanced but not enough of a challenge. I'm learning new stuff all the time but I can't seem to get my win ratio above 40%. I do think there is too much scripting in pes these days i dare anyone to play offline ML on superstar and say any different(even the refs are biased).

It just seems strange that after 4 months of solid play on superstar that I'm still struggling, no matter which team I choose I seem to get pretty much the same results. when I do go on a run the AI turns into 11 generic players on steroids where stats seems to lose meaning. I play 0 assist 15 minute matches by the way would appreciate any tips on how to deal with the AI as I dont want to drop down to professional(top player seems to be the same as SS)

I keep coming back for more though, the depth of this game is truly on another level to any other football game, I just wish konami didn't rely on cheap tricks(biased refs, deflections always falling to AI etc) to make superstar challenging. I do have some unbelievable matches on my offline ML on superstar the AI can be fantastic to play against just infuriating when it feels like the game is fucking you over.

Anyone else struggling to cope with superstar?, the concentration needed to beat the AI is something else and even when you do concentrate all your'e hard work and can be undone by the PES gods seemingly deciding that you should lose.

One more thing, how do people stand tackle on this game as the old way of tapping the conservative tackle button seems useless. I use the analog most of the time to position myself, aiming the analog towards the ball seems to initiate a standing tackle(love how this game make positional play a crucial factor), I did use a tap of RT to tackle before the patch but since konami's latest update standing tackles seem even harder.

Please consider seeing my comment on the current last page of the "Not happy with PES 2012 thread" with reference to the difference between Professional and Superstar.

With that in mind, this is my advice for playing defence:

I think you should view the game like Alice-through-the-looking-glass. So, when on offense you naturally control the player closest to the ball (after all, you have the ball in your possession). However, on defence you should control the player furthest away from the ball. Of course that is a bit extreme, but I think you know what I mean. Thus, on offense I control my AMF who has the ball; but on defense, when their AMF has the ball I do not switch to the player closest to him (say it is the DMF). Instead, let your DMF deal with the ball-carrier on their own. Switch to a player away from the ball carrier and prepare for an interception, or track a CPU run, or, depending on the situation, establish a position in the box to head away a cross. In my opinion, you have to trust that you have prepared your team with a good formation, with suitable tactics, and you have to trust your players to be good relative to their statistics. Let your players play. After all, on offense, when you control the ball-possessor, you don't tell all the other players what to do. Instead, you trust them to establish positions off the ball and play offense! And so on defense, always play off the ball; control a player away from the ball and trust every one else, including the player closest to the ball, to play defense. The only circumstance in which I find myself controlling the player closest to the ball is after an air-ball when the cursor switches automatically. If in that case the situation is dire (in the penalty box, on the wing, etc) I will not switch away but remain in control of that player until the opportunity presents itself to switch away. This is especially crucial in the penalty box but also on the wing. If, for example, a lobbed through ball or air-ball comes to the wing and I am automatically switched to the SB, you should certainly NOT switch players because the likely nearest player will be a CB and thus you will inadvertantly move him out of position at the crucial time (right before a cross). Stay with the man and live or die with it.

In short: play defense in an inverse way to how you play offense. Control a player off the ball and establish position or track a run, prepare to intercept.

Also: I can play an entire 25 minute game on Superstar and never once press a single button while I play defence. I play defense entirely with the two sticks (one to move the player and one to switch the player). That's it. I never, ever, ever, press X or Square, I never sprint, I never hold up play, I never jockey. Just the two sticks. So lets say I am in control of my LWF and he loses possession and the CPU plays out. If the CPU CMF has the ball and my DMF approaches him, I never switch to the DMF, and I never tell the DMF to pressure. Heck, he already knows what to do because I have established a game plan with Pressure at a certain level (for me that level is 4 or 6 at the most). If he doesn't pressure properly then I'll just have to trade him. Anyway, so I am in control of my LWF at the time and the DMF is properly applying a delaying pressure on their CMF. I establish an interception position by tracking their other CMF and I attempt to intercept. If I am too late, I simply approach the new ball carrier and, if my stats are good enough, I will automatically tackle. If I don't win possession and the CMF beats my LWF, one of my other players will approach him at a rate relative to my designated Pressure level of 4 or 6. But I do not therefore switch to that new, approaching player. Instead, I switch to a different player far off the ball and establish a new intercepting position or I track a run. But I never, I stress never, press any single button while playing defense. I never, ever tell my players what to do. You've got to let your players play. After all, that is how we play offense. I never demand that Sigthorsson rush the box to prepare for a cross. He either does it or he doesn't depending on his stats. If you are in control of a player who is approaching the CPU ball carrier, If they are good tacklers, then simply approach the ball carrier and they will win it or lose it. Even better, control an off the ball player and establish an intercepting position and let your uncontrolled player do his thing. If they keep losing it, then trade em! Again, use only the two sticks to play defense and play off the ball. It is the looking glass of offense. Never press a button.

I have a few caveats: this is an extremely hard way to play defense when the CPU is in your penalty box. For example, their AMF and CF are playing give an go against my two CBs and my DMF, but I am in control of my CMF who is late arriving into the box. The urge to demand that my CB or DMF tackle is very great, obviously. But I never do. Instead, I trust that Vertoenghen has good enough defensive attributes that he will time his tackle or play wisely in tandem with Alderwereld. Instead, I establish a position to receive a loose ball or interception. I offer, with my CMF a play-out-of-the-box option. If Vertoenghen gets beaten, I trust Vermeer to come through for the team. If not, I move on, try to get it back on offense.

Last caveats: if you play this way, the CPU will have increased possession because (especially with my moderate Pressure level) I try to allow my team to play strategic defense. Further, I can only confirm these ideas on Superstar level where I think it is acknowledged (at least in my own mind!) that the CPU plays greater build-up, is more patient, and switches sides. Finally, I still draw half of my games, lose the other quarter, win a quarter. When Vertoenghen does get beaten, the urger to press a button next time is very great. But don't do it. Be patient, try it for a full game or two and let me know how crazy you think I am!

Good Day!
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Are you using Zero Pass Assistance by the way ? If so, your certainly jumping in right at the deep end with regards the 'Default Players, so kudos to you for that. Also, if you are on 'Zero', you will need to use R2 and X for a more controlled deliberate short pass with lesser players, especially those initiated near the edge of the pitch.

Yeah no assistance what so ever, its brilliant. I have not used the manual modifier once, I used to use it all the time in 2011.
I did that R2 pass by mistake and thought it slowed the ball up a bit but I wasnt sure, I will be using it more now.

Football isn't about sprinting, it's about control (R2) and technique, so adhere to that and you'll be fine.

The thing is, in past PES titles, you pass, pass, pass, shoot. This isnt like that now, you need to earn the right to create an opening. You need to use this quite brilliant Active A.I, and sprinting will not help you here. The way this works is quite simple, don't panic when in control of the ball, don't look to offload a pass immediately. If there isn't an option, hold onto the ball, draw the opposition CPU to you, then hold R2 and push in the opposition direction to keep the ball close and turn. Now when you look up, the options that were not there before, now are. The landscape changes in front of you within seconds, so hold onto the ball, be patient, and wait for it to happen. This is Active A.I., use it.

This is exactly what I was adjusting to late last night, I was only starting to get it towards the end. My way of playing PES was exactly what you described, pass, pass, pass, shoot. I would never hold onto the ball, never look to take anyone on, just keep passing it around waiting for a chance. The only reason I started to slow it down was because the options you have on the ball are amazing. When I discovered how intricate you can be with your movements it changed the game, I was going into replay every minute to watch something. I already mentioned Maqualao and the fun I had with him, but even with the less skilled players its very good. One thing that sticks in my mind was playing a lofted pass into Schwarz with his back to goal, he took it down with his chest then trapped it and I used a tiny touch of the stick to knock the ball out of his feet and to the left to set up for a pass, all of this while holding off the defender. Macco then came running down the wing and I hit it to him with the outside of the boot. It was a simple thing really but being able to manipulate the ball in such an intricate way is quite new to football games I think.

Also when people talk about the CPU AI playing just a few passes to get from one end to the other, this is true but I also think that its only taking advantage of the sloppy marking and space it is given. When I started to use the right stick to move players around, close gaps and mark up it slowed the CPUs build up down. Im not saying it started to play like Barca but it was noticably slower. It was making around twice as many passes as I am used to seeing, still not good enough though.
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Please consider seeing my comment on the current last page of the "Not happy with PES 2012 thread" with reference to the difference between Professional and Superstar.

With that in mind, this is my advice for playing defence:

I think you should view the game like Alice-through-the-looking-glass. So, when on offense you naturally control the player closest to the ball (after all, you have the ball in your possession). However, on defence you should control the player furthest away from the ball. Of course that is a bit extreme, but I think you know what I mean. Thus, on offense I control my AMF who has the ball; but on defense, when their AMF has the ball I do not switch to the player closest to him (say it is the DMF). Instead, let your DMF deal with the ball-carrier on their own. Switch to a player away from the ball carrier and prepare for an interception, or track a CPU run, or, depending on the situation, establish a position in the box to head away a cross. In my opinion, you have to trust that you have prepared your team with a good formation, with suitable tactics, and you have to trust your players to be good relative to their statistics. Let your players play. After all, on offense, when you control the ball-possessor, you don't tell all the other players what to do. Instead, you trust them to establish positions off the ball and play offense! And so on defense, always play off the ball; control a player away from the ball and trust every one else, including the player closest to the ball, to play defense. The only circumstance in which I find myself controlling the player closest to the ball is after an air-ball when the cursor switches automatically. If in that case the situation is dire (in the penalty box, on the wing, etc) I will not switch away but remain in control of that player until the opportunity presents itself to switch away. This is especially crucial in the penalty box but also on the wing. If, for example, a lobbed through ball or air-ball comes to the wing and I am automatically switched to the SB, you should certainly NOT switch players because the likely nearest player will be a CB and thus you will inadvertantly move him out of position at the crucial time (right before a cross). Stay with the man and live or die with it.

In short: play defense in an inverse way to how you play offense. Control a player off the ball and establish position or track a run, prepare to intercept.

Also: I can play an entire 25 minute game on Superstar and never once press a single button while I play defence. I play defense entirely with the two sticks (one to move the player and one to switch the player). That's it. I never, ever, ever, press X or Square, I never sprint, I never hold up play, I never jockey. Just the two sticks. So lets say I am in control of my LWF and he loses possession and the CPU plays out. If the CPU CMF has the ball and my DMF approaches him, I never switch to the DMF, and I never tell the DMF to pressure. Heck, he already knows what to do because I have established a game plan with Pressure at a certain level (for me that level is 4 or 6 at the most). If he doesn't pressure properly then I'll just have to trade him. Anyway, so I am in control of my LWF at the time and the DMF is properly applying a delaying pressure on their CMF. I establish an interception position by tracking their other CMF and I attempt to intercept. If I am too late, I simply approach the new ball carrier and, if my stats are good enough, I will automatically tackle. If I don't win possession and the CMF beats my LWF, one of my other players will approach him at a rate relative to my designated Pressure level of 4 or 6. But I do not therefore switch to that new, approaching player. Instead, I switch to a different player far off the ball and establish a new intercepting position or I track a run. But I never, I stress never, press any single button while playing defense. I never, ever tell my players what to do. You've got to let your players play. After all, that is how we play offense. I never demand that Sigthorsson rush the box to prepare for a cross. He either does it or he doesn't depending on his stats. If you are in control of a player who is approaching the CPU ball carrier, If they are good tacklers, then simply approach the ball carrier and they will win it or lose it. Even better, control an off the ball player and establish an intercepting position and let your uncontrolled player do his thing. If they keep losing it, then trade em! Again, use only the two sticks to play defense and play off the ball. It is the looking glass of offense. Never press a button.

I have a few caveats: this is an extremely hard way to play defense when the CPU is in your penalty box. For example, their AMF and CF are playing give an go against my two CBs and my DMF, but I am in control of my CMF who is late arriving into the box. The urge to demand that my CB or DMF tackle is very great, obviously. But I never do. Instead, I trust that Vertoenghen has good enough defensive attributes that he will time his tackle or play wisely in tandem with Alderwereld. Instead, I establish a position to receive a loose ball or interception. I offer, with my CMF a play-out-of-the-box option. If Vertoenghen gets beaten, I trust Vermeer to come through for the team. If not, I move on, try to get it back on offense.

Last caveats: if you play this way, the CPU will have increased possession because (especially with my moderate Pressure level) I try to allow my team to play strategic defense. Further, I can only confirm these ideas on Superstar level where I think it is acknowledged (at least in my own mind!) that the CPU plays greater build-up, is more patient, and switches sides. Finally, I still draw half of my games, lose the other quarter, win a quarter. When Vertoenghen does get beaten, the urger to press a button next time is very great. But don't do it. Be patient, try it for a full game or two and let me know how crazy you think I am!

Good Day!

I read your other post some really interesting stuff by the way.

Thanks for the tips I genuinley see what your'e getting at, it takes just as much skill to know when NOT to directly control a player and let the stats and tactics do the work if that makes sense. I am still relearning the defensive side of the game and your post coupled with my own findings is giving me a new approach to the game so I really appreciate your time and effort. I am still too eager to control the defender nearest the ball which is something I need to improve on and your excellent post has confirmed my suspicions. Playing this way will also allow me cut down passing lanes which is more crucial than ever in pes 2012. I need to force the AI to be more creative, I have also found turning pressing down to 10 and manually pressing with the analog or super cancel can be effective as it allows your team to keep a better shape whilst allowing you to still hunt down the ball if needed.

Thanks again, can't wait to get back on ML and get spanked again haha!
Ern Dog,

How were you playing pes 2011? It has the same concepts as pes 2012!

I never played much of 2011, about 2 months I would guess, too much wrong with it for my liking. And the little I did play of it was all online. I never gained a real understanding of it.
Yeah no assistance what so ever, its brilliant. I have not used the manual modifier once, I used to use it all the time in 2011.
I did that R2 pass by mistake and thought it slowed the ball up a bit but I wasnt sure, I will be using it more now.

This is exactly what I was adjusting to late last night, I was only starting to get it towards the end. My way of playing PES was exactly what you described, pass, pass, pass, shoot. I would never hold onto the ball, never look to take anyone on, just keep passing it around waiting for a chance. The only reason I started to slow it down was because the options you have on the ball are amazing. When I discovered how intricate you can be with your movements it changed the game, I was going into replay every minute to watch something. I already mentioned Maqualao and the fun I had with him, but even with the less skilled players its very good. One thing that sticks in my mind was playing a lofted pass into Schwarz with his back to goal, he took it down with his chest then trapped it and I used a tiny touch of the stick to knock the ball out of his feet and to the left to set up for a pass, all of this while holding off the defender. Macco then came running down the wing and I hit it to him with the outside of the boot. It was a simple thing really but being able to manipulate the ball in such an intricate way is quite new to football games I think.

Also when people talk about the CPU AI playing just a few passes to get from one end to the other, this is true but I also think that its only taking advantage of the sloppy marking and space it is given. When I started to use the right stick to move players around, close gaps and mark up it slowed the CPUs build up down. Im not saying it started to play like Barca but it was noticably slower. It was making around twice as many passes as I am used to seeing, still not good enough though.

You nailed that in my opinion, I agree 100% and was about to write the very same thing. :)

The R2 'X' Pass sacrifices speed for accuracy, it's actually a classic representation of how less technical players, play their percentages. There is a real art and technique to hitting passes with speed and accuracy and being confident doing it. This portrays the other side, I really like the concept.

I actually signed Maqualao in the January Transfer Window, I promoted three Youth's as I could only sign two players. One of them is a knobhead. He has come on loan, is totally pissed off with Middlesbrough, and on a constant Purple. I can't blame him though, I've lived here all my life and I think it's pretty shit to. :CONFUSE:

The other player I've signed though is a beast, I forget his full name, but he has the Enforcer and Box-to-Box Card, is a CMF with 85 Shot Power, he loves a dig.

Maqualao has played one game for me, but he had a blinder to be fair. I'll give another run out now, i'm dying to play this, just got in......

And Platini, I usually just press Shoot for the volleys, unless I need to chip one then I'll try an R2 or L1 shot.
Please consider seeing my comment on the current last page of the "Not happy with PES 2012 thread" with reference to the difference between Professional and Superstar.

With that in mind, this is my advice for playing defence:

I think you should view the game like Alice-through-the-looking-glass. So, when on offense you naturally control the player closest to the ball (after all, you have the ball in your possession). However, on defence you should control the player furthest away from the ball. Of course that is a bit extreme, but I think you know what I mean. Thus, on offense I control my AMF who has the ball; but on defense, when their AMF has the ball I do not switch to the player closest to him (say it is the DMF). Instead, let your DMF deal with the ball-carrier on their own. Switch to a player away from the ball carrier and prepare for an interception, or track a CPU run, or, depending on the situation, establish a position in the box to head away a cross. In my opinion, you have to trust that you have prepared your team with a good formation, with suitable tactics, and you have to trust your players to be good relative to their statistics. Let your players play. After all, on offense, when you control the ball-possessor, you don't tell all the other players what to do. Instead, you trust them to establish positions off the ball and play offense! And so on defense, always play off the ball; control a player away from the ball and trust every one else, including the player closest to the ball, to play defense. The only circumstance in which I find myself controlling the player closest to the ball is after an air-ball when the cursor switches automatically. If in that case the situation is dire (in the penalty box, on the wing, etc) I will not switch away but remain in control of that player until the opportunity presents itself to switch away. This is especially crucial in the penalty box but also on the wing. If, for example, a lobbed through ball or air-ball comes to the wing and I am automatically switched to the SB, you should certainly NOT switch players because the likely nearest player will be a CB and thus you will inadvertantly move him out of position at the crucial time (right before a cross). Stay with the man and live or die with it.

In short: play defense in an inverse way to how you play offense. Control a player off the ball and establish position or track a run, prepare to intercept.

Also: I can play an entire 25 minute game on Superstar and never once press a single button while I play defence. I play defense entirely with the two sticks (one to move the player and one to switch the player). That's it. I never, ever, ever, press X or Square, I never sprint, I never hold up play, I never jockey. Just the two sticks. So lets say I am in control of my LWF and he loses possession and the CPU plays out. If the CPU CMF has the ball and my DMF approaches him, I never switch to the DMF, and I never tell the DMF to pressure. Heck, he already knows what to do because I have established a game plan with Pressure at a certain level (for me that level is 4 or 6 at the most). If he doesn't pressure properly then I'll just have to trade him. Anyway, so I am in control of my LWF at the time and the DMF is properly applying a delaying pressure on their CMF. I establish an interception position by tracking their other CMF and I attempt to intercept. If I am too late, I simply approach the new ball carrier and, if my stats are good enough, I will automatically tackle. If I don't win possession and the CMF beats my LWF, one of my other players will approach him at a rate relative to my designated Pressure level of 4 or 6. But I do not therefore switch to that new, approaching player. Instead, I switch to a different player far off the ball and establish a new intercepting position or I track a run. But I never, I stress never, press any single button while playing defense. I never, ever tell my players what to do. You've got to let your players play. After all, that is how we play offense. I never demand that Sigthorsson rush the box to prepare for a cross. He either does it or he doesn't depending on his stats. If you are in control of a player who is approaching the CPU ball carrier, If they are good tacklers, then simply approach the ball carrier and they will win it or lose it. Even better, control an off the ball player and establish an intercepting position and let your uncontrolled player do his thing. If they keep losing it, then trade em! Again, use only the two sticks to play defense and play off the ball. It is the looking glass of offense. Never press a button.

I have a few caveats: this is an extremely hard way to play defense when the CPU is in your penalty box. For example, their AMF and CF are playing give an go against my two CBs and my DMF, but I am in control of my CMF who is late arriving into the box. The urge to demand that my CB or DMF tackle is very great, obviously. But I never do. Instead, I trust that Vertoenghen has good enough defensive attributes that he will time his tackle or play wisely in tandem with Alderwereld. Instead, I establish a position to receive a loose ball or interception. I offer, with my CMF a play-out-of-the-box option. If Vertoenghen gets beaten, I trust Vermeer to come through for the team. If not, I move on, try to get it back on offense.

Last caveats: if you play this way, the CPU will have increased possession because (especially with my moderate Pressure level) I try to allow my team to play strategic defense. Further, I can only confirm these ideas on Superstar level where I think it is acknowledged (at least in my own mind!) that the CPU plays greater build-up, is more patient, and switches sides. Finally, I still draw half of my games, lose the other quarter, win a quarter. When Vertoenghen does get beaten, the urger to press a button next time is very great. But don't do it. Be patient, try it for a full game or two and let me know how crazy you think I am!

Good Day!

That is an excellent post, and that's exactly how I defend on this, spot on description.

Whenever the CPU breaks down the wing, this is when this defensive system works wonders. Sending as A.I controlled player to cover the winger whilst I take control of a CB and cut out the cross, always standing in front of the CPU CF. Works very well.
That is an excellent post, and that's exactly how I defend on this, spot on description.

Whenever the CPU breaks down the wing, this is when this defensive system works wonders. Sending as A.I controlled player to cover the winger whilst I take control of a CB and cut out the cross, always standing in front of the CPU CF. Works very well.

I am so glad that you appreciated my post. I don't know if you remember me, but I have previously apologized for referring to one of your comments as 'stupid'. I was wrong to say that. I'm learning a lot on this forum and from your comments. Embrace over...

--Good day!
I've noticed that an AI controlled defender will rush over to the ball carrier so if you also move the controlled player to the ball carrier, you've just left an open pass ready to be exploited. I like to leave the defender chase the ball and as others have said, move the controlled player into an area that covers off space or the next passing lane.

When you do have your controlled player jockeying the ball carrier properly (and it's quite a small margin you have to work with - which is my only problem), you'll notice they slow it down and pass the ball around.

Anyone noticed any special animations by using R2 after a header or volley?
I am so glad that you appreciated my post. I don't know if you remember me, but I have previously apologized for referring to one of your comments as 'stupid'. I was wrong to say that. I'm learning a lot on this forum and from your comments. Embrace over...

--Good day!

February 19, 2012: radha1 becomes a darksider...

join'll find your true calling there.
February 19, 2012: radha1 becomes a darksider...

join'll find your true calling there.

I would be quite interested, having visited the website a few times. But I thought I had read somewhere that living in the US (and thus having different servers) presented a problem. Isn't PEEL a UK group, with EU servers? Not sure...
PES 2012 really an amazing game. I just want to share some thoughts about it. Most of these thoughts were encountered by trial and error while playing PES 2011. This year game is more advanced and refined. I do really enjoyed every game so far no matter the final result was.

- 15 minutes game is perfect if you are playing against the computer. 10 minutes is better against friends or online. Though I prefer 0 assistance but all depend on your comfort. Also, the same thing applies to the difficulty level. You need a challenging game but at the same time you need to maintain fun. If you smile at the end of the game, even if you lose, that means you are there.

- R2 is an essential tool in this game. It allows you to master the trade and create chances all over. If you thrive on beautiful goals, it allows you to achieve them. I tend to use it successfully in scoring volley balls or stunning placed goals. All depends on when to press that button. Every time you use it you may discover a new trick.

- Though some people underrate L1 but I find it so useful too. Besides one-two pass and lob shot, it can refine your touches incredibly. Just like R2, before you cross, pass, shot, trap, or dash give it a tap. It will create better space and refine your touch.

- Do not play while you are tired or force the game after the game repeatedly. Play one match every now and then. This game needs concentration and alertness. It demands your intention and interest. Just like having food, come to it hungry and you will love it even more. If you don't feel like playing a game go for training mode. Do the free kick training. I am sure you will be addicted to it after short time.

I will leave the rest for later. I am not sure if you can find this useful, but it is my way to appreciate Konami for creating such amazing, interesting, exciting game. People who cannot reach the essence of this game are missing big fun!

I am so glad that you appreciated my post. I don't know if you remember me, but I have previously apologized for referring to one of your comments as 'stupid'. I was wrong to say that. I'm learning a lot on this forum and from your comments. Embrace over...

--Good day!

Hey, forget about it, I've been called a alot worse on here over the years, and I've been a bit of a tit at times myself when I've let trolls get the better of me. :(

Loved the post about 'Parking the Bus', so correct, and the reason is that by applying that tactic you are inviting the opposition to come at you. Sooner or later, you will get punished. Although the best form of defence isn't always attack, the concept holds a lot of water.


I will get there eventually, I'm just very busy this week, so will get little time time to get back to it. I also need to capture videos of what I'm looking to explain.

It's my Birthday today, and I gotta be honest, that was the best present I've had so far bud, absolutely beautiful, I could watch that forever. Truly brilliant goal, amazing. Well done Sir, and thanks for sharing it. ;)

Here is one back for you, it was one I scored last night in my ML. When the chips were down, fighting for my job, a moment of genius was required from my boys. Emnes delivered.

This was a superbly timed dribble, using shifts in momentum and perfect timing of R2 and the relevant direction to take out 4 CPU defenders within a 5 yard radius. After jinking through, I was hoping the finish would match, it did, as Emnes bent and placed an R2 right into the far corner.

When you talk about realism, and how inertia and a switch of balance is all that is required, this epitomises that concept perfectly. I love this goal, and it highlights just what is possible from this ingenius dribbling system. No cheap Rainbow Flicks or Quadruple Step-Overs followed by a Triple Elastico, just perfect timing, ball control and technique.

What is also spot on, is the relevance of the animation. This technique is very high level, top-of-the-food-chain stuff. It's the classic, and also most extreme technique adopted by players, intent on using their weaker foot for the strike. The way he opens up is great, the technique and power in the shot is derived from the 'stab' of the ball with the instep coming from his leading right leg as he plants it hard to adjust his posture in an extreme fashion. The hard planting of the right leg, combined with the instantaneous follow through of the 'stabbing' left instep, is how this works in real-life. And as you can see by the animation, there isnt any real follow-through with the strike, it's perfectly stabbed. Follow-through to an extent is impossible technique wise due to the logistics of his balance and posture. Any attempt at normal follow-through would see you lose balance and fall over to your right hand side.

I love this game. :)

YouTube - Emnes Double R2 Dribble - R2 Finish
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The game is really beginning to click for me the only major flaw that stands out is the ridiculous scripting on superstar. Last game the ref basically ignored two blatant fouls in the box and julio cesar decided to turn into a complete wanker.

After taking radha1's advice on board I'm unbeaten in 7 matches(won 3 drawn 4) might be too little to late early season defeats may cost me. The hard thing is adjusting my play consistently, its all well and good knowing what to do in pes but executing these techniques takes time. It will take me a while to adjust my defensive game accordingly but I'm getting there. Its easy to slip back though and defend like I would in pes 2011 and the Ai will punish me accordingly.


One more thing, when using radha' advice Iv'e noticed the AI is less perfect so to speak on SS difficulty, relying on your AI team mates to close space forces them into passing errors and they really are struggling to break me down, keep dropping points against weaker teams though which is irritating.
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