PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Good day! I learned that your always right and I'm always wrong.
Well, if you're going to be wrong and then refuse to understand why, then sure.

I explained that this should not happen when the ball is ahead of the defence. You blather on about situations where the ball has been played behind the defence. I don't know how to get that through any clearer.

This is a waste of time.
What passsing assistance on superstar do u play on then ???

On the PS3 I find that zero passing assistance works pretty well, BUT because you have to slow the game down and really concentrate and because the CPU have ultra efficiency zero assists on Superstar can be quite tricky. It's doable, but ,may not be enjoyable as the space gets closed down really quickly. So to have an enjoyable game, I would suggest you have the passing assist on one, two or three bar. I can't tell the difference between the three to be honest.

So on PS3, Superstar, I would opt for three bar passing assists. The game is designed to go rapid fast and this is the way I believe it has to be played.

Now on the PC zero passing assist seem to be totally out of whack, I just can't grasp it. So I use three bar, Superstar, with Yair's patch, latest 2.3! Put gamepseed down a notch to -1, and I even change kitserver to around 0.83. This plays realistically for me.

I suppose the best setting to have pass assists set to zero would be professional, as the CPU reciprocates your reflex speed and acts more human (on PS3). The trouble with setting passing assists to zero I find, is that I am more cautious with the ball and therefore have lots more possession than the CPU, because of this cautious approach, which defeats THE MAIN principle that I want to get out of PES this year; the ability of the CPU to have similar possession stats as me.

SO....the ultimate combination at the moment, which proves a challenge, plus is enjoyable, plus is realistic, is the PC, using Yair's 2.3, with said speed levels, and three bar pass assist. I cover all my bases here, CPU possession same as me, build up play, realistic game speed the lot.

If you are on the PS3 then if you want to play Superstar then it has to be three bar assists, and if you want to play professional then play zero assists.

Zero assists is good, don't get me wrong, but after a while of practice zero assist becomes like three bar anyway in that it is still assisted to a level, which is probably stat related and therefore good.
Klash - Stop being so defensive. Theres no need to throw your toys out of the pram, everybody has opinions, 90% of the time they differ, thats what makes forums, debate, different opinions, different beliefs, if we didnt have that none of us would be here.

Your hard work with the tactics is appreciated, im sure there are alot of PES players that have adopted your tips and tactics styles and are using them to great effect, they may have just not necessarily posted on here to tell you how great you are thats all.

Not gonna get started on the PES vs FIFA debate, theres no need, one doesnt have to be crap in order for the other toi be great.
I think both games this year are decent, PES12 maybe not as much of a leap forward for the series as FIFA 12 is, both have issues too but theyre are both decent games in their own right, no need for constantly comparing the two.

People jumped on your back a bit because of the tone of your messages, "its my way or no way" kinda approach, thats not collaboration thats dictatorship.

Just my observations.
LOL thanks for that I feel so educated.

I think:

Defensive players move in a smart and realistic way in PES from packing the box - to the CB or FB covering the space. There is a wide range of AI movements amking it hard to score against or breakdown ;)
How are you guys coping with the fatigue levels in this game? Playing a normal league, I suppose I'm abusing the R1 in game and making my players too tired. But they just hardly seem to respond to rest. Some of them are knackered after two games of rest and then they annoyingly often carry a purple arrow just for a laugh I guess. I remember the form arrows in 2011 were usually kinder to the home team but this year they seem all over the place. 13 purple arrows in a home game seems a bit over the top. Then again, last year I mostly played ML and this year I'm still just doing the Barclays. Maybe there is a difference between modes in this regard.
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How are you guys coping with the fatigue levels in this game? Playing a normal league, I suppose I'm abusing the R1 in game and making my players too tired. But they just hardly seem to respond to rest. Some of them are knackered after two games of rest and then they annoyingly often carry a purple arrow just for a laugh I guess. I remember the form arrows in 2011 were usually kinder to the home team but this year they seem all over the place. 13 purple arrows in a home game seems a bit over the top. Then again, last year I mostly played ML and this year I'm still just doing the Barclays. Maybe there is a difference between modes in this regard.

ML deffo has its own set of rules regarding difficulty, stamina, form etc but what kind of training are you using? is there even a training option in the standalone normal league mode?

In ML, i always set training to conditioning 2 days before a game, this seems to balance out the stamina/form a bit better, also in ML having better athletic trainers and coaches obviously increases the form and stamina.
Its rare i ever have more than 1 purple or blue arrow in my main squad these days, mostly all red/orange arrows.
That's the thing then. The Leagues (under League/cup) must have the same random arrows as exhibition, while ML takes more things into account.
The argument used here as an excuse that because Konami's has a lot less budget than EA, that we should be grateful for what Konami achieved with PES 2012 and that we can't expect it to be on par with EA technically or otherwise... I don't buy it.

This is a not a charity, this is business and we pay 40€ for the game and we want the best gameplay-experience we can get for that 40€. I can excuse Konami for not having as many licenses and EA or for not having the best marketing, but in the gameplay-area I can't accept any excuses for delivering second-rate or even third-rate-quality.

When I bought PES 3 (and PES 5) back then on PS2, I did it because it had a clearly better gameplay-experience to offer than Fifa, it played freer, felt more realistic and was more rewarding as well as offering deeper tactical options.

Now, having compared PES 2012 and Fifa 12 thoroughly, I can say with the exception of deeper tactical options in PES 2012, nearly everything is better gameplay-wise in Fifa 12 and not just slightly.

There are glaringly missing aspects in Fifa 12 though: a realistic momentum/inertia-model with proper foot-planting, and a sliders for fatigue/stamina (both shorttime and longterm) to tune them more realistically, and yes, better AI in general would be nice, too, and a more realistic and more varied approach to first-touch.

That means there is still room for Konami to outdo EA gameplay-wise, but currently and with this engine the gap between PES and Fifa is just too big gameplay-wise, so for my money Fifa 12 offers the better gameplay-experience.
Went back last night and re downloaded the first WE demo off the Japanese PS Store. I swear the graphics and everything else it better than the 2 demos I got off the UK Store. What gives? Is there a difference between the Asian game and the one that we get in the States and in Europe?
I must say though guys as much as I diss the PS3 version, if you play it as an arcade game you can have some rip roaring fun.

I think the only way to play PES on the PS3 is with three bar assists, Superstar and just let rip. Just had a pulsating game, 15 mins, v Chelsea at Anfield, went one nil down and came back and won 2-1. My main problem is that my quest is for reality and so I have to kind of suspend belief for a second if I play on the console. But they are high tempo'd heart racing fests if played fast!
Thank you kindly Mr G Force. Knew you would appreciate that.

Must admit though the one long ranger was a 2 v 2 which I setup. I chipped the ball from wide and the way it landed and he controlled it I was screaming "SHOOT IT!!" and boom it fizzled. All these shots are much faster in real time btw. The replays dont do them justice.
The one where he squared it to the CMF (Red Shirt], that was my favourite. He took a touch beautifully, and it just sat up begging to be smashed. :)
I went on an on about the 360 version being awesome, shit i was wrong. Played more games and we just got ass raped by the pc. Then we played the pc version last night and it was much more balancend, using jenkey patch of course, -1 speed. Lost some games, tied some, won some, it was very fun.
Looks like he sets it up with an R2 turn as well. That's how I set up most of my long rangers, R2 to make a little space, then WHAMMO!

Hold sprint and a direction just as he receives the pass, to move it out of your feet, is a great new addition this year. You just need to be aware of the space around you to do so.
Yeah exactly the R2 is used to bring it under control and when the space and body position is right you can slam that thing goalwards. If you still pressing R2 he is going to side foot it for placement and you lose that venom

I hated the shooting initially tbh, In PES2011 I could hit them too consistently and my muscle memory was forcing me to hit it too early and it usually resulted in a flaky shot off the players wrong foot in PES2012 early days. Now I can almost feel that moment not getting it right all the time but the hits are starting to oversahdow the misses.

There is a frightening amount of variables involved in shooting this year and the Long Ranger card is particularly tasty. Having it doesnt mean you can shoot from range and hit the target more often than not. It means the player is able to compose himself better, get his body into position quicker and less backlift as well.

If a player doesnt have the card it also doesnt mean he cant do it. I think only the saved shot is Casquero from Getafe with the long ranger card.

The rest are all timing and space, The one with Doyle had me jumping up and down. The ball is received from Keane I think and I could see the defender too far to the right so hold in R1 and point left on the direction to flick it away from him opposite to his body momentum - turn and boom all in one movement. Perfectly reenacted football move that any world class striker should be able to pull off.
When EA experiment with an animation-intensive title such as FIFA Street, Konami release titles with animations and gameplay that are embarrassing for next gen consoles.
Beautiful goals and fine touches Zeemeister. You are enjoying the game! The last one is so beautiful, but if the player had more space we might have seen a nice R2 shot!

Does anyone find the free kicks easier this year?
Free kicks are a bit weird this year if you ask me. I didn't score one with Gerrard for ages, then swapped one game, in-game, to Maxi of all people, and he scored! lol

I find Adam is okay with his goal ratio from free kicks too. But sometimes it isn't the guy with the best free kick stats that scores them.
I spend fair time training on free kicks. I find it more rewarding than the last year. Players like Lavezzi and Modric know where to put it!

They saved me many times!
I have been using analogues since PES6 but when it comes to free kicks I use only d-pad and the successs rate is pretty good. I must say though if its not in a players ability he just wont get the swerve,dip or movemement that you want.
The Free-Kick System in PES is pretty much perfect for me, I'm not even sure how it could be bettered. It's that good for me.

So many different options to choose. Hard drilled FK's, floated FK's, mid-range FK's. Then you multiply those variables with all the different FK stances that are available. And basically, there is no strike you cannot achieve. I have 4 different players in my Boro ML team that can give me different options depending on range, angle etc. Every one of my FK taker's offers something the other doesn't. Arguably my favourite part of PES.
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