PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Fifa 12 is clearly the better football game, unfortunately it isn't perfect, some things regarding momentum and inertia are lacking and the singleplayer-AI is a bit predictable, but compared to PES 2012 it is miles better in most regards.

I have already decried the awful ballphysics, the shooting, the animation... in PES 2012, as well as the incredible cheating going on, the many rails limiting you... but there is more wrong:

Team styles and card-system are messing with the game on top of the mess created by the inferior engine. Besides a brandnew "revolutionary" engine, PES 2013 needs to get rid of all these styles and cards and get back to basic, a system based on stats only.

I'm curious as to why you have an issue with team styles and player cards. In what way are they "messing with the game?"
Fifa 12 is clearly the better football game, unfortunately it isn't perfect, some things regarding momentum and inertia are lacking and the singleplayer-AI is a bit predictable, but compared to PES 2012 it is miles better in most regards.

I have already decried the awful ballphysics, the shooting, the animation... in PES 2012, as well as the incredible cheating going on, the many rails limiting you... but there is more wrong:

Team styles and card-system are messing with the game on top of the mess created by the inferior engine. Besides a brandnew "revolutionary" engine, PES 2013 needs to get rid of all these styles and cards and get back to basic, a system based on stats only.

They really need to get rid of this daft card system they us!
A lot of teams lost the threat of scoring against you when they introduced it as players without some cards up front don't make runs and take up poor positions

Have you tried my latest file?

No mate didnt realise you had one out...I have my PS3 copy up on Ebay right now and im going back to the 360 version, i prefer the 360 pad so im hoping that sorts out my shooting issues and the graphics are better on 360 although i guess the option file doesnt look quite as good.
Player cards add to player individuality. Team styles is what is used to make one team different and is what PES is about and always has been since PES 1 infact if anything it should be exagerated further to make opposition AI that much more realistic.

Mind there are many people that love PES outside Evo-web so try not too be too critical of them.
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Dear angry people, put the guns down! Forget about winning or losing and go for training mode for some time. Play with the different buttons and try to understand the distant effect of each one regarding passining, moving, dribbling, shooting, clearing, and receiving the ball. Skills plus timing plus situation would creat thrilling amount of real football moves and wild entertaining that you might not experince anywhere else!
If you fail to reach such level after sometime or you can't enjoy the outcome then go for boxing or some thing fits you better. This game is for pure, skilled footballers.


Great post if you enjoy it say so. Many people haven't played the game for more than an full hour and moan all about it.

As someone that still plays this regularly I agree to a degree. Still lots of room for improvement though as ther always will be.
Platini said:
Dear angry people, put the guns down! Forget about winning or losing and go for training mode for some time. Play with the different buttons and try to understand the distant effect of each one regarding passining, moving, dribbling, shooting, clearing, and receiving the ball. Skills plus timing plus situation would creat thrilling amount of real football moves and wild entertaining that you might not experince anywhere else!
If you fail to reach such level after sometime or you can't enjoy the outcome then go for boxing or some thing fits you better. This game is for pure, skilled footballers.

It can be said absolutely every single game, each PES. Human can learn to get used to everything, good and bad sides of a game, but the question is how much is right this.

I have friend, for him PES 2008 is the greatest PES ever ! He learned thes game to perfection, he know every pixel.
And there were some ugly pixels there. PES2012 is faaaaaaaar from PES2008 and this is coming from someone who has played every PES for the lifespan of the product not a wekk after release.

I thoroughly understand where platini is coming from if he isn't someone that's just taking the piss that is. There are moments that I play PES and have to marvel at how the game plays. Pit 2 V 2 with 4 good players unassisted and not holding down R1 for 90 minutes and true moments of magic transpires. Doe the same with 2 pressure or sprint whores and you want to throw your DS3 through the panel.

Herein lies the problem imo PES or konami need to separate the game for Noobs and for hardcore players. Trying to find this comfortable medium does not work. I don't know if sliders are the right answer.
When saying it is the best that doesn't mean it is the perfect. But for me I think this game stays head and shoulders clear in terms of fun and creation. I am really confused about whom I am talking to, but what I can get out of this game is beyond my desires sometimes!
I am not going to recommend a game speed for you, but for sure the slower the better. Also, the closer the camera the better; there is some tiny moves, both while defending or attacking, you cannot work it out unless while using closer cam. This effects the game in many ways, because the system, somehow, supports the right touches through too many aspects, and not only for the direct moment.
This game is a deep journey, and you might not like every moment through it, but for sure it deserves the time you invest on it!




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i can't believe i was playing pes 2012 with nod 32 as the review shows it is the worse antivirus to run with pes 2012 no wonder i was running into sluggish problems during gameplay and i was trying to figure out why the game runs as smooth as it can with bit defender, go with bit defender people and you will notice significant difference with pes 2012
That's the problem Konami are facing. How do they find a balance between catering for the hardcore 0 assistance, support free purists and the fully assisted ping pongers? At the same time keeping a fun aspect to the game.
Konami obviously care about where this is heading and ultimately their future lies online. They have to address this and make the right decisions.
They have a couple of options. They could make the game fully unassisted so everyone is in the same boat and it takes far longer to learn the game like it used to.
Another option for the would be downloadable settings. One version of the game would be the one out of the box with editable settings. The other version while still on the same disc would be a completely unassisted downloadable alternative.
That way people who went for either one would be instantly locked to that setting online and be able to play games against like minded opponents.
From what I've seen on the survey they are aware of this divide
and are looking at ways to address it. Obviously the unassisted players' will be more marginalised which is why an alternate edition might be better for everyone.
I/personally wish they would just take a gamble and make it completely raw and unassisted like it is meant to be, but I know they won't.
On a different note, the idea that you will be able to upload you highlights and goals straight on to You Tube definitely sounds like a good one.
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Yeah makky youtube vids is a great idea that unfirtunately quite a few have thought of tbh.

I am with you on the idea of separating the game for the hardcore and pick up and play peeps. Thhey could use the setting where you boot up the game for the first time and get to select
Beginner - fuLly pass assisted - all other assistance settings on
Intermediate - 3 bars pass assisted - tackle assistance off - shooting assistance off
Professional - 1 bar pass assisted - Other assits off
World class - all assistance off

That way all your modes including online are affected and you only get pitted against the same opponenents. Problem is will it alienate groups?
Yeah makky youtube vids is a great idea that unfirtunately quite a few have thought of tbh.

I am with you on the idea of separating the game for the hardcore and pick up and play peeps.

That way all your modes including online are affected and you only get pitted against the same opponenents. Problem is will it alienate groups?

I didn't know that. I thought they were talking about uploading straight from your PS3 like the Facebook app. Saves taking pictures or filming games? Anyway :COOL:
By creating the 0 pass assistance/0 player assistance option Konami have inadvertently caused segregation already. It is what they do next that will ultimately define where this series is heading.
Surely with this being the first time that the options of support (or not) have been available, this would be an experimental phase and they have plans in place to deal with the issues. They must have seen it coming.
Unless you join a 0 assistance league or just play the AI, they have left little option for someone who decided to have a game of stripped down, more realistic football.
Put in a new format but please make sure it's catered for online.
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They just need to completely ditch this concept of having options for pass support or they need to have clear descriptions for the settings, which they don't now. But the reason for that ditching being that if they can come up with a passing system that offers enough control, but is also user-friendly, people will adapt and stop bitching and moaning about it.
Clearly what they have been doing so far doesn't work. Passing in PES has been broken and botched since 2009. PES 2010 felt too restrictive by comparison to FIFA.
From PES 2011 onwards it just doesn't work.
The passing system harms the player more than anything. More often than not do I find myself counter-attacking and losing possession because of the passing system. And this is probably cliché, but I used to do all my PES PS2 gaming on difficulty settings higher than Professional.

If they want to keep options though, they need to explain them better. I have no idea what 3 squares mean. Absolutely none.
Manual, assisted and semi-assisted. It's simple.
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Goos point they should just simplify it that way and leave it be.

Yeah Makky I meant the upload to youtube from your PS3 was mentioned a few times by the fans and I am happy its in their plans as they asking about it.

I really hope they dot ditch the fully manual pass. I have never enjoyed passing as much on PES. I feel they have found the perfect balance between user input and players stats.

The long passing though needs a lot of work as do the throughballs, kicking a 25+ yard through all deep from defence is a little too easy on PES2012 even on 0 assist.this coupled with the striker being able to outrun a defender makes for a ridiculous game of kick and run against most players. Manual long pass with the L2 and O button is what long passing on 0 assist should be.
They just need to completely ditch this concept of having options for pass support or they need to have clear descriptions for the settings, which they don't now. But the reason for that ditching being that if they can come up with a passing system that offers enough control, but is also user-friendly, people will adapt and stop bitching and moaning about it.
Clearly what they have been doing so far doesn't work. Passing in PES has been broken and botched since 2009. PES 2010 felt too restrictive by comparison to FIFA.
From PES 2011 onwards it just doesn't work.
The passing system harms the player more than anything. More often than not do I find myself counter-attacking and losing possession because of the passing system. And this is probably cliché, but I used to do all my PES PS2 gaming on difficulty settings higher than Professional.

If they want to keep options though, they need to explain them better. I have no idea what 3 squares mean. Absolutely none.
Manual, assisted and semi-assisted. It's simple.
I would put it into just two types. Fully assisted or fully manual, no in between. Then put a split lobby online for one or the other.
I know what you mean Zee that the long through balls along the ground, down the middle are a bit of an exploit tbh. I've been done with them a few times. A bit cheap really. You have to anticipate them and make your CB,s charge back, but if you don't like you say the striker is clean through.
The overhead clipped through ball is better even if it's over 30/40 yards and is a more realistic looking pass.
If Konami take the fully unassisted passing option away now that it's in they will not be getting my money next year.
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I would go further with the two options in that I would make the default closer in design to PES2011 and the other being fully manual. In other words, as little ''hand holding'' as possible.
To clarify, are people talking about fully manual, or 0 assistance? Because they aren't quite the same thing. Personally I don't think PES should ever go fully manual. 0 assistance is about as far as I'd want things taken.
To clarify, are people talking about fully manual, or 0 assistance? Because they aren't quite the same thing. Personally I don't think PES should ever go fully manual. 0 assistance is about as far as I'd want things taken.

You would be opposed to an option to play full manual passing shooting and switching for air balls similar to EA?
To clarify, are people talking about fully manual, or 0 assistance? Because they aren't quite the same thing. Personally I don't think PES should ever go fully manual. 0 assistance is about as far as I'd want things taken.

Personally, a better desgined/optimised/coded 0 assistance type feel would be the fully manual option for me. I agree that ''fully'' fully manual is not completely desirable unless it is on the fly by using the L2 modifier.

The reason I say this is that full manual is essentially ''stats override'' but more concerning is what it would mean for the basic passing model as a whole - it would essentially offer the developer the licence to not really fine tune the impact of player individuality while offering a level of freedom and they could then say that if you want complete freedom, go full manual thus leaving nothing but two unwelcome extremes.
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Sorry, I was talking about complete 0 assistance on passing, shooting and crossing. All other assists off. Take the rails away as well then the complete freedom would be taken to a different level.
0 assistance over-rides stats too much regardless.

I'd rather just a marginally more manual system then in PES 2011, with more error for technically inferior players.
0 assistance over-rides stats too much regardless.

I'd rather just a marginally more manual system then in PES 2011, with more error for technically inferior players.

Agreed. Any kind of 100% fully manual control is not what I want at all from PES. Pass assistance should be just that, but the influence of player stats should be at the heart of every single kick in PES.
You would be opposed to an option to play full manual passing shooting and switching for air balls similar to EA?

I'm opposed to fully manual, yes. It's in FIFA, and I'm ok with that, but it doesn't give you more of a sim experience. I've never seen a convincing argument otherwise in my 3 years or so of regularly posting on here. I also don't think manual shooting makes sense as a control mechanism, and manual passing moves things further away from how football is played nowadays. The manual games I've played against veterans have always been interesting and challenging, but never more 'realistic' in terms of how moves build up. Often less realistic.

The only situation in which I'd be fine with fully manual is in Clubs or BaP/BaL, where you control just one player. Otherwise I'd rather it was mapped to a shoulder button as it is for passing in PES.
As there is already 0 assistance passing. Why not make it the same for shooting and crossing as well? So it gives the user complete control over where the ball is going at all times.
Just like Curdstar said, the less 'hand holding', the more freedom, the better.
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To clarify, are people talking about fully manual, or 0 assistance? Because they aren't quite the same thing. Personally I don't think PES should ever go fully manual. 0 assistance is about as far as I'd want things taken.

Full manual for PES would drive even more away so Konami would be mad to try and implement that. They need 2 control schemes one would be 0 Assistance and the other being around how 3 Assistance bars was in Demo 2 which was very similar to PES PS2 games.
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