PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Hi, everyone, Merry Christmas, been a great day, lifes been very good and only until last week i hadn't played PES for a good 2 months or so. So if there’s been any drama i haven’t seen it.

Only played it twice at a friends in that period, was really enjoyable. It's still a great game! What I’ve noticed is you enjoy the thing so much more when you don't discuss or talk about it on these forums. People really do focus so much on the negative aspects so much, and forget they are being negative for the sake of it. You really do, you really see how varied and fresh the game is when playing vs Mates.

Played on the PS3 this week with all the tactics set up for premier league teams with Aston Villa, great fun. I'm getting used to every team playing totally differently, even when many tend to use a long ball setting i give them depending on the situation. I tweaked the ratings for many teams in general lowered the technique for certain players (Walcott, Agbonglahor, Micah Richards, Darrent Bent etc..) So you would get most players being crap on the ball but fast and physical. Very impressive how much it resembles real life football despite the very flat atmosphere.

Playing on -2, (I was on 0 passing assistance but bumped it up to 2 i think or 1) I have a game vs Chelsea, they dominate, play good football. Sturridge was class, was a nuisance. Mata was majestic. Essien was a boss. I was limited to just hoofing to Agbonglahor and Bent (who's great but crap technically, can cause many defences trouble) I can't play passing football because only Steven Ireland is a good passer really, rest are crossers or just physical. I lost 2-1, somehow (should had been 5-1).

Then the next game. Stoke. Ohh what a gloriously terrible game. I was laughing hysterically at Stoke, i love them. they made NO, i mean NO attempt Whatsoever to play football. EVERY single chance they got they hoofed it to Jones and Fuller. So funny. When they got it forward, i mean at times they just bundled the ball forward. Its great because it keeps every game fresh, so you need to adapt your tactics all the time. The game finished 0-0, they are very tough to breakdown!

Played against Arsenal, normally in every football game, no matter what team i play with (not PES 2011 to an big extent) I play good passing football, and even when playing vs barca or Arsenal, i always match them in terms of aesthetically pleasing football and smart passing moves. Arsenal however embarrassed me in terms of how they played. Playing nice passes, smart build-up. Gervinho running at me at every opportunity. Rosicky working rd, Arteta the majestic man in the middle. Bizarrely the AI had Van Perise out on the wing, and played Chamakh up top, however Chamakh was on a red as was playing like he was at his peak for Bordeaux back in 2009/10.

They went 2-0 through two very well worked goals, however the game finished 2-2, the goals i scored, ohh, they could get more jammy!!! The first was a cross which was met by Nzogbia, Szcesny fouled Heskey while making the save and scored the rebound. The second was one of those ‘typical’ cheese deflection goals the CPU usually score, except it happened to hem. Cross from Albrighton, deflected up Mert, through Sceznys Legs lol and hit the bar for Heskey to score. I didn’t deserve it but somehow, someway got a draw out of them.

All in all this week had a good time playing the game over the holiday period, I’ll probably stop playing it again once i go back to uni, or from now since I’m looking to cleanup the sales. All in all it’s clear. PES 2012 does some things like tactics, individuality so brilliantly and to such a high level, it’s flaws (Flat atmosphere, crap sound especially, dull presentation) and the little flaws (the ‘non footballer' animations at times, ball warp, the cheating here and there at times, CPU don’t make enough passing mistakes although with tactics you can force them into them and floaty shots) It makes them stick out more really. Like advice i was given at uni. “Work on your weaknesses, if you only work on your strengths, it makes your weaknesses more apparent”.

Anyway, peace and love if i don’t reply. If i get time i’ll upload the option file with the settings on for the PS3, to be used primarily with G.T.M. Patch, or i might upload 15 teams as a pack.
Then the next game. Stoke. Ohh what a gloriously terrible game. I was laughing hysterically at Stoke, i love them. they made NO, i mean NO attempt Whatsoever to play football. EVERY single chance they got they hoofed it to Jones and Fuller. So funny. When they got it forward, i mean at times they just bundled the ball forward. Its great because it keeps every game fresh, so you need to adapt your tactics all the time. The game finished 0-0, they are very tough to breakdown!

and in the classic case of deja vi. a day later in real life:
I find about half the teams in 2012 just hoof it up the park.

I've played against the other half. They also do that. Or should I say, "IT also does that", because there are only 2 teams in PES - the human controlled team and the cpu controlled team, and the cpu controlled team, whether they be sporting a Barcelona kit or a Shitcunt Ravens kit, they are exactly the same team of player (singular).
Jimmy G do you also find the game is a wee bit faster than normal on that panel? It handles the damn games so well that it seems faster. If you have GT5 boot that sucker up and pick your jaw off the ground.

About the shooting on PES I must admit I am squeezing in fixtures and not really giving it those heavy sessions ala PES2011 but has the shooting been made harder after 1.03? I am finding it hard to generate power unless I R1 it into space and run onto it but in tight situations its hard as you cant create the space easily. Also the keepers are insanely good at hanging onto it now.

I've not found it faster, or at least it didnt hit me that way.

Shooting is definitely harder as the shots are weaker, and you really need to get them out of your feet more. That was very noticable. You can still smash it, but the stats need to be there, and the fundementals in place, especially with regards digging it out of your feet.
My nephew just got this and was trying to install GTM pro world option file. When he tries to copy the files over to the ps3 they stop at 97% and he needs to remove the memory stick or reboot the ps3. Any ideas how to fix this or if not what other option file should he use.

I've not found it faster, or at least it didnt hit me that way.

Shooting is definitely harder as the shots are weaker, and you really need to get them out of your feet more. That was very noticable. You can still smash it, but the stats need to be there, and the fundementals in place, especially with regards digging it out of your feet.
The shooting is way too weak - there's something wrong when I find it easier to shoot in real life than I do in-game with world class players.

Either that, or I'm some sort of footballing god :D.

All joking aside, I hope there's another patch coming up to address the shooting, you should be able to get a firmer contact on the ball more consistently - I liked the shooting in the demo, especially the R2 controlled shots, but I felt like I could only score from one-on-ones and crosses with any confidence when I played the full game.
When you do get those venomous shots though, they are very nice, a couple of efforts with Rooney were particularly tasty, one striking the post and the other going just over, I don't want them to be the norm, just a bit more frequent.

Also, rounding the keeper is way too easy, you can literally walk past him if you run at a 45 degree angle to him, leaving a tap-in to an empty net.
I hear ya rob then 1 on 1s are insanely hard again . Konami have not got the balance quite right imo something they usually do with aplomb. I need to figure out thsi finishing its killin gme hitting 26 odd shots at goal and my opponent 2 an losing the game :)
If they got rid of all the silly replays for fouls/crappy shots and bring back shorter goals replay (an option to activate replays would be welcome), got rid of all the stupid cut scenes of players bitching for number XY in the ML, put an option to decide whether to play day or night game in the ML (90% of the game are at night where lighting sucks), and got rid of the blur effect on the ps3 it would already be a hell of a different and more pleasant game experience even with all the knows issues in the gameplay department (scripting and cheating non sense).

The flow of the game and the flow of the Masterleague is interrupted so often that it becomes a very painful experience tbh. Addind the idiosincratic AI and you have a very frustrating package.

I think games like NBA2k, NHL, MBL or FIFA nail that expect, keep the flow of the game as much as possibile and add nice little presentation touches to make it look and feel authentic. PES is a "stop and go stop and go" very unattractive kinda game and it makes it playing very dull and unexciting. When you add shocking presentation value (come on, 1 presenation for all the stadia centered around some gardeners) and poor audio/visuals you really have a game that has 0 appeal compared to the other polish and fun sport title.
PES 2013 will feature more news and licenses.

The creator of the franchise Pro Evolution Soccer, Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka, said in a recent interview with the Brazilian website UOL Jogo that PES 2013 will have many new features, especially in the portable versions, and more officially licensed teams and players .

PES's father acknowledges in the interview with FIFA competition is tough, but believed to be one step ahead of the work in EA Sports, as they bet each year to offer more news, while acknowledging the great effort made ​​by the FIFA to add all licenses and official teams.

As he explained, with delivery in 2013 will attempt to bring back all the players who left the PES series for the FIFA franchise. This will offer a whole bunch of new features, paying special attention to the AI players, and changes and playable on a visual level. Seabass has recognized, moreover, have been slow to understand the current generation of consoles and that may have affected the PES series.

One of the issues expected to improve with PES 2013 is the handheld version. As mentioned, there will be versions for Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita. Nintendo's machine has already had its own version of PES 2012, but Vita PS will not have that version, so PES PES 2013 will be the first to appear on the new Sony laptop.
I'm actually thinking of giving up on zero passing assistance, it just drives me mad how impossible passes become when playing with some less than stellar teams. Also the CPU teams, no matter how good or bad, always have their pass assistance set on one billion. Has anyone figured which Pass assistance would be roughly the same as in PES 2011? I had no trouble with that one.
PES 2013 will feature more news and licenses.

The creator of the franchise Pro Evolution Soccer, Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka, said in a recent interview with the Brazilian website UOL Jogo that PES 2013 will have many new features, especially in the portable versions, and more officially licensed teams and players .

PES's father acknowledges in the interview with FIFA competition is tough, but believed to be one step ahead of the work in EA Sports, as they bet each year to offer more news, while acknowledging the great effort made ​​by the FIFA to add all licenses and official teams.

As he explained, with delivery in 2013 will attempt to bring back all the players who left the PES series for the FIFA franchise. This will offer a whole bunch of new features, paying special attention to the AI players, and changes and playable on a visual level. Seabass has recognized, moreover, have been slow to understand the current generation of consoles and that may have affected the PES series.

One of the issues expected to improve with PES 2013 is the handheld version. As mentioned, there will be versions for Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita. Nintendo's machine has already had its own version of PES 2012, but Vita PS will not have that version, so PES PES 2013 will be the first to appear on the new Sony laptop.

they have been saying the same things for years now, all we got is players bitching for some numbers. the guy has lost it, he should be replaced, the game needs a new perspective.
they have been saying the same things for years now, all we got is players bitching for some numbers. the guy has lost it, he should be replaced, the game needs a new perspective.

agree, Pes Team needs new people, new faces
Does that sum up where Seabass feels FIFA has a lead on PES....licenses? Little wonder the gameplay is stuck in 2003.

If licenses and multiple hand-held platforms are the areas of focus, the game is going nowhere.

No doubt the shark-heads will soon be making a reappearance.
Are the balls any good? I find there is a lack of good white balls in PES games.

i actually think there is a lack of good stadia to play in. i used to end up playing at the new juve stadium. most stadia had weird looking pitch and weirder looking lighting, especially afternoon. sometimes i had the feeling i was playing fall out 3.

take crowd for example: 2d crowd in pes5 looked more realistic than the 3d crowd konami is using now.

same goes with cameras: i kept switching cameras 4-5 times a game, could not find 1 i really enjoyed.
They seem to hoof it more in 1.03.

Thing is, PES 2012 just like Pes 2011 is a very, very tactical game. I think it's clear from what I’ve played, if your not clued up on your tactics, your gonna struggle! Your going to misinterpret cheating, when your just being beaten by savvy AI.

There's cheating in every game. There quite a bit in this game HOWEVER! The 2-1 loss vs Sunderland summed things up, how it works. I played one game and they went 2-0 very quickly. Why? because the long ball system they played was more effective than my default tactics. I played it again, instead changing my system going like for like. I dominated, let in 2 jammy goals which where my fault. Made some subs and was unlucky to lose 2-1.

Another guy would had not don't any tactical changes and just cried. CHEATING CHEATING. People have been so used to playing FIFA where you use one tactic and GO! People expect a very, very generic pleasing experience where every match plays like an aesthetic dream.

This is the problem, we need to properly identify what is cheating and that is your ego/inability to adapt tactically. Playing with default formations and playing with properly set up teams is two different games, just like last year. Also, I do advise people sometimes, just break yourself off from forums, where negativity is rife. You'll be surpised how much you can enjoy yourself.

Anyway, I’m off, looking at how negative everyone is here. I'm happy and I’ll probably stop playing this in the New Year and go back to working my ass off with 3rd year at uni. But Konami are in a good place. Can’t fault them for much in this game. The atmosphere is quite bad, then again, they haven't got the money to improve it. Which isn't too bad, too much money goes into video games as it is.

The amount of money which goes into video games is just disgusting! Really is, i mean let’s face it, what’s more important, us playing a fucking game or kids in a deliberately suppressed corrupt country in Africa! Seriously, let’s get real here. 2012 is an important year. There's major injustice in the world, I understand how the world works and it's getting to screwed up for us to just sit by anymore! We are being suppressed by elites, let's focus on what’s important and look to help those around us. Our souls were not sent here to be kings and good players of silly video games.
This is the main reason I’ve hardly been here. In the past I’ve learned I’ve spent too much energy making patches, little stuff for ‘PES’ and FIFA, there are people who need real help out there. The time is now.

Do not forget fun is not black and white, it's is your perception, or lets think about it, what we have told by our environment.

See you guys later :)
Does that sum up where Seabass feels FIFA has a lead on PES....licenses? Little wonder the gameplay is stuck in 2003.

If licenses and multiple hand-held platforms are the areas of focus, the game is going nowhere.

No doubt the shark-heads will soon be making a reappearance.

Yeah im a bit worried they are focussing on handhelds, not good for Hardcore gamers on consoles or PC. I guess it's down to the insane numbers handhelds sell in's crazy.

edit: Just seen the news balls not a single white one just crazy coloured ones for the kids.
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How on earth do you download this DLC on PS3? Now on my fourth try.....

Download P2P = 0 Clients
Download HTTP = It stays at 0%

On screen it says o to cancel however that doesnt work on anyway of downloading and im forced to quit out the game and start again, Anyone else finding that the DLC is unable to download?
Yes mate, I just had this problem on ps3.
I tried 4 times, 2with each method of downloading and neither got past 0%.
Then I went into the network settings and set everything again as it was before, just tried the download ingame again now and its working so you should try that. Resetting all your network options again.
Hope it works for you aswell.
Was in town today, was hoping to pick pes back up but couldn't see it anywhere and asked the guy in hmv and he says that there not getting any in due to them in talks with company, think it must be to the price they want to sell it at as they said it got reduced recently and just sold out and aren't receiving more in, odd, think will just have to pop into local tescos to get it, How does the game play now to the first week release?
i got a PS3 for Christmas and bought PES2012.
Maybe i'm imagining this, but i have the feeling the game is actually better on PS3 than on Xbox...
PES 2013 will feature more news and licenses.

The creator of the franchise Pro Evolution Soccer, Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka, said in a recent interview with the Brazilian website UOL Jogo that PES 2013 will have many new features, especially in the portable versions, and more officially licensed teams and players .

PES's father acknowledges in the interview with FIFA competition is tough, but believed to be one step ahead of the work in EA Sports, as they bet each year to offer more news, while acknowledging the great effort made ​​by the FIFA to add all licenses and official teams.

As he explained, with delivery in 2013 will attempt to bring back all the players who left the PES series for the FIFA franchise. This will offer a whole bunch of new features, paying special attention to the AI players, and changes and playable on a visual level. Seabass has recognized, moreover, have been slow to understand the current generation of consoles and that may have affected the PES series.

One of the issues expected to improve with PES 2013 is the handheld version. As mentioned, there will be versions for Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita. Nintendo's machine has already had its own version of PES 2012, but Vita PS will not have that version, so PES PES 2013 will be the first to appear on the new Sony laptop.

LOL Seabass has said this in EVERY single year since 360 came out. He's more repetetive than a Parrot. Also, nice to see Konami are going all out to revolutionise the home console versions...they seem to have more excitement over their handheld versions than anything else. Perhaps that's where they see them heading in the future.
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