PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Well said Pere, CC and Rob. Thankfully we have some intelligent and accurate posts from people who understand football.

We played some 2v2 last night offline, for our Lads Night Christmas Party, and we had a blast. One huge aspect I noticed from the games that I was sitting out, was actually how much the Stamina has an effect as the games play out. Watching my mates play 15 minute games, and seeing how the matches progressed was stunningly realistic. There were very noticable shifts in momentum throughout the 90 minutes, which looked so damn realistic. Shifts in play, pockets of possession and dominance were blatant at every avenue, it was brilliant to watch. Then, as the game advanced into deeper waters, the way the argument became stretched in the final quarter was spot on. The Stamina of players was very noticable from the outside looking in. Sloppy passes, poorer touches, less response. These factors were clear as day, and completely different from the first 70 minutes of play. And when both teams brought on their substitutes with 10 minutes to play, their impact was huge. The fresh legs made such a difference, and it was actually the subs that contributed to both goals for both teams, both scorers and assists. Superb, truly superb. Never seen that kind of impact Stamina-wise on PES, and to be honest, when your immersed playing yourself, I dont think you notice as much as when your a spectator.

Also, the missis bought me a new FULL HD Samsung 51' 3D T.V. for Christmas ( I set it up early ;),) it has a ridiculously quick processor, and the graphics, colours, lighting on PES looked truly incredible. Everybody commented on it, and I've never seen PES look so damn gorgeous.

What a great night we had, and what a very happy man I am right now. :)

Edit - Just remembered, our last game was with England v Holland at Wembley, 2v2. And I kid you not, Rooney pulled off 'that' Bergkamp turn. I've never seen that before on PES, it was breathtaking. :CONFUSE: :WOOT:
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Jimmy G do you also find the game is a wee bit faster than normal on that panel? It handles the damn games so well that it seems faster. If you have GT5 boot that sucker up and pick your jaw off the ground.

About the shooting on PES I must admit I am squeezing in fixtures and not really giving it those heavy sessions ala PES2011 but has the shooting been made harder after 1.03? I am finding it hard to generate power unless I R1 it into space and run onto it but in tight situations its hard as you cant create the space easily. Also the keepers are insanely good at hanging onto it now.
Jimmy G do you also find the game is a wee bit faster than normal on that panel? It handles the damn games so well that it seems faster. If you have GT5 boot that sucker up and pick your jaw off the ground.

About the shooting on PES I must admit I am squeezing in fixtures and not really giving it those heavy sessions ala PES2011 but has the shooting been made harder after 1.03? I am finding it hard to generate power unless I R1 it into space and run onto it but in tight situations its hard as you cant create the space easily. Also the keepers are insanely good at hanging onto it now.

I agree. The keepers are pretty insane now. The little R1 chip is so ineffective with average players. Keepers seem to always get something on it, even if timed perfectly. I also see the AI concedes alot more free kicks than I remember. You'll be tracking a player and covering his options when out of nowhere one of your team mates under AI control, while rushing back, ploughs into the opposition player. This happens even if you are backing off with no pressure buttons being pressed.
Wel Thankfully we have some intelligent and accurate posts from people who understand football.


Dont you get bored of keep on saying people that agree with you do understand football and other sdont?

WHy cant you just say: i agree with you'', ik like it too. Or something similar.

I am sure there are people who understand football and still dont agree with you.

To be fair, Jimmy wasn't knocking anyone in that post, just thanking people for good posting (cheers Jimmy :P) and in all honesty, you can usually tell from the content of people's posts whether they understand football or not - I havn't visited these forums a lot for a few months (been at uni) but it does seem in a much worse state these days in that respect.

Before I left, PES 2012 was being eagerly anticipated, with the Demo #2 having just been released and impressing people, and the FIFA demo leaving people with the impression that it's the same old tosh with bells and whistles.
All of a sudden, FIFA is amazing and PES is back in the doldrums, what happened? I'd actually like to know this story :P.

P.S. - I've played a fair bit of FIFA 12 with flatmates at uni and I was left unimpressed, really mechanical and boring. Gradually gets better the more you drink though...
Yeah but Jimmy doesn't care what you think anyway.

I can't see how anyone could go back to 2011 after 2012; the game feels so much more rigid in comparison. Can we see that Rooney trap by the way? No replay?
Sorry to ask this in a PS3/360 thread but there's no Wii related thread that I can find for PES2012. My awesome girlfriend bought me a Wii for Xmas and I've heard glowing reviews of PES on Wii. Has anyone tried PES2012 on Wii?
Sorry to ask this in a PS3/360 thread but there's no Wii related thread that I can find for PES2012. My awesome girlfriend bought me a Wii for Xmas and I've heard glowing reviews of PES on Wii. Has anyone tried PES2012 on Wii?

Not played it mate but from what i have read PES 2010 seems to be the best version on the Wii.
So how is pes for the xbox at the moment?

really want to get pes back if they've improved gameplay/got away with running bug
Lami and a few others seemed to love Wii PES2011, and 2012 looks pretty cool from what I've seen. It's a totally different game to the 360/PS3/PC versions.
Surly it's obvious? Once the full games came out PES played differently to the Demo's and not for the good. Fifa improved over the demo however not by much but enough it seems for most people.
There is an element of that, but it's certainly not the case to the extent that FIFA has left PES for dead. as you'd gather from most of the views on here.

I've played quite a lot of FIFA 12, and it's not THAT much better than the demo, there's tweaks here and there which have (in someone elses words, can't remember who) "streamlined" the experience, but it still just feels like FIFA 11 with knobs on (which in turn was FIFA 10 with knobs on).

PES 2012 gets a lot of stick on here, but as I've said, I quite enjoyed it... It's certainly a better football game than PES 2011, which was quite widely enjoyed on here, for months after release...

It seems to me like a bandwagon set off and everyone's jumped on it because it's the "done thing".

Ok, then i take your tip that jimmy is not one of that groupe thats thinks only people who understand football like the game.

I apoligise to jimmy then. I must say honoustly, i dont agree. But thats fine in any discussion.


ps understanding of football is such a relative (is that an english word?) subject. Cause there is not 1 way how its suppost to be played, there are thousands. In Holland we always say: we got 16 million national coaches, ;-).
I understand what you mean - some parts of football are subjective, such as a preference towards certain playing styles and tactical approaches, but others (probably most aspects) are very much factual.

Everyone will have a different take on how it should be played, but football is football.
A mate of mine has the wii version, and he likes it more then the xbox 360 version.

But maybe its different for everybody.

I've heard that from a lot of sources, no-one has a bad thing to say about the wii version it seems. Its bizarre because if i google it i can barely even find a game review, its been that overlooked. But lots of people seem to agree its the best version of PES this year by far. I had no idea, gonna give it a try I think. The graphics are of course nowhere near as good but I kinda prefer the look of the Wii version, player models are larger and somehow the ball physics look much much better. Really odd!
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hey i just want to know that can pes team manage the pes 2012 gameplay little slow and can they really correct the ball physic with any patch and sorry for my english
To all those people on the 'Jimmy hating bandwagon', why is that you care so much about what this 'fool' thinks. What's the point of jumping at any opportunity that presents itself to down him? Just cause he doesn't agree with you? Isn't this why you don't like him. You are the biggest hypocrites I've ever come across. Can you not see the irony, the paradox, the foolishness, or how short sighted this is. Don't shoot the messenger. The message is a different entity, and just because a drunkard tells you that alcohol makes you drunk, doesn't make what he's saying any less correct.

Football is very diverse, but at it's most basic level it's about kicking a ball. When Jimmy says understanding football, he refers to this. There is no variation in this respect as the factors and conditions that the kicker is subject to are fairly constant and limited, this is what he refers to when he says understanding football! Everyone can kick a ball, yet Del Piero and Pirlo can do things that nobody else can. There are players that are faster, stronger, can dribble better, and shoot more accurately than Van Nistelrooy, yet he is always in the right place at the right time. These players understand how things work at the simplest level, and this is why they excel to new heights. You people may have vast knowledge of football, and understand it more than I could ever hope to, but you are missing something somewhere.

What you are saying is that you are too clever for us to ever correct you. Or that you are too clever to ever miss something. It really is a proud and arrogant stance, even if it has come into being in responding to the same. Diplomacy, humility and open mindedness are qualities that have been associated with the great minds throughout history. To be honest I don't think any of us think we are better than anyone else, but just don't try to appreciate where another is coming from. Ultimately you guys thinking he thinks he is better than you, is pointless, and acting on your impulse to defame him is niandertholic and barbaric, and I'm certain you are above this.

I'm a newer member than most. I also don't know what caused this segregation. I can tell you that from where I'm standing, Jimmy has given good basic reasoning or has made some contribution in what he has posted. What some of you have done is just dissect his contribution. You should look into starting a thread dedicated to Jimmy's Nonsense! This is a discussion on PES 2012. Not a discussion about your thoughts on Jimmy's thoughts. It's like your aim is to taint his rep.
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Lol, jesus christ, the petty back and forths going on in here are embarrassing. I hate WENB as much as the next person, but curdstar has always come across as an amiable, fair chap. Absolutely no need for some of the insults aimed at him.

I reckon those that don't get on with PES 12 should just write it off and move on, as no future patches are going to dramatically change things now.

What we need is a constructive criticism thread for future ideas. The sort that requires a minimum of a couple paragraphs a post for discussion, with no "LOL A NEW ENGINE WOULD BE A START, AMIRITE??".

Definitely agree the series is in a rut again tho. Massively disappointing seeing as PES 11 injected fresh enthusiasm. Shame the competition is even worse.
Merry Christmas everyone and their families. I hope you all get what you want, save for a few who I hope get what they deserve... :)
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